Koch vs Soros. Compare and Contrast

Say, liberals, how many times have you seen George Soros credited as having sponsored programs on your beloved PBS?

How many times have you seen David Koch do the same?

Oh wait....the credits aren't spoken and you can't read fast enough to know?

If you did see Koch credited wouldn't you run to turn off that wretched channel to save your children from the propaganda that must surely follow? You don't? Should we call child protective services now or wait until Sunday night?
Neither has America's best interests in mind. If you believe they actually do, you are a cheerleader for those that want control of everything. Sad.
Original intent of the Founders was that citizens are elected to office to represent the interests of those in their communities to protect their liberty...it has morphed into keeping their jobs, BILKING the taxpayer...and running our lives.

THIS my friend has to cease lest WE the people follow the prescription laid out BY the Founders as a last recourse, and it will be ugly.
Soros made his money off the misery of other people. He's one of those elitists, leftist, who will be doing fine and dandy as the rest of us suffer under the leftists agenda

He's done nothing different than other folks that trade in currency.

Trading currency is acceptable by liberals? Never thought liberals would applaud such a zero-sum end game. Someone wins, and someone loses. When where and how has Soros invested to create jobs instead of betting that people would lose their jobs?
Yes, it's an "inferiority" complex to say that Bush knowingly used false intelligence to invade Iraq, and every GOP mouth-breather was screaming at anyone who protested the invasion, calling them America-hating Liberal terrorist faggots.

George W. Bush will burn in Hell for what he did, and Obama will end up right there next to him.

Who gives a fuck? The thousands of dead US soldiers' families and the millions of Iraqis whose lives were changed or completely ruined forever.

If George Soros owns the Democratic party, then who owns the Republicans? Rupert Murdoch? Donald Trump?

Owning the Republican Party is a lot tougher than owning The Democrat Party. The Democrats own The Media, Blacks, Gays, Women, Environmentalists, The Unemployed, and The Unions. So, if you own The Democrats, look what you get.
Well, if you read it on LoonyBird.com then it must be true.

LOL - Well if you heard it from a bunch of Jack-Asses it must be true

Yeah, like WMD in Iraq.

What is more believable. In the late 90s and early 2000s, there were WMDs in Iraq vs. 9/11/12 Benghazi was caused by a YouTube video.
hey, soros, koch matters not to me as as long as they are within the law, have at it....the selectivity is what gets my goat.

Tom Steyer is putting up 100 Million $$ to prop candidates who are aligned withn his views on global warming...ok, cool. Yet the msm doesn't find much to to say about it, hes an Evil Hedge Fund manager to boot. I thought they were satans spawn and all, well aside from the one Chelsea Clinton married..and Tom I guess:rolleyes:

A hedge fund manager wants to align with global warming. Does he have ties to carbon footprints exchanges? Lots of money to be made in US-MAN-MADE-CLIMATE-CHANGE....but, you already knew that.

that's why he

Koch was the Libertarian Party's vice-presidential candidate in the 1980 presidential election, sharing the party ticket with presidential candidate Ed Clark. The Clark–Koch ticket promising to abolish Social Security, the Federal Reserve Board, welfare, minimum-wage laws, corporate taxes, all price supports and subsidies for agriculture and business, and U.S. Federal agencies including the SEC, EPA, ICC, FTC, OSHA, FBI, CIA, and DOE.[2][13] The ticket received 921,128 votes, 1.06% of the total nationwide vote,[14] the Libertarian Party national ticket's best showing to date.[15] The Koch brothers were proud of what they had accomplished. “Compared to what [the Libertarians had] gotten before,” Charles said, “and where we were as a movement or as a political/ideological point of view, that was pretty remarkable, to get 1 percent of the vote.” David H. Koch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1984, Koch founded, served as Chairman of the board of directors of, and donated to the free-market Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE). Richard H. Fink served as its first president.[16] In 2004, CSE separated into the Americans for Prosperity Foundation and FreedomWorks. Koch continues as Chairman of the Board and gives money to the Americans for Prosperity Foundation and to a related advocacy organization, Americans for Prosperity. A Koch spokesperson issued a press release stating that the Kochs have "no ties to and have never given money to FreedomWorks"

can anyone say "wingnut"

Sounds like he wanted to make "fundamental changes to America". How nutty is that?
I thought the rich were supposed to be like all awesome and stuff?

Vote RICH: Pelosi, Kerry, Reid, Clinton. Last time I checked Obama's tax returns, he too is in the 1%. Do you support rich guys like Kerry moving their $700K yacht into another state so that kids in Mass. won't get school lunches?
One made their fortune supplying vital materials such as energy, chemicals, fertilizers, paper, equipment and raw materials to the American economy and adding to the prosperity of the American Middle class

The other produces nothing vital but used financial instruments to destroy the British Middle Class and continues to speak of the time he collaborated with the Nazis with pride, awe and affection

Soros saved the British middle class. Soros is one of the greatest financial traders of all time.

