Kochs buying the election

Proof not conspiracy?

Good idea. Where's the proof that the Kochs are buying it? Proof, not speculation or media hype.

you first

There are hundreds of sources that detail Soros' past and present political activity. One thing becomes clear as you review them, he is no friend of capitalism (although without the free market, he'd just be another Hungarian peasant), nor of individual rights and freedoms. Georgie-boy is not a nice man. But looking at who he supports in an election will tell you volumes about they type of people and, subsequently, the type of crooked POS politicians those candidates are. Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.

Most everywhere Soros, his foundations or his investing have gone, trouble has followed. He’s helped foment revolutions, undermined national currencies and funded radicals around the world. Soros has been convicted of insider dealing in France and fined $3 million, fined another $2 million in his native Hungary. His “foundations have been accused of shielding spies and breaking currency laws” and his investing strategy has been targeted for harming several national currencies.
Most everywhere Soros, his foundations or his investing have gone, trouble has followed. He’s helped foment revolutions, undermined national currencies and funded radicals around the world. Soros has been convicted of insider dealing in France and fined $3 million, fined another $2 million in his native Hungary. His “foundations have been accused of shielding spies and breaking currency laws” and his investing strategy has been targeted for harming several national currencies.

NEWSMEAT ▷ George Soros's Federal Campaign Contribution Report
Do you use any of these products?
Without the Koch's, we would more than likely not have very much selection in paper products.
We would not have stain master, because their research dept. invented it.
Many pulp factories have gone out of business (thanks to too many regulations), they are a large company and can afford to continue their pulp productions. They can still afford the high cost of regulations.
Do you ever watch some of the programs on PBS?
Without the donations of David Koch's contributions there would not be those programs.
They give to the Arts, Education, and Medical Research.

This company gives back much to the people of this nation.
Did you know that when their Mother died she gave all of millions to charities? The Brother's got none of it.

They make things from petroleum
The left want to shut down oil period.
We have thousand and thousands of products made from oil
Here is a partial list.

A partial list of products made from petroleum

What do we have for a substitution to make these products with?
We have nothing right now. You shut down oil you shut down all of the products.

Ok I get it, they make stuff that people buy. What is your point? Please understand that this isnt about what products the Koch's make. If you dont have a point, thats cool.

The Democrats want to shut down oil.
A little over 19% of a barrel of oil is used for gas.
The rest is used to make over 6,000 products that we use. Very useful products that we all use. Plastics being one of the most important. Without these products we have no industry, no jobs periord.
Without that oil we will not be able to have any of these products.
Koch brothers are trying to protect that industry because of this.
Without petrolum we have nothing,.
No news,no internet no intertainment,no nothing.

Liberals are so typically myopic, they only see all the bad, nasty gasoline. I teach a class at the uni about fuels. I like to go through the classroom and ask the students which objects/items have petrochemicals used to make them. We can usually fill the chalk board. Most have no idea the impact oil has on everything we use, every day.
The Democrats want to shut down oil.A little over 19% of a barrel of oil is used for gas.
The rest is used to make over 6,000 products that we use. Very useful products that we all use. Plastics being one of the most important. Without these products we have no industry, no jobs periord.
Without that oil we will not be able to have any of these products.
Koch brothers are trying to protect that industry because of this.

Without petrolum we have nothing,.
No news,no internet no intertainment,no nothing.

You've said this already, but again for the 3rd time, what is your point?

If you don't get, it's your problem not mine.

:lol: I love it when you guys attempt to make a point but do it through snark and sarcasm because everytime someone asks what is the point, you quickly reveal yourself to have none :lol:

Here I'll make it easy for you: You're saying that the Koch brothers make alot of stuff that I buy, since I buy it I should love the Koch brothers political activities because I use his toilet paper. Am I right?
The amount any single person can contribute to a campaign is still limited to a specific amount, I believe it's $5000. So your real concern is with people expressing their opinions.

You're a Stalinist.

No my real concern is that people who have more money can contribute more speech. How many times do I have to say that? I understand that since I dont agree with either side doing it you cant go the partisan route so you opt to be stupid.

I stated my reasons and you refuse to talk about it instead you find comfort in putting labels on people so you can go to your grab bag of talking points

Based on that comment, you're suggesting that speech is not free since people with more money can have more speech than those with less money? You also imply that anyone making a contribution has some expectation of personal compensation for that contribution. While the expectation may exist, the obligation for the candidate to make such compensation does not.
Do you think there should be some kind of limits on how many fund raisers an incumbent should be able to personally conduct while seeking reelection?

Speech is free but not speech in the political arena. Since money is seen as speech, the more money you have the louder your voice is. Let me put in ways you can understand.

George Soros donates a Million dollars to Obama. Obama appreciates it. Soros needs help with a new widget getting parts from Partsville. Obama may relax the rules on parts from Partsville to help Partsville but also it will help out his top donor. Since I just used Obama as an example, does it make sense to you now?
No my real concern is that people who have more money can contribute more speech. How many times do I have to say that? I understand that since I dont agree with either side doing it you cant go the partisan route so you opt to be stupid.

