Kochs buying the election

etc etc they LIE.

Thom Hartmann: Are Koch Brothers sock puppets rewriting Wikipedia? 4 min - Mar 11, 2011
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Did Koch Industries Employ a PR Firm to re-write Wikipedia? Thom Hartmann discusses the ...
Thom Hartmann: Are Koch Brothers sock puppets rewriting Wikipedia? - YouTube

TYWKIWDBI ("Tai-Wiki-Widbee"): The Koch brothers eye the Cato ...
Mar 6, 2012 ... Charles and David Koch, of the famous anti-Obama billionaire Koch brothers, are
attempting a sort of hostile takeover of the Cato Institute, one ...

tywkiwdbi.blogspot.com/2012/.../koch-brothers-eye-cato-institute.html - CachedHow the Koch Brothers Fund the Climate Change Denial Machine
Mar 18, 2011 ... Image via Wikipedia. The Koch brothers, owners of Koch Industries are major
funders of organizations that create propaganda which denies ...

How the Koch Brothers Fund the Climate Change Denial Machine - CachedRepublic of Money: The Koch Brothers - Democratic Underground
Feb 16, 2011 ... Republic of Money: The Koch Brothers. ... Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fort_Worth_and_Denver_Rail... This source speculates on what might ...

Democratic Underground... - Cached

Democratic Underground?

You're seriously linking to DUmmies and think anyone - other than left wing lunatics - are gonna take that seriously?

Oh dear. You really are One. DUmb. Fuck.
Sad state of affairs for Franco.
Yup, I know only proven big liars the whole gd Pub Propaganda Machine are to be dupeworthy- everyone on the left is just as bad, no evidence needed...LOL All socialists, who the dupes just KNOW are communists.

Well, the punk from Buffalo said he was a Koch and got through immediately to Walker, who cowtowed to his master. Your heroes lie nonstop and are bought off chumps for the corrupt cronies who got us in all this mess, and have squeezed you for 30 years. Change the channel. Memorize sig. Pub dupes!
Yup, I know only proven big liars the whole gd Pub Propaganda Machine are to be dupeworthy- everyone on the left is just as bad, no evidence needed...LOL All socialists, who the dupes just KNOW are communists.

Well, the punk from Buffalo said he was a Koch and got through immediately to Walker, who cowtowed to his master. Your heroes lie nonstop and are bought off chumps for the corrupt cronies who got us in all this mess, and have squeezed you for 30 years. Change the channel. Memorize sig. Pub dupes!

You really need to redirect the hate you have for the current people controlling the white house
Pub dupes- nonsensical when cornered LOL
Yup, I know only proven big liars the whole gd Pub Propaganda Machine are to be dupeworthy- everyone on the left is just as bad, no evidence needed...LOL All socialists, who the dupes just KNOW are communists.

Well, the punk from Buffalo said he was a Koch and got through immediately to Walker, who cowtowed to his master. Your heroes lie nonstop and are bought off chumps for the corrupt cronies who got us in all this mess, and have squeezed you for 30 years. Change the channel. Memorize sig. Pub dupes!
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I have no problem with it as long as it's done legally.

Well thats where we differ. If someone is allowed to contribute unlimited amounts of cash, their voice is louder than the people that dont. You know what happens when people give money they usually expect a favor or two.

The amount any single person can contribute to a campaign is still limited to a specific amount, I believe it's $5000. So your real concern is with people expressing their opinions.

You're a Stalinist.

No my real concern is that people who have more money can contribute more speech. How many times do I have to say that? I understand that since I dont agree with either side doing it you cant go the partisan route so you opt to be stupid.

I stated my reasons and you refuse to talk about it instead you find comfort in putting labels on people so you can go to your grab bag of talking points
Zoomed right over your pointy head, didn't it?

Your responses only consist of two types: Stick your finger in someones eye response or jerk someone else's dick response. Thats as deep as you get

Stop jerking dicks

Peach, is there are point to this question?

Do you use any of these products?
Without the Koch's, we would more than likely not have very much selection in paper products.
We would not have stain master, because their research dept. invented it.
Many pulp factories have gone out of business (thanks to too many regulations), they are a large company and can afford to continue their pulp productions. They can still afford the high cost of regulations.
Do you ever watch some of the programs on PBS?
Without the donations of David Koch's contributions there would not be those programs.
They give to the Arts, Education, and Medical Research.

