Kremlingate: Donald Trump is known as 'Agent Orange' to the Russians


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
The Kremlin has a deep throat in the USA and it is Donald Trump, AKA Agent Orange.

The First Deep Throat is so excited Putin got him the POTUS job he is blabbering all Uncle Sam's secrets to Uncle Vlad.

Agent Orange's favorite son-in-law Agent Kushner has attempted to get a back door line of communication to the Kremlin so Agent Orange can blabber in secret.

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel
By Margaret Hartmann@MargHartmann
Kushner with Flynn at the White House, shortly before he was fired for lying about meetings with Kislyak. Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Despite their insistence that there was ā€œno collusionā€ with the Kremlin, Trump associates had plenty of secretive interactions with Russians. The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has evidence that a meeting in the Seychelles days before Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration was an effort to set up a back channel between the Kremlin and the incoming administration. As you may recall, Jared Kushner previously admitted that he discussed the possibility of communicating privately with Moscow during the transition ā€” though he said his goals were innocent, and the link was never established.
The true nature and purpose of these efforts remain a mystery, but recent reports have shed more light on the push establish a link between Team Trump and the Russians in the months before the president was sworn in. Hereā€™s what we know so far.
Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak Discuss Back Channel
ā€¢ There were several calls between Sergey Kislyak, Russiaā€™s ambassador to the U.S., and Trump campaign officials Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn prior to Election Day, according to Reuters. In a statement before his closed-door appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee in July, Kushner said he had no recollection of these calls. Kushner initially failed to list dozens of contacts with foreign officials on his security-clearance form, and was recently stripped of his temporary top-secret clearance.
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn secretly met with Kislyak in Trump Tower on December 1, 2016. Last spring the Washington Post reported that Kushner proposed using Russian diplomatic facilities in the U.S. to establish a back channel for communication between the Trump transition and the Russian government. U.S. intelligence intercepted Kislyak describing the request to his superiors.
Kushner told Congress that Kislyak raised the idea, saying he wanted to convey information from his ā€œgeneralsā€ about the Syrian civil war, but needed a secure line. Kushner said he suggested going through the Russian embassy, but nothing came of it:
I believed developing a thoughtful approach on Syria was a very high priority given the ongoing humanitarian crisis, and I asked if they had an existing communications channel at his embassy we could use where they would be comfortable transmitting the information they wanted to relay to General Flynn. The Ambassador said that would not be possible and so we all agreed that we would receive this information after the Inauguration.
Get unlimited access to Intelligencer and everything else New York.
ā€¢ On December 1, Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak also talked about setting up a meeting between a Trump associate and a Russian contact, according to the Post:
In addition to their discussion about setting up the communications channel, Kushner, Flynn and Kislyak also talked about arranging a meeting between a representative of Trump and a ā€œRussian contactā€ in a third country whose name was not identified, according to the anonymous letter.
ā€¢ Flynn resigned as Trumpā€™s national-security adviser on February 13, 2017, saying he gave fellow administration officials ā€œincomplete informationā€ on his discussions with Kislyak regarding sanctions. On December 1, 2017, he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those discussions during the transition, and heā€™s now working with Mueller.
Trump welcomes Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan to the White House on May 15, 2017. Photo: Xinhua News Agency/Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images
Secret Trump Tower Meeting With Emirates Leader
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn, along with Steve Bannon, had another secret Trump Tower meeting with the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates on December 15, 2016. In a breach of protocol, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan did not notify the Obama administration about the meeting, and U.S. officials only learned about the visit when his name was spotted on a flight manifest.
ā€¢ This week we learned that George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who advises Zayed and has ties to various Trump aides, was present at the Trump Tower meeting. He is reportedly cooperating with Mueller and testified before a grand jury last week.
ā€¢ Both Trump and the UAE were interested in finding a way to drive a wedge between Russia and Iran. In April 2017, the Post reported that Zayed and his brother sought to help establish a back channel between Trump and Putin, and were approached by Trump associate Erik Prince:
Following the New York meeting between the Emiratis and Trump aides, Zayed was approached by Prince, who said he was authorized to act as an unofficial surrogate for the president-elect, according to the officials. He wanted Zayed to set up a meeting with a Putin associate. Zayed agreed and proposed the Seychelles as the meeting place because of the privacy it would afford both sides. ā€œHe wanted to be helpful,ā€ one official said of Zayed.
Erik Prince, who doesnā€™t need much of a reason to hop on a plane to the Seychelles. Photo: Chuck Kennedy/TNS via Getty Images
The Seychelles Meeting
ā€¢ Erik Prince, founder of the security firm Blackwater and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, had no official role in the Trump transition, but he reportedly served as an informal adviser, ā€œproviding advice to Trumpā€™s inner circle, including his top national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn,ā€ according to Bloomberg. He told Congress that he visited Trump Tower twice during the transition.
ā€¢ On January 11, 2017, nine days before Trumpā€™s inauguration, Prince met with Kirill Dmitriev, who runs a Kremlin-controlled wealth fund, in the Seychelles. Nader, who has known Prince for years, was reportedly at the meeting as well.
ā€¢ While Mueller is said to have evidence that the purpose of the meeting was to establish a back channel between the Trump team and Russia, Prince denied that in his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in November.
ā€¢ Prince claimed he flew to the Seychelles because he received a one-line invitation from Zayedā€™s scheduler, which said, ā€œHis Highness would like to see you if you can come out to the Seychelles.ā€ Prince said he believed this meant they had a business proposal, but nothing specific came up during his hour-long meeting with Zayed and his associates.
Prince testified that toward the end of the meeting, the Emiratis suggested that he meet with Dmitriev, who happened to be at the hotel.
ā€œAt the end, one of the entourage says, ā€˜Hey, by the way, thereā€™s this Russian guy that weā€™ve dealt with in the past. Heā€™s here also to see someone from the Emirati delegation. And you should meet him, heā€™d be an interesting guy for you to know, since youā€™re doing a lot in the oil and gas and mineral space,ā€™ā€ Prince testified.
ā€¢ Prince said he chatted with Dmitriev for about 30 minutes, discussing business and Russiaā€™s hopes for reestablishing normal trade relations with the U.S. ā€œI remember telling him that if Franklin Roosevelt could work with Joseph Stalin to defeat Nazi fascism, then certainly Donald Trump could work with Vladimir Putin to defeat Islamic fascism,ā€ Prince said.
Unanswered Questions
ā€¢ Did Prince lie about the Seychelles meeting while testifying before Congress?
ā€œDuring his Russia investigation interview, Mr. Prince was asked directly by me and Mr. Schiff who he met with while he was in the Seychelles,ā€ Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell told CNN. ā€œHe never gave the name George Nader. If he met with George Nader, he lied under oath.ā€
Republicans dismissed their Democratic colleaguesā€™ concerns, and are unlikely to pursue the matter.
ā€¢ If Kushner was seeking a back channel to Moscow, was the Seychelles meeting the result of that effort, or part of a separate push to forge a link to the Kremlin?
ā€¢ Why would Trump associates continue pursuing a back channel nine days before the inauguration? If their aim was to pressure Russia into distancing itself from Iran, likely in return for sanctions relief, they could have waited until after January 20 and used official channels.
ā€¢ Muellerā€™s team is also said to be looking into whether foreign money was funneled into Trumpā€™s political efforts in an attempt to buy influence. Was the secrecy surrounding various contacts with Russia part of a stunningly inept attempt to keep their discussions from the outgoing Obama administration, or the result of something far more nefarious?
Democrats have been calling him that for years.
Who is colluding with the Russians again?
This crap is so disingenuous. We have absolute proof hillary colluded with a foreign spy to affect the election. Yet, where is the outrage?
The Kremlin has a deep throat in the USA and it is Donald Trump, AKA Agent Orange.

The First Deep Throat is so excited Putin got him the POTUS job he is blabbering all Uncle Sam's secrets to Uncle Vlad.

Agent Orange's favorite son-in-law Agent Kushner has attempted to get a back door line of communication to the Kremlin so Agent Orange can blabber in secret.

