Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

Sure it is. You apparently think that her behavior was normal.

I never said a word one way or the other about her behavior because - as I’ve told you twice now - her behavior is irrelevant because she never shot anyone.
I think it was the kind that would produce a mass shooter.


1.) None of the other mass shooters’ parents had a stockpile of weapons.

2.) There are numerous “preppers” out there whose kids never killed anyone.
Except- it produced a mass shooter, so I win!

No it didn’t.
As it should be. So should gun ownership if you aren't a soldier or a policeman.

The common denominator here is: people doing stupid or criminal shit. However, in spite of all the safety features on vehicles, more people still die in accidents than by murder.
You just made a great argument as to why private gun ownership should be banned. Good work. Oh, wait, that's probably not what you were going for.

No I didn’t you moron. I didn’t make an argument as to why private gun ownership should be banned, I made the argument that gun manufacturers should not be held responsible for legally selling firearms when most firearm murders are committed with stolen firearms. Idiot.
Right. So what do we call them, "Unwilling bullet recipients"? This judge was a dipshit who tanked the trial. From allowing the victims to be demonized to excluding evidence showing what a racist POS Shooty McFlopsweat was.

Call them whatever you want but for the purposes of trial objectivity, they were not victims. They were, in fact, the aggressors and the jury agreed.

These “victims” brought this on themselves by attacking a guy with a semi-automatic rifle. This entire scenario played out exactly as one would expect given all the factors: An armed guy is chased by a mob and attacked for nothing more than putting out a fire and the attacker attempts to take his weapon from him. Any person in the same situation would think this person might mean to take my weapon and use it on me. So he fires to defend himself.
Another mob - not understanding the circumstances of the shooting - attempt to subdue him with some calling for his death. So he fires two more times.
Really? because I checked, there were not riots in Antioch that day. He had to get into a car and go to a riot in Kenosha.

You idiot. YOU said he went to participate in the riots. He did not.
That's like saying the jury in the Emmet Till case made the right decision. Or that the jury in the OJ SImpson case did. All that proves is that when you have inept lawyers and judges, you can have really bad results. Although often, the opposite is true... innocent people going to jail for crimes they didn't commit.

I don’t know what you expect me to say here. I watched the videos and I saw self defense. The jury saw the same video and arrived at the same conclusion. Tough shit. You don’t get your pound of conservative, gun owner flesh this time.
The video spoke for itself, a flopsweaty white boy shooting people because he got in over his head.

If anyone got in over his head it was the three guys who were shot.
He shot an unarmed man.

Who attacked him.
Then he shot his way through a crowd

Who also attacked him.
trying to hold him for the police.

Bullshit. They meant to beat his ass and the video shows them trying to do just that.

Rosenbaum was homeless living on the streets of Kenosha. Grosskreutz resided in West Allis, which is a suburb of Milwaukee...

Your point?
He went there to help people as a paramedic. Shooty McFlopsweat went there to shoot people.

A lie.
He even said as much on video before he did it.

Another lie.

“Bro, I wish I had my fucking AR,” the 17-year-old allegedly says on a video some 15 days before the fatal incidents that occurred during a Black Lives Matter protest. “I’d start shooting rounds at them.”

In the footage, Rittenhouse and others who appear to be inside a car are referencing a Black man seen jogging out of and away from a CVS Pharmacy. According to prosecutors, Rittenhouse expressed his desire to shoot at “several” such individuals at the drugstore because he believed they were stealing.

Yeah, Jury didn't get to hear about that, either. Puts the thing is a whole new light, doesn't it?

Not for me it doesn’t. It has no bearing on the shooting because he never shot anyone until he was attacked.
Opinions that aren't yours aren't lies, buddy. Sorry you don't get that.

Fuck that, you lie repeatedly and you just lied two more times in your last post.

This is not an accusation made after the fact. I told you then that you lied and I corrected you when you were wrong about some detail and you always proceeded to argue based on these lies and incorrect information.

You’ve never given a shit about facts because facts get in the way of your narrative.
Last edited:
I never said a word one way or the other about her behavior because - as I’ve told you twice now - her behavior is irrelevant because she never shot anyone.
Other than it created a mentally unstable kid who went on a shooting rampage?


1.) None of the other mass shooters’ parents had a stockpile of weapons.

