Krugman rips von Mises up one side & down the other

Yes US Industrial production got roaring and unemployment started declining once Hitler conquered France and the Lowlands.

Gee, I wonder why
Why these drones gravitate towards pseudo science like von Mises & his unproven theories is a mystery. They prolly get indoctrinated as college repubs just like they are given works of fiction by Rand, as college Repub freshmen & told to read it :tinfoil:
Let's look at history's Greatest Progressive successes: FDR's Depression, Britain during the 60's and 70's, Mao's China, Stalin's Russia, Cuba, and Detroit.
FDR practiced Krugman economics and turned a recession into the FDR depression, the worst economy in human history eclipsing even the 7 biblical Lean Years

Why is it that your theories only make sense when one stands on his head Frank???


I forgot, FDR DID try the "Austrian school" approach in 1937 when he slashed public spending programs to balance the budget.

The official U.S. Business Cycle Dating Committee established that the downturn that began in August 1929 ended in March 1933 with the remarkable economic expansion that started within days of FDR’s bold—if trial and error—New Deal programs. By any normal definition, the Great Depression had ended by late 1936, with all major indicators surpassing their previous peaks.

A second cyclical downturn officially began in May 1937 when FDR, always a fiscal conservative, mistakenly thought the economy had become self-sustaining and slashed public spending programs to balance the budget. These harsh and premature spending cuts caused another severe recession that ended after 13 months in June 1938.

Even in this severe downturn, annual GDP did not fall back below its 1929 peak.


Coolidge and Mellon used Austrian economics and dropped unemployment from 12% to 4 in 18 months. When Coolidge left in 1928 you could not find an unemployed person in all of the USA.

FDR took a recession similar to the one Coolidge inherited and used it to give us 8 years of 20% average unemployment. The economy grew under FDR only because the Fed restored some on the money they siphoned out under Hoover in order to cause the crash and the recession in the first place.

FDR's central planned economy was the biggest fail in human history

You're starting to make sense Frank...


Hey Frank, ask the American farmer how great Coolidge their farms were being foreclosed on...

Coolidge's laissez-faire policies LED to the great depression.

FDR and the New Deal were a HUGE success.

Top Five Years for GDP Expansion:

1942, +18.5%
1941, +17.1%
1943, +16.4%
1936, +13.0%
1934, +10.9%

Top Five Years for GDP Contraction:

1932, -13.1%
1946, -10.9%
1930, -8.6%
1931, -6.5%
2009, -3.5%

The greatest yearly increase in GDP occurred during the New Deal, AND, the LARGEST DROP IN UNEPLOYMENT in America history occurred during the New Deal...

Census document HS-29 (available in PDF). Quoting directly from Census data, here are the unemployment rates and total number of official unemployed at the beginning and end of the presidential terms since the Great Depression:

1932 Unemployment Rate: 23.6% (12.8 million total unemployed)
1940 Unemployment Rate: 14.6% (8.1 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: -9.0
Total unemployment percentage change: -36.7%

1941 Unemployment Rate: 9.9% (5.5 million total unemployed)
1944 Unemployment Rate: 1.2% (670,000 total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: -8.7
Total unemployment percentage change: -87.9%

1945 Unemployment Rate: 1.9% (1.0 million total unemployed)
1952 Unemployment Rate: 3.0% (1.8 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: +1.1
Total unemployment percentage change: +81.0%

1953 Unemployment Rate: 2.9% (1.8 million total unemployed)
1960 Unemployment Rate: 5.5% (3.8 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: +2.6%
Total unemployment percentage change: +110.03%

1961 Unemployment Rate: 6.7% (4.7 million total unemployed)
1963 Unemployment Rate: 5.7% (4.0 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: -1.0%
Total unemployment percentage change: -13.6%

1964 Unemployment Rate: 5.2% (3.7 million total unemployed)
1968 Unemployment Rate: 3.6% (2.8 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: -1.6%
Total unemployment percentage change: -25.6%

1969 Unemployment Rate: 3.5% (2.8 million total unemployed)
1974 Unemployment Rate: 5.6% (5.1 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: +2.1%
Total unemployment percentage change: +82.0%

