Krugman opinion: "Yes, he could"

Got it, you can't use critical thinking abilities. You must be a conservative

That's not critical thinking, dumbass.

You should be able to provide backup for your claim Nobody has to reason their way to the powers granted under the constitution. Madison states quite clearly that they are defined.

Got it, you are willfully ignorant.

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798 - Forbes

Madison? Please tell me you aren't talking the ADVERTISEMENT (PROPAGANDA) the US Founders used to sell the US Constitution and to stop it?

You got what ? A small brain ?

First, that isn't critical thinking.

You simply state your case.

Second, your article is a fail.

The author's claim the Adams knew what the founders wanted is refuted by the fact that his efforts to essentially return a monarchy got his ass tossed in 1800 along with just about everyone who supported him. It was the end of his party.

Next, the congress does have power to regulate international trade. That is within their scope of activity and if they want to mandate insurance or mustaches....that is their business. The authors efforts to translate the to the average citizen is a fail. You never heard anyone try this approach because they know they'd been laughed out of town.

Critical thinking: Try doing it instead of just saying it.

You should judge leaders by their achievements, not their press, and in terms of policy substance Mr. Obama is having a seriously good year. In fact, there’s a very good chance that 2014 will go down in the record books as one of those years when America took a major turn in the right direction.

First, health reform is now a reality — and despite a shambolic start, it’s looking like a big success story. Remember how nobody was going to sign up? First-year enrollments came in above projections. Remember how people who signed up weren’t actually going to pay their premiums? The vast majority have.

We don’t yet have a full picture of the impact of reform on the previously uninsured, but all the information we do have indicates major progress. Surveys, like the monthly survey by Gallup, show a sharp drop in the percentage of Americans reporting themselves as uninsured. States that expanded Medicaid and actively promoted the new exchanges have done especially well — for example, a new survey of Minnesota shows a 40 percent drop in the number of uninsured residents....

....Then there’s climate policy. The Obama administration’s new rules on power plants won’t be enough in themselves to save the planet, but they’re a real start — and are by far the most important environmental initiative since the Clean Air Act. I’d add that this is an issue on which Mr. Obama is showing some real passion.

Oh, and financial reform, although it’s much weaker than it should have been, is real — just ask all those Wall Street types who, enraged by the new limits on their wheeling and dealing, have turned their backs on the Democrats.

Put it all together, and Mr. Obama is looking like a very consequential president indeed. There were huge missed opportunities early in his administration — inadequate stimulus, the failure to offer significant relief to distressed homeowners. Also, he wasted years in pursuit of a Grand Bargain on the budget that, aside from turning out to be impossible, would have moved America in the wrong direction. But in his second term he is making good on the promise of real change for the better. So why all the bad press?

Part of the answer may be Mr. Obama’s relatively low approval rating. But this mainly reflects political polarization — strong approval from Democrats but universal opposition from Republicans — which is more a sign of the times than a problem with the president. Anyway, you’re supposed to judge presidents by what they do, not by fickle public opinion...



I suspect that history is going to smile upon this president, when all is said and done.

Now, feel free to discuss. I suspect that some of you will probably scream. Carry on.


Unemployment rate in Ohio dropped to 5.5%. The economy is starting to boom. The US is at the very beginning of an extremely long economic growth cycle. As our younger generations start having their own families, something they have delayed for a while, we are going to see a massive boom in the economy. This is very bad news for conservatives.

GDP last quarter was negative. There are more people on disability than are working. That is not a booming economy to anyone but a Democrat.
Of course anything complimentary to Obama was written by a "Hack". How disrespectful of people who have actually accomplished something in their lives.

What have you done, Meathead? I mean besides getting on here and running your mouth with wingnutty talking points?
Are you saying Krugman is not a hack?! Seriously?

Whatever I've done, I've little doubt that it trumps you or the OP. Post-graduate degree, good job and raising a very good kid, all without affirmative action or entitlements.

Things I'm sure you could not even dream of.

Who knew that meathead had won the Nobel prize for Economics! :cuckoo:


Paul Krugman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



I suspect that history is going to smile upon this president, when all is said and done.

Now, feel free to discuss. I suspect that some of you will probably scream. Carry on.