2.) There are numerous “preppers” out there whose kids never killed anyone.

Most other mass shooters are grown-ass men.

The common denominator here is: people doing stupid or criminal shit. However, in spite of all the safety features on vehicles, more people still die in accidents than by murder.

Cars aren't designed to kill people. Guns are, and the gun industry sells deadlier guns every year. If the Auto industry actred like the gun industry, your morning commute would look like a Mad Max movie.

No I didn’t you moron. I didn’t make an argument as to why private gun ownership should be banned, I made the argument that gun manufacturers should not be held responsible for legally selling firearms when most firearm murders are committed with stolen firearms. Idiot.

You just said that giving guns to civilians who have no business having them creates a source for criminals. Kind of made the argument against private gun ownership.

Call them whatever you want but for the purposes of trial objectivity, they were not victims. They were, in fact, the aggressors and the jury agreed.

These “victims” brought this on themselves by attacking a guy with a semi-automatic rifle. This entire scenario played out exactly as one would expect given all the factors: An armed guy is chased by a mob and attacked for nothing more than putting out a fire and the attacker attempts to take his weapon from him. Any person in the same situation would think this person might mean to take my weapon and use it on me. So he fires to defend himself.
Another mob - not understanding the circumstances of the shooting - attempt to subdue him with some calling for his death. So he fires two more times.

One was an Emotionally disturbed person, the others were people trying to take an active shooter into custody because the Kenosha police handed the streets over to vigilantes.

Frankly, if I saw an active shooter firing into a crowd, I would hope someone would try to take him into custody.

You idiot. YOU said he went to participate in the riots. He did not.

NO riots in Antioch that day, so he drove to Kenosha.

Not for me it doesn’t. It has no bearing on the shooting because he never shot anyone until he was attacked.

It shows PREDISPOSITION. He saw a black man run out of a CVS and said, "Boy, I wish I had my AR so I could shoot him." His immediate assumption of course, that the black man was up to something bad because he was running. Someone fantasized about murdering people and then goes off and murders people.

If the jury saw that, saw the film of him beating up the 14 year old girl, saw the picture of him making racist gestures while having drinks with the Proud Boys, even a jury that dense wouldn't have acquitted him.

This is not an accusation made after the fact. I told you then that you lied and I corrected you when you were wrong about some detail and you always proceeded to argue based on these lies and incorrect information.
Opinions you disagree with are not lies, buddy. They are opinions... sorry no one taught you this at an early age.
I think you mean his LAWYERS will be billionaires.

He won't have to work anymore, for sure. But the law firms are going to be getting 90% of the money they win for him.

I very much doubt that Kyle would sign with a lawyer who has a contract like that. I'm not even sure a contract like that is legal. I'm guessing he had his choice of attorneys vying for his business. And those attorneys frequently work on a contingency basis. Also, it depends on the law in his state, because some states limit by law how much tort attorneys can charge.
Other than it created a mentally unstable kid who went on a shooting rampage?

Most other mass shooters are grown-ass men.

Cars aren't designed to kill people. Guns are, and the gun industry sells deadlier guns every year. If the Auto industry actred like the gun industry, your morning commute would look like a Mad Max movie.

You just said that giving guns to civilians who have no business having them creates a source for criminals. Kind of made the argument against private gun ownership.

One was an Emotionally disturbed person, the others were people trying to take an active shooter into custody because the Kenosha police handed the streets over to vigilantes.

Frankly, if I saw an active shooter firing into a crowd, I would hope someone would try to take him into custody.

NO riots in Antioch that day, so he drove to Kenosha.

It shows PREDISPOSITION. He saw a black man run out of a CVS and said, "Boy, I wish I had my AR so I could shoot him." His immediate assumption of course, that the black man was up to something bad because he was running. Someone fantasized about murdering people and then goes off and murders people.

If the jury saw that, saw the film of him beating up the 14 year old girl, saw the picture of him making racist gestures while having drinks with the Proud Boys, even a jury that dense wouldn't have acquitted him.

Opinions you disagree with are not lies, buddy. They are opinions... sorry no one taught you this at an early age.
You are not stating opinions you are building a narrative based on outright proven lies.

He was not a mass shooter and no0 one was tryin to hold him for police. He was attacked and assaulted by multiple people intent on killing or doing him harm. His actions were strictly justified self defense.

