Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

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Oh, look, here's Kyle hanging out with the racist Proud Boys.

Do you know what a Proud Boy is? It's a Klansman who has realized the sheets look silly.

No they’re not. Wokeflakes like you have styled them as white supremacists because you have no imagination but they are not.
Except most of them aren't. How is it that police in the UK only shoot 5 people a year and police in the US shoot 1000 a year? Heck, the Police solution is to stop reporting the race of the people they are killing. check out this chart.

The reason the U.K. has fewer police shootings has less to do with trigger-happy cops and more to do with the culture of crime. We have much more crime and criminals so there are more police encounters, more incidents of resisting arrest and more incidents of punks shooting at (and murdering) cops.
Naw, we can blame the Gun Industry for that. Let the victims of gun violence sue the gun sellers, you'd be AMAZED how fast the gun supply dries up in the inner cities.

The typical wokeflake solution: ignore the real problem of gang and crime culture and blame gun manufacturers for thugs using the guns in an illegal manner.

Christ you people are fucking stupid.
The reason the U.K. has fewer police shootings has less to do with trigger-happy cops and more to do with the culture of crime. We have much more crime and criminals so there are more police encounters, more incidents of resisting arrest and more incidents of punks shooting at (and murdering) cops.

The main reason why the UK has less crime is they don't let average people own guns, they treat addiction as a medical problem, not a criminal one, they have extensive poverty relief programs, and so on.

No they’re not. Wokeflakes like you have styled them as white supremacists because you have no imagination but they are not.

The Proud Boys’ actions belie their disavowals of bigotry: Rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings such as the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped organize that event, which brought together a broad coalition of extremists including Neo-Nazis, antisemites and militias. Kessler was expelled from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of Charlottesville rallygoers.

The typical wokeflake solution: ignore the real problem of gang and crime culture and blame gun manufacturers for thugs using the guns in an illegal manner.

Except the gun industry makes it easy for the "thugs" to get guns, that's the thing.
The main reason why the UK has less crime is they don't let average people own guns, they treat addiction as a medical problem, not a criminal one, they have extensive poverty relief programs, and so on.

Irrelevant. Most of these gangbangers get their firearms illegally so gun laws are a moot point here.

The Proud Boys’ actions belie their disavowals of bigotry: Rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings such as the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped organize that event, which brought together a broad coalition of extremists including Neo-Nazis, antisemites and militias. Kessler was expelled from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of Charlottesville rallygoers.

The SPLC? Are you kidding? They have even less credibility than you do. These people probably consider the Boy Scouts of America to be an extremist group.
Except the gun industry makes it easy for the "thugs" to get guns, that's the thing.

Again, gangbangers get their guns illegally so this is a moot point. Why would a criminal pay full price for a handgun in a gun shop when they can get it for half price on the street or just steal it himself?
The SPLC? Are you kidding? They have even less credibility than you do. These people probably consider the Boy Scouts of America to be an extremist group.

That would be the BSA that was hijacked by the Mormon Cult and became a bastion of homophobia? That BSA?

Again, gangbangers get their guns illegally so this is a moot point. Why would a criminal pay full price for a handgun in a gun shop when they can get it for half price on the street or just steal it himself?

Then why are all the guns seized from gangbangers all sourced from the same few stores?

For instance, 800 guns seized by the CPD were all tracked down to a single gun store in Indiana.

The rest of the world has figured this out. Most citizens don't need guns.
That would be the BSA that was hijacked by the Mormon Cult and became a bastion of homophobia? That BSA?

Is that your definition of an extremist group?
Then why are all the guns seized from gangbangers all sourced from the same few stores?

For instance, 800 guns seized by the CPD were all tracked down to a single gun store in Indiana.

And? Did the store break the law?
The rest of the world has figured this out. Most citizens don't need guns.

Needing or not needing firearms is a moot point. In reality, people don’t “need” most of the stuff they have.
Is that your definition of an extremist group?

Sounds kind of extreme to me, given 60 years ago, the BSA didn't get involved in that kind of thing.

And? Did the store break the law?

That's the point. They armed the Street Gangs of Chicago, AND IT WAS ALL LEGAL.

That's why we only need ONE gun reform. Allow victims of gun violence to sue the gun sellers for their negligence. You'd be amazed how fast they clean up their act.
Sounds kind of extreme to me, given 60 years ago, the BSA didn't get involved in that kind of thing.

I really don’t care. My point is that the SPLC considers any group to be extremist for the most mundane and trivial reasons.
That's the point. They armed the Street Gangs of Chicago, AND IT WAS ALL LEGAL.