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel
By Margaret Hartmann@MargHartmann
Kushner with Flynn at the White House, shortly before he was fired for lying about meetings with Kislyak. Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Despite their insistence that there was ā€œno collusionā€ with the Kremlin, Trump associates had plenty of secretive interactions with Russians. The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has evidence that a meeting in the Seychelles days before Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration was an effort to set up a back channel between the Kremlin and the incoming administration. As you may recall, Jared Kushner previously admitted that he discussed the possibility of communicating privately with Moscow during the transition ā€” though he said his goals were innocent, and the link was never established.
The true nature and purpose of these efforts remain a mystery, but recent reports have shed more light on the push establish a link between Team Trump and the Russians in the months before the president was sworn in. Hereā€™s what we know so far.
Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak Discuss Back Channel
ā€¢ There were several calls between Sergey Kislyak, Russiaā€™s ambassador to the U.S., and Trump campaign officials Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn prior to Election Day, according to Reuters. In a statement before his closed-door appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee in July, Kushner said he had no recollection of these calls. Kushner initially failed to list dozens of contacts with foreign officials on his security-clearance form, and was recently stripped of his temporary top-secret clearance.
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn secretly met with Kislyak in Trump Tower on December 1, 2016. Last spring the Washington Post reported that Kushner proposed using Russian diplomatic facilities in the U.S. to establish a back channel for communication between the Trump transition and the Russian government. U.S. intelligence intercepted Kislyak describing the request to his superiors.
Kushner told Congress that Kislyak raised the idea, saying he wanted to convey information from his ā€œgeneralsā€ about the Syrian civil war, but needed a secure line. Kushner said he suggested going through the Russian embassy, but nothing came of it:
I believed developing a thoughtful approach on Syria was a very high priority given the ongoing humanitarian crisis, and I asked if they had an existing communications channel at his embassy we could use where they would be comfortable transmitting the information they wanted to relay to General Flynn. The Ambassador said that would not be possible and so we all agreed that we would receive this information after the Inauguration.
Get unlimited access to Intelligencer and everything else New York.
ā€¢ On December 1, Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak also talked about setting up a meeting between a Trump associate and a Russian contact, according to the Post:
In addition to their discussion about setting up the communications channel, Kushner, Flynn and Kislyak also talked about arranging a meeting between a representative of Trump and a ā€œRussian contactā€ in a third country whose name was not identified, according to the anonymous letter.
ā€¢ Flynn resigned as Trumpā€™s national-security adviser on February 13, 2017, saying he gave fellow administration officials ā€œincomplete informationā€ on his discussions with Kislyak regarding sanctions. On December 1, 2017, he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those discussions during the transition, and heā€™s now working with Mueller.
Trump welcomes Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan to the White House on May 15, 2017. Photo: Xinhua News Agency/Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images
Secret Trump Tower Meeting With Emirates Leader
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn, along with Steve Bannon, had another secret Trump Tower meeting with the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates on December 15, 2016. In a breach of protocol, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan did not notify the Obama administration about the meeting, and U.S. officials only learned about the visit when his name was spotted on a flight manifest.
ā€¢ This week we learned that George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who advises Zayed and has ties to various Trump aides, was present at the Trump Tower meeting. He is reportedly cooperating with Mueller and testified before a grand jury last week.
ā€¢ Both Trump and the UAE were interested in finding a way to drive a wedge between Russia and Iran. In April 2017, the Post reported that Zayed and his brother sought to help establish a back channel between Trump and Putin, and were approached by Trump associate Erik Prince:
Following the New York meeting between the Emiratis and Trump aides, Zayed was approached by Prince, who said he was authorized to act as an unofficial surrogate for the president-elect, according to the officials. He wanted Zayed to set up a meeting with a Putin associate. Zayed agreed and proposed the Seychelles as the meeting place because of the privacy it would afford both sides. ā€œHe wanted to be helpful,ā€ one official said of Zayed.
Erik Prince, who doesnā€™t need much of a reason to hop on a plane to the Seychelles. Photo: Chuck Kennedy/TNS via Getty Images
The Seychelles Meeting
ā€¢ Erik Prince, founder of the security firm Blackwater and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, had no official role in the Trump transition, but he reportedly served as an informal adviser, ā€œproviding advice to Trumpā€™s inner circle, including his top national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn,ā€ according to Bloomberg. He told Congress that he visited Trump Tower twice during the transition.
ā€¢ On January 11, 2017, nine days before Trumpā€™s inauguration, Prince met with Kirill Dmitriev, who runs a Kremlin-controlled wealth fund, in the Seychelles. Nader, who has known Prince for years, was reportedly at the meeting as well.
ā€¢ While Mueller is said to have evidence that the purpose of the meeting was to establish a back channel between the Trump team and Russia, Prince denied that in his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in November.
ā€¢ Prince claimed he flew to the Seychelles because he received a one-line invitation from Zayedā€™s scheduler, which said, ā€œHis Highness would like to see you if you can come out to the Seychelles.ā€ Prince said he believed this meant they had a business proposal, but nothing specific came up during his hour-long meeting with Zayed and his associates.
Prince testified that toward the end of the meeting, the Emiratis suggested that he meet with Dmitriev, who happened to be at the hotel.
ā€œAt the end, one of the entourage says, ā€˜Hey, by the way, thereā€™s this Russian guy that weā€™ve dealt with in the past. Heā€™s here also to see someone from the Emirati delegation. And you should meet him, heā€™d be an interesting guy for you to know, since youā€™re doing a lot in the oil and gas and mineral space,ā€™ā€ Prince testified.
ā€¢ Prince said he chatted with Dmitriev for about 30 minutes, discussing business and Russiaā€™s hopes for reestablishing normal trade relations with the U.S. ā€œI remember telling him that if Franklin Roosevelt could work with Joseph Stalin to defeat Nazi fascism, then certainly Donald Trump could work with Vladimir Putin to defeat Islamic fascism,ā€ Prince said.
Unanswered Questions
ā€¢ Did Prince lie about the Seychelles meeting while testifying before Congress?
ā€œDuring his Russia investigation interview, Mr. Prince was asked directly by me and Mr. Schiff who he met with while he was in the Seychelles,ā€ Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell told CNN. ā€œHe never gave the name George Nader. If he met with George Nader, he lied under oath.ā€
Republicans dismissed their Democratic colleaguesā€™ concerns, and are unlikely to pursue the matter.
ā€¢ If Kushner was seeking a back channel to Moscow, was the Seychelles meeting the result of that effort, or part of a separate push to forge a link to the Kremlin?
ā€¢ Why would Trump associates continue pursuing a back channel nine days before the inauguration? If their aim was to pressure Russia into distancing itself from Iran, likely in return for sanctions relief, they could have waited until after January 20 and used official channels.
ā€¢ Muellerā€™s team is also said to be looking into whether foreign money was funneled into Trumpā€™s political efforts in an attempt to buy influence. Was the secrecy surrounding various contacts with Russia part of a stunningly inept attempt to keep their discussions from the outgoing Obama administration, or the result of something far more nefarious?
The more you do this, the less you are believed. You are the reason people have purchased all of those tens of millions of weapons just in the last decade. The nation is still moving left. Perhaps not at arp speed, but fast enough. Most of those companies who used Christianity as a beacon of acceptance a half century ago now look at the same as a pariah today with any individuals who support the religion publicly ejected from the American dream. So why don't you wise up and use your brains?
This crap is so disingenuous. We have absolute proof hillary colluded with a foreign spy to affect the election. Yet, where is the outrage?
You're referring to Steele dossier?

Nobody in the public knew about it during the election.
Motherjones reported on it a week before the vote, but nobody of significance pays attention to mother jones. The only news people were paying attention to at that time was Comey's re-opening of Hillary's emails.

The public only knew about Steele until after Trump got into office, when buzzfeed published.
Democrats have been calling him that for years.
Who is colluding with the Russians again?

"Who is colluding with the Russians again?"


and apparently traitors like you.

We will remember that YOU are a traitor and when we reestablish the USA you will be questioned thoroughly.

hope you like water.
The Kremlin has a deep throat in the USA and it is Donald Trump, AKA Agent Orange.

The First Deep Throat is so excited Putin got him the POTUS job he is blabbering all Uncle Sam's secrets to Uncle Vlad.

Agent Orange's favorite son-in-law Agent Kushner has attempted to get a back door line of communication to the Kremlin so Agent Orange can blabber in secret.