1975 Unemployment Rate: 8.5% (7.9 million total unemployed)
1976 Unemployment Rate: 7.7% (7.4 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: -0.8%
Total unemployment percentage change: -6.6%

1977 Unemployment Rate: 7.1% (6.9 million total unemployed)
1980 Unemployment Rate: 7.1% (7.6 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: 0.0
Total unemployment percentage change: +9.24%

1981 Unemployment Rate: 7.6% (8.2 million total unemployed)
1988 Unemployment Rate: 5.5% (6.7 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: -2.1%
Total unemployment percentage change: -19.0%

1989 Unemployment Rate: 5.3% (6.5 million total unemployed)
1992 Unemployment Rate: 7.5% (9.6 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: +2.2
Total unemployment percentage change: +47.2%

1993 Unemployment Rate: 6.9% (8.9 million total unemployed)
2000 Unemployment Rate: 4.0% (5.6 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change -2.9
Total unemployment percentage change: -36.3%

As you can see, in terms of the unemployment rate - that is, the percentage of the total workforce not working - the pre-WWII New Deal era saw the single largest drop in American history. Yes, I'll say that again for conservatives, just to make sure they get it: The PRE-WWII New Deal era from 1933-1940 - not the WWII era - saw the largest drop in the unemployment rate in American history. And by the way, that even includes the recession of 1937-1938.

Now, it is certainly true that the percentage drop of total unemployed was bigger in WWII than it was in the pre-WWII New Deal era. But as the data show, even by that metric, the pre-WWII New Deal era saw the second largest percentage drop in total unemployed in the 20th century, going from 12.8 million unemployed in Roosevelt's first year in office to 8.1 million unemployed at the end of his second term in 1940. That's a 36.7 percent drop - larger than the Clinton era (36.3%) and, yes conservatives, larger than the Reagan era (a mere 19%). At the absolute minimum, that would suggests the New Deal was a positive - not negative - economic force (and empirically more positive than, say, Reagan's free-market agenda).

These are the hard and fast numbers conservatives would like us all to forget with their claim that history proves massive spending packages like the New Deal will supposedly harm our economy.

The Forgotten Math: Pre-WWII New Deal Saw Biggest Drop In Unemployment Rate in American History
Why is it that your theories only make sense when one stands on his head Frank???


I forgot, FDR DID try the "Austrian school" approach in 1937 when he slashed public spending programs to balance the budget.

The official U.S. Business Cycle Dating Committee established that the downturn that began in August 1929 ended in March 1933 with the remarkable economic expansion that started within days of FDR’s bold—if trial and error—New Deal programs. By any normal definition, the Great Depression had ended by late 1936, with all major indicators surpassing their previous peaks.

A second cyclical downturn officially began in May 1937 when FDR, always a fiscal conservative, mistakenly thought the economy had become self-sustaining and slashed public spending programs to balance the budget. These harsh and premature spending cuts caused another severe recession that ended after 13 months in June 1938.

Even in this severe downturn, annual GDP did not fall back below its 1929 peak.


Coolidge and Mellon used Austrian economics and dropped unemployment from 12% to 4 in 18 months. When Coolidge left in 1928 you could not find an unemployed person in all of the USA.

FDR took a recession similar to the one Coolidge inherited and used it to give us 8 years of 20% average unemployment. The economy grew under FDR only because the Fed restored some on the money they siphoned out under Hoover in order to cause the crash and the recession in the first place.

FDR's central planned economy was the biggest fail in human history

You're starting to make sense Frank...


Hey Frank, ask the American farmer how great Coolidge their farms were being foreclosed on...

Coolidge's laissez-faire policies LED to the great depression.

FDR and the New Deal were a HUGE success.

Top Five Years for GDP Expansion:

1942, +18.5%
1941, +17.1%
1943, +16.4%
1936, +13.0%
1934, +10.9%

Top Five Years for GDP Contraction:

1932, -13.1%
1946, -10.9%
1930, -8.6%
1931, -6.5%
2009, -3.5%

The greatest yearly increase in GDP occurred during the New Deal, AND, the LARGEST DROP IN UNEPLOYMENT in America history occurred during the New Deal...