This company gives back much to the people of this nation.
Did you know that when their Mother died she gave all of millions to charities? The Brother's got none of it.

They make things from petroleum
The left want to shut down oil period.
We have thousand and thousands of products made from oil
Here is a partial list.

A partial list of products made from petroleum

What do we have for a substitution to make these products with?
We have nothing right now. You shut down oil you shut down all of the products.

Ok I get it, they make stuff that people buy. What is your point? Please understand that this isnt about what products the Koch's make. If you dont have a point, thats cool.
This whole notion of buying elections is somewhat strange to me.

Every election cycle, the NEA comes to Kansas and pours tons of money into campaigns they support. And they lose most of them. Even though the heavy up the spending ratio by as much as 5:1 in some cases.
Pub dupes- nonsensical when cornered LOL
Yup, I know only proven big liars the whole gd Pub Propaganda Machine are to be dupeworthy- everyone on the left is just as bad, no evidence needed...LOL All socialists, who the dupes just KNOW are communists.

Well, the punk from Buffalo said he was a Koch and got through immediately to Walker, who cowtowed to his master. Your heroes lie nonstop and are bought off chumps for the corrupt cronies who got us in all this mess, and have squeezed you for 30 years. Change the channel. Memorize sig. Pub dupes!

Since citizens united legalized oligarchies.

Does that include the unions and all the money they have been pouring into the Wisconsin recall?

Yes, does it include the Koch brothers or not?
Too late. In order to claim that it was wrong for Unions as well, you needed to berate the Unions prior to making the charge. Otherwise, your pandering for your own purpose and that makes you a liar.
Stop jerking dicks

Peach, is there are point to this question?

Do you use any of these products?
Without the Koch's, we would more than likely not have very much selection in paper products.
We would not have stain master, because their research dept. invented it.
Many pulp factories have gone out of business (thanks to too many regulations), they are a large company and can afford to continue their pulp productions. They can still afford the high cost of regulations.
Do you ever watch some of the programs on PBS?
Without the donations of David Koch's contributions there would not be those programs.
They give to the Arts, Education, and Medical Research.

This company gives back much to the people of this nation.
Did you know that when their Mother died she gave all of millions to charities? The Brother's got none of it.

They make things from petroleum
The left want to shut down oil period.
We have thousand and thousands of products made from oil
Here is a partial list.

A partial list of products made from petroleum

What do we have for a substitution to make these products with?
We have nothing right now. You shut down oil you shut down all of the products.

Ok I get it, they make stuff that people buy. What is your point? Please understand that this isnt about what products the Koch's make. If you dont have a point, thats cool.

The Democrats want to shut down oil.
A little over 19% of a barrel of oil is used for gas.
The rest is used to make over 6,000 products that we use. Very useful products that we all use. Plastics being one of the most important. Without these products we have no industry, no jobs periord.
Without that oil we will not be able to have any of these products.
Koch brothers are trying to protect that industry because of this.
Without petrolum we have nothing,.
No news,no internet no intertainment,no nothing.
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I don't see Koch Industries listed here;
Romney Top Contributors
Top Contributors to Mitt Romney | OpenSecrets

Obama Top Contributors;
Top Contributors to Barack Obama | OpenSecrets

Notice that JP Morgan gave to both, but they gave a lot more to Obama.
Obama - 808,799
Romney 415,075

How can Koch be buying the elections, when they are not even in the top contributors?

Gotta laugh.

They gotta have a reason that Barry loses in 2012. Couldn't possibly be because Barry Sucks as POTUS.

Of course it will be because the Koch brothers donated to the GOP and they "bought" the election. Sounds pretty good if your looking for a good excuse why your boy lost.

Of course according to your stats they aren't even the top contributors but what the hey. Sounds good.

Why would anyone let facts get in the way of a good bunch of bullshit??
Do you use any of these products?
Without the Koch's, we would more than likely not have very much selection in paper products.
We would not have stain master, because their research dept. invented it.
Many pulp factories have gone out of business (thanks to too many regulations), they are a large company and can afford to continue their pulp productions. They can still afford the high cost of regulations.
Do you ever watch some of the programs on PBS?
Without the donations of David Koch's contributions there would not be those programs.
They give to the Arts, Education, and Medical Research.

This company gives back much to the people of this nation.
Did you know that when their Mother died she gave all of millions to charities? The Brother's got none of it.

They make things from petroleum
The left want to shut down oil period.
We have thousand and thousands of products made from oil
Here is a partial list.