Unemployment rate in Ohio dropped to 5.5%. The economy is starting to boom. The US is at the very beginning of an extremely long economic growth cycle. As our younger generations start having their own families, something they have delayed for a while, we are going to see a massive boom in the economy. This is very bad news for conservatives.

The unemployment number doesn't mean much when the new jobs are lower paying,and part time. Massive growth in the economy would be a good thing, but Obama is keeping that from happening, because he wont expand our energy production, and he's stifling manufacturing in this country, driving it overseas with stupid new regulations, raising the cost of electricity, healthcare, fuel etc.. He's also keeping companies from bringing that money back the U.S. by taxing it hard when they do:cuckoo:

Of course it doesn't.

Nothing means anything to you guys.

So Obama's been stifling energy "production" eh?

That flies in the face of Oil industry production rates in this country. They have been extracting and producing a crap load of oil. We are at historical highs in this country. And Oil companies are making historic profit.

Manufacturing is also doing well. So well it's coming back to our shores.

NUMBERS back up what I am posting. And taxes have NOT gone up significantly. If anything they are still pretty low.

But hey...the Energy Sector and the Financial Sector was extremely profitable over the last 5 years or so.

They sharing that?

Well, Paul Krugman, like any other citizen, has the right to voice his opinion, and I agree with a good deal of it.

That's the way it works in a free society: people get to express their opinions. I shared his.

Obamacare is here to stay. Thanks to President Obama and his dogged refusal to budge.
Obama is the first president to take climate change seriously.

In 40 years or less, historians will be measuring Obama as a center to slightly-left-of-center president who actually got a lot done during turbulent times, and who showed the grace and poise of Abraham Lincoln in the face of truly ugly adversity.

I say: let the Right wail and scream all it wants. That is ALSO part of a free society and I welcome it. Go for it.

Carry on.


I take climate change seriously since we have had cycles of heating and cooling for our recorded history.

This is rather interesting.

Goddard shows how, in recent years, NOAA’s US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been “adjusting” its record by replacing real temperatures with data “fabricated” by computer models. The effect of this has been to downgrade earlier temperatures and to exaggerate those from recent decades, to give the impression that the Earth has been warming up much more than is justified by the actual data. In several posts headed “Data tampering at USHCN/GISS”, Goddard compares the currently published temperature graphs with those based only on temperatures measured at the time. These show that the US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record; whereas the latest graph, nearly half of it based on “fabricated” data, shows it to have been warming at a rate equivalent to more than 3 degrees centigrade per century.

The scandal of fiddled global warming data - Telegraph
Well, Paul Krugman, like any other citizen, has the right to voice his opinion, and I agree with a good deal of it.

That's the way it works in a free society: people get to express their opinions. I shared his.

Obamacare is here to stay. Thanks to President Obama and his dogged refusal to budge.
Obama is the first president to take climate change seriously.

In 40 years or less, historians will be measuring Obama as a center to slightly-left-of-center president who actually got a lot done during turbulent times, and who showed the grace and poise of Abraham Lincoln in the face of truly ugly adversity.

I say: let the Right wail and scream all it wants. That is ALSO part of a free society and I welcome it. Go for it.

Carry on.


I take climate change seriously since we have had cycles of heating and cooling for our recorded history.

This is rather interesting.

Goddard shows how, in recent years, NOAA’s US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been “adjusting” its record by replacing real temperatures with data “fabricated” by computer models. The effect of this has been to downgrade earlier temperatures and to exaggerate those from recent decades, to give the impression that the Earth has been warming up much more than is justified by the actual data. In several posts headed “Data tampering at USHCN/GISS”, Goddard compares the currently published temperature graphs with those based only on temperatures measured at the time. These show that the US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record; whereas the latest graph, nearly half of it based on “fabricated” data, shows it to have been warming at a rate equivalent to more than 3 degrees centigrade per century.

The scandal of fiddled global warming data - Telegraph

I will look into it. No one wants fibbed data.
Unemployment rate in Ohio dropped to 5.5%. The economy is starting to boom. The US is at the very beginning of an extremely long economic growth cycle. As our younger generations start having their own families, something they have delayed for a while, we are going to see a massive boom in the economy. This is very bad news for conservatives.

