Krauthammer: Moment of Moral Clarity/ Israel

Hes a huge Zionist, and even mentioned in PNAC. I could care less what he has to say.
You don't have to be an anti-semite to not blindly support zionism. Read THE ISREAL LOBBY AND US FOREIGN POLICY for some unbiased perspective on the issue.
You don't have to be an anti-semite to not blindly support zionism. Read THE ISREAL LOBBY AND US FOREIGN POLICY for some unbiased perspective on the issue.

WTF?? Can you people read?? This is about an article that you haven't read and come in here spewing.. GET THE FUCK OVER IT and move along.
Everything in the article is true. All one has to do is remember history.

Hope the Isreali's pound the shit out of Hamas and Hezbullah and if the stupid civilians don't have the sense god gave a flea and hang out them fuck em.

As for Pendummy she can blow it out her ass.
You don't have to be an anti-semite to not blindly support zionism. Read THE ISREAL LOBBY AND US FOREIGN POLICY for some unbiased perspective on the issue.

WTF?? Can you people read?? This is about an article that you haven't read and come in here spewing.. GET THE FUCK OVER IT and move along.

I see. Your charming response to me shows that you have no clue as to why the relationship between US and Israel is so tremendously biased in our media. I admire Krauthammer in many respects but would never give a minute's consideration to his thoughts on Israel at this point.
You don't have to be an anti-semite to not blindly support zionism. Read THE ISREAL LOBBY AND US FOREIGN POLICY for some unbiased perspective on the issue.

WTF?? Can you people read?? This is about an article that you haven't read and come in here spewing.. GET THE FUCK OVER IT and move along.

Apparently not----pretty quick to accuse you of posting anti semitic shit
If subsidy made people dependent then why are we giving Israel 3 billion a year? Isnt that hurting them becoming independent?
Oh how nice of Israel to roof knock people before killing them. Obviously that justifies the countless number of civilians killed.
Oh how nice of Israel to roof knock people before killing them. Obviously that justifies the countless number of civilians killed.

To bad Hamas and Hezbullah don't give a warning. They just lob missles and hope to kill as many as they can.

Your an idiot.
Oh how nice of Israel to roof knock people before killing them. Obviously that justifies the countless number of civilians killed.

To bad Hamas and Hezbullah don't give a warning. They just lob missles and hope to kill as many as they can.

Your an idiot.

The Israelis have killed FAR more innocent civilians than the Palestinians ever have.

My fave, recent times, intellectual. Bar none. :thup:

Who didn't point out that if Israel can keep the missiles from coming through and knows civilians will die in Gaza when they strike back, that Israel is avoidably electing to kill civilians and avoidably playing right into the hands of Hamas if this is their sinister plot. There are no clean hands in that fight.

The US needs to stop sending subsidies to the region and let them fight it out to the end. That we don't shows that despite all of Israel's bluster to the otherwise, we know that they won't survive the fight.

from article

The rockets can’t even inflict serious damage, being almost uniformly intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system. Even West Bank leader Mahmoud Abbas has asked: “What are you trying to achieve by sending rockets?”

What the heck are they doing with the tanks in Palestine for then, and why are they killing kids on the beaches.

I use to try and give Israel the benefit of the doubt, but no more, enough is enough, I will never see or even try to see anything good about Israel anymore. Its full of organized crime, and slave white prostitute girls which the secular government overlooks, and I wish the heck that we get those Zionist out of our US government.
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