Kodak remaking itself


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
I'm guessing they aren't selling a lot of this these days ...

Kodak said Tuesday it will produce pharmaceutical components that have been identified as essential but have lapsed into chronic national shortage, as defined by the Food and Drug Administration. Kodak soars another 60% after Trump announces deal to manufacture generic drug ingredients
Dont know if this is just a day traders play or long term but will be interesting to watch.

Actually it was up more than 203% on the day.

Kodak said Tuesday it will produce pharmaceutical components that have been identified as essential but have lapsed into chronic national shortage, as defined by the Food and Drug Administration. Kodak soars another 60% after Trump announces deal to manufacture generic drug ingredients
Dont know if this is just a day traders play or long term but will be interesting to watch.
This will be an Active insider who invested in Stock Crime scene 2021.
There are way too many other small pharmaceutical stuff makers around. Who do these things already. Who has the real experts on staff.

This is an insider Great Douche Scam on insider trading. Nothang more. They will use the loan to upgrade to make camera electronic stuff.
I'm guessing they aren't selling a lot of this these days ...

View attachment 368557
They've gone almost completely chemical now.
Link to what chemicals?
This will take 3 years. This is a SCAM!
They have made simple Photo chemicals for 100 years. This clown wants to make healthcare products. This is a SCAM to save the company to get a loan.
For insider trading to bail after they get money to go bankrupt in a few years. They were going down already.

That upward move was sparked by July 28 news that the photography pioneer is borrowing money from the government to manufacture ingredients for generic drugs such as the malaria treatment hydroxychloroquine. <<< The Great Douche SCAM. The Greeat Douche will not be reelcted, so goes the future sale of hydroxychloroquine.
Seem they will use the loan to upgrade camera stuff making.

Look at timeline over 100 years. It lists no chemicals or medical making. Seem CEO is uninformed. He is new there.
Kodak sold many of its patents for approximately $525,000,000 to a group of companies (including Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Samsung, Adobe Systems, and HTC) under the names Intellectual Ventures and RPX Corporation
They did make..
Kodak branches out into manufacture of hand-grenades.
From 145K employed to now under 5000. This is a Great Douche Money SCAM!

Seems as always the U.S. House leadership can stop funding them. Require rules that slow how much they get in funds at a time.
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I'm guessing they aren't selling a lot of this these days ...

View attachment 368557
They've gone almost completely chemical now.
Link to what chemicals?
This will take 3 years. This is a SCAM!
They have made simple Photo chemicals for 100 years. This clown wants to make healthcare products. This is a SCAM to save the company to get a loan.
For insider trading to bail after they get money to go bankrupt in a few years. They were going down already.

That upward move was sparked by July 28 news that the photography pioneer is borrowing money from the government to manufacture ingredients for generic drugs such as the malaria treatment hydroxychloroquine. <<< The Great Douche SCAM. The Greeat Douche will not be reelcted, so goes the future sale of hydroxychloroquine.
Seem they will use the loan to upgrade camera stuff making.

Look at timeline over 100 years. It lists no chemicals or medical making. Seem CEO is uninformed. He is new there.
Kodak sold many of its patents for approximately $525,000,000 to a group of companies (including Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Samsung, Adobe Systems, and HTC) under the names Intellectual Ventures and RPX Corporation
They did make..
Kodak branches out into manufacture of hand-grenades.
From 145K employed to now under 5000. This is a Great Douche Money SCAM!

Seems as always the U.S. House leadership can stop funding them. Require rules that slow how much they get in funds at a time.
/----/ TDS on steroids.
I'm guessing they aren't selling a lot of this these days ...

View attachment 368557
They've gone almost completely chemical now.
Link to what chemicals?
This will take 3 years. This is a SCAM!
They have made simple Photo chemicals for 100 years. This clown wants to make healthcare products. This is a SCAM to save the company to get a loan.
For insider trading to bail after they get money to go bankrupt in a few years. They were going down already.

That upward move was sparked by July 28 news that the photography pioneer is borrowing money from the government to manufacture ingredients for generic drugs such as the malaria treatment hydroxychloroquine. <<< The Great Douche SCAM. The Greeat Douche will not be reelcted, so goes the future sale of hydroxychloroquine.
Seem they will use the loan to upgrade camera stuff making.

Look at timeline over 100 years. It lists no chemicals or medical making. Seem CEO is uninformed. He is new there.
Kodak sold many of its patents for approximately $525,000,000 to a group of companies (including Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Samsung, Adobe Systems, and HTC) under the names Intellectual Ventures and RPX Corporation
They did make..
Kodak branches out into manufacture of hand-grenades.
From 145K employed to now under 5000. This is a Great Douche Money SCAM!

Seems as always the U.S. House leadership can stop funding them. Require rules that slow how much they get in funds at a time.
/----/ TDS on steroids.
View attachment 368747
Use it then.

Another Great Douche MAGA SCAM!

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They've gone almost completely chemical now.
Not a huge stretch. Photography was all chemical until just recently.

The move does make some sense. Kodak was heavily invested in the chemical processes connected with photography, but that is a market that has shrunk drastically. They did make some early pioneering moves into digital photography, but never really got a grip on it. The very first DSLR, the Kodak DCS (later renamed the DCS 100, to distinguish it from related products that soon followed) was a Nikon F3 modified by Kodak with an electronic sensor, and an attached suitcase-sized pack containing the supporting electronics and a hard drive to store the images. It cost about $20,000, and I think it was about 1.7 megapixels.

Being mostly a chemical company, in a rapidly shrinking subset of the chemical industry, it only makes sense to diversify into other fields of chemistry.
I thunk you guys are missing the big picture.


This tells me that china has most likely cut us off from the drug supplies they manufacture...that is an act of war!

It is highly likely we are now in a state of war with china.
I thunk you guys are missing the big picture.


This tells me that china has most likely cut us off from the drug supplies they manufacture...that is an act of war!

It is highly likely we are now in a state of war with china.

Most of the pharm companies duplicated the Red Chinese plants over in India; there were problems with Chinese pharms before this, like with carcinogens in blood pressure medicines for instance. Modern tech lets factories get online and producing pretty quickly, and with Singapore getting huge liquifed gas storage ports online there is a large inventory of raw materials for petroleum based pharm products as well as plastics over there not under the thumb of the Cadre like the Democratic Party and their Wall Street partners are. there is a reason why of the re-invested capital gains reported the last couple of years over 40% of it is still going overseas compared to some 60% here.
Article in the WSJ Weekend Edition on the Kodak exec stock options; back in 2019 they got a deal for options at $3.03/share. Not shabby at all.

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