Krugman slams Rubio's rw Zombie economics

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Rubio (R) really "stepped in it" w/ his SOTU Rebuttal for more reasons than I have room here to describe. I'll simply point out his repeating the tired/worn-out ideas of days gone by the the Establishment had him regurgitate (BTW- isn't he supposed to be a TeaPartier & now he's speaking for Establ. Repubs? :eusa_eh: )

Rubio and the Zombies
Instead of learning from this experience, however, many on the right have chosen to rewrite history. Back then, they thought things were great, and their only complaint was that the government was getting in the way of even more mortgage lending; now they claim that government policies, somehow dictated by liberals even though the G.O.P. controlled both Congress and the White House, were promoting excessive borrowing and causing all the problems.

But the zombie keeps shambling on — and here’s Mr. Rubio Tuesday night: “This idea — that our problems were caused by a government that was too small — it’s just not true. In fact, a major cause of our recent downturn was a housing crisis created by reckless government policies.” Yep, it’s the full zombie.

Another "supposed" TeaParty member sell-out to Wall St? :dunno:
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the same Paul Krugman that said we should prepare for a fake alien invasion, build the death star and have death panels in the name of "stimulating" the economy?

That one?

Yeah, Paul Krugman is a certified retard.
In fact, a major cause of our recent downturn was a housing crisis created by reckless government policies.”

this of course is 100% true since it would have been 100% impossible to buy and bid up the prices of all those houses for all those years unless liberal government printed the money to make stimulating the housing market that much possible.

This subject is way too complicated for the liberal IQ to understand. Liberals should not comment at all about it.
In fact, a major cause of our recent downturn was a housing crisis created by reckless government policies.”

this of course is 100% true since it would have been 100% impossible to buy and bid up the prices of all those houses for all those years unless liberal government printed the money to make stimulating the housing market that much possible.

This subject is way too complicated for the liberal IQ to understand. Liberals should not comment at all about it.

who was the fed chair during that time and who did he idolize in the 1950's & 1960's? :eusa_whistle: I'll give you a hint: he idolized the same person Paul Ryan (R) idolizes now :lol:
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In fact, a major cause of our recent downturn was a housing crisis created by reckless government policies.”

this of course is 100% true since it would have been 100% impossible to buy and bid up the prices of all those houses for all those years unless liberal government printed the money to make stimulating the housing market that much possible.

This subject is way too complicated for the liberal IQ to understand. Liberals should not comment at all about it.

who was the fed chair during that time and who did he idolize in the 1950's & 1960's? :eusa_whistle: I'll give you a hint: he idolized the same person Paul Ryan (R) idolizes now :lol:

Dear, the Fed chair was a very very powerful goverment official who made typical soviet Solyndra dumb reckless decisions.

Do you have the character and IQ to admit you just got killed?????
this of course is 100% true since it would have been 100% impossible to buy and bid up the prices of all those houses for all those years unless liberal government printed the money to make stimulating the housing market that much possible.

This subject is way too complicated for the liberal IQ to understand. Liberals should not comment at all about it.

who was the fed chair during that time and who did he idolize in the 1950's & 1960's? :eusa_whistle: I'll give you a hint: he idolized the same person Paul Ryan (R) idolizes now :lol:

Dear, the Fed chair was a very very powerful goverment official who made typical soviet Solyndra dumb reckless decisions.

Do you have the character and IQ to admit you just got killed?????

So..... is that your way of saying you don't know? :thup: he made those decisions about letting Wall St "police themselves" because he admired the same person Paul Ryan owes his entire tax-payer funded career to. Figure out who it is yet? Here.....I'll help you:
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Mr. Enron? who was a board member there in 99, and praised them for their risk taking entrepreneurial outlook? Called $630Bn about right as a Stimulus only to reverse himself when it tanked ( with an extra $230 Bn to boot) and claim he never really meant it 'that way'? Him? :rolleyes:
So..... is that your way of saying you don't know? :thup: he made those decisions about letting Wall St "police themselves" because he admired the same person Paul Ryan owes his entire tax-payer funded career to. Figure out who it is yet? Here.....I'll help you: Alan Greenspan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

too stupid and 1000% liberal

you denied that "reckless government policies" caused the
crisis and now you're 100% eager to prove that reckless government policies caused the crisis.