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel
By Margaret Hartmann@MargHartmann
Kushner with Flynn at the White House, shortly before he was fired for lying about meetings with Kislyak. Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Despite their insistence that there was ā€œno collusionā€ with the Kremlin, Trump associates had plenty of secretive interactions with Russians. The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has evidence that a meeting in the Seychelles days before Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration was an effort to set up a back channel between the Kremlin and the incoming administration. As you may recall, Jared Kushner previously admitted that he discussed the possibility of communicating privately with Moscow during the transition ā€” though he said his goals were innocent, and the link was never established.
The true nature and purpose of these efforts remain a mystery, but recent reports have shed more light on the push establish a link between Team Trump and the Russians in the months before the president was sworn in. Hereā€™s what we know so far.
Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak Discuss Back Channel
ā€¢ There were several calls between Sergey Kislyak, Russiaā€™s ambassador to the U.S., and Trump campaign officials Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn prior to Election Day, according to Reuters. In a statement before his closed-door appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee in July, Kushner said he had no recollection of these calls. Kushner initially failed to list dozens of contacts with foreign officials on his security-clearance form, and was recently stripped of his temporary top-secret clearance.
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn secretly met with Kislyak in Trump Tower on December 1, 2016. Last spring the Washington Post reported that Kushner proposed using Russian diplomatic facilities in the U.S. to establish a back channel for communication between the Trump transition and the Russian government. U.S. intelligence intercepted Kislyak describing the request to his superiors.
Kushner told Congress that Kislyak raised the idea, saying he wanted to convey information from his ā€œgeneralsā€ about the Syrian civil war, but needed a secure line. Kushner said he suggested going through the Russian embassy, but nothing came of it:
I believed developing a thoughtful approach on Syria was a very high priority given the ongoing humanitarian crisis, and I asked if they had an existing communications channel at his embassy we could use where they would be comfortable transmitting the information they wanted to relay to General Flynn. The Ambassador said that would not be possible and so we all agreed that we would receive this information after the Inauguration.
Get unlimited access to Intelligencer and everything else New York.
ā€¢ On December 1, Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak also talked about setting up a meeting between a Trump associate and a Russian contact, according to the Post:
In addition to their discussion about setting up the communications channel, Kushner, Flynn and Kislyak also talked about arranging a meeting between a representative of Trump and a ā€œRussian contactā€ in a third country whose name was not identified, according to the anonymous letter.
ā€¢ Flynn resigned as Trumpā€™s national-security adviser on February 13, 2017, saying he gave fellow administration officials ā€œincomplete informationā€ on his discussions with Kislyak regarding sanctions. On December 1, 2017, he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those discussions during the transition, and heā€™s now working with Mueller.
Trump welcomes Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan to the White House on May 15, 2017. Photo: Xinhua News Agency/Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images
Secret Trump Tower Meeting With Emirates Leader
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn, along with Steve Bannon, had another secret Trump Tower meeting with the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates on December 15, 2016. In a breach of protocol, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan did not notify the Obama administration about the meeting, and U.S. officials only learned about the visit when his name was spotted on a flight manifest.
ā€¢ This week we learned that George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who advises Zayed and has ties to various Trump aides, was present at the Trump Tower meeting. He is reportedly cooperating with Mueller and testified before a grand jury last week.
ā€¢ Both Trump and the UAE were interested in finding a way to drive a wedge between Russia and Iran. In April 2017, the Post reported that Zayed and his brother sought to help establish a back channel between Trump and Putin, and were approached by Trump associate Erik Prince:
Following the New York meeting between the Emiratis and Trump aides, Zayed was approached by Prince, who said he was authorized to act as an unofficial surrogate for the president-elect, according to the officials. He wanted Zayed to set up a meeting with a Putin associate. Zayed agreed and proposed the Seychelles as the meeting place because of the privacy it would afford both sides. ā€œHe wanted to be helpful,ā€ one official said of Zayed.
Erik Prince, who doesnā€™t need much of a reason to hop on a plane to the Seychelles. Photo: Chuck Kennedy/TNS via Getty Images
The Seychelles Meeting
ā€¢ Erik Prince, founder of the security firm Blackwater and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, had no official role in the Trump transition, but he reportedly served as an informal adviser, ā€œproviding advice to Trumpā€™s inner circle, including his top national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn,ā€ according to Bloomberg. He told Congress that he visited Trump Tower twice during the transition.
ā€¢ On January 11, 2017, nine days before Trumpā€™s inauguration, Prince met with Kirill Dmitriev, who runs a Kremlin-controlled wealth fund, in the Seychelles. Nader, who has known Prince for years, was reportedly at the meeting as well.
ā€¢ While Mueller is said to have evidence that the purpose of the meeting was to establish a back channel between the Trump team and Russia, Prince denied that in his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in November.
ā€¢ Prince claimed he flew to the Seychelles because he received a one-line invitation from Zayedā€™s scheduler, which said, ā€œHis Highness would like to see you if you can come out to the Seychelles.ā€ Prince said he believed this meant they had a business proposal, but nothing specific came up during his hour-long meeting with Zayed and his associates.
Prince testified that toward the end of the meeting, the Emiratis suggested that he meet with Dmitriev, who happened to be at the hotel.
ā€œAt the end, one of the entourage says, ā€˜Hey, by the way, thereā€™s this Russian guy that weā€™ve dealt with in the past. Heā€™s here also to see someone from the Emirati delegation. And you should meet him, heā€™d be an interesting guy for you to know, since youā€™re doing a lot in the oil and gas and mineral space,ā€™ā€ Prince testified.
ā€¢ Prince said he chatted with Dmitriev for about 30 minutes, discussing business and Russiaā€™s hopes for reestablishing normal trade relations with the U.S. ā€œI remember telling him that if Franklin Roosevelt could work with Joseph Stalin to defeat Nazi fascism, then certainly Donald Trump could work with Vladimir Putin to defeat Islamic fascism,ā€ Prince said.
Unanswered Questions
ā€¢ Did Prince lie about the Seychelles meeting while testifying before Congress?
ā€œDuring his Russia investigation interview, Mr. Prince was asked directly by me and Mr. Schiff who he met with while he was in the Seychelles,ā€ Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell told CNN. ā€œHe never gave the name George Nader. If he met with George Nader, he lied under oath.ā€
Republicans dismissed their Democratic colleaguesā€™ concerns, and are unlikely to pursue the matter.
ā€¢ If Kushner was seeking a back channel to Moscow, was the Seychelles meeting the result of that effort, or part of a separate push to forge a link to the Kremlin?
ā€¢ Why would Trump associates continue pursuing a back channel nine days before the inauguration? If their aim was to pressure Russia into distancing itself from Iran, likely in return for sanctions relief, they could have waited until after January 20 and used official channels.
ā€¢ Muellerā€™s team is also said to be looking into whether foreign money was funneled into Trumpā€™s political efforts in an attempt to buy influence. Was the secrecy surrounding various contacts with Russia part of a stunningly inept attempt to keep their discussions from the outgoing Obama administration, or the result of something far more nefarious?

The continuing leftist narrative that Donnie is a Russian agent lacks even the tiniest bit of evidence. If they would only look at the Donā€™s actions toward Russia, they would see the harm his is doing.

Could it be the Left wants WWIII?
The Kremlin has a deep throat in the USA and it is Donald Trump, AKA Agent Orange.

The First Deep Throat is so excited Putin got him the POTUS job he is blabbering all Uncle Sam's secrets to Uncle Vlad.

Agent Orange's favorite son-in-law Agent Kushner has attempted to get a back door line of communication to the Kremlin so Agent Orange can blabber in secret.

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel
By Margaret Hartmann@MargHartmann
Kushner with Flynn at the White House, shortly before he was fired for lying about meetings with Kislyak. Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Despite their insistence that there was ā€œno collusionā€ with the Kremlin, Trump associates had plenty of secretive interactions with Russians. The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has evidence that a meeting in the Seychelles days before Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration was an effort to set up a back channel between the Kremlin and the incoming administration. As you may recall, Jared Kushner previously admitted that he discussed the possibility of communicating privately with Moscow during the transition ā€” though he said his goals were innocent, and the link was never established.
The true nature and purpose of these efforts remain a mystery, but recent reports have shed more light on the push establish a link between Team Trump and the Russians in the months before the president was sworn in. Hereā€™s what we know so far.
Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak Discuss Back Channel
ā€¢ There were several calls between Sergey Kislyak, Russiaā€™s ambassador to the U.S., and Trump campaign officials Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn prior to Election Day, according to Reuters. In a statement before his closed-door appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee in July, Kushner said he had no recollection of these calls. Kushner initially failed to list dozens of contacts with foreign officials on his security-clearance form, and was recently stripped of his temporary top-secret clearance.
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn secretly met with Kislyak in Trump Tower on December 1, 2016. Last spring the Washington Post reported that Kushner proposed using Russian diplomatic facilities in the U.S. to establish a back channel for communication between the Trump transition and the Russian government. U.S. intelligence intercepted Kislyak describing the request to his superiors.
Kushner told Congress that Kislyak raised the idea, saying he wanted to convey information from his ā€œgeneralsā€ about the Syrian civil war, but needed a secure line. Kushner said he suggested going through the Russian embassy, but nothing came of it:
I believed developing a thoughtful approach on Syria was a very high priority given the ongoing humanitarian crisis, and I asked if they had an existing communications channel at his embassy we could use where they would be comfortable transmitting the information they wanted to relay to General Flynn. The Ambassador said that would not be possible and so we all agreed that we would receive this information after the Inauguration.
Get unlimited access to Intelligencer and everything else New York.
ā€¢ On December 1, Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak also talked about setting up a meeting between a Trump associate and a Russian contact, according to the Post:
In addition to their discussion about setting up the communications channel, Kushner, Flynn and Kislyak also talked about arranging a meeting between a representative of Trump and a ā€œRussian contactā€ in a third country whose name was not identified, according to the anonymous letter.
ā€¢ Flynn resigned as Trumpā€™s national-security adviser on February 13, 2017, saying he gave fellow administration officials ā€œincomplete informationā€ on his discussions with Kislyak regarding sanctions. On December 1, 2017, he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those discussions during the transition, and heā€™s now working with Mueller.
Trump welcomes Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan to the White House on May 15, 2017. Photo: Xinhua News Agency/Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images
Secret Trump Tower Meeting With Emirates Leader
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn, along with Steve Bannon, had another secret Trump Tower meeting with the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates on December 15, 2016. In a breach of protocol, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan did not notify the Obama administration about the meeting, and U.S. officials only learned about the visit when his name was spotted on a flight manifest.
ā€¢ This week we learned that George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who advises Zayed and has ties to various Trump aides, was present at the Trump Tower meeting. He is reportedly cooperating with Mueller and testified before a grand jury last week.
ā€¢ Both Trump and the UAE were interested in finding a way to drive a wedge between Russia and Iran. In April 2017, the Post reported that Zayed and his brother sought to help establish a back channel between Trump and Putin, and were approached by Trump associate Erik Prince:
Following the New York meeting between the Emiratis and Trump aides, Zayed was approached by Prince, who said he was authorized to act as an unofficial surrogate for the president-elect, according to the officials. He wanted Zayed to set up a meeting with a Putin associate. Zayed agreed and proposed the Seychelles as the meeting place because of the privacy it would afford both sides. ā€œHe wanted to be helpful,ā€ one official said of Zayed.
Erik Prince, who doesnā€™t need much of a reason to hop on a plane to the Seychelles. Photo: Chuck Kennedy/TNS via Getty Images
The Seychelles Meeting
ā€¢ Erik Prince, founder of the security firm Blackwater and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, had no official role in the Trump transition, but he reportedly served as an informal adviser, ā€œproviding advice to Trumpā€™s inner circle, including his top national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn,ā€ according to Bloomberg. He told Congress that he visited Trump Tower twice during the transition.
ā€¢ On January 11, 2017, nine days before Trumpā€™s inauguration, Prince met with Kirill Dmitriev, who runs a Kremlin-controlled wealth fund, in the Seychelles. Nader, who has known Prince for years, was reportedly at the meeting as well.
ā€¢ While Mueller is said to have evidence that the purpose of the meeting was to establish a back channel between the Trump team and Russia, Prince denied that in his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in November.
ā€¢ Prince claimed he flew to the Seychelles because he received a one-line invitation from Zayedā€™s scheduler, which said, ā€œHis Highness would like to see you if you can come out to the Seychelles.ā€ Prince said he believed this meant they had a business proposal, but nothing specific came up during his hour-long meeting with Zayed and his associates.
Prince testified that toward the end of the meeting, the Emiratis suggested that he meet with Dmitriev, who happened to be at the hotel.
ā€œAt the end, one of the entourage says, ā€˜Hey, by the way, thereā€™s this Russian guy that weā€™ve dealt with in the past. Heā€™s here also to see someone from the Emirati delegation. And you should meet him, heā€™d be an interesting guy for you to know, since youā€™re doing a lot in the oil and gas and mineral space,ā€™ā€ Prince testified.
ā€¢ Prince said he chatted with Dmitriev for about 30 minutes, discussing business and Russiaā€™s hopes for reestablishing normal trade relations with the U.S. ā€œI remember telling him that if Franklin Roosevelt could work with Joseph Stalin to defeat Nazi fascism, then certainly Donald Trump could work with Vladimir Putin to defeat Islamic fascism,ā€ Prince said.
Unanswered Questions
ā€¢ Did Prince lie about the Seychelles meeting while testifying before Congress?
ā€œDuring his Russia investigation interview, Mr. Prince was asked directly by me and Mr. Schiff who he met with while he was in the Seychelles,ā€ Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell told CNN. ā€œHe never gave the name George Nader. If he met with George Nader, he lied under oath.ā€
Republicans dismissed their Democratic colleaguesā€™ concerns, and are unlikely to pursue the matter.
ā€¢ If Kushner was seeking a back channel to Moscow, was the Seychelles meeting the result of that effort, or part of a separate push to forge a link to the Kremlin?
ā€¢ Why would Trump associates continue pursuing a back channel nine days before the inauguration? If their aim was to pressure Russia into distancing itself from Iran, likely in return for sanctions relief, they could have waited until after January 20 and used official channels.
ā€¢ Muellerā€™s team is also said to be looking into whether foreign money was funneled into Trumpā€™s political efforts in an attempt to buy influence. Was the secrecy surrounding various contacts with Russia part of a stunningly inept attempt to keep their discussions from the outgoing Obama administration, or the result of something far more nefarious?
And those like you are known as agent brown to Americans, staining sidewalks where ever you are laid to rest.
The Kremlin has a deep throat in the USA and it is Donald Trump, AKA Agent Orange.

