
Wry, what is your problem with the Koch brothers? Can you state it for us? IN YOUR OWN WORDS, plz.

They are Plutocrats. They believe America would be better off under an Oligarchy in which the wealthy made and enforced the rules. The abhor regulations and fear democracy.

The flaw in Plutocracy is this, by opposing Unions and collective bargaining, minimum wage, affordable health care and quality education for their kids, plutocrats are setting the table for a rise of the extreme left .

It's really not hard to understand, Camus said it well in The Rebel :

“The spirit of rebellion can only exist in a society where a theoretical equality conceals great factual inequalities. The problem of rebellion, therefore, has no meaning except within our own Western society.”

I love these academic terms like plutocracy that you learn and think you're smart and educated on an issue or politics in general.....

I love this answer. so because they want less government, less powerful government, less employees and more accountability instead of having 300 people to say I didn't know what they were doing, it's not my fault bullshit...you think they want an oligarchy

BUT you want a larger, more powerful government to control anything in the environment or health care (which is pretty much everything) and you don't think you're leaders are wanting an oligarchy? I mean you love Holder and Lerner as they act like they don't know anything and blame it on subordinates....and lets say they are right.....aren't you concerned that the leaders don't know what's going on?

Do you even think about what you are saying?

I do think about what I write, and what you and others do too. What you've created is a classic straw man, attributing to me what the propagandists have told you to believe; that's sad.

I was asked a question and I responded. That you could not refute my opinion and didn't even try is telling. Of course you didn't read the link in the OP (did you), thus you've missed the entire premise of this thread and the concerns I have for our democratic institutions.
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They are Plutocrats. They believe America would be better off under an Oligarchy in which the wealthy made and enforced the rules. The abhor regulations and fear democracy.

The flaw in Plutocracy is this, by opposing Unions and collective bargaining, minimum wage, affordable health care and quality education for their kids, plutocrats are setting the table for a rise of the extreme left .

It's really not hard to understand, Camus said it well in The Rebel :

“The spirit of rebellion can only exist in a society where a theoretical equality conceals great factual inequalities. The problem of rebellion, therefore, has no meaning except within our own Western society.”

I love these academic terms like plutocracy that you learn and think you're smart and educated on an issue or politics in general.....

I love this answer. so because they want less government, less powerful government, less employees and more accountability instead of having 300 people to say I didn't know what they were doing, it's not my fault bullshit...you think they want an oligarchy

BUT you want a larger, more powerful government to control anything in the environment or health care (which is pretty much everything) and you don't think you're leaders are wanting an oligarchy? I mean you love Holder and Lerner as they act like they don't know anything and blame it on subordinates....and lets say they are right.....aren't you concerned that the leaders don't know what's going on?

Do you even think about what you are saying?

I do think about what I write, and what you and others do too. What you've created is a classic straw man, attributing to me what the propagandists have told you to believe; that's sad.

I was asked a question and I responded. That you could not refute my opinion and didn't even try is telling. Of course you didn't read the link in the OP (did you), thus you've missed the entire premise of this thread and the concerns I have for our democratic institutions.

Just to be fair -- I went back and RE-read the OP to see why it smelled so highly of BullShit the 1st time I read it.. It's crap like this..

Deal and Lessin also make the controversial case in the film that the tea party was fueled by racist sentiment that pervaded in the wake of the election of the nation’s first black president, Barack Obama, and was used to “rally working peoples around some of their inherent fears around a different agenda.”

That's raw political sewage man and you are consuming it by the gallon. The Fucking Tea Party was motivated by the poor performance of GW Bush you moron. And when the darling of a Prez primary is a Rock Star TParty candidate like Herman Cain -- you ain't got even a SLIVER of cred with that POS OP..

It's all fairytales and fiction....
They are Plutocrats. They believe America would be better off under an Oligarchy in which the wealthy made and enforced the rules. The abhor regulations and fear democracy.

The flaw in Plutocracy is this, by opposing Unions and collective bargaining, minimum wage, affordable health care and quality education for their kids, plutocrats are setting the table for a rise of the extreme left .