Was it? I’m not so sure. I did a quick search and the city of Chicago filed a lawsuit against the gun store for illegal sales practices.

So once again you push a false narrative based on ignorance of the facts or you outright lie.
That's why we only need ONE gun reform. Allow victims of gun violence to sue the gun sellers for their negligence. You'd be amazed how fast they clean up their act.

That may or may not be true but the fact remains that this would be unethical and unprincipled.
A manufacturer should not be punished or held accountable for someone choosing to use their product illegally. What you suggest would be fascist.
I really don’t care. My point is that the SPLC considers any group to be extremist for the most mundane and trivial reasons.

Except they aren't mundane. If you are on their list, it's usually because you are encouraging some kind of racial or homophobic hate.

Was it? I’m not so sure. I did a quick search and the city of Chicago filed a lawsuit against the gun store for illegal sales practices.

And I doubt it will go anywhere, but we can always hope.

That may or may not be true but the fact remains that this would be unethical and unprincipled.
A manufacturer should not be punished or held accountable for someone choosing to use their product illegally. What you suggest would be fascist.

Actually, it would be fair. Look at the Tobacco Industry. When the states took them to court, we found out that they were engaged in a lot of unethical practices, mostly aimed at getting kids hooked on smoking as teens to keep a lifetime customer base, and then spiking the cigarettes with more nicotine to make them more addictive.

The gun industry engages in the same kinds of behavior, marketing guns to people who shouldn't have them, from cheap "Saturday Night Specials" to the Mac Ten that is only good for a drive-by.
Except they aren't mundane. If you are on their list, it's usually because you are encouraging some kind of racial or homophobic hate.

Of course. But the question is, what constitutes racial or homophobic hate? This is where the SPLC loses credibility.
And I doubt it will go anywhere, but we can always hope.

If they engaged in fraudulent and/or illegal sales practices then I’m with you; they should be punished accordingly.

The difference here is that I want them punished for breaking the law (assuming they did) whereas you want them punished simply for being firearm dealers.

The fact that you couldn’t even bother to learn the facts of the case proves this. If you had cared at all about the law in this matter you would have educated yourself.
Actually, it would be fair. Look at the Tobacco Industry. When the states took them to court, we found out that they were engaged in a lot of unethical practices, mostly aimed at getting kids hooked on smoking as teens to keep a lifetime customer base, and then spiking the cigarettes with more nicotine to make them more addictive.

You’re talking about illegal and unethical practices. Simply selling firearms legally and with a license should not subject a dealer to lawsuits just because some asswipe chose on his own to commit murder with it.
The gun industry engages in the same kinds of behavior, marketing guns to people who shouldn't have them, from cheap "Saturday Night Specials" to the Mac Ten that is only good for a drive-by.

Bullshit. The tobacco industry got themselves in trouble for hiding test results that showed that tobacco is much more dangerous and addictive than they let on.

As for firearm marketing, there are already laws in place that prevent minors and people with criminal records from purchasing certain types of firearms or firearms in general. So it doesn’t matter who they market to.
No they’re not. Wokeflakes like you have styled them as white supremacists because you have no imagination but they are not.

The reason the U.K. has fewer police shootings has less to do with trigger-happy cops and more to do with the culture of crime. We have much more crime and criminals so there are more police encounters, more incidents of resisting arrest and more incidents of punks shooting at (and murdering) cops.

The typical wokeflake solution: ignore the real problem of gang and crime culture and blame gun manufacturers for thugs using the guns in an illegal manner.

Christ you people are fucking stupid.
Not just stupid. While unquestionably an ignoranus, Joey is pure and undiluted evil.
Of course. But the question is, what constitutes racial or homophobic hate? This is where the SPLC loses credibility.

Indoctrinating kids in homophobia is hate. Sorry, it just is, and that's what the BSA was doing until 2015 when it finally lifted its ban on gay members.

If they engaged in fraudulent and/or illegal sales practices then I’m with you; they should be punished accordingly.

The difference here is that I want them punished for breaking the law (assuming they did) whereas you want them punished simply for being firearm dealers.

The fact that you couldn’t even bother to learn the facts of the case proves this. If you had cared at all about the law in this matter you would have educated yourself.

You didn't even provide a link to the case, and I didn't feel like researching it, honestly. I live in Chicago, and while I've heard about this store in Indiana which sells to the gangs, I haven't heard anything about them being sued.

