KY Judge upholds freedom of religion

They are not serving the public. They are serving those who hold a philosophy similar to their own and refusing to serve others.

There is no state religion in the US. Just some activist judges and business owning bigots.

If you open your doors to the public you have no more rights of religious discrimination.
So, you believe, that if a Muslim brought in a picture of a Christian being beheaded by a Muslim, and wanted it printed on the shirt, then the owner of any store in the USA that does that kind of work, should be forced to print that picture on a shirt?

If that is the case, then a man who brings in the picture of a woman being raped has the same right to get that printed.

oh and by the way, the judge says yes the can discriminate on religious grounds. Like it, or not.
Where does the 1st Amendment say it's limited to church buildings?

Are you suggesting that all religions no matter the number of member
Where does the 1st Amendment say it's limited to church buildings?

It doesn't exactly. But it does not give Christianity a preference either. You assume that. Nope I don't assume anything other that
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
Do you believe that all religions should be able to "advertise" and if deemed needed insist on access to public buildings and other public areas? If we cannot accommodate ALL religious views in public places then we must insist that all religions retreat out of each other's way publicly.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
That is just simply common sense.
Agreed. The fact that government cannot tell us how to practice our religion is spelled out plainly in the Bill of Rights. That should be apparent to everyone other than those lacking common sense
There is no need to stamp out any religion as long as all religions respect the other religions their right to exist.

No religion can have a front seat. That seat is reserved for the public.
No one is asking for a front row seat. While I may have a problem with people of some religions when they use their faith as justification for murdering innocent people, I pretty much don't care who or what you believe in, as long as you accord me the same consideration.
I would no more ask an unwilling atheist to print bible verses than I would ask an Imam to officiate at a Catholic wedding. There is no up side, other than the possibility of a fat check in a law suit.
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This is not freedom of religion. Ordering T shirts isn't preventing one from practicing religion.

This is freedom to discriminate.

If you don't want to serve all the public make your store membership only.
It will be overturned.
This is not freedom of religion. Ordering T shirts isn't preventing one from practicing religion.

This is freedom to discriminate.

If you don't want to serve all the public make your store membership only.

So you're saying Sams and COSTCO can tell gays to fuck off and you'd be kewl with it?
They are not serving the public. They are serving those who hold a philosophy similar to their own and refusing to serve others.

There is no state religion in the US. Just some activist judges and business owning bigots.

If you open your doors to the public you have no more rights of religious discrimination.

Wrong the store had a policy not to print offensive messages, they found the message that was requested offensive. They have refused 13 other orders on the same basis, only the faghadist have had a problem with it. Read the damn link so you don't look so foolish.
dang, even as recently as today one the RWnuts was telling us that gays aren't being refused service anywhere.

They wasn't in this case, the printer offered to sub the work to another printer at the same price, that wasn't good enough for the faghadist. Yet they got their shirts from another vendor at a better price, they still filed the complaint, tell me that's not politically motivated.
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dang, even as recently as today one the RWnuts was telling us that gays aren't being refused service anywhere.

They wasn't in this case, the printer offered to sub the work to another printer at the same price, that wasn't good enough for the faghadist. Yet the got their shirts from another vendor at a better price, they still filed the complaint, tell me that's not politically motivated.


dang, even as recently as today one the RWnuts was telling us that gays aren't being refused service anywhere.

They wasn't in this case, the printer offered to sub the work to another printer at the same price, that wasn't good enough for the faghadist. Yet the got their shirts from another vendor at a better price, they still filed the complaint, tell me that's not politically motivated.



Just call'em like I see'em.
Kentucky judge upholds Christian printer s refusal to print gay pride T-shirts - Yahoo News

Maybe it's just that sanity exists only below the Mason-Dixon line. I dunno.

Obviously you don't bother to read or comprehend the linked article.

Neither this case nor any other case concerning discrimination in public accommodations has anything to do with "religious freedom."

I guess you didn't read or comprehend the linked article.

From the link:

"In addition, he ruled that the company and its owners enjoy a right to freely exercise their religion, which includes not facing government actions that substantially burden those rights. Ishmael said there was no showing of a compelling government interest that would justify forcing company officials to violate their religious beliefs."

Care to try again?

Compelling government interest = 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution. Civil Rights Act, and various SCOTUS decisions... including the one about to come down.

Compelling government interest = 1st Amendment of the U.S. - The Establishment clause prohibits the government from "establishing" a religion.

And let's face it, these are not real Christians.

These homophobes are just embracing a twisted hateful version of scripture.

They really know nothing of the teachings of Christ. You know, unconditional love and tolerance.
Funny how this only applies to Christian establishments. Yet, you don't condemn Muslim establishments or pro-gay establishments who do or have done the same exact thing.

Freedom, it seems, is only for those deemed worthy of it.