It's really not hard to understand, Camus said it well in The Rebel :

“The spirit of rebellion can only exist in a society where a theoretical equality conceals great factual inequalities. The problem of rebellion, therefore, has no meaning except within our own Western society.”

I love these academic terms like plutocracy that you learn and think you're smart and educated on an issue or politics in general.....

I love this answer. so because they want less government, less powerful government, less employees and more accountability instead of having 300 people to say I didn't know what they were doing, it's not my fault bullshit...you think they want an oligarchy

BUT you want a larger, more powerful government to control anything in the environment or health care (which is pretty much everything) and you don't think you're leaders are wanting an oligarchy? I mean you love Holder and Lerner as they act like they don't know anything and blame it on subordinates....and lets say they are right.....aren't you concerned that the leaders don't know what's going on?

Do you even think about what you are saying?

I do think about what I write, and what you and others do too. What you've created is a classic straw man, attributing to me what the propagandists have told you to believe; that's sad.

I was asked a question and I responded. That you could not refute my opinion and didn't even try is telling. Of course you didn't read the link in the OP (did you), thus you've missed the entire premise of this thread and the concerns I have for our democratic institutions.

No I did watch it it's full of bullshit. I'm down to dissect this video....thanks for posting it.

I love this:

A new documentary makes the controversial case that a political cocktail of big corporate money and racially charged sentiments has helped fuel the rise of the tea party. And squarely behind that movement, the film argues, are the Koch brothers.

Now several points...

First she lies and she says my republican party.....

She is the director and producer, along with Carl Deal of Citizen Koch and Trouble the Water. She directed and produced Behind the Labels and co-produced of several of Michael Moore's films including Capitalism: A Love Story, Fahrenheit 9/11 and she was the supervising producer of Bowling for Columbine.

Tia Lessin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So she's a liberal democrat... I mean does she think people wont check her resume? It's not that hard.

So what do you want to debate here? Then we'll go on
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I love these academic terms like plutocracy that you learn and think you're smart and educated on an issue or politics in general.....

I love this answer. so because they want less government, less powerful government, less employees and more accountability instead of having 300 people to say I didn't know what they were doing, it's not my fault bullshit...you think they want an oligarchy

BUT you want a larger, more powerful government to control anything in the environment or health care (which is pretty much everything) and you don't think you're leaders are wanting an oligarchy? I mean you love Holder and Lerner as they act like they don't know anything and blame it on subordinates....and lets say they are right.....aren't you concerned that the leaders don't know what's going on?

Do you even think about what you are saying?

I do think about what I write, and what you and others do too. What you've created is a classic straw man, attributing to me what the propagandists have told you to believe; that's sad.

I was asked a question and I responded. That you could not refute my opinion and didn't even try is telling. Of course you didn't read the link in the OP (did you), thus you've missed the entire premise of this thread and the concerns I have for our democratic institutions.

Just to be fair -- I went back and RE-read the OP to see why it smelled so highly of BullShit the 1st time I read it.. It's crap like this..

Deal and Lessin also make the controversial case in the film that the tea party was fueled by racist sentiment that pervaded in the wake of the election of the nation’s first black president, Barack Obama, and was used to “rally working peoples around some of their inherent fears around a different agenda.”

That's raw political sewage man and you are consuming it by the gallon. The Fucking Tea Party was motivated by the poor performance of GW Bush you moron. And when the darling of a Prez primary is a Rock Star TParty candidate like Herman Cain -- you ain't got even a SLIVER of cred with that POS OP..

It's all fairytales and fiction....

To deny that racism is not a part of the TP movement is naive, and that does not even suggest that all members of the TP are racists, some are. To deny that suggests you've not read posts by shootspeeders, Tank, and others whose name I can't recall at the moment nor did you watch the video in the OP Link.
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I do think about what I write, and what you and others do too. What you've created is a classic straw man, attributing to me what the propagandists have told you to believe; that's sad.