You see a gun to a bad person, you need to be prosecuted. Full stop. You sell to a straw buyer and you know it's a straw buyer, you should be prosecuted.

You’re talking about illegal and unethical practices. Simply selling firearms legally and with a license should not subject a dealer to lawsuits just because some asswipe chose on his own to commit murder with it.

Why not?

Bullshit. The tobacco industry got themselves in trouble for hiding test results that showed that tobacco is much more dangerous and addictive than they let on.

As for firearm marketing, there are already laws in place that prevent minors and people with criminal records from purchasing certain types of firearms or firearms in general. So it doesn’t matter who they market to.

Well, a court in Connecticut thought differently when they made Remington pay out 73 million to the families of kids killed at Sandy Hook. Whoops.
Indoctrinating kids in homophobia is hate. Sorry, it just is, and that's what the BSA was doing until 2015 when it finally lifted its ban on gay members.

I really don’t care. My point is that the SPLC plays a little too fast and loose with the definition of “hate group” and “extremist”.
You didn't even provide a link to the case, and I didn't feel like researching it, honestly. I live in Chicago, and while I've heard about this store in Indiana which sells to the gangs, I haven't heard anything about them being sued.

This is something you should have researched yourself before you blurted out that “It was all legal!”

Besides that, you’ve told me straight up before that you don’t click on links provided for you. So don’t play the link-deprived victim here because we both know you wouldn’t have clicked on it anyway.

In addition to all this, YOU are the one who brought up this case in the first place and YOU did not provide a link.
You see a gun to a bad person, you need to be prosecuted. Full stop. You sell to a straw buyer and you know it's a straw buyer, you should be prosecuted.

This is not in dispute. But no gun manufacturer or gun dealer should be held accountable for selling a firearm to a customer who passes the background check. Full stop.

Uh uh, that particular ball is in your court. You’re going to have to explain why a gun manufacturer should be held accountable when manufacturing firearms is not against the law.
Well, a court in Connecticut thought differently when they made Remington pay out 73 million to the families of kids killed at Sandy Hook. Whoops.

“Whoops” is right. They should not have been made to pay these families. Remington did not kill their children, Adam Lanza did.
I really don’t care. My point is that the SPLC plays a little too fast and loose with the definition of “hate group” and “extremist”.

I know, man, they keep dissing all the groups that you'd want to belong to because they make you feel comfortable with your racism and homophobia.

This is something you should have researched yourself before you blurted out that “It was all legal!”

Besides that, you’ve told me straight up before that you don’t click on links provided for you. So don’t play the link-deprived victim here because we both know you wouldn’t have clicked on it anyway.

In addition to all this, YOU are the one who brought up this case in the first place and YOU did not provide a link.

I live here, I'm very familiar with the long standing fight between Chicago and these gun stores in Indiana. So I don't need to look up something I know isn't happening.

This is not in dispute. But no gun manufacturer or gun dealer should be held accountable for selling a firearm to a customer who passes the background check. Full stop.

Why not? The gun industry are the ones who have created all the loopholes in background checks, from the gun-show loophole to the time limit on background checks. The two things we find out after EVERY mass shooting is

1) Everyone in the shooter's life knew he was crazy.

2) He was able to easily get a gun, anyway.

Uh uh, that particular ball is in your court. You’re going to have to explain why a gun manufacturer should be held accountable when manufacturing firearms is not against the law.

Nope. All we have to prove is that they were reckless in their marketing, which they clearly were when they sold Nancy Lanza enough guns to fight the Zombie Apocalypse.


Look out, Nancy, a Zombie! Too late!

“Whoops” is right. They should not have been made to pay these families. Remington did not kill their children, Adam Lanza did.

Yes, after Remington sold his mother a gun despite the fact she and he were batshit crazy. Remington was liable


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I know, man, they keep dissing all the groups that you'd want to belong to because they make you feel comfortable with your racism and homophobia.

Don’t be an idiot. Try to stay on topic, huh?
I live here, I'm very familiar with the long standing fight between Chicago and these gun stores in Indiana. So I don't need to look up something I know isn't happening.

Blah blah blah. You boo hooed that I didn’t give you a link when you know you wouldn’t have clicked on it anyway and you know that you did not post a link when you brought it up in the first place.
Why not? The gun industry are the ones who have created all the loopholes in background checks, from the gun-show loophole to the time limit on background checks. The two things we find out after EVERY mass shooting is

1) Everyone in the shooter's life knew he was crazy.

2) He was able to easily get a gun, anyway.