A partial list of products made from petroleum

What do we have for a substitution to make these products with?
We have nothing right now. You shut down oil you shut down all of the products.

Ok I get it, they make stuff that people buy. What is your point? Please understand that this isnt about what products the Koch's make. If you dont have a point, thats cool.

The Democrats want to shut down oil.
A little over 19% of a barrel of oil is used for gas.
The rest is used to make over 6,000 products that we use. Very useful products that we all use. Plastics being one of the most important. Without these products we have no industry, no jobs periord.
Without that oil we will not be able to have any of these products.
Koch brothers are trying to protect that industry because of this.
Without petrolum we have nothing,.
No news,no internet no intertainment,no nothing.

You've said this already, but again for the 3rd time, what is your point?
I don't see Koch Industries listed here;
Romney Top Contributors
Top Contributors to Mitt Romney | OpenSecrets

Obama Top Contributors;
Top Contributors to Barack Obama | OpenSecrets

Notice that JP Morgan gave to both, but they gave a lot more to Obama.
Obama - 808,799
Romney 415,075

How can Koch be buying the elections, when they are not even in the top contributors?

Gotta laugh.

They gotta have a reason that Barry loses in 2012. Couldn't possibly be because Barry Sucks as POTUS.

Of course it will be because the Koch brothers donated to the GOP and they "bought" the election. Sounds pretty good if your looking for a good excuse why your boy lost.

Of course according to your stats they aren't even the top contributors but what the hey. Sounds good.

Why would anyone let facts get in the way of a good bunch of bullshit??

The left is doing exactly what Obama's campaign is doing. Talking about and attacking anybody or anything.....just don't mention Obama's dismal record.
It's the only chance he has to pull this one out.
Ok I get it, they make stuff that people buy. What is your point? Please understand that this isnt about what products the Koch's make. If you dont have a point, thats cool.

The Democrats want to shut down oil.A little over 19% of a barrel of oil is used for gas.
The rest is used to make over 6,000 products that we use. Very useful products that we all use. Plastics being one of the most important. Without these products we have no industry, no jobs periord.
Without that oil we will not be able to have any of these products.
Koch brothers are trying to protect that industry because of this.

Without petrolum we have nothing,.
No news,no internet no intertainment,no nothing.

You've said this already, but again for the 3rd time, what is your point?

If you don't get, it's your problem not mine.
Koch Brothers Plan To Funnel Tens Of Millions To Conservative Allies To Influence 2012 Elections

And if they can't buy the election, they've always got all those voter suppression laws.

Much worse than corrupt GObP/Repubs is that so many anti-American rw's are in favor of it.

Unfortunately or fortunately, they are playing by the rules. We'll end up with the best government that money can buy. If there were liberals spending coin the same way, I doubt there would be different arguments from the other side...

Which is why the two-party system is not serving this country well in any way shape or form.
Well thats where we differ. If someone is allowed to contribute unlimited amounts of cash, their voice is louder than the people that dont. You know what happens when people give money they usually expect a favor or two.

The amount any single person can contribute to a campaign is still limited to a specific amount, I believe it's $5000. So your real concern is with people expressing their opinions.

You're a Stalinist.

No my real concern is that people who have more money can contribute more speech. How many times do I have to say that? I understand that since I dont agree with either side doing it you cant go the partisan route so you opt to be stupid.

I stated my reasons and you refuse to talk about it instead you find comfort in putting labels on people so you can go to your grab bag of talking points

Based on that comment, you're suggesting that speech is not free since people with more money can have more speech than those with less money? You also imply that anyone making a contribution has some expectation of personal compensation for that contribution. While the expectation may exist, the obligation for the candidate to make such compensation does not.
Do you think there should be some kind of limits on how many fund raisers an incumbent should be able to personally conduct while seeking reelection?
Koch Brothers Plan To Funnel Tens Of Millions To Conservative Allies To Influence 2012 Elections

And if they can't buy the election, they've always got all those voter suppression laws.

Much worse than corrupt GObP/Repubs is that so many anti-American rw's are in favor of it.

Unfortunately or fortunately, they are playing by the rules. We'll end up with the best government that money can buy. If there were liberals spending coin the same way, I doubt there would be different arguments from the other side...

Which is why the two-party system is not serving this country well in any way shape or form.

If? Why don't you aquaint yourself to George Soros....he may surprise you. Not only his money, but his history.

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