Kurt Schlichter on Trump's court appointment....great read...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep....this guy is a great writer....takes it right to the moron left......

Kurt Schlichter - Hey Democrats: Confirm This!

Can you imagine if it was Jeb making the appointment?

“Here’s Myron Putney, who I know from the country club. Myron will be a justice in the tradition of David Souter, my father’s greatest triumph. He’ll build bridges and cross the aisle as he assumes the Ned Beatty seat on the Court.”

Ugh. And can you imagine if Hillary hadn’t been so thoroughly and completely rejected by normal Americans via the most humiliating electoral diss track in the history of ever?

“My nominee was born Fred but rejects that name as racist and sexist and instead uses the pronoun ‘xe’ to refer to xeself. A leader in the employment-challenged community, xe studied the Constitution in xis gender studies seminars at Oberlin where xe learned that the First and Second Amendments don’t exist, but a bunch of policy preferences we happen to share do appear in the penumbras and emanations of that dead evil white male Christian document, such as the right for no Republican to ever speak or be elected again.”

Yeah, we kinda dodged a bullet. A big, fat commie pinko bullet that would have ensured that normal people would have been relegated to second class citizenship. Remember, Hillary wanted to overturn the Supreme Court decision that held that the government could not toss people who wanted to make a movie criticizing her into jail. She wanted to neuter the right to keep and bear arms in a way she could never manage to do with Bill. And religious freedom? Sure, she’d protect your right to live your faith as you pleased as long as you got her permission and it didn’t interfere with the creepy psychodrama that was her quest for power.

Yeah, but none of that happened.

None of the liberals’ dreams of permanent power over the normal and hard-working came to pass. And darned if they don’t seem a bit steamed about it.

Conservatives, we need to stoke that stupid fire. This nomination is just going to be another in the seemingly endless missed kicks of Lucy’s footballs by the Charlie Brown left.
Yep....this guy is a great writer....takes it right to the moron left......

Kurt Schlichter - Hey Democrats: Confirm This!

Can you imagine if it was Jeb making the appointment?

“Here’s Myron Putney, who I know from the country club. Myron will be a justice in the tradition of David Souter, my father’s greatest triumph. He’ll build bridges and cross the aisle as he assumes the Ned Beatty seat on the Court.”

Ugh. And can you imagine if Hillary hadn’t been so thoroughly and completely rejected by normal Americans via the most humiliating electoral diss track in the history of ever?

“My nominee was born Fred but rejects that name as racist and sexist and instead uses the pronoun ‘xe’ to refer to xeself. A leader in the employment-challenged community, xe studied the Constitution in xis gender studies seminars at Oberlin where xe learned that the First and Second Amendments don’t exist, but a bunch of policy preferences we happen to share do appear in the penumbras and emanations of that dead evil white male Christian document, such as the right for no Republican to ever speak or be elected again.”

Yeah, we kinda dodged a bullet. A big, fat commie pinko bullet that would have ensured that normal people would have been relegated to second class citizenship. Remember, Hillary wanted to overturn the Supreme Court decision that held that the government could not toss people who wanted to make a movie criticizing her into jail. She wanted to neuter the right to keep and bear arms in a way she could never manage to do with Bill. And religious freedom? Sure, she’d protect your right to live your faith as you pleased as long as you got her permission and it didn’t interfere with the creepy psychodrama that was her quest for power.

Yeah, but none of that happened.

None of the liberals’ dreams of permanent power over the normal and hard-working came to pass. And darned if they don’t seem a bit steamed about it.

Conservatives, we need to stoke that stupid fire. This nomination is just going to be another in the seemingly endless missed kicks of Lucy’s footballs by the Charlie Brown left.

perhaps if you relied occasionally on people who aren't rightwingnuts?

try reading what real constitutionalists like Lawrence tribe have to say.

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