Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

The UK doesn’t have less crime per capita, it has fewer shootings, but almost every other crime is higher.

Um, no. the UK has lower crime rates in all categories. Because their cops aren't constantly cleaning up dead bodies, they have time to actually investigate the pub fight that wouldn't be counted as an assault in the US, or the ass-grabbing that wouldn't be counted as a sexual assault in the US.

No, the gun store sold weapons to people who could LEGALLY buy them. Those people then ILLEGALLY sold the guns to criminals. It’s already against the law to make straw purchases for criminals.

Yet the same store in Indiana sold 850 guns to Criminals in Chicago.

To paraphrase Ian Fleming, Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. 850 times is a bunch of people who know exactly what they are doing.

Oh, hey, here's that article Ghosty was too lazy to find.

Remington also didn’t sell the gun to Lanza’s mother. Remington sold the gun legally to a gun store that then legally sold it to her. Remington didn’t settle this case, Remington’s insurance company did because they wanted it to go away. It was cheaper to settle than defend the case and have the plaintiff put grieving parent after grieving parent on the stand inflaming the jury to award a truly monumental award that would bankrupt the insurance company. Remington isn’t out a dime on this settlement unless it has a deductible.

I know you need to paint a happy face on this, but Remington lost and lost big. You don't settle for 73 MILLION dollars because it's a nuscianse lawsuit.
. They've realized that the only people who REALLY REALLY want guns are crazy people and criminals, and the rest of us only buy them out of fear.

If you don't want a gun then don't buy one, Moon Bat.

Stop being a fucking asshole and bitching about other people enjoying their Constitutional right. It just makes you look like a shithead.

The great majority of people that are victims of a gun crime are inner city Negroes involved in drugs, gangs or who are street thugs so don't worry. We Crackers probably ain't gonna shoot you so you don't have to hide under your bed.

You are really a shitty excuse for a human being, aren't you?
If you don't want a gun then don't buy one, Moon Bat.

Stop being a fucking asshole and bitching about other people enjoying their Constitutional right. It just makes you look like a shithead.

The great majority of people that are victims of a gun crime are inner city Negroes involved in drugs, gangs or who are street thugs so don't worry. We Crackers probably ain't gonna shoot you so don't have to hide under your bed.

You are really a shitty excuse for a human being, aren't you?

Naw, man a shitty human being is one that looks at Adam Lanza shooting a bunch of pre-schoolers and says, "I hope they don't make it harder for me to get a gun!"
Naw, man a shitty human being is one that looks at Adam Lanza shooting a bunch of pre-schoolers and says, "I hope they don't make it harder for me to get a gun!"
Except current laws have STRICT liability on products. That's why you'll see an iron with a warning label, "Don't iron clothes while wearing them." Most products, the manufacturers make efforts to make them safe and encourage safe usage.

Except for the gun industry. They've realized that the only people who REALLY REALLY want guns are crazy people and criminals, and the rest of us only buy them out of fear.

That's why they were held liable at Sandy Hook, and the flood gates are open, baby!

Bullshit. Every firearm you buy comes with a card spelling out rules for safe handling. And the fact remains that if a customer passes a background check then it is perfectly legal to sell to him/her.
Marketing to crazy people is a recipe for disaster. The gun industry markets to crazy people to create fear so that everyone else wants a gun.

Irrelevant. First, “Marketing to crazy people” is your opinion, nothing more. Second, Nancy Lanza passed the background check so the purchase was entirely legal.
She raised a crazy kid who shot 20 preschoolers. What kind of a sick fuck do you have to be to shoot preschoolers? But let's totally get a gun in that house! Nothing weird going on there.

Irrelevant. Adam never shot any preschoolers before she purchased the gun.
Um, no. the UK has lower crime rates in all categories. Because their cops aren't constantly cleaning up dead bodies, they have time to actually investigate the pub fight that wouldn't be counted as an assault in the US, or the ass-grabbing that wouldn't be counted as a sexual assault in the US.

Yet the same store in Indiana sold 850 guns to Criminals in Chicago.

To paraphrase Ian Fleming, Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. 850 times is a bunch of people who know exactly what they are doing.

Oh, hey, here's that article Ghosty was too lazy to find.

I know you need to paint a happy face on this, but Remington lost and lost big. You don't settle for 73 MILLION dollars because it's a nuscianse lawsuit.
You do when your insurance company, who is paying for the defense decided 73,000,000 is cheaper than the likely award from a sympathetic jury. It's all dollars and cents for the insurance company who is paying the bills.
Oh, hey, here's that article Ghosty was too lazy to find.

I found the article and I told you I did which is when you whined about no link. Dumbass.
I know you need to paint a happy face on this, but Remington lost and lost big. You don't settle for 73 MILLION dollars because it's a nuscianse lawsuit.

Does this mean Sandmann’s was not just a nuisance lawsuit against CNN?
Bullshit. Every firearm you buy comes with a card spelling out rules for safe handling. And the fact remains that if a customer passes a background check then it is perfectly legal to sell to him/her.

then the gun industry should have no problem having their practices reviewed by the courts, including full access to internal emails! Because that worked out so well for the tobacco industry.

Irrelevant. First, “Marketing to crazy people” is your opinion, nothing more. Second, Nancy Lanza passed the background check so the purchase was entirely legal.