Census document HS-29 (available in PDF). Quoting directly from Census data, here are the unemployment rates and total number of official unemployed at the beginning and end of the presidential terms since the Great Depression:

1932 Unemployment Rate: 23.6% (12.8 million total unemployed)
1940 Unemployment Rate: 14.6% (8.1 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: -9.0
Total unemployment percentage change: -36.7%

1941 Unemployment Rate: 9.9% (5.5 million total unemployed)
1944 Unemployment Rate: 1.2% (670,000 total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: -8.7
Total unemployment percentage change: -87.9%

1945 Unemployment Rate: 1.9% (1.0 million total unemployed)
1952 Unemployment Rate: 3.0% (1.8 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: +1.1
Total unemployment percentage change: +81.0%

1953 Unemployment Rate: 2.9% (1.8 million total unemployed)
1960 Unemployment Rate: 5.5% (3.8 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: +2.6%
Total unemployment percentage change: +110.03%

1961 Unemployment Rate: 6.7% (4.7 million total unemployed)
1963 Unemployment Rate: 5.7% (4.0 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: -1.0%
Total unemployment percentage change: -13.6%

1964 Unemployment Rate: 5.2% (3.7 million total unemployed)
1968 Unemployment Rate: 3.6% (2.8 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: -1.6%
Total unemployment percentage change: -25.6%

1969 Unemployment Rate: 3.5% (2.8 million total unemployed)
1974 Unemployment Rate: 5.6% (5.1 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: +2.1%
Total unemployment percentage change: +82.0%

1975 Unemployment Rate: 8.5% (7.9 million total unemployed)
1976 Unemployment Rate: 7.7% (7.4 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: -0.8%
Total unemployment percentage change: -6.6%

1977 Unemployment Rate: 7.1% (6.9 million total unemployed)
1980 Unemployment Rate: 7.1% (7.6 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: 0.0
Total unemployment percentage change: +9.24%

1981 Unemployment Rate: 7.6% (8.2 million total unemployed)
1988 Unemployment Rate: 5.5% (6.7 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: -2.1%
Total unemployment percentage change: -19.0%

1989 Unemployment Rate: 5.3% (6.5 million total unemployed)
1992 Unemployment Rate: 7.5% (9.6 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change: +2.2
Total unemployment percentage change: +47.2%

1993 Unemployment Rate: 6.9% (8.9 million total unemployed)
2000 Unemployment Rate: 4.0% (5.6 million total unemployed)
Unemployment Rate Change -2.9
Total unemployment percentage change: -36.3%

As you can see, in terms of the unemployment rate - that is, the percentage of the total workforce not working - the pre-WWII New Deal era saw the single largest drop in American history. Yes, I'll say that again for conservatives, just to make sure they get it: The PRE-WWII New Deal era from 1933-1940 - not the WWII era - saw the largest drop in the unemployment rate in American history. And by the way, that even includes the recession of 1937-1938.

Now, it is certainly true that the percentage drop of total unemployed was bigger in WWII than it was in the pre-WWII New Deal era. But as the data show, even by that metric, the pre-WWII New Deal era saw the second largest percentage drop in total unemployed in the 20th century, going from 12.8 million unemployed in Roosevelt's first year in office to 8.1 million unemployed at the end of his second term in 1940. That's a 36.7 percent drop - larger than the Clinton era (36.3%) and, yes conservatives, larger than the Reagan era (a mere 19%). At the absolute minimum, that would suggests the New Deal was a positive - not negative - economic force (and empirically more positive than, say, Reagan's free-market agenda).

These are the hard and fast numbers conservatives would like us all to forget with their claim that history proves massive spending packages like the New Deal will supposedly harm our economy.

The Forgotten Math: Pre-WWII New Deal Saw Biggest Drop In Unemployment Rate in American History

You realize that you are crediting Hitler's conquest of Poland, France and the Lowlands for FDR's economic success

FDR's first 2 terms unemployment AVERAGED 20%
Why do Democratic President's always inherit devestated economies from the Republican predecessors Frank57 [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] :eusa_think:

Answer: because of your hack/crank theories that you people institute that Krugman knocks down :laugh:
Ironically there is no industrialized nation whose economy is based on "Austrian school" foolishness. ...

This is basically the "question libertarians can't answer" nonsense. And the answer is essentially the same. You can't maintain a large authoritarian state on Austrian economics, nor libertarian political ideology.
Ironically there is no industrialized nation whose economy is based on "Austrian school" foolishness. ...