Kochs inherited their money.
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One made their fortune supplying vital materials such as energy, chemicals, fertilizers, paper, equipment and raw materials to the American economy and adding to the prosperity of the American Middle class

The other produces nothing vital but used financial instruments to destroy the British Middle Class and continues to speak of the time he collaborated with the Nazis with pride, awe and affection

Soros saved the British middle class. Soros is one of the greatest financial traders of all time.

Kochs inherited their money.

I think that depends on whom you ask, I get that in the long term it broke the high inflation fever. But there were an awful lot of folks that watched their savings devalue too.

yes the kochs got their start from dad, and so? Lots of folks do and they wind up blowing it up.

I think franks point that the kochs actually make something etc. is apt. yes, soros is a crafty and very good speculator which speaks to the larger point of the topic I think, they are we are told scum by the admin. etc...yet? who gets the shit kicked out of them?
The left overlooks that JFK got his money from his daddy.

And that his daddy got his money from prohibition.

Selective memory - it's not just for presidential candidates anymore!
The left overlooks that JFK got his money from his daddy.

And that his daddy got his money from prohibition.

Selective memory - it's not just for presidential candidates anymore!
Actually you can make a decent case for him being the proximate cause of the Great Depression through his borderline legal involvement in the RCA "Radio Pool" that inflated stock prices through late July/early August 1929. That was the consensus of opinion of those active in the stock market at the time of the crash. The reality of wealth effects was not proven until much later by Friedman and Midigliani in the 1960s and both got Nobels in part due to those findings.
I think that depends on whom you ask, I get that in the long term it broke the high inflation fever. But there were an awful lot of folks that watched their savings devalue too.

yes the kochs got their start from dad, and so? Lots of folks do and they wind up blowing it up.

I think franks point that the kochs actually make something etc. is apt. yes, soros is a crafty and very good speculator which speaks to the larger point of the topic I think, they are we are told scum by the admin. etc...yet? who gets the shit kicked out of them?

Political people's perceptions are shaped by ideology. Soros is one of the top 5 investors/traders of all time. But because the right is highly biased (as is the left), they try to tear him down at every turn.

That highly partisan right-wing people criticize Soros for breaking the Bank of England demonstrates this. The ERM was a government peg of the British currency against the Deutschemark. Because right-wingers hate, hate, hate left-wingers, they are willing to tacitly support government intervention in the economy because they can't see clearly what really happened due to their irrational confirmation bias. Right wingers hate government intervention, but what Soros did was destroy government intervention in the currency markets.

Soros yanked the pound out of government control into the market. After the pound was torn out of the ERM band, the market continued to sell the pound. If a right-winger did what Soros did, they'd be hailing him for destroying government intervention in the market. And they'd be right. But because the Right is trapped in the prison of ideology, they can't see that what Soros did was pro-market, and their criticism of Soros for doing so is implicit support for price controls. If you believe in free markets, you'd hail what Soros did. British industry was getting crushed because the British government had pegged the pound above it's market value, causing tens of thousands of Brits to be needlessly laid off. But biased partisanship won't allow the right to see this.
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I think that depends on whom you ask, I get that in the long term it broke the high inflation fever. But there were an awful lot of folks that watched their savings devalue too.

yes the kochs got their start from dad, and so? Lots of folks do and they wind up blowing it up.

I think franks point that the kochs actually make something etc. is apt. yes, soros is a crafty and very good speculator which speaks to the larger point of the topic I think, they are we are told scum by the admin. etc...yet? who gets the shit kicked out of them?

Political people's perceptions are shaped by ideology. Soros is one of the top 5 investors/traders of all time. But because the right is highly biased (as is the left), they try to tear him down at every turn.

That highly partisan right-wing people criticize Soros for breaking the Bank of England demonstrates this. The ERM was a government peg of the British currency against the Deutschemark. Because right-wingers hate, hate, hate left-wingers, they are willing to tacitly support government intervention in the economy because they can't see clearly what really happened due to their irrational confirmation bias. Right wingers hate government intervention, but what Soros did was destroy government intervention in the currency markets.

Soros yanked the pound out of government control into the market. After the pound was torn out of the ERM band, the market continued to sell the pound. If a right-winger did what Soros did, they'd be hailing him for destroying government intervention in the market. And they'd be right. But because the Right is trapped in the prison of ideology, they can't see that what Soros did was pro-market, and their criticism of Soros for doing so is implicit support for price controls. If you believe in free markets, you'd hail what Soros did. British industry was getting crushed because the British government had pegged the pound above it's market value, causing tens of thousands of Brits to be needlessly laid off. But biased partisanship won't allow the right to see this.
I concur but the Euro is a "good" thing to the left and too many on the right want to see their own entitlements as special cases.

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