Kucinich Joins Fox News

She was legal analyst on Anderson Cooper's show prior to the job at Fox.

Yes...but not a liberal one.... a balanced one....as a legal analyst should be.......but she is most definitely a conservative in my eyes.

When you say 'in my eyes'....sounds like something else going on, here.

Lawyer, California upbringing, marriage to major Liberal mayor......
...that's why I put her on the list.
(Law school teaches not to be too concerned with the Constitution.)

...I suspect that her current tone has to do with employment.

I could be incorrect......hope so.
when I comment on the demeanor of an individual, I usually insert "in my eyes" or "in my opinion" for beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

My wife and I do not see eye to eye on the demeanor of some people....but neither of us is wrong......in my eyes.
Fox's Kucinich introductory special, a one hour guided tour of the flying saucer Denny claims he was kidnapped by.
Failing to seize the financial assets of the Cleveland Electric Power Company in court Kucinich then tried to take the city into bankruptcy. Well.....if Fox wanted a Liberal's Liberal they got one with Denny.
Even outdoes Maryland's Stenny Hoyer "Yes I'm a tax, tax, tax, spend, spend, spend Democrat and let my opponents try to do a d@mn thing about it!"
Of course they do, this is the first time in fox history that they have someone not on the radical right.

It looks like even they are starting to realize their ultra-right wing BS is costing them elections.

Bullshit. FOX has always had lefties on. Fair and balanced. Go back through the posts and you'll find at least 10 that are on FOX news.

Why don't you name a few righties on the rest of the left leaning news media.

I'll wait and wait and wait. LOL

No-name people on the fox payroll who's only job is to be punching bags to the right wing trolls are not legitimate, try again.

MSNBC uses household name, legitimate people on their network, unlike the radical right wing propaganda machine like fox.

Some of the right wingers that have been, or currently are on MSNBC as a regular contributor or with their own show:

Ann Coulter

Laura Ingrahm

Alan Keys

Joe Scarborough

Pat Buchanan

Michael Weiner (savage)

Steve Schmidt

SE Cupp

Michael Steele

And those are just to name a few,...

No names huh?? I'm sure Bob Bechtel and Juan Williams will be gratified to know you think they are punching bags.

Outside of Joe Scarborough, who's a regular every morning, the rest of those folks show up on guest spots.

Jeeze. Guess you just can't admit when your wrong. Not surprised really.
Yes...but not a liberal one.... a balanced one....as a legal analyst should be.......but she is most definitely a conservative in my eyes.

When you say 'in my eyes'....sounds like something else going on, here.

Lawyer, California upbringing, marriage to major Liberal mayor......
...that's why I put her on the list.
(Law school teaches not to be too concerned with the Constitution.)

...I suspect that her current tone has to do with employment.

I could be incorrect......hope so.

Holy fuck are you dumb. You have listed that you live in NY, that must mean you are a hardcore lib :rolleyes:

Let's see how that 'are you dumb' thing works out: I'm not a Fox analyst.

See how it boomerangs?
Yes...but not a liberal one.... a balanced one....as a legal analyst should be.......but she is most definitely a conservative in my eyes.

When you say 'in my eyes'....sounds like something else going on, here.

Lawyer, California upbringing, marriage to major Liberal mayor......
...that's why I put her on the list.
(Law school teaches not to be too concerned with the Constitution.)

...I suspect that her current tone has to do with employment.

I could be incorrect......hope so.
when I comment on the demeanor of an individual, I usually insert "in my eyes" or "in my opinion" for beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

My wife and I do not see eye to eye on the demeanor of some people....but neither of us is wrong......in my eyes.

Methinks thou protests too much.....

....she is a bit of eye candy......

Bullshit. FOX has always had lefties on. Fair and balanced. Go back through the posts and you'll find at least 10 that are on FOX news.

Why don't you name a few righties on the rest of the left leaning news media.

I'll wait and wait and wait. LOL

No-name people on the fox payroll who's only job is to be punching bags to the right wing trolls are not legitimate, try again.

MSNBC uses household name, legitimate people on their network, unlike the radical right wing propaganda machine like fox.

Some of the right wingers that have been, or currently are on MSNBC as a regular contributor or with their own show:

Ann Coulter

Laura Ingrahm

Alan Keys

Joe Scarborough

Pat Buchanan

Michael Weiner (savage)

Steve Schmidt

SE Cupp

Michael Steele

And those are just to name a few,...

No names huh?? I'm sure Bob Bechtel and Juan Williams will be gratified to know you think they are punching bags.

Outside of Joe Scarborough, who's a regular every morning, the rest of those folks show up on guest spots.

Jeeze. Guess you just can't admit when your wrong. Not surprised really.

See post #39, that same post applies to you.

Also who is bechtel? And williams is a centrist who was only hired by fox after he was fired from NPR for making racists comments on an O'Reilly interview.
No-name people on the fox payroll who's only job is to be punching bags to the right wing trolls are not legitimate, try again.

MSNBC uses household name, legitimate people on their network, unlike the radical right wing propaganda machine like fox.

Some of the right wingers that have been, or currently are on MSNBC:

Ann Coulter

Laura Ingrahm

Alan Keys

Joe Scarborough

Pat Buchanan

Michael Weiner (savage)

Steve Schmidt

SE Cupp

Michael Steele

And those are just to name a few,...