The First Deep Throat is so excited Putin got him the POTUS job he is blabbering all Uncle Sam's secrets to Uncle Vlad.

Agent Orange's favorite son-in-law Agent Kushner has attempted to get a back door line of communication to the Kremlin so Agent Orange can blabber in secret.

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel
By Margaret Hartmann@MargHartmann
Kushner with Flynn at the White House, shortly before he was fired for lying about meetings with Kislyak. Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Despite their insistence that there was ā€œno collusionā€ with the Kremlin, Trump associates had plenty of secretive interactions with Russians. The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has evidence that a meeting in the Seychelles days before Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration was an effort to set up a back channel between the Kremlin and the incoming administration. As you may recall, Jared Kushner previously admitted that he discussed the possibility of communicating privately with Moscow during the transition ā€” though he said his goals were innocent, and the link was never established.
The true nature and purpose of these efforts remain a mystery, but recent reports have shed more light on the push establish a link between Team Trump and the Russians in the months before the president was sworn in. Hereā€™s what we know so far.
Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak Discuss Back Channel
ā€¢ There were several calls between Sergey Kislyak, Russiaā€™s ambassador to the U.S., and Trump campaign officials Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn prior to Election Day, according to Reuters. In a statement before his closed-door appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee in July, Kushner said he had no recollection of these calls. Kushner initially failed to list dozens of contacts with foreign officials on his security-clearance form, and was recently stripped of his temporary top-secret clearance.
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn secretly met with Kislyak in Trump Tower on December 1, 2016. Last spring the Washington Post reported that Kushner proposed using Russian diplomatic facilities in the U.S. to establish a back channel for communication between the Trump transition and the Russian government. U.S. intelligence intercepted Kislyak describing the request to his superiors.
Kushner told Congress that Kislyak raised the idea, saying he wanted to convey information from his ā€œgeneralsā€ about the Syrian civil war, but needed a secure line. Kushner said he suggested going through the Russian embassy, but nothing came of it:
I believed developing a thoughtful approach on Syria was a very high priority given the ongoing humanitarian crisis, and I asked if they had an existing communications channel at his embassy we could use where they would be comfortable transmitting the information they wanted to relay to General Flynn. The Ambassador said that would not be possible and so we all agreed that we would receive this information after the Inauguration.
Get unlimited access to Intelligencer and everything else New York.
ā€¢ On December 1, Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak also talked about setting up a meeting between a Trump associate and a Russian contact, according to the Post:
In addition to their discussion about setting up the communications channel, Kushner, Flynn and Kislyak also talked about arranging a meeting between a representative of Trump and a ā€œRussian contactā€ in a third country whose name was not identified, according to the anonymous letter.
ā€¢ Flynn resigned as Trumpā€™s national-security adviser on February 13, 2017, saying he gave fellow administration officials ā€œincomplete informationā€ on his discussions with Kislyak regarding sanctions. On December 1, 2017, he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those discussions during the transition, and heā€™s now working with Mueller.
Trump welcomes Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan to the White House on May 15, 2017. Photo: Xinhua News Agency/Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images
Secret Trump Tower Meeting With Emirates Leader
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn, along with Steve Bannon, had another secret Trump Tower meeting with the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates on December 15, 2016. In a breach of protocol, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan did not notify the Obama administration about the meeting, and U.S. officials only learned about the visit when his name was spotted on a flight manifest.
ā€¢ This week we learned that George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who advises Zayed and has ties to various Trump aides, was present at the Trump Tower meeting. He is reportedly cooperating with Mueller and testified before a grand jury last week.
ā€¢ Both Trump and the UAE were interested in finding a way to drive a wedge between Russia and Iran. In April 2017, the Post reported that Zayed and his brother sought to help establish a back channel between Trump and Putin, and were approached by Trump associate Erik Prince:
Following the New York meeting between the Emiratis and Trump aides, Zayed was approached by Prince, who said he was authorized to act as an unofficial surrogate for the president-elect, according to the officials. He wanted Zayed to set up a meeting with a Putin associate. Zayed agreed and proposed the Seychelles as the meeting place because of the privacy it would afford both sides. ā€œHe wanted to be helpful,ā€ one official said of Zayed.
Erik Prince, who doesnā€™t need much of a reason to hop on a plane to the Seychelles. Photo: Chuck Kennedy/TNS via Getty Images
The Seychelles Meeting
ā€¢ Erik Prince, founder of the security firm Blackwater and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, had no official role in the Trump transition, but he reportedly served as an informal adviser, ā€œproviding advice to Trumpā€™s inner circle, including his top national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn,ā€ according to Bloomberg. He told Congress that he visited Trump Tower twice during the transition.
ā€¢ On January 11, 2017, nine days before Trumpā€™s inauguration, Prince met with Kirill Dmitriev, who runs a Kremlin-controlled wealth fund, in the Seychelles. Nader, who has known Prince for years, was reportedly at the meeting as well.
ā€¢ While Mueller is said to have evidence that the purpose of the meeting was to establish a back channel between the Trump team and Russia, Prince denied that in his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in November.
ā€¢ Prince claimed he flew to the Seychelles because he received a one-line invitation from Zayedā€™s scheduler, which said, ā€œHis Highness would like to see you if you can come out to the Seychelles.ā€ Prince said he believed this meant they had a business proposal, but nothing specific came up during his hour-long meeting with Zayed and his associates.
Prince testified that toward the end of the meeting, the Emiratis suggested that he meet with Dmitriev, who happened to be at the hotel.
ā€œAt the end, one of the entourage says, ā€˜Hey, by the way, thereā€™s this Russian guy that weā€™ve dealt with in the past. Heā€™s here also to see someone from the Emirati delegation. And you should meet him, heā€™d be an interesting guy for you to know, since youā€™re doing a lot in the oil and gas and mineral space,ā€™ā€ Prince testified.
ā€¢ Prince said he chatted with Dmitriev for about 30 minutes, discussing business and Russiaā€™s hopes for reestablishing normal trade relations with the U.S. ā€œI remember telling him that if Franklin Roosevelt could work with Joseph Stalin to defeat Nazi fascism, then certainly Donald Trump could work with Vladimir Putin to defeat Islamic fascism,ā€ Prince said.
Unanswered Questions
ā€¢ Did Prince lie about the Seychelles meeting while testifying before Congress?
ā€œDuring his Russia investigation interview, Mr. Prince was asked directly by me and Mr. Schiff who he met with while he was in the Seychelles,ā€ Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell told CNN. ā€œHe never gave the name George Nader. If he met with George Nader, he lied under oath.ā€
Republicans dismissed their Democratic colleaguesā€™ concerns, and are unlikely to pursue the matter.
ā€¢ If Kushner was seeking a back channel to Moscow, was the Seychelles meeting the result of that effort, or part of a separate push to forge a link to the Kremlin?
ā€¢ Why would Trump associates continue pursuing a back channel nine days before the inauguration? If their aim was to pressure Russia into distancing itself from Iran, likely in return for sanctions relief, they could have waited until after January 20 and used official channels.
ā€¢ Muellerā€™s team is also said to be looking into whether foreign money was funneled into Trumpā€™s political efforts in an attempt to buy influence. Was the secrecy surrounding various contacts with Russia part of a stunningly inept attempt to keep their discussions from the outgoing Obama administration, or the result of something far more nefarious?

The continuing leftist narrative that Donnie is a Russian agent lacks even the tiniest bit of evidence. If they would only look at the Donā€™s actions toward Russia, they would see the harm his is doing.

Could it be the Left wants WWIII?

lacks even the tiniest bit of evidence?

so you have completely blocked that time when trump kissed the ring of putin?
when trump was the ONLY US representative there while putin had his mates?


trump is a useful fool for russia.
and so are you.
Agent Orange's favorite son-in-law Agent Kushner has attempted to get a back door line of communication to the Kremlin so Agent Orange can blabber in secret.


Democrats have been calling him that for years.
Who is colluding with the Russians again?

"Who is colluding with the Russians again?"


and apparently traitors like you.

We will remember that YOU are a traitor and when we reestablish the USA you will be questioned thoroughly.

hope you like water.
According to Mueller, no American in the Trump campaign, including Trump himself, colluded with Russia to alter the election results.
The Kremlin has a deep throat in the USA and it is Donald Trump, AKA Agent Orange.