I was asked a question and I responded. That you could not refute my opinion and didn't even try is telling. Of course you didn't read the link in the OP (did you), thus you've missed the entire premise of this thread and the concerns I have for our democratic institutions.

Just to be fair -- I went back and RE-read the OP to see why it smelled so highly of BullShit the 1st time I read it.. It's crap like this..

Deal and Lessin also make the controversial case in the film that the tea party was fueled by racist sentiment that pervaded in the wake of the election of the nation’s first black president, Barack Obama, and was used to “rally working peoples around some of their inherent fears around a different agenda.”
That's raw political sewage man and you are consuming it by the gallon. The Fucking Tea Party was motivated by the poor performance of GW Bush you moron. And when the darling of a Prez primary is a Rock Star TParty candidate like Herman Cain -- you ain't got even a SLIVER of cred with that POS OP..

It's all fairytales and fiction....

To deny that racism is not a part of the TP movement, and that does not even suggest that all members of the TP are racists, some are. To deny that suggests you've not read posts by shootspeeders, Tank, and others whose name I can't recall at the moment.

Ok, what is racist about the TP?

Now the funny thing about racism, is stereotypes.....Because they aren't inherently racist...I can make a joke about jocks of my own race, which is a stereotype, but not racist....

now here is a definition that I think is hilarious...

Racism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some consider any assumption that a person's behavior might be influenced by their racial categorization is inherently racist, regardless of whether the action is intentionally harmful or pejorative, because stereotyping necessarily subordinates individual identity to group identity. In sociology and psychology, some definitions only include consciously malignant forms of discrimination.

Now that's why liberals claim stereotypes or jokes are racist, but it's wrong.....

Because if it were true....then the democratic party would be racist beyond imagination......group think and supporting
"Black issues" or even black studies....would meet that definition of racist.....

I don't see what issues only effect blacks....there are none.....

you can make this argument for ANY group as well, which is why republicans don't look at issues like that....but then are called racist by democrats...that's why this whole thing is hilarious and dangerous.
Just to be fair -- I went back and RE-read the OP to see why it smelled so highly of BullShit the 1st time I read it.. It's crap like this..

That's raw political sewage man and you are consuming it by the gallon. The Fucking Tea Party was motivated by the poor performance of GW Bush you moron. And when the darling of a Prez primary is a Rock Star TParty candidate like Herman Cain -- you ain't got even a SLIVER of cred with that POS OP..

It's all fairytales and fiction....

To deny that racism is not a part of the TP movement, and that does not even suggest that all members of the TP are racists, some are. To deny that suggests you've not read posts by shootspeeders, Tank, and others whose name I can't recall at the moment.

Ok, what is racist about the TP?

Now the funny thing about racism, is stereotypes.....Because they aren't inherently racist...I can make a joke about jocks of my own race, which is a stereotype, but not racist....

now here is a definition that I think is hilarious...

Racism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some consider any assumption that a person's behavior might be influenced by their racial categorization is inherently racist, regardless of whether the action is intentionally harmful or pejorative, because stereotyping necessarily subordinates individual identity to group identity. In sociology and psychology, some definitions only include consciously malignant forms of discrimination.

Now that's why liberals claim stereotypes or jokes are racist, but it's wrong.....

Because if it were true....then the democratic party would be racist beyond imagination......group think and supporting
"Black issues" or even black studies....would meet that definition of racist.....

I don't see what issues only effect blacks....there are none.....

you can make this argument for ANY group as well, which is why republicans don't look at issues like that....but then are called racist by democrats...that's why this whole thing is hilarious and dangerous.

Republicans once argued they were the party of the big tent, why have they stopped using this talking point as well as having rejecting Bush's claim as a party of Compassionate Conservative movement?

Racism is both overt and covert and tokenism is an effort to 'prove' a party or government isn't racist, defined as:

"A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others."

Millions of Democrats voting for President Obama puts to rest any allegation of tokenism and racism as part of the modern Democratic Party, Herman Cain failed to get his party's nomination.

