
far leftwing "thinkers":

kock brothers hate black people and the only reason they donated 25 MILLION dollars to the negro college is to 'fool' people.
far leftwing "thinkers":

kock brothers hate black people and the only reason they donated 25 MILLION dollars to the negro college is to 'fool' people.

yeah they really believe that too......it's hilarious....
Can anybody give us a timeline that gives us an idea of when the Kochs got all concerned about the plight of blacks and cancer research, hospitals, and such?

How much does it cost to get treated at one of these hospitals they built, by the way?
Can anybody give us a timeline that gives us an idea of when the Kochs got all concerned about the plight of blacks and cancer research, hospitals, and such?

How much does it cost to get treated at one of these hospitals they built, by the way?

You're kidding, right? You're actually going to quibble that because the Kocks donated to the United Negro college fund only recently or that the hospital they donated to isn't free that they are racist skin flints?

When did you donate anything to a black organization? What have you donated to cancer research?

yep, just like wry catcher said, they never do anything for minorities...oh wait, that's a donation to trick you into thinking they care.

So according to liberals conservatives can never like minorities, because any action they do is fake......i love how they set that up.....

But this video explains it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edb3stwd_va]evan sayet - regurgitating the apple how modern liberals "think" - youtube[/ame]

LIAR ^^^ i never wrote/posted anything about the koch brothers doing anything for or against minorities. You are a liar and a peice of shit, as well as a stupid asshole.
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We've heard from the three stooges ^^^, ignorant and blissfully each. Now, those who really care about our country ought to consider the link and the impact money has on governance and the future.

Sure, I'll get right on that.

As soon as you equally slam Tom Steyer for funneling millions to Democrats.

I've said it ad neausea, it's about the money, not about the personalities. The Koch Brothers are an example of what is wrong, they are not the only problem. Anyone who listens to TV and Radio hears lies, half-truths and innuendos paid for by the power elite to advance their cause.

talk about bullshit......so where are these other people youve complained about? Why are the democrats all bitching about the kochs? Where have they complained about rich liberals?

yep, just like wry catcher said, they never do anything for minorities...oh wait, that's a donation to trick you into thinking they care.

So according to liberals conservatives can never like minorities, because any action they do is fake......i love how they set that up.....

But this video explains it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edb3stwd_va]evan sayet - regurgitating the apple how modern liberals "think" - youtube[/ame]

LIAR ^^^ i never wrote/posted anything about the koch brothers doing anything for or against minorities. You are a liar and a peice of shit, as well as a stupid asshole.

clever but you posted a bullshit video saying the kochs were running the tea parties and that the tea parties were racist, so explain that logic? Are you saying that video is a steaming pile?

oh and i still havent had you comment on the videos producer saying she was a republican, when its obvious shes not.
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Can anybody give us a timeline that gives us an idea of when the Kochs got all concerned about the plight of blacks and cancer research, hospitals, and such?

How much does it cost to get treated at one of these hospitals they built, by the way?

They were darlings of high New York society till about ---------


Koch Industries began with oil in the 1930s and now also spews an array of industrial products, from Dixie cups to Lycra, not unlike DuPont’s portfolio of paint and plastics.

Last week the Kochs were shoved unwillingly into the spotlight by the most comprehensive journalistic portrait of them yet, written by Jane Mayer of The New Yorker. Her article caused a stir among those in Manhattan’s liberal elite who didn’t know that David Koch, widely celebrated for his cultural philanthropy, is not merely another rich conservative Republican but the founder of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, which, as Mayer writes with some understatement, “has worked closely with the Tea Party since the movement’s inception.” To New Yorkers who associate the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center with the New York City Ballet, it’s startling to learn that the Texas branch of that foundation’s political arm, known simply as Americans for Prosperity, gave its Blogger of the Year Award to an activist who had called President Obama “cokehead in chief.”

Lincoln Center, PBS, Cancer wards.. NONE of that matters after the NYTimes exposes your donation to Americans for Prosperity.. :D A group that DARED to speak evil of the Annointed One..
LIAR ^^^ i never wrote/posted anything about the koch brothers doing anything for or against minorities. You are a liar and a peice of shit, as well as a stupid asshole.

This entire THREAD is a monument to trying to smear the Kochs as supporting racist organizations "like the Tea Party".. Wonder where we got that idea?...............
LIAR ^^^ i never wrote/posted anything about the koch brothers doing anything for or against minorities. You are a liar and a peice of shit, as well as a stupid asshole.

This entire THREAD is a monument to trying to smear the Kochs as supporting racist organizations "like the Tea Party".. Wonder where we got that idea?...............

It's hard to understand why anyone trusts the Democrat party or liberals when they resort to the sleaziest tactics imaginable. Resorting to smears and outright fabrications is not the sign of an honest person.


Thank you for bumping the link from the OP. It is especially nice that you did so using only an emoticon; one more example of someone incapable of posting a rational response and/or stringing together points to counter those outlined by others.

It's rather sad so many like you lack the necessary skills to debate current issues and events and must rely on the use of emoticons, idiotgrams, parroting others or ad hominem attacks, simply because reality intrudes on your fantasy making you at best uncomfortable or too often pathologically angry.

Thank you for bumping the link from the OP. It is especially nice that you did so using only an emoticon; one more example of someone incapable of posting a rational response and/or stringing together points to counter those outlined by others.

It's rather sad so many like you lack the necessary skills to debate current issues and events and must rely on the use of emoticons, idiotgrams, parroting others or ad hominem attacks, simply because reality intrudes on your fantasy making you at best uncomfortable or too often pathologically angry.

Since your posts are nothing more than an exercise in mental masturbation for you and you refuse to be rational and have an open mind, the emoticon was the only response your post deserved. I'd be happy to actually engage you in debate, but your history proves that you never do that.

Thank you for bumping the link from the OP. It is especially nice that you did so using only an emoticon; one more example of someone incapable of posting a rational response and/or stringing together points to counter those outlined by others.

It's rather sad so many like you lack the necessary skills to debate current issues and events and must rely on the use of emoticons, idiotgrams, parroting others or ad hominem attacks, simply because reality intrudes on your fantasy making you at best uncomfortable or too often pathologically angry.

Since your posts are nothing more than an exercise in mental masturbation for you and you refuse to be rational and have an open mind, the emoticon was the only response your post deserved. I'd be happy to actually engage you in debate, but your history proves that you never do that.

Quote: Originally Posted by flacaltenn View Post
"Pathologically angry".. Hmmmmm.. What does that remind me of??

I don't know, do you? Asked on 6/4.

One more example of an idiot-gram in response to a real issue which impacts every American.

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