The unemployment number doesn't mean much when the new jobs are lower paying,and part time. Massive growth in the economy would be a good thing, but Obama is keeping that from happening, because he wont expand our energy production, and he's stifling manufacturing in this country, driving it overseas with stupid new regulations, raising the cost of electricity, healthcare, fuel etc.. He's also keeping companies from bringing that money back the U.S. by taxing it hard when they do:cuckoo:

Of course it doesn't.

Nothing means anything to you guys.

So Obama's been stifling energy "production" eh?

That flies in the face of Oil industry production rates in this country. They have been extracting and producing a crap load of oil. We are at historical highs in this country. And Oil companies are making historic profit.

Manufacturing is also doing well. So well it's coming back to our shores.

NUMBERS back up what I am posting. And taxes have NOT gone up significantly. If anything they are still pretty low.

But hey...the Energy Sector and the Financial Sector was extremely profitable over the last 5 years or so.

They sharing that?


in spite of Obama, energy production is up. they are fracking on privately held land, not public land, but since you're a talking points guy, and don't think for yourself, you dont realize that. We could dig ourselves out of debt if we exploited the energy production sector fully. We could have millions of good paying union and non-union jobs. of course Obama doesnt give a shit about that fact, as he panders to the environmentalist nut jobs :cuckoo:
It seems with Obama's approvals in the crapper we have a lot of NEW Obama shills just joined recently

anyone notice that?

shanty, dad2someone, etc

Congress, which has been shutdown by Republicans are in the sewer.

7%? Really?


Love it when you quote that.

But most congress people and senators are returned. So they obviously are doing better than that.....or do you really believe your congressman polls that low in your district ?

Republicans own the house and will take the senate.

7% ? Really ?

You bet.....

It seems with Obama's approvals in the crapper we have a lot of NEW Obama shills just joined recently

anyone notice that?

shanty, dad2someone, etc

Congress, which has been shutdown by Republicans are in the sewer.

7%? Really?


Love it when you quote that.

But most congress people and senators are returned. So they obviously are doing better than that.....or do you really believe your congressman polls that low in your district ?

Republicans own the house and will take the senate.

7% ? Really ?

You bet.....


That has gone from a foregone conclusion to a toss-up!

If the GOP only wins 5 Senate seats the Dems will still hold the majority because Biden is the tie-breaker.
Krugman's the hack who pointed out the VA as a model of well run government healthcare in America as an example of all the good things to come from BarryCare in our futures.

Someone please tell him that thing sticking out of his back is a fork.
Imo, the question is whether Obama furthered the partisan divide or whether it was inevitable. I think you'd have to be blind to not notice his political accomplishments are to the left of Slick's, and Slick left with about 65% approval ... after the far right engineered impeachment.

Slick is probably more liberal than how he performed (-: in office, but would things like: welfare reform, with things like day care assistance; more leeway for state Medicaid programs to get waivers, while also providing more fed money, grants for more cops ... work today? I think Obama's been mediocre at best in terms of finding common ground, but I also can't see the 40 or so rabid House gopers going for any of Slick's compromises.
That's not critical thinking, dumbass.

You should be able to provide backup for your claim Nobody has to reason their way to the powers granted under the constitution. Madison states quite clearly that they are defined.

Got it, you are willfully ignorant.

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798 - Forbes

Madison? Please tell me you aren't talking the ADVERTISEMENT (PROPAGANDA) the US Founders used to sell the US Constitution and to stop it?

You got what ? A small brain ?

First, that isn't critical thinking.

You simply state your case.

Second, your article is a fail.

The author's claim the Adams knew what the founders wanted is refuted by the fact that his efforts to essentially return a monarchy got his ass tossed in 1800 along with just about everyone who supported him. It was the end of his party.

Next, the congress does have power to regulate international trade. That is within their scope of activity and if they want to mandate insurance or mustaches....that is their business. The authors efforts to translate the to the average citizen is a fail. You never heard anyone try this approach because they know they'd been laughed out of town.

Critical thinking: Try doing it instead of just saying it.

Got it. YOU can't be honest. No, it wasn't Adams the author was saying, I'll quote the article

" Keep in mind that the 5th Congress did not really need to struggle over the intentions of the drafters of the Constitutions in creating this Act as many of its members were the drafters of the Constitution.