I stated my reasons and you refuse to talk about it instead you find comfort in putting labels on people so you can go to your grab bag of talking points

Based on that comment, you're suggesting that speech is not free since people with more money can have more speech than those with less money? You also imply that anyone making a contribution has some expectation of personal compensation for that contribution. While the expectation may exist, the obligation for the candidate to make such compensation does not.
Do you think there should be some kind of limits on how many fund raisers an incumbent should be able to personally conduct while seeking reelection?

Speech is free but not speech in the political arena. Since money is seen as speech, the more money you have the louder your voice is. Let me put in ways you can understand.

George Soros donates a Million dollars to Obama. Obama appreciates it. Soros needs help with a new widget getting parts from Partsville. Obama may relax the rules on parts from Partsville to help Partsville but also it will help out his top donor. Since I just used Obama as an example, does it make sense to you now?

Since you used obama: He's exactly what Soros loves in a politician. Cheap and easy. Plus, obama is heart and soul a socialist/marxist. Soros loves them because he's able to manipulate them so well. He knows they will bow to the biggest contributor, suck their cocks and bend over any time he even wiggles his pinky. Obama is nothing more than Soros' butt boy. In the meantime, Soros will do everything and anything to suck out as much capital as he can, further enriching....George Soros...without giving a flying fuck about what eventually happens to his butt boy or the country the butt boy has so obligingly helped him destroy. Obama is a cheap, bought-and-paid-for shill. He's a HUGE loser. Too bad too many cannot see beyond their afro-colored glasses...
Worst thing to ever happen to the US was when Soros and his cabal set their sights on the collective wealth in this country.
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You've said this already, but again for the 3rd time, what is your point?

If you don't get, it's your problem not mine.

:lol: I love it when you guys attempt to make a point but do it through snark and sarcasm because everytime someone asks what is the point, you quickly reveal yourself to have none :lol:

Here I'll make it easy for you: You're saying that the Koch brothers make alot of stuff that I buy, since I buy it I should love the Koch brothers political activities because I use his toilet paper. Am I right?

No ! Dum Dum
If oil is shut down you won't have anything to buy.
If you don't get, it's your problem not mine.

:lol: I love it when you guys attempt to make a point but do it through snark and sarcasm because everytime someone asks what is the point, you quickly reveal yourself to have none :lol:

Here I'll make it easy for you: You're saying that the Koch brothers make alot of stuff that I buy, since I buy it I should love the Koch brothers political activities because I use his toilet paper. Am I right?

No ! Dum Dum
If oil is shut down you won't have anything to buy.

Sure he will. China is importing oil from world-wide sources and exporting products that used to be provided by domestic companies that are now shut down by government regulation and ready availability of cheap materials and labor. It will be interesting when he can no longer afford the fuel to drive to the store to buy those Chinese goods.
Based on that comment, you're suggesting that speech is not free since people with more money can have more speech than those with less money? You also imply that anyone making a contribution has some expectation of personal compensation for that contribution. While the expectation may exist, the obligation for the candidate to make such compensation does not.
Do you think there should be some kind of limits on how many fund raisers an incumbent should be able to personally conduct while seeking reelection?

Speech is free but not speech in the political arena. Since money is seen as speech, the more money you have the louder your voice is. Let me put in ways you can understand.

George Soros donates a Million dollars to Obama. Obama appreciates it. Soros needs help with a new widget getting parts from Partsville. Obama may relax the rules on parts from Partsville to help Partsville but also it will help out his top donor. Since I just used Obama as an example, does it make sense to you now?

Since you used obama: He's exactly what Soros loves in a politician. Cheap and easy. Plus, obama is heart and soul a socialist/marxist. Soros loves them because he's able to manipulate them so well. He knows they will bow to the biggest contributor, suck their cocks and bend over any time he even wiggles his pinky. Obama is nothing more than Soros' butt boy. In the meantime, Soros will do everything and anything to suck out as much capital as he can, further enriching....George Soros...without giving a flying fuck about what eventually happens to his butt boy or the country the butt boy has so obligingly helped him destroy. Obama is a cheap, bought-and-paid-for shill. He's a HUGE loser. Too bad too many cannot see beyond their afro-colored glasses...
Worst thing to ever happen to the US was when Soros and his cabal set their sights on the collective wealth in this country.

Oh so NOW you understand huh? But I bet you only understand when I use Soros and Obama...Not Koch and a Republicans right?
If you don't get, it's your problem not mine.

:lol: I love it when you guys attempt to make a point but do it through snark and sarcasm because everytime someone asks what is the point, you quickly reveal yourself to have none :lol:

Here I'll make it easy for you: You're saying that the Koch brothers make alot of stuff that I buy, since I buy it I should love the Koch brothers political activities because I use his toilet paper. Am I right?

No ! Dum Dum
If oil is shut down you won't have anything to buy.

And what does that have to do with the buying of elections?
Koch's on the right.

Soros on the left.

