

The OP's Founding Fathers

Away with Kulaks!

The OP's Founding Fathers

Away with Kulaks!

You being the board's leading 'scholar' on Commies and conspiracies, how do you feel about the Koch's fortune originating with modernizing Stalin's refining industry?

It might be interesting to read your handwaves and excuses for such long time 'libertoon' financiers. Then again, maybe not ...
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The OP's Founding Fathers

Away with Kulaks!

You being the board's leading 'scholar' on Commies and conspiracies, how do you feel about the Koch's fortune originating with modernizing Stalin's refining industry?

It might be interesting to read your handwaves and excuses for such long time 'libertoon' financiers. Then again, maybe not ...
The Koch brothers were at oldest, 18 and 13 respectively at the time of Stalin's death. I doubt very seriously they were able to modernize Stalin's anything prior to his demise when they were that young.

And according to government archives, Eisenhower's policy toward the Russian people and little if anything to do with their mass-murdering, Bolshevikian dictator.
Eisenhower's policy was one of "strength and civility," and his approach was to remain militarily strong but civil. "You would never find Dwight Eisenhower speaking disparagingly or in a threatening way to the Soviet people. He had a deep feeling for what they had endured during the war and for their tremendously important role in bringing the war to a successful conclusion." The Death of Stalin (March, 1953)

The OP's Founding Fathers

Away with Kulaks!

You being the board's leading 'scholar' on Commies and conspiracies, how do you feel about the Koch's fortune originating with modernizing Stalin's refining industry?

It might be interesting to read your handwaves and excuses for such long time 'libertoon' financiers. Then again, maybe not ...

Well if the larger oil companies had not sued Fred Koch, he would have never of had to go overseas.

In 1927, Koch developed a more efficient thermal cracking process for turning crude oil into gasoline which allowed smaller players in the industry to better compete with the oil majors. The larger oil companies quickly sued in response, filing 44 different lawsuits against Koch, and embroiling him in litigation for years. Koch was to prevail in all but one of the suits (which was later over-turned due to the fact that the judge had been bribed).

This extended litigation effectively put Winkler-Koch out of business in the U.S. for several years. Koch turned his focus to foreign markets, including the Soviet Union, where Winkler-Koch built 15 cracking units between 1929 and 1932. The company also built installations in countries throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
Fred C. Koch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some good came out of it. Fred Koch got to see what Communism was all about and helped him to recognize it here in the U.S.A.

The OP's Founding Fathers

Away with Kulaks!

You being the board's leading 'scholar' on Commies and conspiracies, how do you feel about the Koch's fortune originating with modernizing Stalin's refining industry?

It might be interesting to read your handwaves and excuses for such long time 'libertoon' financiers. Then again, maybe not ...

Stalin was FDR's main man! OMG What do you have against FDR?
History of the RED SCARE:

The Red Scare

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana

The RED SCARE is a recurring theme in our nation, it has served to cloudy the thinking of those predisposed to xenophobia and aid a populace 'revolt' lead by charlatans and demagouges. It's influence has lead to wars and wrongheaded diplomatic and foreign policy descision costing us billions of dollars and hundreds of thousand of lives.
The new iteration of the RED SCARE is the product of another extreme ism which seems intent on reforming America into an Oligarchy, a coaliton of Plutocrats, ideologues and self serving pols who seek a nation not as described by President Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address***, but one which fears the masses and seeks to control the vast resources of our nation for the few, the power elite.

***"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure".
He's rational, you're not. Go figure.

If I'm not rational, how might I be able to "go figure"?

Why do you go out of your way to be perceived as stupid? Is it that you don't care that a constant service of ad hominem attacks are generally perceived as the product of someone incapable of rational and intelligent comment?

You accusing others of "ad hominem" attacks is pretty ironic.

Do you have a clue as to the meaning of "ad hominem"?
The real "cockroaches" are the liberals. They scurry when the light of truth is shone on them!

Another 'brilliant' post by a non liberal (or should I write, liberal hater?). As one who knows the truth, would you please share it with us and in the process how you identify yourself. Are you a "conservative", a "neo fascist", a "Republican", an "Iconoclast" or simply a "curmudgeon"?
"Red Scare" is how Liberals try to deflect that more people in FDR's White House reporting to Stalin than to FDR
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Supporting a person's campaign isn't "buying" the government.

Do you have any evidence that people are being bought?

Just because people agree on issues doesn't mean they are being bought.

Do you liberals think the Koch bros. should support people in the democrat party who would vote against their interests?

The evidence of politicians being bought off is the millions being put in campaigns for decades. Big money wouldn't be doing this if it didn't pay off.

Really??? MIllions of "big money" goes to Polo ponies and HUGE sailboats and that never pays off either..
The real "cockroaches" are the liberals. They scurry when the light of truth is shone on them!

Another 'brilliant' post by a non liberal (or should I write, liberal hater?). As one who knows the truth, would you please share it with us and in the process how you identify yourself. Are you a "conservative", a "neo fascist", a "Republican", an "Iconoclast" or simply a "curmudgeon"?

