Koch-Funded Study Confirms Climate Data

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
A skeptical physicist ends up confirming climate data - The Washington Post

Muller’s stated aims were simple. He and his team would scour and re-analyze the climate data, putting all their calculations and methods online. Skeptics cheered the effort. “I’m prepared to accept whatever result they produce, even if it proves my premise wrong,” wrote Anthony Watts, a blogger who has criticized the quality of the weather stations in the United Statse that provide temperature data. The Charles G. Koch Foundation even gave Muller’s project $150,000 — and the Koch brothers, recall, are hardly fans of mainstream climate science.

So what are the end results? Muller’s team appears to have confirmed the basic tenets of climate science. Back in March, Muller told the House Science and Technology Committee that, contrary to what he expected, the existing temperature data was “excellent.” He went on: “We see a global warming trend that is very similar to that previously reported by the other groups.” And, today, the BEST team has released a flurry of new papers that confirm that the planet is getting hotter.
As the team’s two-page summary flatly concludes, “Global warming is real.”Here’s a chart comparing their findings with existing data:


Despite this, Republitards and right wingers will continue to deny global warming, not because they have facts to refute it, but because its part of the right wing mantra, acknowledging the reality of global warming makes one automatically and wholly a leftist.
A skeptical physicist ends up confirming climate data - The Washington Post

Muller’s stated aims were simple. He and his team would scour and re-analyze the climate data, putting all their calculations and methods online. Skeptics cheered the effort. “I’m prepared to accept whatever result they produce, even if it proves my premise wrong,” wrote Anthony Watts, a blogger who has criticized the quality of the weather stations in the United Statse that provide temperature data. The Charles G. Koch Foundation even gave Muller’s project $150,000 — and the Koch brothers, recall, are hardly fans of mainstream climate science.

So what are the end results? Muller’s team appears to have confirmed the basic tenets of climate science. Back in March, Muller told the House Science and Technology Committee that, contrary to what he expected, the existing temperature data was “excellent.” He went on: “We see a global warming trend that is very similar to that previously reported by the other groups.” And, today, the BEST team has released a flurry of new papers that confirm that the planet is getting hotter.
As the team’s two-page summary flatly concludes, “Global warming is real.”Here’s a chart comparing their findings with existing data:


Despite this, Republitards and right wingers will continue to deny global warming, not because they have facts to refute it, but because its part of the right wing mantra, acknowledging the reality of global warming makes one automatically and wholly a leftist.

OMG! CO2 is bad. Let's build 50 new nuclear power plants, now!
We can use the money Obama is currently wasting on worthless, "renewable & green" projects.
A skeptical physicist ends up confirming climate data - The Washington Post

Muller’s stated aims were simple. He and his team would scour and re-analyze the climate data, putting all their calculations and methods online. Skeptics cheered the effort. “I’m prepared to accept whatever result they produce, even if it proves my premise wrong,” wrote Anthony Watts, a blogger who has criticized the quality of the weather stations in the United Statse that provide temperature data. The Charles G. Koch Foundation even gave Muller’s project $150,000 — and the Koch brothers, recall, are hardly fans of mainstream climate science.

So what are the end results? Muller’s team appears to have confirmed the basic tenets of climate science. Back in March, Muller told the House Science and Technology Committee that, contrary to what he expected, the existing temperature data was “excellent.” He went on: “We see a global warming trend that is very similar to that previously reported by the other groups.” And, today, the BEST team has released a flurry of new papers that confirm that the planet is getting hotter.
As the team’s two-page summary flatly concludes, “Global warming is real.”Here’s a chart comparing their findings with existing data:


Despite this, Republitards and right wingers will continue to deny global warming, not because they have facts to refute it, but because its part of the right wing mantra, acknowledging the reality of global warming makes one automatically and wholly a leftist.

OMG! CO2 is bad. Let's build 50 new nuclear power plants, now!
We can use the money Obama is currently wasting on worthless, "renewable & green" projects.