Can you admit you just got killed??????????????
Greenspan was at the helm and he was doing exactly as he thought Ayn Rand would have wanted. :thup: Do you even know who Ayn Rand is? Paul Ryan (R) does. He makes all his staff/interns read her novels. Novels are fiction BTW ;)
Paul Krugman disagrees, LOL. That means Rubio is spot on.

I listened to Krugman on Bloomberg today, the guy is a fucking joke.
Krugman spelled it out for you. :cool: Read his article Frank? :)

***from the article snip:
In case you’re wondering, a zombie idea is a proposition that has been thoroughly refuted by analysis and evidence, and should be dead — but won’t stay dead because it serves a political purpose, appeals to prejudices, or both. The classic zombie idea in U.S. political discourse is the notion that tax cuts for the wealthy pay for themselves, but there are many more. And, as I said, when it comes to economics it appears that Mr. Rubio’s mind is zombie-infested.
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Greenspan was at the helm and he was doing exactly as he thought Ayn Rand would have wanted. :thup: Do you even know who Ayn Rand is? Paul Ryan (R) does. He makes all his staff/interns read her novels. Novels are fiction BTW ;)

Dear, Rand was perhaps the most devoted person in the entire world to the Gold Standard precisely so reckless government soviet Solyndra policies could not ruin the economy.

Are you catching on at all??

Are you now saying reckless govenment policies did cause the crash???????????????????

Slow much???????????
Krugman spelled it out for you. :cool: Read his article Frank? :)

***from the article snip:
In case you’re wondering, a zombie idea is a proposition that has been thoroughly refuted by analysis and evidence, and should be dead — but won’t stay dead because it serves a political purpose, appeals to prejudices, or both. The classic zombie idea in U.S. political discourse is the notion that tax cuts for the wealthy pay for themselves, but there are many more. And, as I said, when it comes to economics it appears that Mr. Rubio’s mind is zombie-infested.

Yes, Krugman is wrong in the trillions column
UE of 8% for 5 consecutive years, record debt, deficits, poverty and government subsistence....isn't zombie economy in Krugman's warped mind

Krugman is the OPPOSITE of correct
F & F were followers w/ the strictest lending standards on the planet Frank. Greenspan was an Ayn Rand acolyte of the "markets police themselves" variety. Krugman nailed Rubio, & by extension, the repubs failed (zombie) econ ideas. Krugman put ANOTHER nail in the Repub coffin ;)
F & F were followers w/ the strictest lending standards on the planet Frank. Greenspan was an Ayn Rand acolyte of the "markets police themselves" variety. Krugman nailed Rubio, & by extension, the repubs failed (zombie) econ ideas. Krugman put ANOTHER nail in the Repub coffin ;)


Stick to topics you know about because this isn't one of them
Greenspan was an Ayn Rand acolyte of the "markets police themselves" variety.

Too stupid but 100% liberal

1) Rand was the greatest advocate in the world for gold standard regulation of the markets!!!!

Greenspan did not run a Gold Standard. How stupid do you have to be not to know that.

2) Markets are designed to 100% police themselves, but of course not when distorted by a huge libturd bleeding heart government much of which was designed to subvert the Republican free market to get people into homes the Republican free market said they could not afford!!!

Now certainly you see why we say , dumb, very very dumb????
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F & F were followers w/ the strictest lending standards on the planet Frank. Greenspan was an Ayn Rand acolyte of the "markets police themselves" variety. Krugman nailed Rubio, & by extension, the repubs failed (zombie) econ ideas. Krugman put ANOTHER nail in the Repub coffin ;)


Stick to topics you know about because this isn't one of them

FactWatch: Fannie and Freddie were followers, not leaders, in mortgage frenzy | The Center for Public Integrity
“The idea that they were leading this charge is just absurd,” says Guy Cecala, publisher of Inside Mortgage Finance, an authoritative trade publication. “Fannie and Freddie have always had the tightest underwriting on earth. … They were opposite of subprime.”
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