Bigotry and racism are children of the same parents - ignorance and fear. Thus the current attacks on the working poor, this set of human beings demographically diverse are also targets for the 'modern' Republican Party, better defined as neo fascist and reactionary.

But all of this is for another thread, the instant thread is about Money in Politics, something dangerous and a great threat to our democratic institutions. CU v. FEC and McCutcheon v. FEC are about Free Speech in only the most abstract manner, for allowing anonymous and unlimited money to be used in the purchase of TV, Radio and Print Ads uncontrolled or regulated by truth is the death knell of democracy.
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Hey what about the money George Soros funnels into the democrats. Or the UNIONS.. The unions funnel more money then the KOCH brothers do with the REP party . WHy are you guys so worried about them but not worried about Soros or the UNIONS..22 Groups That Give More Money Than The Evil Koch Brothers | The Federalist Papers

You must know that there have been dozens of posts just like yours. That you're a parrot does not surprise me, that you feel the need to prove it time after time is what I find perplexing.

The thread is about Money in Politics, the Koch Boys are simply one graphic example.
So, someone please stop whining and post a graphic example of the money 'invested' by Soros into the Democratic Party. Or, move on to Benghazi, Fast and Furious or the latest hysterical issue of momentary importance to the far right.

Hey what about the money George Soros funnels into the democrats. Or the UNIONS.. The unions funnel more money then the KOCH brothers do with the REP party . WHy are you guys so worried about them but not worried about Soros or the UNIONS..22 Groups That Give More Money Than The Evil Koch Brothers | The Federalist Papers

You must know that there have been dozens of posts just like yours. That you're a parrot does not surprise me, that you feel the need to prove it time after time is what I find perplexing.

The thread is about Money in Politics, the Koch Boys are simply one graphic example.

It's typical of a dumbass liberal like you to avoid answering the tough questions honestly. :eusa_whistle:
I do think about what I write, and what you and others do too. What you've created is a classic straw man, attributing to me what the propagandists have told you to believe; that's sad.

I was asked a question and I responded. That you could not refute my opinion and didn't even try is telling. Of course you didn't read the link in the OP (did you), thus you've missed the entire premise of this thread and the concerns I have for our democratic institutions.

Just to be fair -- I went back and RE-read the OP to see why it smelled so highly of BullShit the 1st time I read it.. It's crap like this..

Deal and Lessin also make the controversial case in the film that the tea party was fueled by racist sentiment that pervaded in the wake of the election of the nation’s first black president, Barack Obama, and was used to “rally working peoples around some of their inherent fears around a different agenda.”

That's raw political sewage man and you are consuming it by the gallon. The Fucking Tea Party was motivated by the poor performance of GW Bush you moron. And when the darling of a Prez primary is a Rock Star TParty candidate like Herman Cain -- you ain't got even a SLIVER of cred with that POS OP..

It's all fairytales and fiction....

To deny that racism is not a part of the TP movement is naive, and that does not even suggest that all members of the TP are racists, some are. To deny that suggests you've not read posts by shootspeeders, Tank, and others whose name I can't recall at the moment nor did you watch the video in the OP Link.

Why would I waste time watching a video after reading the juvenile article thatwent with it? And I am appalled that your evidence of racism in Tea Party is Tank. When Ben Carson came to town this week, my 80% repub town thought it was a country music event. These excellent candidates are gods in the Tea Party circles, and thats why youre sucking air in this thread using Tank as a weapon of mass destruction...
Just to be fair -- I went back and RE-read the OP to see why it smelled so highly of BullShit the 1st time I read it.. It's crap like this..

That's raw political sewage man and you are consuming it by the gallon. The Fucking Tea Party was motivated by the poor performance of GW Bush you moron. And when the darling of a Prez primary is a Rock Star TParty candidate like Herman Cain -- you ain't got even a SLIVER of cred with that POS OP..

It's all fairytales and fiction....

To deny that racism is not a part of the TP movement is naive, and that does not even suggest that all members of the TP are racists, some are. To deny that suggests you've not read posts by shootspeeders, Tank, and others whose name I can't recall at the moment nor did you watch the video in the OP Link.

