Kroger to Strip Benefits of the Unvaccinated

BS. Was a flagrant violation and abuse of the FISA courts. Logan act. No one was ever convicted of it. Was complete BS. Admiral Rogers ended it......Should have been people in prison for what they did there.

But when you own the DOJ and courts ........justice isn't served.
youre exaggerating it.
There are fisa issues, but they dont rise to that level.
Since the senate intelligence report found extensive russian influence, the entire effort was justified.
Conmecron is the cold no one knows they have. You know, I bet with lots of testing we probably have all sorts of nasty contaigents we don’t feel the effect of and can transmit to the next person who doesn’t feel it either but is Positive. This has been a bad road to go down
Why should Kroger have to cover idiots making bad decisions?
Why the selective outrage? Why isn’t Kroger punishing fat people or smokers or those who dont eat healthy or exercise. I’m far more likely to be a health insurance liability due to them than I am from not being vaccinated against COVID especially if I’m fit eat healthy, exercise and don’t smoke.

Doesnt make sense unless you’re punishing them because they just won’t do as they are told. And don’t say it’s about the safety of their customers. If that were the case they would fore them
We have Kroger in my area. I will let them know why I am boycotting them
The workers are always going on strike. They tried to have me arrested for trespassing on the property of the store. Not even so much as shoplifting a dime's worth of merchandise or holding anyone up for money with my gun rights. I don't give a f**k if SEIU workers are vaxxed or not. Slash their medical marijuana bennies and lay them off until they can get someone in there for customer service.
Doesnt make sense unless you’re punishing them because they just won’t do as they are told. And don’t say it’s about the safety of their customers. If that were the case they would fore them
I would sue Kroger for attempting to capitalize on a pandemic that's based on the results of a fraudulent test, and the organizations and individuals who thought that such a test would work just swell.
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We have Kroger in my area. I will let them know why I am boycotting them

Sounds good to me.

Let the rubes boycott them
We have Kroger in my area. I will let them know why I am boycotting them

Once Wall Street finds out Death Angel is boycotting Kroger, their stock will plummet.
I am going to start shopping Kroger because they mandate the vaccine.
Problem is, Death Angel is much fatter than me so my purchases will not make up for the purchases they lose from Death Angel
the dossier was only used to extended the investigation into Carter Page. After that, it was never used. Mueller didnt use the dossier. The dossier is just your paranoid fantasy.
leftist leaders used the fake Russian dossier for 4 yrs claiming Trump was compromised ! lol ! do actually believe people have forgotten !
Why should Kroger have to cover idiots making bad decisions?

One day we will find out why the government pushed this vaccine.
Word up, kiddos: Covid isn't airborne Ebola or the Bubonic plague. Take your pills and potions, cross your heart and do a "Hail Mary", the current vaccines are like that. Don't mandate we cross ourselves or consume the eye of newt, wing of bat from a cauldron. Because if it actually works, that's just coincidence. The current vaccine efficacy and the mandate is like that.
Time to stop pretending that COVID is something you gonna get control of and realize it is just something in life to adapt to....

The more meds improve and the less people get severely sick from COVID, the better...but COVID is just the latest flu....get over it

Therefore, Kroger nor any other company should take away company benefits from unvaxxed people...
youre exaggerating it.
There are fisa issues, but they dont rise to that level.
Since the senate intelligence report found extensive russian influence, the entire effort was justified.
Baloney. Anyone with a clue could have "revealed" that Russia and the US (and any geopolitically important country) have been trying to influence each other's elections and politics since the Cold War. This fake pearl clutching by anyone in our government over these "revelations" is ridiculous. All the civilians shocked by this are just painfully unaware and naive, or just presenting typical fake liberal outrage.
Baloney. Anyone with a clue could have "revealed" that Russia and the US (and any geopolitically important country) have been trying to influence each other's elections and politics since the Cold War. This fake pearl clutching by anyone in our government over these "revelations" is ridiculous. All the civilians shocked by this are just painfully unaware and naive, or just presenting typical fake liberal outrage.
yes, to clarify; he USA has influenced many elections in other countries, and stuck our noses in other countries business for so long. but finally in 2016 we got it shoved back into our faces.
leftist leaders used the fake Russian dossier for 4 yrs claiming Trump was compromised ! lol ! do actually believe people have forgotten !
random people vs official government investigations. there is a difference.
Kroger should be boycotted for opening its stupid, fascist mouth. Kroger especially does not know if vaccines are causing mutations, nor which mutations those may be.
All this hand wringing and righteous indignation all because they will not give paid emergency leave due to COIVD for the unvacced!

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