Those are facts as all evidence including the video evidence PROVES.

None of his previous words or actions are relevant ANYMORE than the previous criminals records of the pigs he shot in self defense.

You refuse to apply this standard both ways. Because you are a liar and hypocrite

Guns are not made deadlier every years you idiot
Other than it created a mentally unstable kid who went on a shooting rampage?

This is exactly what I’m talking about. This is a bald faced lie because you know full fucking well that Adam was autistic.

Lying piece of shit.
Most other mass shooters are grown-ass men.

First of all, I’m talking about the teenagers: Lanza, Cruz, Klebold & Harris, etc. Secondly, if having prepper parent/s can turn you into a mass shooter then it shouldn’t matter when you commit the mass shooting.
Cars aren't designed to kill people. Guns are, and the gun industry sells deadlier guns every year. If the Auto industry actred like the gun industry, your morning commute would look like a Mad Max movie.

Cars aren’t designed to kill people yet more still die by car than by gun. What is it about this you don’t understand?
You just said that giving guns to civilians who have no business having them creates a source for criminals.

I said no said no such thing you fucking liar.
Kind of made the argument against private

No, I did not. I made the argument that criminals usually steal their guns or purchase them illegally.
One was an Emotionally disturbed person, the others were people trying to take an active shooter into custody because the Kenosha police handed the streets over to vigilantes.

So blame the cops.
Frankly, if I saw an active shooter firing into a crowd, I would hope someone would try to take him into custody.

You served your country and you have the medals to prove it (one for prevarication) so why not do it yourself?
NO riots in Antioch that day, so he drove to Kenosha.

Your point? He still didn’t go to participate in the riots and he didn’t participate when he got there. In fact, one video shows him helping to clean graffiti off a building.

Predisposition to what, shoot looters for looting?

So you’re saying what, that he went to Kenosha to shoot looters and ended up cleaning graffiti and putting out a fire instead?
He saw a black man run out of a CVS and said, "Boy, I wish I had my AR so I could shoot him." His immediate assumption of course, that the black man was up to something bad because he was running. Someone fantasized about murdering people and then goes off and murders people.

A lie.
If the jury saw that, saw the film of him beating up the 14 year old girl, saw the picture of him making racist gestures while having drinks with the Proud Boys, even a jury that dense wouldn't have acquitted him.

None of that had any bearing on the shooting itself.

The prosecution would have won their case if Rosenbaum, Huber and Grosskreutz had not actively attacked him.
Opinions you disagree with are not lies, buddy. They are opinions... sorry no one taught you this at an early age.

I know the difference between mere opinion and a lie and you lie. You just lied three more times in your last post.

I find it interesting that this is the first time you have ever responded to an accusation of lying. I and others have called you a liar many times and you have never once refuted it or responded to it any way. So why now? Did I touch a nerve with my comparison to gangbangers?
Other than it created a mentally unstable kid who went on a shooting rampage?

Most other mass shooters are grown-ass men.

Cars aren't designed to kill people. Guns are, and the gun industry sells deadlier guns every year. If the Auto industry actred like the gun industry, your morning commute would look like a Mad Max movie.

You just said that giving guns to civilians who have no business having them creates a source for criminals. Kind of made the argument against private gun ownership.

One was an Emotionally disturbed person, the others were people trying to take an active shooter into custody because the Kenosha police handed the streets over to vigilantes.

Frankly, if I saw an active shooter firing into a crowd, I would hope someone would try to take him into custody.

NO riots in Antioch that day, so he drove to Kenosha.

It shows PREDISPOSITION. He saw a black man run out of a CVS and said, "Boy, I wish I had my AR so I could shoot him." His immediate assumption of course, that the black man was up to something bad because he was running. Someone fantasized about murdering people and then goes off and murders people.

If the jury saw that, saw the film of him beating up the 14 year old girl, saw the picture of him making racist gestures while having drinks with the Proud Boys, even a jury that dense wouldn't have acquitted him.

Opinions you disagree with are not lies, buddy. They are opinions... sorry no one taught you this at an early age.
You aren’t stating opinions, you are creating lies that are contradicted by all the videos, the testimony under oath in court and the verdict. Why are you so filled with hate that you have to tell obvious lies?
This is exactly what I’m talking about. This is a bald faced lie because you know full fucking well that Adam was autistic.