The First Deep Throat is so excited Putin got him the POTUS job he is blabbering all Uncle Sam's secrets to Uncle Vlad.

Agent Orange's favorite son-in-law Agent Kushner has attempted to get a back door line of communication to the Kremlin so Agent Orange can blabber in secret.

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel
By Margaret Hartmann@MargHartmann
Kushner with Flynn at the White House, shortly before he was fired for lying about meetings with Kislyak. Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Despite their insistence that there was ā€œno collusionā€ with the Kremlin, Trump associates had plenty of secretive interactions with Russians. The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has evidence that a meeting in the Seychelles days before Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration was an effort to set up a back channel between the Kremlin and the incoming administration. As you may recall, Jared Kushner previously admitted that he discussed the possibility of communicating privately with Moscow during the transition ā€” though he said his goals were innocent, and the link was never established.
The true nature and purpose of these efforts remain a mystery, but recent reports have shed more light on the push establish a link between Team Trump and the Russians in the months before the president was sworn in. Hereā€™s what we know so far.
Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak Discuss Back Channel
ā€¢ There were several calls between Sergey Kislyak, Russiaā€™s ambassador to the U.S., and Trump campaign officials Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn prior to Election Day, according to Reuters. In a statement before his closed-door appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee in July, Kushner said he had no recollection of these calls. Kushner initially failed to list dozens of contacts with foreign officials on his security-clearance form, and was recently stripped of his temporary top-secret clearance.
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn secretly met with Kislyak in Trump Tower on December 1, 2016. Last spring the Washington Post reported that Kushner proposed using Russian diplomatic facilities in the U.S. to establish a back channel for communication between the Trump transition and the Russian government. U.S. intelligence intercepted Kislyak describing the request to his superiors.
Kushner told Congress that Kislyak raised the idea, saying he wanted to convey information from his ā€œgeneralsā€ about the Syrian civil war, but needed a secure line. Kushner said he suggested going through the Russian embassy, but nothing came of it:
I believed developing a thoughtful approach on Syria was a very high priority given the ongoing humanitarian crisis, and I asked if they had an existing communications channel at his embassy we could use where they would be comfortable transmitting the information they wanted to relay to General Flynn. The Ambassador said that would not be possible and so we all agreed that we would receive this information after the Inauguration.
Get unlimited access to Intelligencer and everything else New York.
ā€¢ On December 1, Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak also talked about setting up a meeting between a Trump associate and a Russian contact, according to the Post:
In addition to their discussion about setting up the communications channel, Kushner, Flynn and Kislyak also talked about arranging a meeting between a representative of Trump and a ā€œRussian contactā€ in a third country whose name was not identified, according to the anonymous letter.
ā€¢ Flynn resigned as Trumpā€™s national-security adviser on February 13, 2017, saying he gave fellow administration officials ā€œincomplete informationā€ on his discussions with Kislyak regarding sanctions. On December 1, 2017, he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those discussions during the transition, and heā€™s now working with Mueller.
Trump welcomes Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan to the White House on May 15, 2017. Photo: Xinhua News Agency/Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images
Secret Trump Tower Meeting With Emirates Leader
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn, along with Steve Bannon, had another secret Trump Tower meeting with the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates on December 15, 2016. In a breach of protocol, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan did not notify the Obama administration about the meeting, and U.S. officials only learned about the visit when his name was spotted on a flight manifest.
ā€¢ This week we learned that George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who advises Zayed and has ties to various Trump aides, was present at the Trump Tower meeting. He is reportedly cooperating with Mueller and testified before a grand jury last week.
ā€¢ Both Trump and the UAE were interested in finding a way to drive a wedge between Russia and Iran. In April 2017, the Post reported that Zayed and his brother sought to help establish a back channel between Trump and Putin, and were approached by Trump associate Erik Prince:
Following the New York meeting between the Emiratis and Trump aides, Zayed was approached by Prince, who said he was authorized to act as an unofficial surrogate for the president-elect, according to the officials. He wanted Zayed to set up a meeting with a Putin associate. Zayed agreed and proposed the Seychelles as the meeting place because of the privacy it would afford both sides. ā€œHe wanted to be helpful,ā€ one official said of Zayed.
Erik Prince, who doesnā€™t need much of a reason to hop on a plane to the Seychelles. Photo: Chuck Kennedy/TNS via Getty Images
The Seychelles Meeting
ā€¢ Erik Prince, founder of the security firm Blackwater and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, had no official role in the Trump transition, but he reportedly served as an informal adviser, ā€œproviding advice to Trumpā€™s inner circle, including his top national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn,ā€ according to Bloomberg. He told Congress that he visited Trump Tower twice during the transition.
ā€¢ On January 11, 2017, nine days before Trumpā€™s inauguration, Prince met with Kirill Dmitriev, who runs a Kremlin-controlled wealth fund, in the Seychelles. Nader, who has known Prince for years, was reportedly at the meeting as well.
ā€¢ While Mueller is said to have evidence that the purpose of the meeting was to establish a back channel between the Trump team and Russia, Prince denied that in his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in November.
ā€¢ Prince claimed he flew to the Seychelles because he received a one-line invitation from Zayedā€™s scheduler, which said, ā€œHis Highness would like to see you if you can come out to the Seychelles.ā€ Prince said he believed this meant they had a business proposal, but nothing specific came up during his hour-long meeting with Zayed and his associates.
Prince testified that toward the end of the meeting, the Emiratis suggested that he meet with Dmitriev, who happened to be at the hotel.
ā€œAt the end, one of the entourage says, ā€˜Hey, by the way, thereā€™s this Russian guy that weā€™ve dealt with in the past. Heā€™s here also to see someone from the Emirati delegation. And you should meet him, heā€™d be an interesting guy for you to know, since youā€™re doing a lot in the oil and gas and mineral space,ā€™ā€ Prince testified.
ā€¢ Prince said he chatted with Dmitriev for about 30 minutes, discussing business and Russiaā€™s hopes for reestablishing normal trade relations with the U.S. ā€œI remember telling him that if Franklin Roosevelt could work with Joseph Stalin to defeat Nazi fascism, then certainly Donald Trump could work with Vladimir Putin to defeat Islamic fascism,ā€ Prince said.
Unanswered Questions
ā€¢ Did Prince lie about the Seychelles meeting while testifying before Congress?
ā€œDuring his Russia investigation interview, Mr. Prince was asked directly by me and Mr. Schiff who he met with while he was in the Seychelles,ā€ Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell told CNN. ā€œHe never gave the name George Nader. If he met with George Nader, he lied under oath.ā€
Republicans dismissed their Democratic colleaguesā€™ concerns, and are unlikely to pursue the matter.
ā€¢ If Kushner was seeking a back channel to Moscow, was the Seychelles meeting the result of that effort, or part of a separate push to forge a link to the Kremlin?
ā€¢ Why would Trump associates continue pursuing a back channel nine days before the inauguration? If their aim was to pressure Russia into distancing itself from Iran, likely in return for sanctions relief, they could have waited until after January 20 and used official channels.
ā€¢ Muellerā€™s team is also said to be looking into whether foreign money was funneled into Trumpā€™s political efforts in an attempt to buy influence. Was the secrecy surrounding various contacts with Russia part of a stunningly inept attempt to keep their discussions from the outgoing Obama administration, or the result of something far more nefarious?

The continuing leftist narrative that Donnie is a Russian agent lacks even the tiniest bit of evidence. If they would only look at the Donā€™s actions toward Russia, they would see the harm his is doing.

Could it be the Left wants WWIII?

lacks even the tiniest bit of evidence?

so you have completely blocked that time when trump kissed the ring of putin?
when trump was the ONLY US representative there while putin had his mates?


trump is a useful fool for russia.
and so are you.
Oh brother are you deluded.

Dumb Donnie and his crazed neocon minions have pushed Russia even further toward a military confrontation. Do you have any clue of the multiple provocations Dumb Donnie has taken toward Russia?

Wake the fuck up!

Do YOU want WWIII?
Every world leader has a back channel to every other world leader.

Democrats are so disgusting.
No they arenā€™t. They are merely inflamed by the media they consume and not smart enough to think for themselves.

It happens with Republicans too.
The Kremlin has a deep throat in the USA and it is Donald Trump, AKA Agent Orange.

The First Deep Throat is so excited Putin got him the POTUS job he is blabbering all Uncle Sam's secrets to Uncle Vlad.

Agent Orange's favorite son-in-law Agent Kushner has attempted to get a back door line of communication to the Kremlin so Agent Orange can blabber in secret.

