
Here^^^ is an example of how stupid people like Stephanie have been duped to believe money which funds propaganda equates to freedom. Me, I'm on the side of the American people; the Kochs and Steyers don't need my support - they quite easily enlist the fools to support them in their quest for more money and power.

Are YOU gonna be influenced by the Steyer Propaganda campaign? Will YOU be more likely to vote for candidates that Steyer funds? Explaing your answer... Thanx....

I don't read or listen to campaign ads, I read candidate statements and follow local and state issues in local newspapers and local TV/Radio News; I read the "Economist" & "Time". Anyone who votes on the basis of a political ad is a fool.

Are YOU gonna be influenced by the Steyer Propaganda campaign? Will YOU be more likely to vote for candidates that Steyer funds? Explaing your answer... Thanx....

I don't read or listen to campaign ads, I read candidate statements and follow local and state issues in local newspapers and local TV/Radio News; I read the "Economist" & "Time". Anyone who votes on the basis of a political ad is a fool.

So as ithought. YOU and I are not likely to be influenced by any portion of this money, but you feel the need to protect gullible fools.. Do you any concept of which fools this might be? Demographics, race, location, previous voting record? And if we cut off funding of marginal political views ---- how does that NOT reward the 2 existing parties that are ACTUALLY responsible for our national dysfunction? You dont like giving non mainstream politics a voice?

Have you read some of the posts of gullible fools? Many are regulars and members of the echo chamber. So named because all they can manage is to parrot the propaganda of their particular ideological bent.
Keep it up lefties. You are digging your own political graves when you attack good people who build hospitals and cancer research facilities while hiding behind rich lefties like George Soros who built nothing but anger and unrest in hate filled blogs.
WC has really lost its marbles.
Are YOU gonna be influenced by the Steyer Propaganda campaign? Will YOU be more likely to vote for candidates that Steyer funds? Explaing your answer... Thanx....

I don't read or listen to campaign ads, I read candidate statements and follow local and state issues in local newspapers and local TV/Radio News; I read the "Economist" & "Time". Anyone who votes on the basis of a political ad is a fool.

I don't read or listen to campaign ads, I read candidate statements and follow local and state issues in local newspapers and local TV/Radio News; I read the "Economist" & "Time". Anyone who votes on the basis of a political ad is a fool.

So as ithought. YOU and I are not likely to be influenced by any portion of this money, but you feel the need to protect gullible fools.. Do you any concept of which fools this might be? Demographics, race, location, previous voting record? And if we cut off funding of marginal political views ---- how does that NOT reward the 2 existing parties that are ACTUALLY responsible for our national dysfunction? You dont like giving non mainstream politics a voice?

Have you read some of the posts of gullible fools? Many are regulars and members of the echo chamber. So named because all they can manage is to parrot the propaganda of their particular ideological bent.

Gullible? Your picture is included in the official definition.

You've fallen hook line and sinker for Corruptocrat Reid's demonizing. What a tool.
Are YOU gonna be influenced by the Steyer Propaganda campaign? Will YOU be more likely to vote for candidates that Steyer funds? Explaing your answer... Thanx....

I don't read or listen to campaign ads, I read candidate statements and follow local and state issues in local newspapers and local TV/Radio News; I read the "Economist" & "Time". Anyone who votes on the basis of a political ad is a fool.

I don't read or listen to campaign ads, I read candidate statements and follow local and state issues in local newspapers and local TV/Radio News; I read the "Economist" & "Time". Anyone who votes on the basis of a political ad is a fool.

So as ithought. YOU and I are not likely to be influenced by any portion of this money, but you feel the need to protect gullible fools.. Do you any concept of which fools this might be? Demographics, race, location, previous voting record? And if we cut off funding of marginal political views ---- how does that NOT reward the 2 existing parties that are ACTUALLY responsible for our national dysfunction? You dont like giving non mainstream politics a voice?