Most Autistic kids don't go on shooting rampages... because their mothers don't stockpile guns and let them play first person shooter games all day.

First of all, I’m talking about the teenagers: Lanza, Cruz, Klebold & Harris, etc. Secondly, if having prepper parent/s can turn you into a mass shooter then it shouldn’t matter when you commit the mass shooting.

Cruz was raised in a dysfunctinal home of a different sort. Kleibold and Harris' parents thought the answer was to medicate their kids into oblivion. The key thing is, if they hadn't had easy access to guns, they'd have been harmless.

Cars aren’t designed to kill people yet more still die by car than by gun. What is it about this you don’t understand?

The part where we need cars, but we don't need guns. Car accidents are unfortunate, and we spend BILLIONS on police to enforce traffic laws, create traffic safety, make the cars themselves safer.

But even the most vanilla attempt to keep guns out of the wrong hands is met with "OH MY GOD, THE FOUNDING FATHERS SAID I CAN HAVE A GUN TO SHOOT GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS!!!"

You served your country and you have the medals to prove it (one for prevarication) so why not do it yourself?

I'd like to think I'd try, but then again, I'm 60 years old and arthritic. Point was, the people in that crowd DID try to stop an active shooter, and got shot for their troubles. And the system said that it was okay, it was their own damned fault for trying to stop a maniac who was shooting into a crowd.

Predisposition to what, shoot looters for looting?

So you’re saying what, that he went to Kenosha to shoot looters and ended up cleaning graffiti and putting out a fire instead?

And shot three people. You keep forgetting that part.

None of that had any bearing on the shooting itself.

The prosecution would have won their case if Rosenbaum, Huber and Grosskreutz had not actively attacked him.

The prosecutors would have won their case if Judge Senile hadn't sandbagged them at every opportunity.

The case hinges on whether or not Shooty McFlopsweat was up there LOOKING for trouble, or if he just happened to be there with a military grade weapon and trouble found him. The fact that he fantasized about shooting a black man, once beat up a 14 year old girl, and hangs out with racists, would have definitely tipped the ball in the other direction in determining predisposition.

I find it interesting that this is the first time you have ever responded to an accusation of lying. I and others have called you a liar many times and you have never once refuted it or responded to it any way. So why now? Did I touch a nerve with my comparison to gangbangers?

Yawn, guy, there's only so much time I can waste when your every repsonse to an attack on your white fragility is "You're LYYYYYYING!"

Nope. I just have an opinion that isn't yours. Based on what I see, Rittenhouse is a piece of human garbage who went up there to murder people, and that's exactly what he did.
Most Autistic kids don't go on shooting rampages.

This one did.
.. because their mothers don't stockpile guns and let them play first person shooter games all day.

None of the other mass shooters’ parents stockpiled weapons.
Cruz was raised in a dysfunctinal home of a different sort. Kleibold and Harris' parents thought the answer was to medicate their kids into oblivion. The key thing is, if they hadn't had easy access to guns, they'd have been harmless.

And? You’re the one saying Lanza went on a rampage because his mother stockpiled weapons. Now you’re telling me the other mass shooters (whose parents did not stockpile weapons) went on a rampage due to dysfunctional homes and being overmedicated

You confidentally claim that the mother stockpiling weapons was the triggering factor (pun intended) in Lanza’s case yet you can’t cite any other mass shooter cases where a parent stockpiled weapons.

You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
The part where we need cars, but we don't need guns.

1.) I thought the main concern was saving and protecting human life. So you’re telling me human lives in motor vehicles are less important than human lives at the end of a gun barrel?

2.) We don’t need cars. That’s a a weak justification used by gun control proponents because they’re too fucking dimwitted to understand that human nature, culture and psychology are behind every death on this planet not attributable to disease or natural disaster or some such.

It’s a little more complicated than that of course but the point is, there is almost never a simple explanation for these kinds of things.
Car accidents are unfortunate, and we spend BILLIONS on police to enforce traffic laws, create traffic safety, make the cars themselves safer.

