KOS already claiming fraud for Obama Loss

Kind of strange---TM talks about the Republicans and how they cheat to win elections.

But does not complain about the Democrats and how they cheat to win elections.

Could it be possible that TM is bias? In favor of Democrats?

OH no--that can't possibly be true, right?
I can guarantee you that when Obama wins, there will dozens of conservatives right on this site who will claim fraud in the election.

KOS said Obama will lose.

That is the far left whackjobs doing your thinking for you - get on board sparky.
After reading that article, I have to question the Daily KOS method of calculating the fraud error in polls.

It seems to me, that fraud would most likely favor the incumbent since the incumbent would have influence in both state and national election boards to keep them from exposing him/her.
While at the same time, influence to "criticize" the challengers methods in the election.

In other words, it seems that the fraud error should favor Obama and disfavor Romney.

Hows that for getting back on topic, Uncensored?

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