Kurt Schlichter understands rino republicans and the Trump deal with chuck and nancy...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Kurt Schlichter is a real conservative and a real republican....he understands the party and the cowards that infect it....

The True Conservatives Hype A Trumpocalypse In A Desperate Bid For Attention

And those of us who aren’t wrapped up in trying to salvage our relevance wondered, “Hmmm, it’s unusual he agreed with those two, but what’s so bad about putting off a fight that will inevitably lead to the Congressional GOP capitulating while getting our red state voters hurricane aid?” But see, we’re too dumb to understand that this was THE WORST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED IN THE HISTORY OF EVER BECAUSE OF SOME REASON.

The frenzied Fredocon spaz-fest that followed gave away the game. “Oh no, Trump sold out everything conservatives believe in by delaying the GOP’s certain humiliation for three months! He betrayed you all with this insignificant delay and by ensuring the GOP didn’t walk into the ‘You Republicans are playing politics with Harvey aid!’ ambush. He's clearly a Democrat now and next it will be single payer and then he’ll change all our pronouns to ‘xe’ or ‘xir.’”

Blah blah blah blah blah. Don’t these people ever get tired of being wrong?

When I saw the compromise news, I thought it odd that Trump had agreed with the Democrats about something, but I wondered what the collective freakout was all about. Perhaps I didn’t understand the GOP’s clever play. So I asked on Twitter, “I'm just curious about what the GOPe's plan for victory on the debt ceiling was. Their track record is so good that I'm sure it was awesome.” Maybe I was missing something. Maybe there was some great plan that the Republicans had created that somehow Trump truncated. Turns out I was not missing anything. There was no plan. This supernova of fake outrage was just another inept ploy to undercut the president as part of the establishment’s never-ending campaign to regain the power we voters stripped from it in retaliation for its failure.

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