Why would I waste time watching a video after reading the juvenile article thatwent with it? And I am appalled that your evidence of racism in Tea Party is Tank. When Ben Carson came to town this week, my 80% repub town thought it was a country music event. These excellent candidates are gods in the Tea Party circles, and thats why youre sucking air in this thread using Tank as a weapon of mass destruction...

I didn't, "suggest that all members of the TP are racists, some are" as I stated. The video suggests the TP has more racists than you are willing to acknowledge. BTW, Carson and Mr 999 have no chance to win the R. nomination, the only party to ever nominate a person of African descent is the Democratic Party.

You're a very dishonest person and an arrogant jerk too. I suggest you go to the library and read a copy of Games People Play , Eric Berne wrote several chapters describing you.
To deny that racism is not a part of the TP movement is naive, and that does not even suggest that all members of the TP are racists, some are. To deny that suggests you've not read posts by shootspeeders, Tank, and others whose name I can't recall at the moment nor did you watch the video in the OP Link.

Why would I waste time watching a video after reading the juvenile article thatwent with it? And I am appalled that your evidence of racism in Tea Party is Tank. When Ben Carson came to town this week, my 80% repub town thought it was a country music event. These excellent candidates are gods in the Tea Party circles, and thats why youre sucking air in this thread using Tank as a weapon of mass destruction...

I didn't, "suggest that all members of the TP are racists, some are" as I stated. The video suggests the TP has more racists than you are willing to acknowledge. BTW, Carson and Mr 999 have no chance to win the R. nomination, the only party to ever nominate a person of African descent is the Democratic Party.

You're a very dishonest person and an arrogant jerk too. I suggest you go to the library and read a copy of Games People Play , Eric Berne wrote several chapters describing you.

Gosh Golly you are stupid.. The reason Ben Carson and Herman Cain wouldn't have a chance at the nomination is NOT BECAUSE OF THE TEA PARTY.. It's because of Mainstream Repubs wanting to nominate complete washouts like McCain.. Get a brain and stop calling me dishonest...
To deny that racism is not a part of the TP movement, and that does not even suggest that all members of the TP are racists, some are. To deny that suggests you've not read posts by shootspeeders, Tank, and others whose name I can't recall at the moment.

Ok, what is racist about the TP?

Now the funny thing about racism, is stereotypes.....Because they aren't inherently racist...I can make a joke about jocks of my own race, which is a stereotype, but not racist....

now here is a definition that I think is hilarious...

Racism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some consider any assumption that a person's behavior might be influenced by their racial categorization is inherently racist, regardless of whether the action is intentionally harmful or pejorative, because stereotyping necessarily subordinates individual identity to group identity. In sociology and psychology, some definitions only include consciously malignant forms of discrimination.

Now that's why liberals claim stereotypes or jokes are racist, but it's wrong.....

Because if it were true....then the democratic party would be racist beyond imagination......group think and supporting
"Black issues" or even black studies....would meet that definition of racist.....

I don't see what issues only effect blacks....there are none.....

you can make this argument for ANY group as well, which is why republicans don't look at issues like that....but then are called racist by democrats...that's why this whole thing is hilarious and dangerous.

Republicans once argued they were the party of the big tent, why have they stopped using this talking point as well as having rejecting Bush's claim as a party of Compassionate Conservative movement?

Racism is both overt and covert and tokenism is an effort to 'prove' a party or government isn't racist, defined as:

"A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others."

Millions of Democrats voting for President Obama puts to rest any allegation of tokenism and racism as part of the modern Democratic Party, Herman Cain failed to get his party's nomination.

Bigotry and racism are children of the same parents - ignorance and fear. Thus the current attacks on the working poor, this set of human beings demographically diverse are also targets for the 'modern' Republican Party, better defined as neo fascist and reactionary.

