Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

Except he doesn't have a leg to stand on. He needs to worry about civil suits.

What I saw was a flop-sweaty punk with a gun shoot an unarmed man, and kept shooting him even after he was down.

Then I saw him gun down two more people who tried to take him into custody, potentially hitting others in the crowd.

Then I saw him walk past five police cars, because, hey, he's white.
What you saw was the view that you had with your head up your Libtard ass.

What America and the jury saw were three BLM terrorists attack a 17 year old boy because he had helped put out a street fire that they started. They saw the boy act in self defense.

You need to pull your head out of your Libtard ass because you look like an idiot when you post your Left Wing hate.
Bringing a rifle to a political protest is inherently illegal, much less for being underage in possession, an obvious crime.

Whether or not the jury was right to not convict, does not at all mean he was innocent.
It just means there was some reasonable doubt of guilty.
Not being found guilty does not mean one is proven innocent.
I'm merely pointing out that you have to go more and more extreme lengths to pretend Rittenhouse was a racist

Nope. Not really. He had to rush up to Wisconsin the minute he heard there were race riots...

Mommy. Mommy. Drive me to Wisconsin!
What America and the jury saw were three BLM terrorists attack a 17 year old boy because he had helped put out a street fire that they started. They saw the boy act in self defense.

It was a dumpster fire. Nobody cared that they were burning garbage.
Except the city didn't ask for his protection... he took it upon himself to go up there with an illegal weapon and start firing at unarmed protestors like a madman.

and that makes it okay, then?

You are oyutright lying like a coward and you know it.

They were violent rioters and he SELECTIVELY fired only at those who attacked him
Bringing a rifle to a political protest is inherently illegal, much less for being underage in possession, an obvious crime.

You’re going to have to cite the particular law that backs up this claim. Otherwise, this is just opinion.
Whether or not the jury was right to not convict, does not at all mean he was innocent.
It just means there was some reasonable doubt of guilty.

If there was reasonable doubt for the jury then why is there none for you?
Not being found guilty does not mean one is proven innocent.

Actually, it does: Innocent until proven guilty. If he is found not guilty then he is innocent.
Kid Rock has a clip of him in his new video I’d post here but the swear words would probably make yall faint or something so I won’t lol.
Nope. Not really. He had to rush up to Wisconsin the minute he heard there were race riots...

Mommy. Mommy. Drive me to Wisconsin!
I've told you before, those foil helmets do NOT give you the ability to read minds.

Now, are you ever going to stop lying? Kyle drove himself to Kenosha the day before the riots. You, as usual, saw a headline, probably quoting Karen Bass, believed it and never bothered to find out if it was true.
I've told you before, those foil helmets do NOT give you the ability to read minds.

Now, are you ever going to stop lying? Kyle drove himself to Kenosha the day before the riots. You, as usual, saw a headline, probably quoting Karen Bass, believed it and never bothered to find out if it was true.
Kyle worked in Kenosha. He went to work that morning.
Obviously somebody did: Rittenhouse.

Do you need to be reminded that these riotous clowns had already caused millions in damage due to arson?

So what? As I've said, we've had 10 years to reform our racist police departments... I don't get worked up when people damage property after you've ignored all the times they asked nicely.


Asking Nicely doesn't work.

Now, are you ever going to stop lying? Kyle drove himself to Kenosha the day before the riots. You, as usual, saw a headline, probably quoting Karen Bass, believed it and never bothered to find out if it was true.
And he scampered back to Mommy's house after he murdered those people. MOMMY! I NEED A LAWYER!!!

Good. I hope he gets it.

Again, they'll take his ass to the cleaners in civil court.
So what? As I've said, we've had 10 years to reform our racist police departments... I don't get worked up when people damage property after you've ignored all the times they asked nicely.

View attachment 617659
Asking Nicely doesn't work.

And he scampered back to Mommy's house after he murdered those people. MOMMY! I NEED A LAWYER!!!

Again, they'll take his ass to the cleaners in civil court.
So, are you going to stop lying and saying his mom drove him and that he took the rifle across the state line or not? The bottom line remains, you got some things stuck in your head, didn't bother to make sure they were true, and got caught spreading lies. Now you're trying to sneak in yet another lie by saying he murdered somebody. He didn't, and by your own standard you can't say he did. Sorry, no one could prove he did, so you're violating the standard you tried to put on someone else.
So what? As I've said, we've had 10 years to reform our racist police departments... I don't get worked up when people damage property after you've ignored all the times they asked nicely.

View attachment 617659
Asking Nicely doesn't work.

And he scampered back to Mommy's house after he murdered those people. MOMMY! I NEED A LAWYER!!!

Again, they'll take his ass to the cleaners in civil court.
There is no such thing as a racist police department. He ran to the police first as he should have and hemurdered no one.
So, are you going to stop lying and saying his mom drove him and that he took the rifle across the state line or not? The bottom line remains, you got some things stuck in your head, didn't bother to make sure they were true, and got caught spreading lies. Now you're trying to sneak in yet another lie by saying he murdered somebody. He didn't, and by your own standard you can't say he did. Sorry, no one could prove he did, so you're violating the standard you tried to put on someone else.
Ignore him. JoeB131 is insane.
Ignore him. JoeB131 is insane.
I'm well aware that his posts lack intellectual rigor. I'm having fun now because he went after someone on another thread, saying they couldn't accuse someone of doing something if they couldn't prove they did it. He's not happy that he can't call Kyle Rittenhouse a murderer without violating his own standard, and I enjoy reminding him of it. He has feelz and doesn't need facts.
Bringing a rifle to a political protest is inherently illegal,
You are confused Moon Bat. No it is not. Open carry is legal in Wisconsin. You can open carry a rifle or an exposed pistol. You only need a permit for concealed carry.

Many of the BLM terrorists were armed including the sonofabitch that fired the first shot of the night and the shithead that tried to shoot Kyle with a Glock.

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