Krugman's very very simple solution to end this depression

So 800 billion didnt work, but another trillion should get us back into shape?

The Stimulus Failed! We need More Stimulus!!
if "the" stimulus failed, then money was mis-spent, in-appropriately. That does not mean, that "all" Fiscal stimuli must fail -- anymore than "all" money must be mis-spent.

analogies are distracting. But, just because you "swing and miss" in baseball once, does not mean that "swinging at the ball" is automatically bad -- only flailing blindly at the ball. A sound swing could hit a home-run.

When government stimulus has a 100% Epic Fail record like it does in the USA (e.g. FDR, Obama) you have to wonder what stops people from learning from their epic failure. I chalk it up to indoctrination, that the efficacy of government stimulus is an article of faith and not open to question
So 800 billion didnt work, but another trillion should get us back into shape?

The Stimulus Failed! We need More Stimulus!!
if "the" stimulus failed, then money was mis-spent, in-appropriately. That does not mean, that "all" Fiscal stimuli must fail -- anymore than "all" money must be mis-spent.

analogies are distracting. But, just because you "swing and miss" in baseball once, does not mean that "swinging at the ball" is automatically bad -- only flailing blindly at the ball. A sound swing could hit a home-run.

Money will always be mis-spent when attempting to "stimulate" the creation of wealth by injecting currency into the markets. The reason for this is that the injection is not based on the production of wealth, but instead the quick fix of growing consumption. It is a market distortion and can not and will not produce real wealth. Again, it is a market distortion. Which is exactly what got us here in the first place.
Money will always be mis-spent when attempting to "stimulate" the creation of wealth by injecting currency into the markets. The reason for this is that the injection is not based on the production of wealth, but instead the quick fix of growing consumption. It is a market distortion and can not and will not produce real wealth. Again, it is a market distortion. Which is exactly what got us here in the first place.
viewed as the "board of directors" of the "Public enterprise", Government could spend on profitable investments (basic education, infrastructure, energy), like in the 1950s
So 800 billion didnt work, but another trillion should get us back into shape?

The Stimulus Failed! We need More Stimulus!!
if "the" stimulus failed, then money was mis-spent, in-appropriately. That does not mean, that "all" Fiscal stimuli must fail -- anymore than "all" money must be mis-spent.

analogies are distracting. But, just because you "swing and miss" in baseball once, does not mean that "swinging at the ball" is automatically bad -- only flailing blindly at the ball. A sound swing could hit a home-run.

Yes, actually. All stimulus fails. Because the economy cannot absorb that kind of influx of money without wasting most of it.
Any gov't program that pours huge amounts of money into anything results in waste and fraud. How much waste and fraud came in the Katrina clean-up? Tons. Even defense. It is riddled with waste and fraud because of the vast sums we spend there.
Waste and fraud do not produce recovery. They only produce waste and fraud.
The government is not an entrepreneurial business. it is the legal structure of our constitution and laws.
Money will always be mis-spent when attempting to "stimulate" the creation of wealth by injecting currency into the markets. The reason for this is that the injection is not based on the production of wealth, but instead the quick fix of growing consumption. It is a market distortion and can not and will not produce real wealth. Again, it is a market distortion. Which is exactly what got us here in the first place.
viewed as the "board of directors" of the "Public enterprise", Government could spend on profitable investments (basic education, infrastructure, energy), like in the 1950s

We have spent trillions on "investments" over the last 30 years and we see the pitiful results.
Politicians call them "investments" when they really mean "pay backs to my supporters."
Can you name any "investment" government has made in the last 50 years that actually yielded a return?
Money will always be mis-spent when attempting to "stimulate" the creation of wealth by injecting currency into the markets. The reason for this is that the injection is not based on the production of wealth, but instead the quick fix of growing consumption. It is a market distortion and can not and will not produce real wealth. Again, it is a market distortion. Which is exactly what got us here in the first place.
viewed as the "board of directors" of the "Public enterprise", Government could spend on profitable investments (basic education, infrastructure, energy), like in the 1950s

How are we doing on the "War on Poverty"?