Such is the way with elections. It takes money to win.... more's the pity.

there are just over 100 people paying for 80% of our election. soros is one. the others are largely righwingers. want to compare soros to the kochs and the guy who funded newties' campaign? and the donald?

try again.
Koch's on the right.

Soros on the left.

Such is the way with elections. It takes money to win.... more's the pity.

there are just over 100 people paying for 80% of our election. soros is one. the others are largely righwingers. want to compare soros to the kochs and the guy who funded newties' campaign? and the donald?

try again.

I don't know where you got the figures, so I'm not even going to argue that. But, both sides have big donors, lobbyists, unions. In the end, it's pretty much a wash IMO.
:lol: I love it when you guys attempt to make a point but do it through snark and sarcasm because everytime someone asks what is the point, you quickly reveal yourself to have none :lol:

Here I'll make it easy for you: You're saying that the Koch brothers make alot of stuff that I buy, since I buy it I should love the Koch brothers political activities because I use his toilet paper. Am I right?

No ! Dum Dum
If oil is shut down you won't have anything to buy.

And what does that have to do with the buying of elections?

Money in the WI election is not going to make up the voters minds.
This is an issue of whether the people want unions to continue to control them or the people get back control of their state.
No ! Dum Dum
If oil is shut down you won't have anything to buy.

And what does that have to do with the buying of elections?

Money in the WI election is not going to make up the voters minds.
This is an issue of whether the people want unions to continue to control them or the people get back control of their state.

What the...? What does Oil have to do with elections? What does Koch products have to do with elections?

You're going in circles
And what does that have to do with the buying of elections?

Money in the WI election is not going to make up the voters minds.
This is an issue of whether the people want unions to continue to control them or the people get back control of their state.

What the...? What does Oil have to do with elections? What does Koch products have to do with elections?

You're going in circles

The thread is about the Koch's buying the election.
Tom Barrett is for the unions and green energy.
Green energy proponents want to shut down all coal and oil production all round the world.
What about the Taxpayers? How are they gonna pay for this Recall sham? They're likely to be stuck with quite a Bill after this thing is over. Who represents them anymore?

How about the Union members that didn't want any part of it?

Will they be ables to call the bosses on the carpet for pissing away thier forced dues?
They are no longer required to have their dues automatically withheld and sent to the Union in Wisconsin

Public-employee unions in Wisconsin have experienced a dramatic drop in membership—by more than half for the second-biggest union—since a law championed by Republican Gov. Scott Walker sharply curtailed their ability to bargain over wages and working conditions [...]

Wisconsin membership in the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees—the state’s second-largest public-sector union after the National Education Association, which represents teachers—fell to 28,745 in February from 62,818 in March 2011, according to a person who has viewed Afscme’s figures. A spokesman for Afscme declined to comment.

Public Employee Union Membership in Wisconsin Drops After Collective Bargaining Law | FDL News Desk
Koch Brothers Plan To Funnel Tens Of Millions To Conservative Allies To Influence 2012 Elections

And if they can't buy the election, they've always got all those voter suppression laws.

Much worse than corrupt GObP/Repubs is that so many anti-American rw's are in favor of it.

Unfortunately or fortunately, they are playing by the rules. We'll end up with the best government that money can buy. If there were liberals spending coin the same way, I doubt there would be different arguments from the other side...

Which is why the two-party system is not serving this country well in any way shape or form.

Rich people donating money to a candidate that reflects their ideology has nothing to do with the two party system unless you believe that ALL Democrats share one set of standards and ALL Republicans share another.
Money in the WI election is not going to make up the voters minds.
This is an issue of whether the people want unions to continue to control them or the people get back control of their state.

What the...? What does Oil have to do with elections? What does Koch products have to do with elections?

You're going in circles

The thread is about the Koch's buying the election.
Tom Barrett is for the unions and green energy.
Green energy proponents want to shut down all coal and oil production all round the world.

No they dont idiot, Link it or you're lying.

It's been 4 pages Again, what the hell does Koch products have to do with the election?
Everyone needs to decide if they want to live in a Soros owned-nation or Kock Brothers-owned nation. Seriously, the Left billionaires and the Right Billionaires will be flexing their checkbooks.

I go with Conservative Biiionaires because they are not threatening Capitalism or upward mobility of a member of an economic class. Leftist Billionaires seek to stifle upwardly mobility of a earners and entrepreneurs.
What the...? What does Oil have to do with elections? What does Koch products have to do with elections?

You're going in circles

The thread is about the Koch's buying the election.
Tom Barrett is for the unions and green energy.
Green energy proponents want to shut down all coal and oil production all round the world.

No they don't idiot, Link it or you're lying.

It's been 4 pages Again, what the hell does Koch products have to do with the election?

Ecocide Rio 20 + summit in June 2012

British campaigner urges UN to accept 'ecocide' as international crime | Environment | guardian.co.uk

traditional energy companies would have to become largely clean energy companies, much extractive mining would have to be scaled back or stopped

Koch wants Governor's and a President who is for petroleum products, not against them.

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