Except when a white cop does his job to enforce traffic laws and pulls over a black driver for a broken tail light. Then it becomes racism and idiots like you demand they stop.
But even the most vanilla attempt to keep guns out of the wrong hands is met with "OH MY GOD, THE FOUNDING FATHERS SAID I CAN HAVE A GUN TO SHOOT GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS!!!"

Yes, that’s exactly what most gun owners say.

I'd like to think I'd try, but then again, I'm 60 years old and arthritic.

You see, that’s the difference between you and me: whereas you hope somebody else will stop the active shooter, I hope that I will do something to stop the active shooter. Why? Look what happened at Parkland. You simply cannot bet human lives that someone will do something because even cops do nothing sometimes.

You’re a coward who doesn’t give two shits for human life except to use their deaths to push an agenda. What’s worse is you hide behind your military service and medals as if they mean anything in light of your pathological lies.
Point was, the people in that crowd DID try to stop an active shooter, and got shot for their troubles.

While trying to stomp his head into the asphalt and yelling “Kill him!”.
And the system said that it was okay, it was their own damned fault for trying to stop a maniac who was shooting into a crowd.

The system said he shot in self defense. That’s it.
And shot three people. You keep forgetting that part.

In self defense.

You paint a picture of a bloodthirsty white supremacist savage who went to Kenosha solely to shoot black looters and instead the guy came with a first aid kit to help people, cleaned graffiti off a building and put out a fire.

For the heinous act of putting out the fire, his life is threatened and he is chased by a mob led by a mentally disturbed child molester and has to shoot in self defense.
The prosecutors would have won their case if Judge Senile hadn't sandbagged them at every opportunity.

1.) Sandbagged how? 2.) The prosecutors lost because they were determined to convict a “white supremacist” and ignored the facts of the case.
The case hinges on whether or not Shooty McFlopsweat was up there LOOKING for trouble, or if he just happened to be there with a military grade weapon and trouble found him.

No, the case hinged on whether or not it was self defense and it was.
The fact that he fantasized about shooting a black man,

Did he actually say anything about the looter being black or are you just saying this because the looter happened to be black?
once beat up a 14 year old girl, and hangs out with racists, would have definitely tipped the ball in the other direction in determining predisposition.

Again, predisposition to do what, shoot looters? How is it relevant to the case if he did not shoot any looters?
Yawn, guy, there's only so much time I can waste when your every repsonse to an attack on your white fragility is "You're LYYYYYYING!"

You didn’t answer the question: Why are you disputing the accusation now when you never have before?
Nope. I just have an opinion that isn't yours.

You don’t get it; your lying stretches way back before Rittenhouse. Like I said, you’ve lied in every discussion we’ve ever had. And no, I don’t consider differing opinions to be lies.
I’ve encountered differing opinions since I’ve been here the last couple of years (it is a debate forum after all) and while I might say this or that poster is full of shit, you’re the only one I have openly accused of lying. What’s more, I’m not the only one. I’ve seen many here call you a liar.

Lies, conflation, assumptions and misconceptions are the basis of most of your arguments.
Based on what I see, Rittenhouse is a piece of human garbage who went up there to murder people, and that's exactly what he did.

Considering everything you got wrong about the Brown and Sandmann cases, that doesn’t mean much.

I asked you three times in another discussion if you thought Kyle should have stood there and allowed Rosenbaum to beat him and maybe use his weapon against him and you refused to answer. So, do you think he should have?
In self defense. That’s why he was acquitted and is also why he just might get some money out of this.

The media and whiners were passing judgment on this kid and calling him a white supremacist even before they knew all the facts and before it went to trial. Having been acquitted and found not guilty of the charges, he just might have a libel case.
There are still those who believe that Kyle Rittenhouse went to Kenosha to kill blacks and gunned down three innocent black men.
Most Autistic kids don't go on shooting rampages... because their mothers don't stockpile guns and let them play first person shooter games all day.

Cruz was raised in a dysfunctinal home of a different sort. Kleibold and Harris' parents thought the answer was to medicate their kids into oblivion. The key thing is, if they hadn't had easy access to guns, they'd have been harmless.

The part where we need cars, but we don't need guns. Car accidents are unfortunate, and we spend BILLIONS on police to enforce traffic laws, create traffic safety, make the cars themselves safer.

But even the most vanilla attempt to keep guns out of the wrong hands is met with "OH MY GOD, THE FOUNDING FATHERS SAID I CAN HAVE A GUN TO SHOOT GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS!!!"