Any exit strategy?
Krugman: End This Depression Now

anyone buy it yet?

I put in an order.


Amazon had this tidbit:

Book Description
Publication Date: April 30, 2012

A call-to-arms from Nobel Prize–winning economist and best-selling author Paul Krugman.
The Great Recession is more than four years old—and counting. Yet, as Paul Krugman points out in this powerful volley, "Nations rich in resources, talent, and knowledge—all the ingredients for prosperity and a decent standard of living for all—remain in a state of intense pain."

How bad have things gotten? How did we get stuck in what now can only be called a depression? And above all, how do we free ourselves? Krugman pursues these questions with his characteristic lucidity and insight. He has a powerful message for anyone who has suffered over these past four years—a quick, strong recovery is just one step away, if our leaders can find the "intellectual clarity and political will" to end this depression now.
Krugman clamored to make this recession. Now he's getting clueless morons to buy a book in which he pursues the ways to get us out of it?

Is it a free online read, or are you actually going to pay to read this retards thoughts?
So, currency devaluation keeps real wages intact! Now I get it!

That silly trick you trolls are using -- replace one concept by a different, but related one.

Monetary growth is not the same thing as currency devaluation. An increase in spending is not the same thing as an increase in deficits. And so on -- this is how play your silly games by playing dumb.

True. But monetary growth leads to currency devaluation. One causes the other.
If you increase spending when we are running a deficit already then by definition you must increase the deficit too.
Are you really this stupid in real life?

Right, another silly trick -- a troll restates what you have just said and then asks: "Are you really this stupid in real life?" about a 2.01% cut? 3%? 30%?
Any cut in goverment spending harms a depressed economy. Small cuts have little effect. Big cuts create a disaster.
Wonderful! As long as we're subjectively making this up as we go along, let's say 40% is a 'small' cut. Either that or we could get serious and see what actually happens in real life.

In 1946 the GDP shrank 12%. Far worse than today's performance. That year we cut spending by 40% over the past year and approved a budget cutting it another 40%. The GDP soared bringing in decades of prosperity.

40% is a small cut then.

In 1946 the economy was not depressed. Cutting spending only increases deficits if the economy is depressed. The bigger cuts, the worse the economy and deficits will get.
Cutting spending only increases deficits if the economy is depressed


You are, without any doubt, economically inept. i would stick to baseball or something that requires a lot less understanding of the rules.
Any cut in goverment spending harms a depressed economy. Small cuts have little effect. Big cuts create a disaster.
Wonderful! As long as we're subjectively making this up as we go along, let's say 40% is a 'small' cut. Either that or we could get serious and see what actually happens in real life.

In 1946 the GDP shrank 12%. Far worse than today's performance. That year we cut spending by 40% over the past year and approved a budget cutting it another 40%. The GDP soared bringing in decades of prosperity.

40% is a small cut then.

In 1946 the economy was not depressed. Cutting spending only increases deficits if the economy is depressed. The bigger cuts, the worse the economy and deficits will get.

Are you totally unfamiliar with how the Depression of 1920-1 ended?
That silly trick you trolls are using -- replace one concept by a different, but related one.

Monetary growth is not the same thing as currency devaluation. An increase in spending is not the same thing as an increase in deficits. And so on -- this is how play your silly games by playing dumb.

True. But monetary growth leads to currency devaluation. One causes the other.
If you increase spending when we are running a deficit already then by definition you must increase the deficit too.
Are you really this stupid in real life?

Right, another silly trick -- a troll restates what you have just said and then asks: "Are you really this stupid in real life?"

Because when I restate it is obvious you don't have the first fucking clue as to what you're talking about.
True. But monetary growth leads to currency devaluation. One causes the other.
If you increase spending when we are running a deficit already then by definition you must increase the deficit too.
Are you really this stupid in real life?

Right, another silly trick -- a troll restates what you have just said and then asks: "Are you really this stupid in real life?"

Because when I restate it is obvious you don't have the first fucking clue as to what you're talking about.

You are so pissed off because I know how to handle trolls. You can't argue the issues and go ad hominem, exposing yourself for what a troll you are.

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