Krauthammer: Obama 'Shameless' For Using Women As Campaign Prop

This was a coffin the republicans built all on their lonesome...and in the name of "religious freedom."


I see so, religious orgs. not wanting to provide contraception is a coffin they created?

so to be clear- you want the government to order them and the religious orgs to change their stance on this issue to conform to that order?
This was a coffin the republicans built all on their lonesome...and in the name of "religious freedom."


I see so, religious orgs. not wanting to provide contraception is a coffin they created?

so to be clear- you want the government to order them and the religious orgs to change their stance on this issue to conform to that order?

^^Precisely. It's a matter of Liberty and adhering to the Constitution.

Obama and the left have been ratcheting up the rhetoric while ignoring much less circumventing the Constitution expecting those affected to cowar...and comply.

They didn't expect the blowback they received.
Is don'tbetoodamnstupid gonna tell us who the first female black secretary of state was or is he too much of a coward?
The first female Speaker of the House was a Democrat. The first female head of the Department of Homeland Security was a Democrat. The current Secretary of State is female and a Democrat.

The highest ranking GOP female is someone named Cathy McMorris Rodgers, and no one knows who she is.

Cathy McMorris Rodgers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi, you have received -1042 reputation points from WillowTree.
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less than the truth,,

Cowardly response Willow. Why didn't you post it publicly? Could it be because I'm right and you know it?

Who was the first black female Secretary of State jerkoff? go ahead tell the children who it was. and quit yer whining.

None other than Codoleeza Rice...who got nothing but SCORN from the left.

I admire her tenacity.
Obama cannot run on his record. His only chance to win is to demagogue the GOP as often as possible. This is what he's going to do, mostly through his surrogates, all the way to November. And actually, after that too.
Cowardly response Willow. Why didn't you post it publicly? Could it be because I'm right and you know it?

Who was the first black female Secretary of State jerkoff? go ahead tell the children who it was. and quit yer whining.

None other than Codoleeza Rice...who got nothing but SCORN from the left.

I admire her tenacity.
I admire Rice, a lot. But she's not running for anything at the moment.
Obama cannot run on his record. His only chance to win is to demagogue the GOP as often as possible. This is what he's going to do, mostly through his surrogates, all the way to November. And actually, after that too.
Everything BAD is fault of the Republicans when before 2010...Obama had everything he needed...and squandered it on ObamaCare that is about to be struck down...

Obama told the Republicans they were welcome on his bus as long as they sat in the back...
Is don'tbetoodamnstupid gonna tell us who the first female black secretary of state was or is he too much of a coward?
I did...made it easy for him.

Thanks. Yup. Condoleeza.

Hmm, what position within the GOP does she hold now? Can you help me with that one too?

Oh, and while we're at it, you can help everyone by saying who the first ever female Secretary of State was, and what her party was.

Krauthammer: Obama 'Shameless' For Using Women As Campaign Prop

According to Jay Carney, it has nothing at all to do with the election. They actually think they can say that and do it with a straight face and get away with it. I mean, all the administrations use taxpayer money to promote themselves in an election year. But this is pretty shameless and over-the-top," Charles Krauthammer said on FOX News tonight.

"Notice how when the president said, ‘This is about a wide range of issues. It isn’t just about’ … and what’s the one thing he named immediately? Contraception. Of course it is about contraception. It't because of the way it was handled and the media covered it, it became all of a sudden a war on the women, which is a complete invention. But now you get stories of the mainstream media. I think I saw a headline this morning that said, ‘Republicans claim that there is no war on women," Krauthammer said on the "Special Report" panel.

"I mean, this is actually in a news part of the paper, which of course is promoting the meme. The idea is that because there was some objection on religious liberty grounds to force Catholic institutions to dispense them for free, it’s a war on women. And the idea of the meme was that they want to deny access to contraception as if Republicans want to shut the door of American pharmacies for any woman looking for contraception. So, the media have collaborated in inventing an issue. Obama sees an opening. He actually said women aren’t an interest group. Of course they are in the eyes of this administration, and that’s why it’s holding the conference," he said.

I happen to agree with Mr. Krauthammer. And Mr. Limbaugh had ZERO to apologize for except sinking to the level of the Statists which he fights and calling out Ms. Fluke for being a tool of the left and soon to be forgotten by the same that used her.


The foucus here is Obama's attack on the Constitution and Liberty that he sees as wrong...and the monumental attempt to take over 1/6th of the US Economy.

Is that the new right wing buzzword? Statists? Trying to expand your vocabulary? I've seen it a couple times today already in other posts. Parrots.

Number two. It was Republicans who made an issue about Catholics having to provide birth control. Sorry Republicans that women took offense. That was your decisiion to make this an issue. You already had the anti abortion vote you idiots. :lol:

3. Yes, Healtcare is sucking up too much of our GDP. Thanks for admitting it with your last comment.

4. The GOP don't like it when Democrats play politics. Like they want us to play fair but they don't in return. Hypocrites. Their tactics only work on low information voters. Unfortunately there are a lot of you.

5. You're crying because we're winning. For every 2 women voting for Obama, only 1 is voting for Romney. Romney has a 19 point gender gap with women. There aren't enough male voters for him to win. Obama 52 Romney 41 or something like that? Check out the latest USA/Gallop poll.