I'd like to think I'd try, but then again, I'm 60 years old and arthritic. Point was, the people in that crowd DID try to stop an active shooter, and got shot for their troubles. And the system said that it was okay, it was their own damned fault for trying to stop a maniac who was shooting into a crowd.

And shot three people. You keep forgetting that part.

The prosecutors would have won their case if Judge Senile hadn't sandbagged them at every opportunity.

The case hinges on whether or not Shooty McFlopsweat was up there LOOKING for trouble, or if he just happened to be there with a military grade weapon and trouble found him. The fact that he fantasized about shooting a black man, once beat up a 14 year old girl, and hangs out with racists, would have definitely tipped the ball in the other direction in determining predisposition.

Yawn, guy, there's only so much time I can waste when your every repsonse to an attack on your white fragility is "You're LYYYYYYING!"

Nope. I just have an opinion that isn't yours. Based on what I see, Rittenhouse is a piece of human garbage who went up there to murder people, and that's exactly what he did.
There was no case. The prosecutions own witnesses torpedoed it at every turn, and the video footage of every event was the cherry on top of the sundae. Give it up, all you are doing is making yourself look insane. The only reason the case was ever brought was politics, the DA’s office wanted to be seen doing something.
And? You’re the one saying Lanza went on a rampage because his mother stockpiled weapons. Now you’re telling me the other mass shooters (whose parents did not stockpile weapons) went on a rampage due to dysfunctional homes and being overmedicated

You confidentally claim that the mother stockpiling weapons was the triggering factor (pun intended) in Lanza’s case yet you can’t cite any other mass shooter cases where a parent stockpiled weapons.

Um, yeah, because it happened in that case.

She fed this kid a constant dose of crazy.
She let him play first person shooter games all day
She took him to the gun range and showed him how to shoot

1.) I thought the main concern was saving and protecting human life. So you’re telling me human lives in motor vehicles are less important than human lives at the end of a gun barrel?

We make a whole lot of efforts to make cars and driving safer. Now, here's the thing, I would be all for something that would keep the guns out of the hands of the bad guys. The problem is you guys oppose even the most vanilla gun laws, like meaningful background checks or waiting periods.

2.) We don’t need cars. That’s a a weak justification used by gun control proponents because they’re too fucking dimwitted to understand that human nature, culture and psychology are behind every death on this planet not attributable to disease or natural disaster or some such.

I really don't see how we get rid of cars without making major changes to our society. People and stuff have to move. We can't all work from home, after all.

On the other hand, if you confiscated every gun in the country, all you would have are a few guy bemoaning they can't compensate for their shortcomings.

Except when a white cop does his job to enforce traffic laws and pulls over a black driver for a broken tail light. Then it becomes racism and idiots like you demand they stop.

Um, yeah, because it usually becomes the first step in an escalation. Now, I got pulled over in January for a headlight that was out. (I had an appointment to get it replaced the next day). Once the cop realized I was white, he let me off with a warning. If I had been black, he'd have written a ticket. Then he would have used that as a pretext to search my car. And if I objected, it would have been "resisting arrest." If I got out of that situaiton without being shot, I could have considered myself lucky.

You see, that’s the difference between you and me: whereas you hope somebody else will stop the active shooter, I hope that I will do something to stop the active shooter. Why? Look what happened at Parkland. You simply cannot bet human lives that someone will do something because even cops do nothing sometimes.
Well, no, I'm realistic enough to know my old Arthritic ass wouldn't reach a mass shooter in time to do any good.

You’re a coward who doesn’t give two shits for human life except to use their deaths to push an agenda. What’s worse is you hide behind your military service and medals as if they mean anything in light of your pathological lies.

Here's the difference. When the country called, I answered and you didn't.

You paint a picture of a bloodthirsty white supremacist savage who went to Kenosha solely to shoot black looters and instead the guy came with a first aid kit to help people, cleaned graffiti off a building and put out a fire.

He also came with an AR-15.. and expressed a desire to shoot people.

1.) Sandbagged how? 2.) The prosecutors lost because they were determined to convict a “white supremacist” and ignored the facts of the case.

Not admitting any evidence that showed what a piece of human garbage Rittenhouse was- beating up on little girls, hanging out with Nazis, fantasizing about shooting black people.