Dickhead...other than Joe, the rest are not regulars...they are once in a blue moon guests.

Jeez.....you are a fucking lunatic.

Try doing some research before making yourself look like a complete fucking moron.

I'll give you a hint, a certain network kicked off Mann-Coulter's career, and it wasn't fox,..

Since you're illiterate, you are probably unaware that Ms.Coulter has produced seven or eight scholarly best sellers.

That's her career.
Kucinich Joins Fox News


NEW YORK — Days before President Barack Obama's inauguration for a second term in office, Fox News Channel has signed Denni, one of his former opponents, to be a regular contributor.s Kucinich

Kucinich, a presidential candidate in 2004 and 2008 who ended 16 years in Congress two weeks ago, will make his debut as a Fox contributor on Thursday's edition of "The O'Reilly Factor," the network said Wednesday.


Wait.....let me add him to the list of Liberals on Fox"

Alan Colmes
Susan Estrich
Bob Beckel
Juan Williams
Mara Laiason

Mort Kondrache
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Pat Caddell
Greta Van Sustren (defended Clinton)

Geraldo Rivera
Leslie Marshall
Lanny Davis
Ellis Henican
Ed Henry

Marc Lamont Hill
Professor Caroline Heldman
Representative Martin Frost
Nina Easton
Judy Miller

Evan Bayh
Joe Trippi
Joey Jackson
Alicia Menendez
Juan Hernandez

Lis Wiehl
Kimberly Guilfoyle
John Roberts
Rick Folbaum

Charles Lane
Liz Marlantes
Kasie Hunt

Ok Ok you win.... I don't watch Fox all that much. I just knew of Beckel and Kucinich
Kucinich is an extremist that does not represent main stream liberal views.

That's why FOX likes him...he'll give them the "Liberal Straw man" that they love to tear apart.
Dickhead...other than Joe, the rest are not regulars...they are once in a blue moon guests.

Jeez.....you are a fucking lunatic.

Try doing some research before making yourself look like a complete fucking moron.

I'll give you a hint, a certain network kicked off Mann-Coulter's career, and it wasn't fox,..

Since you're illiterate, you are probably unaware that Ms.Coulter has produced seven or eight scholarly best sellers.

That's her career.

(S)he didn't start writing books until years after MSNBC hired her/him. Just another shining example of how MSNBC is the real "fair and balanced" network. :up:

If you weren't so brainwashed, you should have known that :clap2:
Kucinich is an extremist that does not represent main stream liberal views.

That's why FOX likes him...he'll give them the "Liberal Straw man" that they love to tear apart.

Fox has lefties from across the spectrum, good for them. I especially like Juan Williams and Kirsten Powers. Kucinich is smart and articulate, I think he's a good addition for ANY network. And he's no worse than several MSNBC hosts.

It would take a lot more than Kucinich to talk me into watching Faux News again....
Kucinich Joins Fox News


NEW YORK — Days before President Barack Obama's inauguration for a second term in office, Fox News Channel has signed Dennis Kucinich, one of his former opponents, to be a regular contributor.

Kucinich, a presidential candidate in 2004 and 2008 who ended 16 years in Congress two weeks ago, will make his debut as a Fox contributor on Thursday's edition of "The O'Reilly Factor," the network said Wednesday.


Why those dirty, radical right wingers at Fox News.... :eusa_whistle:
Kucinich is an extremist that does not represent main stream liberal views.

That's why FOX likes him...he'll give them the "Liberal Straw man" that they love to tear apart.

Kucinich is extreme on some things, I agree, but he also holds some very valid positions.
Kucinich Joins Fox News


NEW YORK — Days before President Barack Obama's inauguration for a second term in office, Fox News Channel has signed Dennis Kucinich, one of his former opponents, to be a regular contributor.

Kucinich, a presidential candidate in 2004 and 2008 who ended 16 years in Congress two weeks ago, will make his debut as a Fox contributor on Thursday's edition of "The O'Reilly Factor," the network said Wednesday.


Interesting addition. He's pretty smart and will shake these wingnut drama queens up. He's quirky, we'll see.

I've lived I'm the inner ring area of Cleveland my whole life.
He, in some quarters, is affectionately remembered as the 'boy mayor'.
Too bad he won't have any inpact with fiscal fixes.
He's quite familiar with default.
Once again FOX has no problem hiring someone who leans left. Mr. K will have no problem being a lefty on the only right leaning news organization out there. He'll also have no problem speaking what he thinks.

Once again?


I think we could count them on one hand...
Try doing some research before making yourself look like a complete fucking moron.

I'll give you a hint, a certain network kicked off Mann-Coulter's career, and it wasn't fox,..

Since you're illiterate, you are probably unaware that Ms.Coulter has produced seven or eight scholarly best sellers.

That's her career.

(S)he didn't start writing books until years after MSNBC hired her/him. Just another shining example of how MSNBC is the real "fair and balanced" network. :up:

If you weren't so brainwashed, you should have known that :clap2:

You are partially correct. She was hired as a legal correspondent by MSNBC in 1996....but fired in 1997.

Her first book, 1998.

She certainly doesn't owe her career to the gig as legal correspondent.....

....over 3 million copies of her books sold.

I notice that you haven't commented on having read any of them?
Is this true?

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