Distracting are you?
the facts just keep raining down on their heads and like chickens they stand with their mouths open looking up until they drown
Three major groups of qualified scientists looked at the data and found almost identical temperatures. Now a fourth group has looked at the data and found... almost identical temperatures. The bulk of global warming skeptics (the numbers that show up in the polls) are more or less immune to data.
Measuring the actual global temperature is so easy compared to establishing causal connections that the more professional climate skeptics (eg, Mitt Romney Mitt Romney's shifting views on climate change - Political Hotsheet - CBS News) often accept global warming even if they profess substantial uncertainty about its causes. It's eminently possible for someone determined to be "skeptical" to accept these results and still deny most of established climate science.
You will NEVER see this on FOX, who by the way, is issuing a challenge to it's viewers to speak out on....wait wait......Media Bias. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
They deny science, history, encylopedias, dictionarys, court documentation and anything else that outs their historically failed ideas as losers.

One has to wonder why they just dont get some new ideas that might work?

Because the corporations dont want ideas that work they want ideas that work ONLY for their benifit
Despite the fact that this is about the fifth or sixth thread on the exact same topic, Meuller has been exposed as a poseur and fraud:

Scientist who said climate change sceptics had been proved wrong accused of hiding truth by colleague

It was hailed as the scientific study that ended the global warming debate once and for all – the research that, in the words of its director, ‘proved you should not be a sceptic, at least not any longer’.


But today The Mail on Sunday can reveal that a leading member of Prof Muller&#8217;s team has accused him of trying to mislead the public by hiding the fact that BEST&#8217;s research shows global warming has stopped.

Prof Judith Curry, who chairs the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at America&#8217;s prestigious Georgia Institute of Technology, said that Prof Muller&#8217;s claim that he has proven global warming sceptics wrong was also a &#8216;huge mistake&#8217;, with no scientific basis.

Read more: Scientists who said climate change sceptics had been proved wrong accused of hiding truth by colleague | Mail Online

Lying, cheating climate scientists caught lying, cheating again &#8211; Telegraph Blogs

A skeptical physicist ends up confirming climate data - The Washington Post

Despite this, Republitards and right wingers will continue to deny global warming, not because they have facts to refute it, but because its part of the right wing mantra, acknowledging the reality of global warming makes one automatically and wholly a leftist.

OMG! CO2 is bad. Let's build 50 new nuclear power plants, now!
We can use the money Obama is currently wasting on worthless, "renewable & green" projects.

Distracting are you?

How's that?
Despite the fact that this is about the fifth or sixth thread on the exact same topic, Meuller has been exposed as a poseur and fraud:

Scientist who said climate change sceptics had been proved wrong accused of hiding truth by colleague

It was hailed as the scientific study that ended the global warming debate once and for all – the research that, in the words of its director, ‘proved you should not be a sceptic, at least not any longer’.


But today The Mail on Sunday can reveal that a leading member of Prof Muller’s team has accused him of trying to mislead the public by hiding the fact that BEST’s research shows global warming has stopped.

Prof Judith Curry, who chairs the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at America’s prestigious Georgia Institute of Technology, said that Prof Muller’s claim that he has proven global warming sceptics wrong was also a ‘huge mistake’, with no scientific basis.

Read more: Scientists who said climate change sceptics had been proved wrong accused of hiding truth by colleague | Mail Online

Lying, cheating climate scientists caught lying, cheating again – Telegraph Blogs


nice...blogs.....yeah shut up
Way to try and deflect from Muller's own colleague rolling over on him as a liar.

BTW, the UK Daily mail is a news site, fool.
Most people I know who haven't been taken in by the global warming religion don't deny that climate change exists. The skepticism is over whether or not it is caused by human activity.
Outstanding red herring. :thup:

Nobody with any sense is arguing that the planet hasn't warmed slightly...We're still emerging from the little ice age.

Now, to get back to your crash-and-burn of a duplicate OP, Muller has been outed as a liar.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled fail.
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For the umpteenth time, the planet is getting hotter; that cannot be debated. The only thing that can be debated is the cause. Are the burning of fossil fuels the driving factor or not? That is the only legitimate question.
For the umpteenth time, the planet is getting hotter; that cannot be debated. The only thing that can be debated is the cause. Are the burning of fossil fuels the driving factor or not? That is the only legitimate question.
Not when the charlatans behind the anthropogenic hoax keep getting caught lying.

The only charlatan is you jackass, three studies confirm the same result from this study and you only offer rightwing blogs for evidence.

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