I’ve encountered differing opinions since I’ve been here the last couple of years (it is a debate forum after all) and while I might say this or that poster is full of shit, you’re the only one I have openly accused of lying. What’s more, I’m not the only one. I’ve seen many here call you a liar.

Yes, your butthurt is strong...

I asked you three times in another discussion if you thought Kyle should have stood there and allowed Rosenbaum to beat him and maybe use his weapon against him and you refused to answer. So, do you think he should have?

I think he should have kept his flopsweaty ass home in Antioch and not have Mommy drive him to a riot.
There was no case. The prosecutions own witnesses torpedoed it at every turn, and the video footage of every event was the cherry on top of the sundae. Give it up, all you are doing is making yourself look insane. The only reason the case was ever brought was politics, the DA’s office wanted to be seen doing something.

Again, would you have gotten the same result if

1) The judge allowed the people he killed to be called "victims"
2) The jury got to see the pictures of him hanging out with the Proud Boys
3) the jury got to see the video of him wishing he could have a gun to shoot a black man running out of a CVS
4) the jury got to see the video of him beating the snot out of a 14 year old girl.
Again, would you have gotten the same result if

1) The judge allowed the people he killed to be called "victims"
2) The jury got to see the pictures of him hanging out with the Proud Boys
3) the jury got to see the video of him wishing he could have a gun to shoot a black man running out of a CVS
4) the jury got to see the video of him beating the snot out of a 14 year old girl.
1) they weren't victims under the law.
2) the people he shot were white so his association as small as it was was immaterial to the case.
3) That's hearsay and since the rioters he shot were attacking him and were white it's immaterial to the case.
4) He was defending his younger sister from a bully. Plus it was immaterial to the case.

Even if all four were admitted, they would have made no difference in the outcome. Kyle was on video from multiple sources defending himself from attacks and he only shot at people directly attacking him. That's a textbook example of self-defense.
I never said a word one way or the other about her behavior because - as I’ve told you twice now - her behavior is irrelevant because she never shot anyone.


1.) None of the other mass shooters’ parents had a stockpile of weapons.

2.) There are numerous “preppers” out there whose kids never killed anyone.

No it didn’t.

The common denominator here is: people doing stupid or criminal shit. However, in spite of all the safety features on vehicles, more people still die in accidents than by murder.

No I didn’t you moron. I didn’t make an argument as to why private gun ownership should be banned, I made the argument that gun manufacturers should not be held responsible for legally selling firearms when most firearm murders are committed with stolen firearms. Idiot.

Call them whatever you want but for the purposes of trial objectivity, they were not victims. They were, in fact, the aggressors and the jury agreed.

These “victims” brought this on themselves by attacking a guy with a semi-automatic rifle. This entire scenario played out exactly as one would expect given all the factors: An armed guy is chased by a mob and attacked for nothing more than putting out a fire and the attacker attempts to take his weapon from him. Any person in the same situation would think this person might mean to take my weapon and use it on me. So he fires to defend himself.
Another mob - not understanding the circumstances of the shooting - attempt to subdue him with some calling for his death. So he fires two more times.

You idiot. YOU said he went to participate in the riots. He did not.

I don’t know what you expect me to say here. I watched the videos and I saw self defense. The jury saw the same video and arrived at the same conclusion. Tough shit. You don’t get your pound of conservative, gun owner flesh this time.

If anyone got in over his head it was the three guys who were shot.

Who attacked him.

Who also attacked him.

Bullshit. They meant to beat his ass and the video shows them trying to do just that.

Your point?

A lie.

Another lie.

Not for me it doesn’t. It has no bearing on the shooting because he never shot anyone until he was attacked.

Fuck that, you lie repeatedly and you just lied two more times in your last post.

This is not an accusation made after the fact. I told you then that you lied and I corrected you when you were wrong about some detail and you always proceeded to argue based on these lies and incorrect information.