But all of this is for another thread, the instant thread is about Money in Politics, something dangerous and a great threat to our democratic institutions. CU v. FEC and McCutcheon v. FEC are about Free Speech in only the most abstract manner, for allowing anonymous and unlimited money to be used in the purchase of TV, Radio and Print Ads uncontrolled or regulated by truth is the death knell of democracy.

ok, you don't answer anything......I tried to talk about your video but you wont even engage on that.

Before we get into racism, because you like to shotgun issues, lets stay on this one.
And why do you put videos out with people who are not republicans but claim to be?
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I love these academic terms like plutocracy that you learn and think you're smart and educated on an issue or politics in general.....

I love this answer. so because they want less government, less powerful government, less employees and more accountability instead of having 300 people to say I didn't know what they were doing, it's not my fault bullshit...you think they want an oligarchy

BUT you want a larger, more powerful government to control anything in the environment or health care (which is pretty much everything) and you don't think you're leaders are wanting an oligarchy? I mean you love Holder and Lerner as they act like they don't know anything and blame it on subordinates....and lets say they are right.....aren't you concerned that the leaders don't know what's going on?

Do you even think about what you are saying?

I do think about what I write, and what you and others do too. What you've created is a classic straw man, attributing to me what the propagandists have told you to believe; that's sad.

I was asked a question and I responded. That you could not refute my opinion and didn't even try is telling. Of course you didn't read the link in the OP (did you), thus you've missed the entire premise of this thread and the concerns I have for our democratic institutions.

No I did watch it it's full of bullshit. I'm down to dissect this video....thanks for posting it.

I love this:

A new documentary makes the controversial case that a political cocktail of big corporate money and racially charged sentiments has helped fuel the rise of the tea party. And squarely behind that movement, the film argues, are the Koch brothers.

Now several points...

First she lies and she says my republican party.....

She is the director and producer, along with Carl Deal of Citizen Koch and Trouble the Water. She directed and produced Behind the Labels and co-produced of several of Michael Moore's films including Capitalism: A Love Story, Fahrenheit 9/11 and she was the supervising producer of Bowling for Columbine.

Tia Lessin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So she's a liberal democrat... I mean does she think people wont check her resume? It's not that hard.

So what do you want to debate here? Then we'll go on

If the producers of this smut are lying about their credentials and party affiliation, why even bother with this thread.. That pretty much does it for me...
I do think about what I write, and what you and others do too. What you've created is a classic straw man, attributing to me what the propagandists have told you to believe; that's sad.

I was asked a question and I responded. That you could not refute my opinion and didn't even try is telling. Of course you didn't read the link in the OP (did you), thus you've missed the entire premise of this thread and the concerns I have for our democratic institutions.

No I did watch it it's full of bullshit. I'm down to dissect this video....thanks for posting it.

I love this:

A new documentary makes the controversial case that a political cocktail of big corporate money and racially charged sentiments has helped fuel the rise of the tea party. And squarely behind that movement, the film argues, are the Koch brothers.

Now several points...

First she lies and she says my republican party.....

She is the director and producer, along with Carl Deal of Citizen Koch and Trouble the Water. She directed and produced Behind the Labels and co-produced of several of Michael Moore's films including Capitalism: A Love Story, Fahrenheit 9/11 and she was the supervising producer of Bowling for Columbine.

Tia Lessin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So she's a liberal democrat... I mean does she think people wont check her resume? It's not that hard.

So what do you want to debate here? Then we'll go on

If the producers of this smut are lying about their credentials and party affiliation, why even bother with this thread.. That pretty much does it for me...

yeah I agree, but I bother because liberals are hilarious and they have to lie and make shit up all the time. I mean with the amount of "former" republicans on this board (and I'm talking about the ones that don't agree with a single issue), I LMFAO

yep, just like wry catcher said, they never do anything for minorities...oh wait, that's a donation to trick you into thinking they care.

so according to liberals conservatives can never like minorities, because any action they do is fake......I love how they set that up.....

but this video explains it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDb3sTwD_vA]Evan Sayet - Regurgitating the Apple How Modern Liberals "Think" - YouTube[/ame]

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