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel
By Margaret Hartmann@MargHartmann
Kushner with Flynn at the White House, shortly before he was fired for lying about meetings with Kislyak. Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Despite their insistence that there was ā€œno collusionā€ with the Kremlin, Trump associates had plenty of secretive interactions with Russians. The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has evidence that a meeting in the Seychelles days before Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration was an effort to set up a back channel between the Kremlin and the incoming administration. As you may recall, Jared Kushner previously admitted that he discussed the possibility of communicating privately with Moscow during the transition ā€” though he said his goals were innocent, and the link was never established.
The true nature and purpose of these efforts remain a mystery, but recent reports have shed more light on the push establish a link between Team Trump and the Russians in the months before the president was sworn in. Hereā€™s what we know so far.
Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak Discuss Back Channel
ā€¢ There were several calls between Sergey Kislyak, Russiaā€™s ambassador to the U.S., and Trump campaign officials Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn prior to Election Day, according to Reuters. In a statement before his closed-door appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee in July, Kushner said he had no recollection of these calls. Kushner initially failed to list dozens of contacts with foreign officials on his security-clearance form, and was recently stripped of his temporary top-secret clearance.
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn secretly met with Kislyak in Trump Tower on December 1, 2016. Last spring the Washington Post reported that Kushner proposed using Russian diplomatic facilities in the U.S. to establish a back channel for communication between the Trump transition and the Russian government. U.S. intelligence intercepted Kislyak describing the request to his superiors.
Kushner told Congress that Kislyak raised the idea, saying he wanted to convey information from his ā€œgeneralsā€ about the Syrian civil war, but needed a secure line. Kushner said he suggested going through the Russian embassy, but nothing came of it:
I believed developing a thoughtful approach on Syria was a very high priority given the ongoing humanitarian crisis, and I asked if they had an existing communications channel at his embassy we could use where they would be comfortable transmitting the information they wanted to relay to General Flynn. The Ambassador said that would not be possible and so we all agreed that we would receive this information after the Inauguration.
Get unlimited access to Intelligencer and everything else New York.
ā€¢ On December 1, Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak also talked about setting up a meeting between a Trump associate and a Russian contact, according to the Post:
In addition to their discussion about setting up the communications channel, Kushner, Flynn and Kislyak also talked about arranging a meeting between a representative of Trump and a ā€œRussian contactā€ in a third country whose name was not identified, according to the anonymous letter.
ā€¢ Flynn resigned as Trumpā€™s national-security adviser on February 13, 2017, saying he gave fellow administration officials ā€œincomplete informationā€ on his discussions with Kislyak regarding sanctions. On December 1, 2017, he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those discussions during the transition, and heā€™s now working with Mueller.
Trump welcomes Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan to the White House on May 15, 2017. Photo: Xinhua News Agency/Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images
Secret Trump Tower Meeting With Emirates Leader
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn, along with Steve Bannon, had another secret Trump Tower meeting with the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates on December 15, 2016. In a breach of protocol, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan did not notify the Obama administration about the meeting, and U.S. officials only learned about the visit when his name was spotted on a flight manifest.
ā€¢ This week we learned that George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who advises Zayed and has ties to various Trump aides, was present at the Trump Tower meeting. He is reportedly cooperating with Mueller and testified before a grand jury last week.
ā€¢ Both Trump and the UAE were interested in finding a way to drive a wedge between Russia and Iran. In April 2017, the Post reported that Zayed and his brother sought to help establish a back channel between Trump and Putin, and were approached by Trump associate Erik Prince:
Following the New York meeting between the Emiratis and Trump aides, Zayed was approached by Prince, who said he was authorized to act as an unofficial surrogate for the president-elect, according to the officials. He wanted Zayed to set up a meeting with a Putin associate. Zayed agreed and proposed the Seychelles as the meeting place because of the privacy it would afford both sides. ā€œHe wanted to be helpful,ā€ one official said of Zayed.
Erik Prince, who doesnā€™t need much of a reason to hop on a plane to the Seychelles. Photo: Chuck Kennedy/TNS via Getty Images
The Seychelles Meeting
ā€¢ Erik Prince, founder of the security firm Blackwater and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, had no official role in the Trump transition, but he reportedly served as an informal adviser, ā€œproviding advice to Trumpā€™s inner circle, including his top national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn,ā€ according to Bloomberg. He told Congress that he visited Trump Tower twice during the transition.
ā€¢ On January 11, 2017, nine days before Trumpā€™s inauguration, Prince met with Kirill Dmitriev, who runs a Kremlin-controlled wealth fund, in the Seychelles. Nader, who has known Prince for years, was reportedly at the meeting as well.
ā€¢ While Mueller is said to have evidence that the purpose of the meeting was to establish a back channel between the Trump team and Russia, Prince denied that in his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in November.
ā€¢ Prince claimed he flew to the Seychelles because he received a one-line invitation from Zayedā€™s scheduler, which said, ā€œHis Highness would like to see you if you can come out to the Seychelles.ā€ Prince said he believed this meant they had a business proposal, but nothing specific came up during his hour-long meeting with Zayed and his associates.
Prince testified that toward the end of the meeting, the Emiratis suggested that he meet with Dmitriev, who happened to be at the hotel.
ā€œAt the end, one of the entourage says, ā€˜Hey, by the way, thereā€™s this Russian guy that weā€™ve dealt with in the past. Heā€™s here also to see someone from the Emirati delegation. And you should meet him, heā€™d be an interesting guy for you to know, since youā€™re doing a lot in the oil and gas and mineral space,ā€™ā€ Prince testified.
ā€¢ Prince said he chatted with Dmitriev for about 30 minutes, discussing business and Russiaā€™s hopes for reestablishing normal trade relations with the U.S. ā€œI remember telling him that if Franklin Roosevelt could work with Joseph Stalin to defeat Nazi fascism, then certainly Donald Trump could work with Vladimir Putin to defeat Islamic fascism,ā€ Prince said.
Unanswered Questions
ā€¢ Did Prince lie about the Seychelles meeting while testifying before Congress?
ā€œDuring his Russia investigation interview, Mr. Prince was asked directly by me and Mr. Schiff who he met with while he was in the Seychelles,ā€ Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell told CNN. ā€œHe never gave the name George Nader. If he met with George Nader, he lied under oath.ā€
Republicans dismissed their Democratic colleaguesā€™ concerns, and are unlikely to pursue the matter.
ā€¢ If Kushner was seeking a back channel to Moscow, was the Seychelles meeting the result of that effort, or part of a separate push to forge a link to the Kremlin?
ā€¢ Why would Trump associates continue pursuing a back channel nine days before the inauguration? If their aim was to pressure Russia into distancing itself from Iran, likely in return for sanctions relief, they could have waited until after January 20 and used official channels.
ā€¢ Muellerā€™s team is also said to be looking into whether foreign money was funneled into Trumpā€™s political efforts in an attempt to buy influence. Was the secrecy surrounding various contacts with Russia part of a stunningly inept attempt to keep their discussions from the outgoing Obama administration, or the result of something far more nefarious?
Your fake news link is from March, 2018. I've reported it as spam and to have it removed. Stop posting irrelevant material that you never respond too.
This crap is so disingenuous. We have absolute proof hillary colluded with a foreign spy to affect the election. Yet, where is the outrage?

Take your evidence to Trump's stooge Billy Barr.
The Kremlin has a deep throat in the USA and it is Donald Trump, AKA Agent Orange.

The First Deep Throat is so excited Putin got him the POTUS job he is blabbering all Uncle Sam's secrets to Uncle Vlad.

Agent Orange's favorite son-in-law Agent Kushner has attempted to get a back door line of communication to the Kremlin so Agent Orange can blabber in secret.