You’ve never given a shit about facts because facts get in the way of your narrative.
It might be time to give Kyle's lawyers Joey's IP information and screenshots of his posts here.
You aren’t stating opinions, you are creating lies that are contradicted by all the videos, the testimony under oath in court and the verdict. Why are you so filled with hate that you have to tell obvious lies?
Because Joey is a disciple of Goebbels: he favors The Big Lie. Repeat it enough, and it is accepted as fact.
There was no case. The prosecutions own witnesses torpedoed it at every turn, and the video footage of every event was the cherry on top of the sundae. Give it up, all you are doing is making yourself look insane. The only reason the case was ever brought was politics, the DA’s office wanted to be seen doing something.

He is not insane. Joey is evil. Joey is the purest, darkest example of absolutely pure and undiluted evil on this site. Joey is evil on the level of Vasily Blohkin.

1) they weren't victims under the law.
2) the people he shot were white so his association as small as it was was immaterial to the case.
3) That's hearsay and since the rioters he shot were attacking him and were white it's immaterial to the case.
4) He was defending his younger sister from a bully. Plus it was immaterial to the case.

Even if all four were admitted, they would have made no difference in the outcome. Kyle was on video from multiple sources defending himself from attacks and he only shot at people directly attacking him. That's a textbook example of self-defense.

Joey does not care. Joey cares nothing for facts-as a disciple of both Goebbels and Stalin, he wanted a show trial followed by a public witch-burning.

Why isn't he helping out in Ukraine?

Not even a fair deflection. Pathetic, in fact. 1.5/10 at best.
Um, yeah, because it happened in that case.

She fed this kid a constant dose of crazy.

She let him play first person shooter games all day
She took him to the gun range and showed him how to shoot

We make a whole lot of efforts to make cars and driving safer. Now, here's the thing, I would be all for something that would keep the guns out of the hands of the bad guys. The problem is you guys oppose even the most vanilla gun laws, like meaningful background checks or waiting periods.

I really don’t give a shit if they tighten up background checks and whatnot, I’m just saying that we don’t have the gun crime we have because guns are easy to get. I’m saying it’s because of the culture.
I really don't see how we get rid of cars without making major changes to our society. People and stuff have to move. We can't all work from home, after all.

I’m not saying it would be easy nor am I even saying we should do away with motor vehicles. I’m just saying we don’t need them.
On the other hand, if you confiscated every gun in the country, all you would have are a few guy bemoaning they can't compensate for their shortcomings.

Like you would if you lost your car?
Um, yeah, because it usually becomes the first step in an escalation.

Right. Usually by the driver.
Now, I got pulled over in January for a headlight that was out. (I had an appointment to get it replaced the next day). Once the cop realized I was white, he let me off with a warning.

Did he let you off because you’re white or because you told him you had an appointment to get it fixed the next day?

I’ll bet you told him this but you deliberately left that part out so you could run with your racist cop bullshit.
If I had been black, he'd have written a ticket. Then he would have used that as a pretext to search my car. And if I objected, it would have been "resisting arrest." If I got out of that situaiton without being shot, I could have considered myself lucky.

Bullshit. You don’t know any such thing. The majority of traffic stops are legitimate stops (for both blacks and whites) and end without incident.
Well, no, I'm realistic enough to know my old Arthritic ass wouldn't reach a mass shooter in time to do any good.

How much time would you need, the ten minutes or so that it took Peterson to get off his ass?

In truth, you’re a coward. I’m only a year younger than you but I can tell you I would have gone in that school in a second to do something, anything to stop this animal shooting innocent kids. I wouldn’t be hiding behind my age, arthritis and obesity like you would.
Here's the difference. When the country called, I answered and you didn't.

The country never called me and I’ll bet they didn’t call you either.

But again, due to your dishonesty, double standards, baseless assumptions and gross exaggerations, your service means nothing to me.
He also came with an AR-15.. and expressed a desire to shoot people.

Given that so many liberals wished death on Trump and his supporters, this doesn’t mean much.
Not admitting any evidence that showed what a piece of human garbage Rittenhouse was- beating up on little girls, hanging out with Nazis, fantasizing about shooting black people.

I’ll ask again: Did he actually say anything about blacks or are you only saying this because the looter happened to be black?
Yes, your butthurt is strong...

Is this why you lie so much, to hurt my butt?
I think he should have kept his flopsweaty ass home in Antioch and not have Mommy drive him to a riot.

But he didn’t. And neither did Rosenbaum.

So again, when Rosenbaum attacked Rittenhouse for putting out his fire, do you think Rittenhouse should have stood there and let him?

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