I doubt I could explain the truth to you as you would be incapable of understanding.

I am a Conservative Republican, but I'm a bit liberal with abortion and homosexuals.
Moderation Message:

Fair Warning.. This thread is almost closed.
The bickering factor is way too high and the
topic still needs to be resolved.

Twelve posts deleted. If you had one or more deleted,
that's a warning. Do your best to keep it open.. Stay on topic.

The real "cockroaches" are the liberals. They scurry when the light of truth is shone on them!

Another 'brilliant' post by a non liberal (or should I write, liberal hater?). As one who knows the truth, would you please share it with us and in the process how you identify yourself. Are you a "conservative", a "neo fascist", a "Republican", an "Iconoclast" or simply a "curmudgeon"?

I doubt I could explain the truth to you as you would be incapable of understanding.

I am a Conservative Republican, but I'm a bit liberal with abortion and homosexuals.

I doubt you had a clue when you wrote "(liberals) scurry when the light of truth is shone on them!"; it was nothing more than an attack on those you have been taught to hate, i.e. anyone who disagrees with the conservative dogma.

Thus I conclude you are one of the willfully ignorant, happy with the ideology commonly held and broadcast by conservative radio hosts and Fox Newscasters (or at least those who write for them); too lazy or incapable of critical examination on political issues of the day, you simply parrot the company line.

The issue stated in the OP may not be clear to you. It's about money in politics and I used a current news article as an example. Try to respond to the issue.
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The OP's Founding Fathers

Away with Kulaks!

You being the board's leading 'scholar' on Commies and conspiracies, how do you feel about the Koch's fortune originating with modernizing Stalin's refining industry?

It might be interesting to read your handwaves and excuses for such long time 'libertoon' financiers. Then again, maybe not ...

Well if the larger oil companies had not sued Fred Koch, he would have never of had to go overseas.

In 1927, Koch developed a more efficient thermal cracking process for turning crude oil into gasoline which allowed smaller players in the industry to better compete with the oil majors. The larger oil companies quickly sued in response, filing 44 different lawsuits against Koch, and embroiling him in litigation for years. Koch was to prevail in all but one of the suits (which was later over-turned due to the fact that the judge had been bribed).

This extended litigation effectively put Winkler-Koch out of business in the U.S. for several years. Koch turned his focus to foreign markets, including the Soviet Union, where Winkler-Koch built 15 cracking units between 1929 and 1932. The company also built installations in countries throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
Fred C. Koch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some good came out of it. Fred Koch got to see what Communism was all about and helped him to recognize it here in the U.S.A.

Yes, they aren't the first 'free market' types to have failed competing with others and moved on to less 'free markets' to make money, in this case from a vicious dictator, and later in pipelines, which hire out governments to use imminent domain laws to keep from having to pay 'free market' prices for the land they push their pipelines over, that sort of 'free market' stuff.

The OP's Founding Fathers

Away with Kulaks!

You being the board's leading 'scholar' on Commies and conspiracies, how do you feel about the Koch's fortune originating with modernizing Stalin's refining industry?

It might be interesting to read your handwaves and excuses for such long time 'libertoon' financiers. Then again, maybe not ...

Stalin was FDR's main man! OMG What do you have against FDR?

So you're okay with the Stalinist money that financed libertoons and such 'anti-commie' stuff as the John Birch Society? Okay. It's just that you seem to find all kinds of 'commies' that have no links to commies, but oddly ignore direct links to commies like Joe McCarthy's and Fred Koch's. I was just curious how all that conspiracy stuff worked. I guess consistency isn't an issue.
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You being the board's leading 'scholar' on Commies and conspiracies, how do you feel about the Koch's fortune originating with modernizing Stalin's refining industry?

It might be interesting to read your handwaves and excuses for such long time 'libertoon' financiers. Then again, maybe not ...

Well if the larger oil companies had not sued Fred Koch, he would have never of had to go overseas.

In 1927, Koch developed a more efficient thermal cracking process for turning crude oil into gasoline which allowed smaller players in the industry to better compete with the oil majors. The larger oil companies quickly sued in response, filing 44 different lawsuits against Koch, and embroiling him in litigation for years. Koch was to prevail in all but one of the suits (which was later over-turned due to the fact that the judge had been bribed).

This extended litigation effectively put Winkler-Koch out of business in the U.S. for several years. Koch turned his focus to foreign markets, including the Soviet Union, where Winkler-Koch built 15 cracking units between 1929 and 1932. The company also built installations in countries throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
Fred C. Koch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some good came out of it. Fred Koch got to see what Communism was all about and helped him to recognize it here in the U.S.A.

Yes, they aren't the first 'free market' types to have failed competing with others and moved on to less 'free markets' to make money, in this case from a vicious dictator, and later in pipelines, which hire out governments to use imminent domain laws to keep from having to pay 'free market' prices for the land they push their pipelines over, that sort of 'free market' stuff.

Getting sued is not failed competition. Filing 44 different lawsuits against Koch, and embroiling him in litigation for years is big companies not allowing smaller players in the industry to not compete with the oil majors.

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