Background checks that are weak as they are because the gun industry lobbied for weak background checks. Which I say, Fine. And when Crazy Nancy gives her gun to Crazy Adam and he mows down a bunch of preschoolers because the voices in his head told him to, then we need to drag Remington into court and ask, "Why the hell did you sell to her?" I think that "She passed a background check" is going to sound a little weak when they show the jury pictures of those dead kids.

Fuck, I'll go one further. No more sanitizing gun violence. Let's put those crime scene photos on national TV, so people know exactly what they are talking about.
then the gun industry should have no problem having their practices reviewed by the courts, including full access to internal emails! Because that worked out so well for the tobacco industry.

What does this have to do with safety cards?

Background checks that are weak as they are because the gun industry lobbied for weak background checks. Which I say, Fine. And when Crazy Nancy gives her gun to Crazy Adam and he mows down a bunch of preschoolers because the voices in his head told him to, then we need to drag Remington into court and ask, "Why the hell did you sell to her?" I think that "She passed a background check" is going to sound a little weak when they show the jury pictures of those dead kids.

Irrelevant. The background checks are what they are and the laws are what they are. If you don’t like them, lobby to change them. Don’t punish the manufacturer for following the law.

Besides, as AZ already pointed out, Remington did not sell the gun to Lanza, they sold it to a dealer.
Fuck, I'll go one further. No more sanitizing gun violence. Let's put those crime scene photos on national TV, so people know exactly what they are talking about.

Does this include bodies of gangbangers and the innocent victims of their drive-bys?

You do understand that what you suggest would put a glaring spotlight on black gang violence, right?
Irrelevant. The background checks are what they are and the laws are what they are. If you don’t like them, lobby to change them. Don’t punish the manufacturer for following the law.

Besides, as AZ already pointed out, Remington did not sell the gun to Lanza, they sold it to a dealer.

A dealer they knew was selling to crazy people.

Now, here's the thing. If gun victims could sue the gun industry, most of those cases probably would be dismissed, because the guns usually do pass through too many hands before a trigger gets pulled. But you can bet after getting dragged into court enough times, the gun industry will clean up their act, just like big tobacco did.
A dealer they knew was selling to crazy people.

You’re going to have to present evidence to back this up. Otherwise it’s just self righteous, pretentious wokist drivel.
Now, here's the thing. If gun victims could sue the gun industry, most of those cases probably would be dismissed, because the guns usually do pass through too many hands before a trigger gets pulled. But you can bet after getting dragged into court enough times, the gun industry will clean up their act, just like big tobacco did.

You just don’t get it; the only thing required of manufacturers is to sell to licensed dealers. It’s the ATF’s job to ferret out fraudulent, illegal sales and dealers.

The sale to the dealer and the subsequent dealer sale to Nancy Lanza was entirely legal and aboveboard. That her son took it and committed mass murder with it is not their problem or responsibility.
I hope Kyle enjoys a nice steak and lobster dinner with all the trimmings, with the money he gets from CNN! haha....

I hope you enjoy your McDonald's with the extra-large fries while you tell yourself that you weren't REALLY lied to and played like the tool you are.

Your beloved media masters won't be settling for peanuts, no matter HOW much you try to console yourself with that lie. The reality - not that you care about such things, or could recognize them even if you fell over them - is that Kyle, like Nick Sandmann before him, has zero motivation to settle for a small amount, and Big Media wouldn't even waste time asking. They know it as well.
You’re going to have to present evidence to back this up. Otherwise it’s just self righteous, pretentious wokist drivel.

The woman was loading up on enough ammunition to fight the Zombie Apocolypse, including 7 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition.

You just don’t get it; the only thing required of manufacturers is to sell to licensed dealers. It’s the ATF’s job to ferret out fraudulent, illegal sales and dealers.

And if they sell to crazy people, they need to pay for that.

The sale to the dealer and the subsequent dealer sale to Nancy Lanza was entirely legal and aboveboard. That her son took it and committed mass murder with it is not their problem or responsibility.

Nancy was a crazy prepper
who refused to do anything about her son's mental instability
who took him to gun ranges and taught him now to shoot them
who let him play violent videogames for hours on end.

I hope Kyle enjoys a nice steak and lobster dinner with all the trimmings, with the money he gets from CNN! haha....
Shooty McFlopsweat won't be able to afford McDonalds when they laugh him out of court.
The woman was loading up on enough ammunition to fight the Zombie Apocolypse, including 7 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition.

So you couldn’t find any evidence?
And if they sell to crazy people, they need to pay for that.

No, they don’t. It’s not their responsibility to determine who the crazies are. That’s a job for law enforcement or the courts.
Nancy was a crazy prepper
who refused to do anything about her son's mental instability
who took him to gun ranges and taught him now to shoot them
who let him play violent videogames for hours on end.

Irrelevant. All sales were legal.
Shooty McFlopsweat won't be able to afford McDonalds when they laugh him out of court.

I wouldn’t count on it. I can’t say he’ll win but I wouldn’t be surprised if they settle.
So you couldn’t find any evidence?

No, they don’t. It’s not their responsibility to determine who the crazies are. That’s a job for law enforcement or the courts.

Irrelevant. All sales were legal.

I wouldn’t count on it. I can’t say he’ll win but I wouldn’t be surprised if they settle.

If he sues, they'll settle. There's no upside for them to let it go to trial.
If he sues, they'll settle. There's no upside for them to let it go to trial.
Just like Remington, their insurance companies will force them to settle. Punitive jury settlements tend to be huge in cases like this. Insurance companies like certanty, not crapshoots. Jury trials are always crapshoots.

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