This is basically the "question libertarians can't answer" nonsense. And the answer is essentially the same. You can't maintain a large authoritarian state on Austrian economics, nor libertarian political ideology.

so its just like Rand books- psychotic rw fiction.
Why do Democratic President's always inherit devestated economies from the Republican predecessors Frank57 [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] :eusa_think:

Answer: because of your hack/crank theories that you people institute that Krugman knocks down :laugh:

So that's why FDR had 2 terms of 20% Average unemployment, because your Krugman ideas work sew gud
Krugman has von Mises acolytes numbers. People like Ryan (R) make it so easy for the Nobel Prize winning economist :afro:
Ironically there is no industrialized nation whose economy is based on "Austrian school" foolishness. ...

This is basically the "question libertarians can't answer" nonsense. And the answer is essentially the same. You can't maintain a large authoritarian state on Austrian economics, nor libertarian political ideology.

so its just like Rand books- psychotic rw fiction.

For those of you who insist on a large, authoritarian state, I suppose maybe it does look that way.
This is basically the "question libertarians can't answer" nonsense. And the answer is essentially the same. You can't maintain a large authoritarian state on Austrian economics, nor libertarian political ideology.

so its just like Rand books- psychotic rw fiction.

For those of you who insist on a large, authoritarian state, I suppose maybe it does look that way.

no. We just insist on states that aren't run based on a theory put forth in a book of fiction by a russian philandering atheist.
Why do Democratic President's always inherit devestated economies from the Republican predecessors Frank57 [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] :eusa_think:

Answer: because of your hack/crank theories that you people institute that Krugman knocks down :laugh:

So that's why FDR had 2 terms of 20% Average unemployment, because your Krugman ideas work sew gud

and interestingly liberals claim that if only they had tax and spent more the Great Depression would not have been so great. Just like when Stalin's 5 year plans failed! He merely instituted bigger five year plans until 60 million slowly starved to death.

****Here's what Henry Morgenthau, FDR's Secretary of the Treasury (the man who desperately needed the New Deal to succeed as much as Roosevelt) said about the New Deal stimulus: "We have tried spending money.We are spending more than we ever have spent before and it does not work... We have never made good on our promises...I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started... And an enormous debt to boot!"

"The New Republic"( at the time a FDR greatest supporter") noted. In June 1939, the federal public works programs still supported almost 19 million people, nearly 15% of the population" [page 313]

In fact in 1939, unemployment was at 17%, and there were 11 million additional in stimulus make work welfare jobs. Today when the population is 2.5 times greater we have only 8 million unemployed. Conclusion: legislation to make Democrats illegal
is urgently needed
FDR practiced Krugman economics and turned a recession into the FDR depression, the worst economy in human history eclipsing even the 7 biblical Lean Years

Why is it that your theories only make sense when one stands on his head Frank???

I forgot, FDR DID try the "Austrian school" approach in 1937 when he slashed public spending programs to balance the budget.

The official U.S. Business Cycle Dating Committee established that the downturn that began in August 1929 ended in March 1933 with the remarkable economic expansion that started within days of FDR’s bold—if trial and error—New Deal programs. By any normal definition, the Great Depression had ended by late 1936, with all major indicators surpassing their previous peaks.

A second cyclical downturn officially began in May 1937 when FDR, always a fiscal conservative, mistakenly thought the economy had become self-sustaining and slashed public spending programs to balance the budget. These harsh and premature spending cuts caused another severe recession that ended after 13 months in June 1938.

Even in this severe downturn, annual GDP did not fall back below its 1929 peak.


Reagan's performance looks absolutely dismal :( No wonder Rightie Rand & von Mises drones gravitate towards him. All their theories have been proven to be hack, on-the-fly, theories w/ predictable results.
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when you use the pronoun- "dear" it makes you look ghey as a $3 bill

Go post on a low-IQ thread and leave the adults here alone :talktothehand:
when you use the pronoun- "dear" it makes you look ghey as a $3 bill

Go post on a low-IQ thread and leave the adults here alone :talktothehand:

dear, please say something intelligent in support of liberalism or admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to do so.

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