How come the damn union buddies are exempt for obamacare? you wanna share that tidbit with us????
That guy is such an evil looking turd:


I wonder if Kruathammer avails himself of handicap access improvements signed into law by our overly intrusive federal gov't which mandated that gov't (and private business) must provide that access because our gov't insists on getting involved in matters which aren't specifically enumerated rights under the constitution.

No, he probably stands (not really, I guess) on principle and refuses to use ramps and other gov't required special access which only benefits a small minority of the population.
Krauthammer: Obama 'Shameless' For Using Women As Campaign Prop

I happen to agree with Mr. Krauthammer. And Mr. Limbaugh had ZERO to apologize for except sinking to the level of the Statists which he fights and calling out Ms. Fluke for being a tool of the left and soon to be forgotten by the same that used her.


The foucus here is Obama's attack on the Constitution and Liberty that he sees as wrong...and the monumental attempt to take over 1/6th of the US Economy.

Is that the new right wing buzzword? Statists? Trying to expand your vocabulary? I've seen it a couple times today already in other posts. Parrots.

Number two. It was Republicans who made an issue about Catholics having to provide birth control. Sorry Republicans that women took offense. That was your decisiion to make this an issue. You already had the anti abortion vote you idiots. :lol:

3. Yes, Healtcare is sucking up too much of our GDP. Thanks for admitting it with your last comment.

4. The GOP don't like it when Democrats play politics. Like they want us to play fair but they don't in return. Hypocrites. Their tactics only work on low information voters. Unfortunately there are a lot of you.

5. You're crying because we're winning. For every 2 women voting for Obama, only 1 is voting for Romney. Romney has a 19 point gender gap with women. There aren't enough male voters for him to win. Obama 52 Romney 41 or something like that? Check out the latest USA/Gallop poll.

How come the damn union buddies are exempt for obamacare? you wanna share that tidbit with us????

Indeed...why so many Waivers from Unions? WHY were they granted?
She was appointed National Security Adviser by George W. Bush in 2001, and became Secretary of State in 2004 after Colin Powell's resignation.

a white republican done appointed a black female to two of the highest positions in the US government and it makes the asshole liberals choke on their own bile and I absolutely love it.. bile burns
Obama cannot run on his record. His only chance to win is to demagogue the GOP as often as possible. This is what he's going to do, mostly through his surrogates, all the way to November. And actually, after that too.

Yeah, he could never run on his record. He certainly wasn't running on it two days during the women's forum the right is so upset about.

Remarks by the President at the White House Forum on Women and the Economy | The White House

So closing this pay gap -- ending pay discrimination -- is about far more than simple fairness. When more women are bringing home the bacon, but bringing home less of it than men who are doing the same work, that weakens families, it weakens communities, it’s tough on our kids, it weakens our entire economy. (Applause.)

Which is why the first bill I signed into law was the Lilly Ledbetter Act -- Fair Pay Act -- (applause) -- to make it easier for women to demand fairness -- equal pay for equal work. We’re pushing for legislation to give women more tools to pay -- to fight pay discrimination. And we’ve encouraged companies to make workplaces more flexible so women don’t have to choose between being a good employee or a good mom.

More women are also choosing to strike out on their own. Today, nearly 30 percent of small business owners are women. Their businesses generate $1.2 trillion last year. But they’re less likely to get the loans that they need to start up, or expand or to hire -- which means they often have to depend on credit cards and the mounting debt that comes with them. And that’s why, through some outstanding work by Karen Mills and the SBA and other parts of our administration, we’ve extended more than 16,000 new loans worth $4.5 billion to women-owned businesses -- (applause) -- not to mention cut taxes for small businesses 17 times, so that more women have the power to create more jobs and more opportunity.

We’ve got to do more to encourage women to join these [STEM] fields as well -- make it easier to afford the education that's required to make it. Send a clear message to our daughters, which I'm doing every night: Math, science, nothing wrong with it, a lot right with it. We need you to focus. That’s why our education reform, Race to the Top, has put a priority on science and technology and engineering and math education. It has rewarded states that took specific steps to ensure that all students -- especially underrepresented groups like girls -- have the opportunity to get excited about these fields at an early age. And we’ve helped more than 2.3 million more young women afford to pursue higher education with our increases in the Pell grants. That's good news. (Applause.)

Another example -- health reform. It's been in the news lately. (Laughter.) Because of the health reform law that we passed, women finally have more power to make their choices about their health care. (Applause.) Last year, more than 20 million women received expanded access to preventive services like mammograms and cervical cancer screenings at no additional cost. (Applause.) Nearly 2 million women enrolled in Medicare received a 50-percent discount on the medicine that they need. Over 1 million more young women are insured because they can now stay on their parent’s plan. And later this year, women will receive new access to recommended preventive care like domestic violence screening and contraception at no additional cost. (Applause.) And soon, insurance companies will no longer be able to deny coverage based on preexisting conditions like breast cancer, or charge women more just because they’re women. (Applause.)

Jesus, Obama, lay off the Republicans and starting talking about what you've done!
Is don'tbetoodamnstupid gonna tell us who the first female black secretary of state was or is he too much of a coward?
I did...made it easy for him.

Thanks. Yup. Condoleeza.

Hmm, what position within the GOP does she hold now? Can you help me with that one too?

She's enjoying life as a PRIVATE citizen as much as I can tell...and well deserved.

Nice deflection tactic...but FAIL on your part.

Thank you for playing.

No consolation prize offeered or implied.

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