Koch Brother Speaks: Hillary Preferable To Republican President

Not surprising, but I would vote for the garbage man over Hillary...and any sane person would...however the elites much prefer her over Trump...is this not proof the elites are killing the nation?

What is most ironic and in many ways hilarious, is many on the Left consider the Koch brothers the reincarnation of Hitler.
All big money donors see Trump as an enemy and Hillary as a freind.

no. they see trump as a loose cannon who isn't presidential.

maybe they don't hate this country as much as you do
Jilly I would vote for you over Cankles...now that should tell you how bad I think Cankles is.

Jilly are you nuts?

Why Anyone Who Votes for Hillary Is Ignorant, Stupid, and/or Psychopathic
If the Democratic Party, for which I have voted throughout my life, nominates Hillary Clinton for President, then I (being neither ignorant, nor stupid, nor psychopathic) will consider the Democratic Party, and the people who vote for it, as being now run by psychopaths, and as relying upon votes from individuals who are ignoramuses and/or idiots
Why Anyone Who Votes for Hillary Is Ignorant, Stupid, and/or Psychopathic
All big money donors see Trump as an enemy and Hillary as a freind.

no. they see trump as a loose cannon who isn't presidential.

maybe they don't hate this country as much as you do
Jilly I would vote for you over Cankles...now that should tell you how bad I think Cankles is.

Jilly are you nuts?

Why Anyone Who Votes for Hillary Is Ignorant, Stupid, and/or Psychopathic
If the Democratic Party, for which I have voted throughout my life, nominates Hillary Clinton for President, then I (being neither ignorant, nor stupid, nor psychopathic) will consider the Democratic Party, and the people who vote for it, as being now run by psychopaths, and as relying upon votes from individuals who are ignoramuses and/or idiots
Why Anyone Who Votes for Hillary Is Ignorant, Stupid, and/or Psychopathic

why do you think anything you find on the rightwingnut blogosphere matters to anyone but you wingnuts, loony :cuckoo:
Seems to me Koch is staying consistent. He's just talking about spending here, he doesn't single out Trump.

And it also looks like he thinks Hillary may be more moderate and pragmatic than she's letting on during this nominating process; that's certainly possible, too.

And it's not exactly a stretch that a person would look at the current state of the party and, uh, question it.
All big money donors see Trump as an enemy and Hillary as a freind.

no. they see trump as a loose cannon who isn't presidential.

maybe they don't hate this country as much as you do
Jilly I would vote for you over Cankles...now that should tell you how bad I think Cankles is.

Jilly are you nuts?

Why Anyone Who Votes for Hillary Is Ignorant, Stupid, and/or Psychopathic
If the Democratic Party, for which I have voted throughout my life, nominates Hillary Clinton for President, then I (being neither ignorant, nor stupid, nor psychopathic) will consider the Democratic Party, and the people who vote for it, as being now run by psychopaths, and as relying upon votes from individuals who are ignoramuses and/or idiots
Why Anyone Who Votes for Hillary Is Ignorant, Stupid, and/or Psychopathic

why do you think anything you find on the rightwingnut blogosphere matters to anyone but you wingnuts, loony :cuckoo:
Oh Jilly I so love your posts. They are so uninformed and clearly reflect your mental illiness.

The author of that article I posted is a Democrat like you, but he has informed himself unlike you.

Silly Jilly...always good for a laugh.:wink_2:

Love you Silly Jilly.
Seems to me Koch is staying consistent. He's just talking about spending here, he doesn't single out Trump.

And it also looks like he thinks Hillary may be more moderate and pragmatic than she's letting on during this nominating process; that's certainly possible, too.

And it's not exactly a stretch that a person would look at the current state of the party and, uh, question it.
Anyone who would vote for Hillary, is clearly CRAZY...
All big money donors see Trump as an enemy and Hillary as a freind.
no. they see trump as a loose cannon who isn't presidential.

maybe they don't hate this country as much as you do
Hillary should be behind bars. If she was a Republican she would be. That isn't presidential, we have different values.

As far as the OP Koch is just looking at the presidency but ignoring congress. Bill had a Republican congress to deal with, that got into office with the contract with America, balancing the budget, etc.

Bush had Pelosi and Reed controlling the national purse strings so it isn't as simple as who is in office. That said he did say "it’s possible” another Clinton in the White House could be better than having a Republican president.

So the OP is not accurate.
At least part of the country has figured out both establishment parties have been screwing us over every chance they get. A bunch of these establishment politicians belong in prison! Lets amend the Constitution to make it a felony for a politician to lie or enrich themselves via their office punishable by 20 years in the slammer, see how they like that.

Your political system is such that candidates have to start raising money for their re-election campaign the moment they're sworn into office. Congressional Representatives and Senators spend a good portion of their time raising money. This leaves the least wealthy among them beholding to a lot of people at the end of their term.

If election campaigns were strictly funded by government taxes instead of donations, politicians could focus on their jobs, rather than fundraising, and not be open to influence from large corporations and those whose interests run counter to the people.
At least part of the country has figured out both establishment parties have been screwing us over every chance they get. A bunch of these establishment politicians belong in prison! Lets amend the Constitution to make it a felony for a politician to lie or enrich themselves via their office punishable by 20 years in the slammer, see how they like that.