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel
By Margaret Hartmann@MargHartmann
Kushner with Flynn at the White House, shortly before he was fired for lying about meetings with Kislyak. Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Despite their insistence that there was ā€œno collusionā€ with the Kremlin, Trump associates had plenty of secretive interactions with Russians. The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has evidence that a meeting in the Seychelles days before Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration was an effort to set up a back channel between the Kremlin and the incoming administration. As you may recall, Jared Kushner previously admitted that he discussed the possibility of communicating privately with Moscow during the transition ā€” though he said his goals were innocent, and the link was never established.
The true nature and purpose of these efforts remain a mystery, but recent reports have shed more light on the push establish a link between Team Trump and the Russians in the months before the president was sworn in. Hereā€™s what we know so far.
Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak Discuss Back Channel
ā€¢ There were several calls between Sergey Kislyak, Russiaā€™s ambassador to the U.S., and Trump campaign officials Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn prior to Election Day, according to Reuters. In a statement before his closed-door appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee in July, Kushner said he had no recollection of these calls. Kushner initially failed to list dozens of contacts with foreign officials on his security-clearance form, and was recently stripped of his temporary top-secret clearance.
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn secretly met with Kislyak in Trump Tower on December 1, 2016. Last spring the Washington Post reported that Kushner proposed using Russian diplomatic facilities in the U.S. to establish a back channel for communication between the Trump transition and the Russian government. U.S. intelligence intercepted Kislyak describing the request to his superiors.
Kushner told Congress that Kislyak raised the idea, saying he wanted to convey information from his ā€œgeneralsā€ about the Syrian civil war, but needed a secure line. Kushner said he suggested going through the Russian embassy, but nothing came of it:
I believed developing a thoughtful approach on Syria was a very high priority given the ongoing humanitarian crisis, and I asked if they had an existing communications channel at his embassy we could use where they would be comfortable transmitting the information they wanted to relay to General Flynn. The Ambassador said that would not be possible and so we all agreed that we would receive this information after the Inauguration.
Get unlimited access to Intelligencer and everything else New York.
ā€¢ On December 1, Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak also talked about setting up a meeting between a Trump associate and a Russian contact, according to the Post:
In addition to their discussion about setting up the communications channel, Kushner, Flynn and Kislyak also talked about arranging a meeting between a representative of Trump and a ā€œRussian contactā€ in a third country whose name was not identified, according to the anonymous letter.
ā€¢ Flynn resigned as Trumpā€™s national-security adviser on February 13, 2017, saying he gave fellow administration officials ā€œincomplete informationā€ on his discussions with Kislyak regarding sanctions. On December 1, 2017, he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those discussions during the transition, and heā€™s now working with Mueller.
Trump welcomes Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan to the White House on May 15, 2017. Photo: Xinhua News Agency/Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images
Secret Trump Tower Meeting With Emirates Leader
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn, along with Steve Bannon, had another secret Trump Tower meeting with the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates on December 15, 2016. In a breach of protocol, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan did not notify the Obama administration about the meeting, and U.S. officials only learned about the visit when his name was spotted on a flight manifest.
ā€¢ This week we learned that George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who advises Zayed and has ties to various Trump aides, was present at the Trump Tower meeting. He is reportedly cooperating with Mueller and testified before a grand jury last week.
ā€¢ Both Trump and the UAE were interested in finding a way to drive a wedge between Russia and Iran. In April 2017, the Post reported that Zayed and his brother sought to help establish a back channel between Trump and Putin, and were approached by Trump associate Erik Prince:
Following the New York meeting between the Emiratis and Trump aides, Zayed was approached by Prince, who said he was authorized to act as an unofficial surrogate for the president-elect, according to the officials. He wanted Zayed to set up a meeting with a Putin associate. Zayed agreed and proposed the Seychelles as the meeting place because of the privacy it would afford both sides. ā€œHe wanted to be helpful,ā€ one official said of Zayed.
Erik Prince, who doesnā€™t need much of a reason to hop on a plane to the Seychelles. Photo: Chuck Kennedy/TNS via Getty Images
The Seychelles Meeting
ā€¢ Erik Prince, founder of the security firm Blackwater and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, had no official role in the Trump transition, but he reportedly served as an informal adviser, ā€œproviding advice to Trumpā€™s inner circle, including his top national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn,ā€ according to Bloomberg. He told Congress that he visited Trump Tower twice during the transition.
ā€¢ On January 11, 2017, nine days before Trumpā€™s inauguration, Prince met with Kirill Dmitriev, who runs a Kremlin-controlled wealth fund, in the Seychelles. Nader, who has known Prince for years, was reportedly at the meeting as well.
ā€¢ While Mueller is said to have evidence that the purpose of the meeting was to establish a back channel between the Trump team and Russia, Prince denied that in his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in November.
ā€¢ Prince claimed he flew to the Seychelles because he received a one-line invitation from Zayedā€™s scheduler, which said, ā€œHis Highness would like to see you if you can come out to the Seychelles.ā€ Prince said he believed this meant they had a business proposal, but nothing specific came up during his hour-long meeting with Zayed and his associates.
Prince testified that toward the end of the meeting, the Emiratis suggested that he meet with Dmitriev, who happened to be at the hotel.
ā€œAt the end, one of the entourage says, ā€˜Hey, by the way, thereā€™s this Russian guy that weā€™ve dealt with in the past. Heā€™s here also to see someone from the Emirati delegation. And you should meet him, heā€™d be an interesting guy for you to know, since youā€™re doing a lot in the oil and gas and mineral space,ā€™ā€ Prince testified.
ā€¢ Prince said he chatted with Dmitriev for about 30 minutes, discussing business and Russiaā€™s hopes for reestablishing normal trade relations with the U.S. ā€œI remember telling him that if Franklin Roosevelt could work with Joseph Stalin to defeat Nazi fascism, then certainly Donald Trump could work with Vladimir Putin to defeat Islamic fascism,ā€ Prince said.
Unanswered Questions
ā€¢ Did Prince lie about the Seychelles meeting while testifying before Congress?
ā€œDuring his Russia investigation interview, Mr. Prince was asked directly by me and Mr. Schiff who he met with while he was in the Seychelles,ā€ Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell told CNN. ā€œHe never gave the name George Nader. If he met with George Nader, he lied under oath.ā€
Republicans dismissed their Democratic colleaguesā€™ concerns, and are unlikely to pursue the matter.
ā€¢ If Kushner was seeking a back channel to Moscow, was the Seychelles meeting the result of that effort, or part of a separate push to forge a link to the Kremlin?
ā€¢ Why would Trump associates continue pursuing a back channel nine days before the inauguration? If their aim was to pressure Russia into distancing itself from Iran, likely in return for sanctions relief, they could have waited until after January 20 and used official channels.
ā€¢ Muellerā€™s team is also said to be looking into whether foreign money was funneled into Trumpā€™s political efforts in an attempt to buy influence. Was the secrecy surrounding various contacts with Russia part of a stunningly inept attempt to keep their discussions from the outgoing Obama administration, or the result of something far more nefarious?
The more you do this, the less you are believed. You are the reason people have purchased all of those tens of millions of weapons just in the last decade. The nation is still moving left. Perhaps not at arp speed, but fast enough. Most of those companies who used Christianity as a beacon of acceptance a half century ago now look at the same as a pariah today with any individuals who support the religion publicly ejected from the American dream. So why don't you wise up and use your brains?

My brains against your ten millions of weapons?
The Kremlin has a deep throat in the USA and it is Donald Trump, AKA Agent Orange.

The First Deep Throat is so excited Putin got him the POTUS job he is blabbering all Uncle Sam's secrets to Uncle Vlad.

Agent Orange's favorite son-in-law Agent Kushner has attempted to get a back door line of communication to the Kremlin so Agent Orange can blabber in secret.

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel
By Margaret Hartmann@MargHartmann
Kushner with Flynn at the White House, shortly before he was fired for lying about meetings with Kislyak. Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Despite their insistence that there was ā€œno collusionā€ with the Kremlin, Trump associates had plenty of secretive interactions with Russians. The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has evidence that a meeting in the Seychelles days before Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration was an effort to set up a back channel between the Kremlin and the incoming administration. As you may recall, Jared Kushner previously admitted that he discussed the possibility of communicating privately with Moscow during the transition ā€” though he said his goals were innocent, and the link was never established.
The true nature and purpose of these efforts remain a mystery, but recent reports have shed more light on the push establish a link between Team Trump and the Russians in the months before the president was sworn in. Hereā€™s what we know so far.
Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak Discuss Back Channel
ā€¢ There were several calls between Sergey Kislyak, Russiaā€™s ambassador to the U.S., and Trump campaign officials Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn prior to Election Day, according to Reuters. In a statement before his closed-door appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee in July, Kushner said he had no recollection of these calls. Kushner initially failed to list dozens of contacts with foreign officials on his security-clearance form, and was recently stripped of his temporary top-secret clearance.
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn secretly met with Kislyak in Trump Tower on December 1, 2016. Last spring the Washington Post reported that Kushner proposed using Russian diplomatic facilities in the U.S. to establish a back channel for communication between the Trump transition and the Russian government. U.S. intelligence intercepted Kislyak describing the request to his superiors.
Kushner told Congress that Kislyak raised the idea, saying he wanted to convey information from his ā€œgeneralsā€ about the Syrian civil war, but needed a secure line. Kushner said he suggested going through the Russian embassy, but nothing came of it:
I believed developing a thoughtful approach on Syria was a very high priority given the ongoing humanitarian crisis, and I asked if they had an existing communications channel at his embassy we could use where they would be comfortable transmitting the information they wanted to relay to General Flynn. The Ambassador said that would not be possible and so we all agreed that we would receive this information after the Inauguration.
Get unlimited access to Intelligencer and everything else New York.
ā€¢ On December 1, Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak also talked about setting up a meeting between a Trump associate and a Russian contact, according to the Post:
In addition to their discussion about setting up the communications channel, Kushner, Flynn and Kislyak also talked about arranging a meeting between a representative of Trump and a ā€œRussian contactā€ in a third country whose name was not identified, according to the anonymous letter.
ā€¢ Flynn resigned as Trumpā€™s national-security adviser on February 13, 2017, saying he gave fellow administration officials ā€œincomplete informationā€ on his discussions with Kislyak regarding sanctions. On December 1, 2017, he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those discussions during the transition, and heā€™s now working with Mueller.
Trump welcomes Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan to the White House on May 15, 2017. Photo: Xinhua News Agency/Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images
Secret Trump Tower Meeting With Emirates Leader
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn, along with Steve Bannon, had another secret Trump Tower meeting with the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates on December 15, 2016. In a breach of protocol, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan did not notify the Obama administration about the meeting, and U.S. officials only learned about the visit when his name was spotted on a flight manifest.
ā€¢ This week we learned that George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who advises Zayed and has ties to various Trump aides, was present at the Trump Tower meeting. He is reportedly cooperating with Mueller and testified before a grand jury last week.
ā€¢ Both Trump and the UAE were interested in finding a way to drive a wedge between Russia and Iran. In April 2017, the Post reported that Zayed and his brother sought to help establish a back channel between Trump and Putin, and were approached by Trump associate Erik Prince:
Following the New York meeting between the Emiratis and Trump aides, Zayed was approached by Prince, who said he was authorized to act as an unofficial surrogate for the president-elect, according to the officials. He wanted Zayed to set up a meeting with a Putin associate. Zayed agreed and proposed the Seychelles as the meeting place because of the privacy it would afford both sides. ā€œHe wanted to be helpful,ā€ one official said of Zayed.
Erik Prince, who doesnā€™t need much of a reason to hop on a plane to the Seychelles. Photo: Chuck Kennedy/TNS via Getty Images
The Seychelles Meeting
ā€¢ Erik Prince, founder of the security firm Blackwater and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, had no official role in the Trump transition, but he reportedly served as an informal adviser, ā€œproviding advice to Trumpā€™s inner circle, including his top national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn,ā€ according to Bloomberg. He told Congress that he visited Trump Tower twice during the transition.
ā€¢ On January 11, 2017, nine days before Trumpā€™s inauguration, Prince met with Kirill Dmitriev, who runs a Kremlin-controlled wealth fund, in the Seychelles. Nader, who has known Prince for years, was reportedly at the meeting as well.
ā€¢ While Mueller is said to have evidence that the purpose of the meeting was to establish a back channel between the Trump team and Russia, Prince denied that in his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in November.
ā€¢ Prince claimed he flew to the Seychelles because he received a one-line invitation from Zayedā€™s scheduler, which said, ā€œHis Highness would like to see you if you can come out to the Seychelles.ā€ Prince said he believed this meant they had a business proposal, but nothing specific came up during his hour-long meeting with Zayed and his associates.
Prince testified that toward the end of the meeting, the Emiratis suggested that he meet with Dmitriev, who happened to be at the hotel.
ā€œAt the end, one of the entourage says, ā€˜Hey, by the way, thereā€™s this Russian guy that weā€™ve dealt with in the past. Heā€™s here also to see someone from the Emirati delegation. And you should meet him, heā€™d be an interesting guy for you to know, since youā€™re doing a lot in the oil and gas and mineral space,ā€™ā€ Prince testified.
ā€¢ Prince said he chatted with Dmitriev for about 30 minutes, discussing business and Russiaā€™s hopes for reestablishing normal trade relations with the U.S. ā€œI remember telling him that if Franklin Roosevelt could work with Joseph Stalin to defeat Nazi fascism, then certainly Donald Trump could work with Vladimir Putin to defeat Islamic fascism,ā€ Prince said.
Unanswered Questions
ā€¢ Did Prince lie about the Seychelles meeting while testifying before Congress?
ā€œDuring his Russia investigation interview, Mr. Prince was asked directly by me and Mr. Schiff who he met with while he was in the Seychelles,ā€ Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell told CNN. ā€œHe never gave the name George Nader. If he met with George Nader, he lied under oath.ā€
Republicans dismissed their Democratic colleaguesā€™ concerns, and are unlikely to pursue the matter.
ā€¢ If Kushner was seeking a back channel to Moscow, was the Seychelles meeting the result of that effort, or part of a separate push to forge a link to the Kremlin?
ā€¢ Why would Trump associates continue pursuing a back channel nine days before the inauguration? If their aim was to pressure Russia into distancing itself from Iran, likely in return for sanctions relief, they could have waited until after January 20 and used official channels.
ā€¢ Muellerā€™s team is also said to be looking into whether foreign money was funneled into Trumpā€™s political efforts in an attempt to buy influence. Was the secrecy surrounding various contacts with Russia part of a stunningly inept attempt to keep their discussions from the outgoing Obama administration, or the result of something far more nefarious?