Irrelevant. Loopholes or no, they should not be punished for abiding by the current laws regulating the manufacture and sales of firearms.

If you want the loopholes closed then lobby Congress to do so. It is not right to punish the manufacturer if they haven’t broken any laws.
Nope. All we have to prove is that they were reckless in their marketing, which they clearly were when they sold Nancy Lanza enough guns to fight the Zombie Apocalypse.

First of all, marketing is irrelevant since everyone knows murder is illegal. Secondly, it was Nancy who purchased the gun, not Adam. Third, Nancy didn’t kill those children, Adam did.
Yes, after Remington sold his mother a gun despite the fact she and he were batshit crazy. Remington was liable

Irrelevant. Whether or not she was “batshit crazy” is debatable and so it is just your opinion. Secondly, if she passed the background check then there’s no justification for holding the manufacturer or the dealer accountable.
The main reason why the UK has less crime is they don't let average people own guns, they treat addiction as a medical problem, not a criminal one, they have extensive poverty relief programs, and so on.

The Proud Boys’ actions belie their disavowals of bigotry: Rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings such as the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped organize that event, which brought together a broad coalition of extremists including Neo-Nazis, antisemites and militias. Kessler was expelled from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of Charlottesville rallygoers.

Except the gun industry makes it easy for the "thugs" to get guns, that's the thing.
The UK doesn’t have less crime per capita, it has fewer shootings, but almost every other crime is higher.
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Sounds kind of extreme to me, given 60 years ago, the BSA didn't get involved in that kind of thing.

That's the point. They armed the Street Gangs of Chicago, AND IT WAS ALL LEGAL.

That's why we only need ONE gun reform. Allow victims of gun violence to sue the gun sellers for their negligence. You'd be amazed how fast they clean up their act.
No, the gun store sold weapons to people who could LEGALLY buy them. Those people then ILLEGALLY sold the guns to criminals. It’s already against the law to make straw purchases for criminals.
Don’t be an idiot. Try to stay on topic, huh?

Blah blah blah. You boo hooed that I didn’t give you a link when you know you wouldn’t have clicked on it anyway and you know that you did not post a link when you brought it up in the first place.

Irrelevant. Loopholes or no, they should not be punished for abiding by the current laws regulating the manufacture and sales of firearms.

If you want the loopholes closed then lobby Congress to do so. It is not right to punish the manufacturer if they haven’t broken any laws.

First of all, marketing is irrelevant since everyone knows murder is illegal. Secondly, it was Nancy who purchased the gun, not Adam. Third, Nancy didn’t kill those children, Adam did.

Irrelevant. Whether or not she was “batshit crazy” is debatable and so it is just your opinion. Secondly, if she passed the background check then there’s no justification for holding the manufacturer or the dealer accountable.
Remington also didn’t sell the gun to Lanza’s mother. Remington sold the gun legally to a gun store that then legally sold it to her. Remington didn’t settle this case, Remington’s insurance company did because they wanted it to go away. It was cheaper to settle than defend the case and have the plaintiff put grieving parent after grieving parent on the stand inflaming the jury to award a truly monumental award that would bankrupt the insurance company. Remington isn’t out a dime on this settlement unless it has a deductible.
Irrelevant. Loopholes or no, they should not be punished for abiding by the current laws regulating the manufacture and sales of firearms.

If you want the loopholes closed then lobby Congress to do so. It is not right to punish the manufacturer if they haven’t broken any laws.

Except current laws have STRICT liability on products. That's why you'll see an iron with a warning label, "Don't iron clothes while wearing them." Most products, the manufacturers make efforts to make them safe and encourage safe usage.

Except for the gun industry. They've realized that the only people who REALLY REALLY want guns are crazy people and criminals, and the rest of us only buy them out of fear.

That's why they were held liable at Sandy Hook, and the flood gates are open, baby!

First of all, marketing is irrelevant since everyone knows murder is illegal. Secondly, it was Nancy who purchased the gun, not Adam. Third, Nancy didn’t kill those children, Adam did.

Marketing to crazy people is a recipe for disaster. The gun industry markets to crazy people to create fear so that everyone else wants a gun.

Irrelevant. Whether or not she was “batshit crazy” is debatable and so it is just your opinion. Secondly, if she passed the background check then there’s no justification for holding the manufacturer or the dealer accountable.

She raised a crazy kid who shot 20 preschoolers. What kind of a sick fuck do you have to be to shoot preschoolers? But let's totally get a gun in that house! Nothing weird going on there.

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