And when the Bill came to the desk of President John Adams for signature, I think it’s safe to assume that the man in that chair had a pretty good grasp on what the framers had in mind.

....Thomas Jefferson was the President of the Senate during the 5th Congress while Jonathan Dayton, the youngest man to sign the United States Constitution, was the Speaker of the House."


"In 1792, Congress enacted a law mandating that all able-bodied citizens obtain a firearm. This history negates any claim that forcing the purchase of insurance or other products is unprecedented or contrary to any possible intention of the framers."

Harvard Law professor says early Congress mandated health insurance for seamen and gun ownership for most men | PolitiFact Rhode Island


Krugman on the fairy tale that is economic stimulus:

If things get better, that is proof that stimulus spending works.

If things do not get better, that is proof that there was not enough spending.

No matter what happens, he is right. Just ask him.

Actually, he criticized the Stimulus the moment he saw the plan, back in 2009.

Nice try.

Precisely, he said it was not enough spending.


And he was completely right. It wasn't.

We have never gotten out of a major recession without a spurt of government spending. Yet this one, we did the exact opposite of what the situation called for.
Actually, he criticized the Stimulus the moment he saw the plan, back in 2009.

Nice try.

Precisely, he said it was not enough spending.


And he was completely right. It wasn't.

We have never gotten out of a major recession without a spurt of government spending. Yet this one, we did the exact opposite of what the situation called for.

No other recession elicited this much spending. And the more money spent, the worse the results. SO it is not surprising that having spent more money than ever before, we got the worst results.
Dems are losers.
Precisely, he said it was not enough spending.


And he was completely right. It wasn't.

We have never gotten out of a major recession without a spurt of government spending. Yet this one, we did the exact opposite of what the situation called for.

No other recession elicited this much spending. And the more money spent, the worse the results. SO it is not surprising that having spent more money than ever before, we got the worst results.
Dems are losers.

Not true. In terms of spending to GDP and spending to Debt, FDR percentually spent much, much more.

You do realize that $1,000,000 in 1933 was a helluva lot more money than today, right?

So, you can never do a 1:1 dollar to dollar comparison between economies from different eras, that never works. But the percentual analysis does.

Righties who do not understand this are absolute fools. Like you.
Precisely, he said it was not enough spending.


And he was completely right. It wasn't.

We have never gotten out of a major recession without a spurt of government spending. Yet this one, we did the exact opposite of what the situation called for.

No other recession elicited this much spending. And the more money spent, the worse the results. SO it is not surprising that having spent more money than ever before, we got the worst results.
Dems are losers.
Boy, are you going to get audited by IRS!
And he was completely right. It wasn't.

We have never gotten out of a major recession without a spurt of government spending. Yet this one, we did the exact opposite of what the situation called for.

No other recession elicited this much spending. And the more money spent, the worse the results. SO it is not surprising that having spent more money than ever before, we got the worst results.
Dems are losers.

Not true. In terms of spending to GDP and spending to Debt, FDR percentually spent much, much more.

You do realize that $1,000,000 in 1933 was a helluva lot more money than today, right?

So, you can never do a 1:1 dollar to dollar comparison between economies from different eras, that never works. But the percentual analysis does.

Righties who do not understand this are absolute fools. Like you.

We come out of a recession spite of the government.

There have been good cases made that FDR's meddling both deepened and extended the depression.
Congress, which has been shutdown by Republicans are in the sewer.

7%? Really?


Love it when you quote that.

But most congress people and senators are returned. So they obviously are doing better than that.....or do you really believe your congressman polls that low in your district ?

Republicans own the house and will take the senate.

7% ? Really ?

You bet.....


That has gone from a foregone conclusion to a toss-up!

If the GOP only wins 5 Senate seats the Dems will still hold the majority because Biden is the tie-breaker.

Oh, my bad.

Republicans are at 7%.....nobody likes them.

But EVERYONE agrees they will win more seats. The question is just how many.

That they might (according to you) get a majority kinda says you might want to go back and rethink the whole 7% crap argument.

I don't argue that Obama's 36% means that he'd get creamed if he were running in 2016. In fact, there are still enough morons in the country that haven't come to grips with the reality of his failure that he'd probably get re-elected.

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