The continuing leftist narrative that Donnie is a Russian agent lacks even the tiniest bit of evidence. If they would only look at the Donā€™s actions toward Russia, they would see the harm his is doing.

Could it be the Left wants WWIII?

Please consider:

The Kremlin has a deep throat in the USA and it is Donald Trump, AKA Agent Orange.

The First Deep Throat is so excited Putin got him the POTUS job he is blabbering all Uncle Sam's secrets to Uncle Vlad.

Agent Orange's favorite son-in-law Agent Kushner has attempted to get a back door line of communication to the Kremlin so Agent Orange can blabber in secret.

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel

What We Know About Efforts to Set Up a Trump-Russia Back Channel
By Margaret Hartmann@MargHartmann
Kushner with Flynn at the White House, shortly before he was fired for lying about meetings with Kislyak. Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Despite their insistence that there was ā€œno collusionā€ with the Kremlin, Trump associates had plenty of secretive interactions with Russians. The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has evidence that a meeting in the Seychelles days before Donald Trumpā€™s inauguration was an effort to set up a back channel between the Kremlin and the incoming administration. As you may recall, Jared Kushner previously admitted that he discussed the possibility of communicating privately with Moscow during the transition ā€” though he said his goals were innocent, and the link was never established.
The true nature and purpose of these efforts remain a mystery, but recent reports have shed more light on the push establish a link between Team Trump and the Russians in the months before the president was sworn in. Hereā€™s what we know so far.
Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak Discuss Back Channel
ā€¢ There were several calls between Sergey Kislyak, Russiaā€™s ambassador to the U.S., and Trump campaign officials Jared Kushner and Michael Flynn prior to Election Day, according to Reuters. In a statement before his closed-door appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee in July, Kushner said he had no recollection of these calls. Kushner initially failed to list dozens of contacts with foreign officials on his security-clearance form, and was recently stripped of his temporary top-secret clearance.
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn secretly met with Kislyak in Trump Tower on December 1, 2016. Last spring the Washington Post reported that Kushner proposed using Russian diplomatic facilities in the U.S. to establish a back channel for communication between the Trump transition and the Russian government. U.S. intelligence intercepted Kislyak describing the request to his superiors.
Kushner told Congress that Kislyak raised the idea, saying he wanted to convey information from his ā€œgeneralsā€ about the Syrian civil war, but needed a secure line. Kushner said he suggested going through the Russian embassy, but nothing came of it:
I believed developing a thoughtful approach on Syria was a very high priority given the ongoing humanitarian crisis, and I asked if they had an existing communications channel at his embassy we could use where they would be comfortable transmitting the information they wanted to relay to General Flynn. The Ambassador said that would not be possible and so we all agreed that we would receive this information after the Inauguration.
Get unlimited access to Intelligencer and everything else New York.
ā€¢ On December 1, Kushner, Flynn, and Kislyak also talked about setting up a meeting between a Trump associate and a Russian contact, according to the Post:
In addition to their discussion about setting up the communications channel, Kushner, Flynn and Kislyak also talked about arranging a meeting between a representative of Trump and a ā€œRussian contactā€ in a third country whose name was not identified, according to the anonymous letter.
ā€¢ Flynn resigned as Trumpā€™s national-security adviser on February 13, 2017, saying he gave fellow administration officials ā€œincomplete informationā€ on his discussions with Kislyak regarding sanctions. On December 1, 2017, he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those discussions during the transition, and heā€™s now working with Mueller.
Trump welcomes Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan to the White House on May 15, 2017. Photo: Xinhua News Agency/Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images
Secret Trump Tower Meeting With Emirates Leader
ā€¢ Kushner and Flynn, along with Steve Bannon, had another secret Trump Tower meeting with the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates on December 15, 2016. In a breach of protocol, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan did not notify the Obama administration about the meeting, and U.S. officials only learned about the visit when his name was spotted on a flight manifest.
ā€¢ This week we learned that George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who advises Zayed and has ties to various Trump aides, was present at the Trump Tower meeting. He is reportedly cooperating with Mueller and testified before a grand jury last week.
ā€¢ Both Trump and the UAE were interested in finding a way to drive a wedge between Russia and Iran. In April 2017, the Post reported that Zayed and his brother sought to help establish a back channel between Trump and Putin, and were approached by Trump associate Erik Prince:
Following the New York meeting between the Emiratis and Trump aides, Zayed was approached by Prince, who said he was authorized to act as an unofficial surrogate for the president-elect, according to the officials. He wanted Zayed to set up a meeting with a Putin associate. Zayed agreed and proposed the Seychelles as the meeting place because of the privacy it would afford both sides. ā€œHe wanted to be helpful,ā€ one official said of Zayed.
Erik Prince, who doesnā€™t need much of a reason to hop on a plane to the Seychelles. Photo: Chuck Kennedy/TNS via Getty Images
The Seychelles Meeting
ā€¢ Erik Prince, founder of the security firm Blackwater and brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, had no official role in the Trump transition, but he reportedly served as an informal adviser, ā€œproviding advice to Trumpā€™s inner circle, including his top national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn,ā€ according to Bloomberg. He told Congress that he visited Trump Tower twice during the transition.
ā€¢ On January 11, 2017, nine days before Trumpā€™s inauguration, Prince met with Kirill Dmitriev, who runs a Kremlin-controlled wealth fund, in the Seychelles. Nader, who has known Prince for years, was reportedly at the meeting as well.
ā€¢ While Mueller is said to have evidence that the purpose of the meeting was to establish a back channel between the Trump team and Russia, Prince denied that in his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in November.
ā€¢ Prince claimed he flew to the Seychelles because he received a one-line invitation from Zayedā€™s scheduler, which said, ā€œHis Highness would like to see you if you can come out to the Seychelles.ā€ Prince said he believed this meant they had a business proposal, but nothing specific came up during his hour-long meeting with Zayed and his associates.
Prince testified that toward the end of the meeting, the Emiratis suggested that he meet with Dmitriev, who happened to be at the hotel.
ā€œAt the end, one of the entourage says, ā€˜Hey, by the way, thereā€™s this Russian guy that weā€™ve dealt with in the past. Heā€™s here also to see someone from the Emirati delegation. And you should meet him, heā€™d be an interesting guy for you to know, since youā€™re doing a lot in the oil and gas and mineral space,ā€™ā€ Prince testified.
ā€¢ Prince said he chatted with Dmitriev for about 30 minutes, discussing business and Russiaā€™s hopes for reestablishing normal trade relations with the U.S. ā€œI remember telling him that if Franklin Roosevelt could work with Joseph Stalin to defeat Nazi fascism, then certainly Donald Trump could work with Vladimir Putin to defeat Islamic fascism,ā€ Prince said.
Unanswered Questions
ā€¢ Did Prince lie about the Seychelles meeting while testifying before Congress?
ā€œDuring his Russia investigation interview, Mr. Prince was asked directly by me and Mr. Schiff who he met with while he was in the Seychelles,ā€ Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell told CNN. ā€œHe never gave the name George Nader. If he met with George Nader, he lied under oath.ā€
Republicans dismissed their Democratic colleaguesā€™ concerns, and are unlikely to pursue the matter.
ā€¢ If Kushner was seeking a back channel to Moscow, was the Seychelles meeting the result of that effort, or part of a separate push to forge a link to the Kremlin?
ā€¢ Why would Trump associates continue pursuing a back channel nine days before the inauguration? If their aim was to pressure Russia into distancing itself from Iran, likely in return for sanctions relief, they could have waited until after January 20 and used official channels.
ā€¢ Muellerā€™s team is also said to be looking into whether foreign money was funneled into Trumpā€™s political efforts in an attempt to buy influence. Was the secrecy surrounding various contacts with Russia part of a stunningly inept attempt to keep their discussions from the outgoing Obama administration, or the result of something far more nefarious?
And those like you are known as agent brown to Americans, staining sidewalks where ever you are laid to rest.

You are a lip-service patriot. Your most powerful weapon is blather.
This crap is so disingenuous. We have absolute proof hillary colluded with a foreign spy to affect the election. Yet, where is the outrage?

Take your evidence to Trump's stooge Billy Barr.
If that were true, Ears, Hill, and their coconspirators would be under indictment for their coup attempt...and what of Epstein and the many elites he was tied too?

Barr is protecting them all. He is likely another deep state establishment actor.

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