Have you read some of the posts of gullible fools? Many are regulars and members of the echo chamber. So named because all they can manage is to parrot the propaganda of their particular ideological bent.
I would more impressed and share your alarm if you could point to NEW fools being created by this money. Otherwise it just sounds like a cheap ploy to blame your opposition on boogy men under the bed.

I am jazzed about the success of CATO and Reason and their growing impact on public policy ideas and I plementations. So there ARE converts being made -- and thank god for that. But the converts were not fools to begin with.. They were seriously searching for fresh ideas not peddled with sound bites, spin and slogans. Now THAT is dangerous to you entrenched party animals, but VERY VERY healthy for American politics. Dont panic WC --- having sponspors for IDEAS is a good thing.,,,
The only ones addicted to the Koch brothers seems to be the left given the number of threads you guys start about them.

Real patriots understand the significance of money in politics, and how it has impacted each and every American. The three stoogies and other fools fail to understand the greatest threat to free markets and Capitalism are the Capitalists.


Aren't the socialists and parasites the greatest threat?!?!?!?

Who would have thunketh?
The only ones addicted to the Koch brothers seems to be the left given the number of threads you guys start about them.

Real patriots understand the significance of money in politics, and how it has impacted each and every American. The three stoogies and other fools fail to understand the greatest threat to free markets and Capitalism are the Capitalists.


Aren't the socialists and parasites the greatest threat?!?!?!?

Who would have thunketh?

wow, you didn't need a decoder ring for his post?
a lot of word's that said nothing in my book:lol:
good job answering him though
The only ones addicted to the Koch brothers seems to be the left given the number of threads you guys start about them.

Real patriots understand the significance of money in politics, and how it has impacted each and every American. The three stoogies and other fools fail to understand the greatest threat to free markets and Capitalism are the Capitalists.


Aren't the socialists and parasites the greatest threat?!?!?!?

Who would have thunketh?

The $4 trillion the government spends is not a threat to your freedom, but the few tens of millions of Koch brothers spend is.

Only a libturd could post such an idiocy.
Real patriots understand the significance of money in politics, and how it has impacted each and every American. The three stoogies and other fools fail to understand the greatest threat to free markets and Capitalism are the Capitalists.


Aren't the socialists and parasites the greatest threat?!?!?!?

Who would have thunketh?

The $4 trillion the government spends is not a threat to your freedom, but the few tens of millions of Koch brothers spend is.

Only a libturd could post such an idiocy.

their world is different than the rest of ours...and it's :cuckoo:

Supporting a person's campaign isn't "buying" the government.

Do you have any evidence that people are being bought?

Just because people agree on issues doesn't mean they are being bought.

Do you liberals think the Koch bros. should support people in the democrat party who would vote against their interests?

The evidence of politicians being bought off is the millions being put in campaigns for decades. Big money wouldn't be doing this if it didn't pay off.
Real patriots understand the significance of money in politics, and how it has impacted each and every American. The three stoogies and other fools fail to understand the greatest threat to free markets and Capitalism are the Capitalists.


Aren't the socialists and parasites the greatest threat?!?!?!?

Who would have thunketh?

The $4 trillion the government spends is not a threat to your freedom, but the few tens of millions of Koch brothers spend is.

Only a libturd could post such an idiocy.

They don't think that Socialist scumbag George “Göring” Soros is a threat to our freedoms either.



Supporting a person's campaign isn't "buying" the government.

Do you have any evidence that people are being bought?

Just because people agree on issues doesn't mean they are being bought.

Do you liberals think the Koch bros. should support people in the democrat party who would vote against their interests?

The evidence of politicians being bought off is the millions being put in campaigns for decades. Big money wouldn't be doing this if it didn't pay off.

You're confused. The money corporations pay to politicians isn't a bribe. It's a extortion. It's what corporations have to pay to be left alone. Congress regularly puts up bills for a vote that have the sole purpose of shaking down corporations for campaign donations. Then these politicians with the aid of their left-wing apologists play the victim.

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