Your political system is such that candidates have to start raising money for their re-election campaign the moment they're sworn into office. Congressional Representatives and Senators spend a good portion of their time raising money. This leaves the least wealthy among them beholding to a lot of people at the end of their term.

If election campaigns were strictly funded by government taxes instead of donations, politicians could focus on their jobs, rather than fundraising, and not be open to influence from large corporations and those whose interests run counter to the people.
Unions funnel massive amounts into the elections too, you left that out. But no, we don't need to be taxed into poverty so politicians can have a easier time making more fucking laws. The less time they spend fucking with us the better!
What they are saying is that Mrs. Tuzla Clinton will be more pliable to their desires. They are saying Mrs. Tuzla has already been bought off. They are worried about a candidate they can't own or at least influence with their money.

Bottom line, Mrs. Tuzla has lied so many times the voters of America can't possibly reward her for her deception.

No more Bushs, no more Clintons.
Never cared what the Koch brothers thought before and don't care now. However, his support of Clinton shows how tied into Wall St. she really is.
No surprise. Both parties are the same. Trump is the only outsider, that's why he's a target of every corporate donor and special interest. More reason to vote for him.

Not the same at all. Democrats are the only ones wanting to limit how much people like the Kochs can spend to buy elections.
Bullshit, ever heard of George Soros?

Of course I have. When the big money is cut out of politics, Soro's money would be banned too. As long as we have stupid laws like citizens united, big money is how the game is played. Democrats aren't going to disadvantage themselves until big money is removed from both sided.
No surprise. Both parties are the same. Trump is the only outsider, that's why he's a target of every corporate donor and special interest. More reason to vote for him.

Not the same at all. Democrats are the only ones wanting to limit how much people like the Kochs can spend to buy elections.
Bullshit, ever heard of George Soros?

Of course I have. When the big money is cut out of politics, Soro's money would be banned too. As long as we have stupid laws like citizens united, big money is how the game is played. Democrats aren't going to disadvantage themselves until big money is removed from both sided.
No surprise. Both parties are the same. Trump is the only outsider, that's why he's a target of every corporate donor and special interest. More reason to vote for him.

Not the same at all. Democrats are the only ones wanting to limit how much people like the Kochs can spend to buy elections.
Bullshit, ever heard of George Soros?

Of course I have. When the big money is cut out of politics, Soro's money would be banned too. As long as we have stupid laws like citizens united, big money is how the game is played. Democrats aren't going to disadvantage themselves until big money is removed from both sided.

The right demanded big money be allowed into politics. Did you expect to be the only ones using it? Why should RWNJs be allowed to do that, and no one else?
No surprise. Both parties are the same. Trump is the only outsider, that's why he's a target of every corporate donor and special interest. More reason to vote for him.

Not the same at all. Democrats are the only ones wanting to limit how much people like the Kochs can spend to buy elections.
Bullshit, ever heard of George Soros?

Of course I have. When the big money is cut out of politics, Soro's money would be banned too. As long as we have stupid laws like citizens united, big money is how the game is played. Democrats aren't going to disadvantage themselves until big money is removed from both sided.

The right demanded big money be allowed into politics. Did you expect to be the only ones using it? Why should RWNJs be allowed to do that, and no one else?
Democrats have always used big money (and foreign money from our enemies).
Never cared what the Koch brothers thought before and don't care now. However, his support of Clinton shows how tied into Wall St. she really is.
She clearly is a tool of Wall Street and the 1%. Most ironic that the D party, which most ironic considering the platform of her party and the beliefs of party members. She is awful in every respect...one would think her getting Dick Cheney's endorsement, would be a kiss of death...but one would be wrong in an age of ignorance.

The Real Hillary Clinton
Not only is Clinton not the progressive she claims to be, she has consistently supported the agenda of corporations wishing to overrule government decisions (witness her strong previous support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which gives corporations exactly that power).

Her foreign policy, endorsed not just by Henry Kissinger and neoconservative Robert Kagan, is lauded by Dick Cheney. Remember him? The Dr. Strangelove of the Bush administration?

Of course he would admire her. As secretary of state, she rarely, if ever, saw a war she didn’t love. She was the primary cheerleader on the lethal attack on and destabilization of Libya. She also strongly supported attacks on Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan and Syria. She gave her blessing to the administration’s weekly drone and bomb attacks on all of these countries and who knows how many more.

Until this presidential campaign, she strongly supported environmentally toxic policies, the Keystone XL pipeline and fracking among them.

She had no interest in raising the minimum wage until forced to by Sanders’ advocacy for $15 an hour, and even now she’s only willing go to $12.

Then there is the little under-the-table exchange of $900,000 from Boeing to the Clinton Foundation as the secretary of state granted the company the right to sell warplanes to Saudi Arabia; an additional $10 million has flowed into Clinton coffers from Saudi Arabia, which bought more arms from us than ever before while Clinton was secretary of state. The $10 million went to the Clinton Foundation. Where else would they hide it—under their mattress? And while we’re on the subject, who knows what else is under that mattress? The Clintons are very wealthy people. You don’t get mega-rich on a president’s or a senator’s salary.

The Clintons’ habit of exchanging favors for payoffs is well known. Bill Clinton did it when he left office. He got $100 million from speeches after lifting the regulations on derivatives—a major factor in the wild ride from Wall Street that we were victimized by. But the Clintons went on their way, bouncing merrily on their now-very-fat mattress.

The Real Hillary Clinton

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