Has there been a case where a Muslim establishment refused to serve gays? And i don't mean some case where some guy with a video harrassed a clerk who barely spoke English.
dang, even as recently as today one the RWnuts was telling us that gays aren't being refused service anywhere.

They wasn't in this case, the printer offered to sub the work to another printer at the same price, that wasn't good enough for the faghadist. Yet they got their shirts from another vendor at a better price, they still filed the complaint, tell me that's not politically motivated.
dang, even as recently as today one the RWnuts was telling us that gays aren't being refused service anywhere.
And that is still the case. Please show where gays were refused service.

You keep asking that question, I'll keep posting this example.

Court Rules Bakery Illegally Discriminated Against Gay Couple - ACLU - Colorado

"Phillips admitted he had turned away other same-sex couples as a matter of policy. The CCRD’s decision noted evidence in the record that Phillips had expressed willingness to take a cake order for the “marriage” of two dogs, but not for the commitment ceremony of two women, and that he would not make a cake for a same-sex couple’s wedding celebration “just as he would not be willing to make a pedophile cake.”
They wasn't in this case, the printer offered to sub the work to another printer at the same price, that wasn't good enough for the faghadist. Yet they got their shirts from another vendor at a better price, they still filed the complaint, tell me that's not politically motivated.

Of course it's politically motivated. Businesses should not discriminate. That should be a matter of policy.
This is not freedom of religion. Ordering T shirts isn't preventing one from practicing religion.

This is freedom to discriminate.

If you don't want to serve all the public make your store membership only.

Funny how this only applies to Christian establishments. Yet, you don't condemn Muslim establishments or pro-gay establishments who do or have done the same exact thing.

Freedom, it seems, is only for those deemed worthy of it.

Who says it only applies to Christian establishments?
They wasn't in this case, the printer offered to sub the work to another printer at the same price, that wasn't good enough for the faghadist. Yet they got their shirts from another vendor at a better price, they still filed the complaint, tell me that's not politically motivated.

Of course it's politically motivated. Businesses should not discriminate. That should be a matter of policy.

It's funny how they call it political as though that's a magic bullet that destroys its validity.

The entire rightwing agenda is political.
Kentucky judge upholds Christian printer s refusal to print gay pride T-shirts - Yahoo News

Maybe it's just that sanity exists only below the Mason-Dixon line. I dunno.

1 Homophobic judge does not equal sanity.

Homophobia is vile and hateful, like segregation and racism.

"Mason-Dixon" - guess you're another far-rightie who longs for the days of the KKK.
I am amazed that someone like you goes around unsupervised through the day.
dang, even as recently as today one the RWnuts was telling us that gays aren't being refused service anywhere.

They wasn't in this case, the printer offered to sub the work to another printer at the same price, that wasn't good enough for the faghadist. Yet they got their shirts from another vendor at a better price, they still filed the complaint, tell me that's not politically motivated.
dang, even as recently as today one the RWnuts was telling us that gays aren't being refused service anywhere.
And that is still the case. Please show where gays were refused service.

You keep asking that question, I'll keep posting this example.

Court Rules Bakery Illegally Discriminated Against Gay Couple - ACLU - Colorado

"Phillips admitted he had turned away other same-sex couples as a matter of policy. The CCRD’s decision noted evidence in the record that Phillips had expressed willingness to take a cake order for the “marriage” of two dogs, but not for the commitment ceremony of two women, and that he would not make a cake for a same-sex couple’s wedding celebration “just as he would not be willing to make a pedophile cake.”
Still batting zero. He didnt refuse service to gays. He refused service for that particular event. Doubtless the distinction is unclear to you.
dang, even as recently as today one the RWnuts was telling us that gays aren't being refused service anywhere.

They wasn't in this case, the printer offered to sub the work to another printer at the same price, that wasn't good enough for the faghadist. Yet they got their shirts from another vendor at a better price, they still filed the complaint, tell me that's not politically motivated.
dang, even as recently as today one the RWnuts was telling us that gays aren't being refused service anywhere.
And that is still the case. Please show where gays were refused service.

You keep asking that question, I'll keep posting this example.

Court Rules Bakery Illegally Discriminated Against Gay Couple - ACLU - Colorado

"Phillips admitted he had turned away other same-sex couples as a matter of policy. The CCRD’s decision noted evidence in the record that Phillips had expressed willingness to take a cake order for the “marriage” of two dogs, but not for the commitment ceremony of two women, and that he would not make a cake for a same-sex couple’s wedding celebration “just as he would not be willing to make a pedophile cake.”

Still batting zero. He didnt refuse service to gays. He refused service for that particular event. Doubtless the distinction is unclear to you.

You're still an asshole.

What part of

"Phillips admitted he had turned away other same-sex couples as a matter of policy."

does not translate into him refusing service to gays?

lol anyone else reading this? Classic Rabbism.

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