Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

No, but you did say he wouldn’t have been at risk if he hadn’t been there. So are you now admitting he was at risk? If not then what do you mean? If so, wouldn’t that mean that everyone was at risk, both armed and unarmed?

Then why were the other armed guys with him not attacked or, why was there no violence associated with them?

At the time he was attacked by Grosskreutz and the others, Kyle had shot one person. Therefore, Grosskreutz et al did not attack him because he started “murdering everyone around him”, as you so blithely and erroneously claimed.

On what do you base this claim?

The point is Rittenhouse would not have been at risk if he had not deliberately carried an intimidating rifle.
If I had been there, I would have assumed he was an insane mass murderer and needed to be stopped at any cost.

There were no other armed guys with him.
There were several armed guys at the car dealership, they were smart enough to NOT leave the car dealership.
Only Kyle was stupid enough to prowl around, alone and armed with a rifle.

And you have the sequence wrong.
Kyle shot Rosenbaum first, then everyone who saw it, attacked Kyle in defense.
The next Kyle shot was Huber, who tried to hit Kyle with a skateboard and grab the rifle.
Grosskreutz was the last one shot.
And he had his hands and pistol in the air, as you can plainly see in the video.

All you have to do is review the court testimony.
Gaige Grosskreutz testified that he was filming the protest as a legal observer for the American Civil Liberties Union on a Facebook livestream. Shortly before midnight Grosskreutz said he heard gunshots to the south and observed Rittenhouse running in his direction[75] on Sheridan Road.[76] Grosskreutz said he ran alongside Rittenhouse and asked "Hey, what are you doing. You shot somebody?"[75]

Prosecutors said that protesters were heard on two different videos yelling "Beat him up!", "Hey, he shot him!" and "Get him! Get that dude!"[62] One individual struck Rittenhouse, knocking off his cap,[77] shortly after which Rittenhouse tripped and fell to the ground.[51] Others shouted "What'd he do?", "Just shot someone!" and "Get his ass!"[62] While he was on the ground, one of the men in pursuit jump kicked Rittenhouse, who fired twice but missed the man.[24][78]

Another protester, Anthony Huber, made contact with Rittenhouse's left shoulder, neck and head with a skateboard as the pair struggled for control of the gun.[79][62][6][80] As Huber was pulling on the rifle, Rittenhouse fired once, hitting Huber in the chest, perforating his heart and right lung, causing his rapid death.[62][81]

Grosskreutz testified he believed Rittenhouse was an active shooter.[82][83] Grosskreutz had an expired concealed carry permit for a handgun and was carrying a Glock pistol.[82][84] Grosskreutz approached Rittenhouse, who was on the ground, but stopped and put his hands up after Huber was shot. Grosskreutz then pointed his handgun and advanced on Rittenhouse, who shot Grosskreutz once in the arm, severing most of the biceps of his right arm.
The point is Rittenhouse would not have been at risk if he had not deliberately carried an intimidating rifle.
If I had been there, I would have assumed he was an insane mass murderer and needed to be stopped at any cost.

There were no other armed guys with him.
There were several armed guys at the car dealership, they were smart enough to NOT leave the car dealership.
Only Kyle was stupid enough to prowl around, alone and armed with a rifle.

And you have the sequence wrong.
Kyle shot Rosenbaum first, then everyone who saw it, attacked Kyle in defense.
The next Kyle shot was Huber, who tried to hit Kyle with a skateboard and grab the rifle.
Grosskreutz was the last one shot.
And he had his hands and pistol in the air, as you can plainly see in the video.

All you have to do is review the court testimony.
Gaige Grosskreutz testified that he was filming the protest as a legal observer for the American Civil Liberties Union on a Facebook livestream. Shortly before midnight Grosskreutz said he heard gunshots to the south and observed Rittenhouse running in his direction[75] on Sheridan Road.[76] Grosskreutz said he ran alongside Rittenhouse and asked "Hey, what are you doing. You shot somebody?"[75]

Prosecutors said that protesters were heard on two different videos yelling "Beat him up!", "Hey, he shot him!" and "Get him! Get that dude!"[62] One individual struck Rittenhouse, knocking off his cap,[77] shortly after which Rittenhouse tripped and fell to the ground.[51] Others shouted "What'd he do?", "Just shot someone!" and "Get his ass!"[62] While he was on the ground, one of the men in pursuit jump kicked Rittenhouse, who fired twice but missed the man.[24][78]

Another protester, Anthony Huber, made contact with Rittenhouse's left shoulder, neck and head with a skateboard as the pair struggled for control of the gun.[79][62][6][80] As Huber was pulling on the rifle, Rittenhouse fired once, hitting Huber in the chest, perforating his heart and right lung, causing his rapid death.[62][81]

Grosskreutz testified he believed Rittenhouse was an active shooter.[82][83] Grosskreutz had an expired concealed carry permit for a handgun and was carrying a Glock pistol.[82][84] Grosskreutz approached Rittenhouse, who was on the ground, but stopped and put his hands up after Huber was shot. Grosskreutz then pointed his handgun and advanced on Rittenhouse, who shot Grosskreutz once in the arm, severing most of the biceps of his right arm.
While all of this is true none of it matters because the case is over and Rittenhouse was acquitted. He was acquitted on the grounds of self defense. Hence no crime. There will never be a crime either.
The point is Rittenhouse would not have been at risk if he had not deliberately carried an intimidating rifle.

That’s not what you said before. You said he wouldn’t have been at risk if he hadn’t been there at all.

Having said that, you’re saying that his merely carrying the rifle is what put him at risk. So carrying the rifle but not committing violence triggered others to commit violence? Is that what you’re saying? If it is, what does that say about these people committing violence so easily?
If I had been there, I would have assumed he was an insane mass murderer and needed to be stopped at any cost.

1.) I thought you said people were intimidated by the rifle and didn’t attack until he shot Rosenbaum. Now you’re saying you would have attacked him just for carrying the rifle and would have assumed he was an “insane mass murderer”

Make up your mind; Were they intimidated and stayed back because he was armed or was the fact that he was armed provoke them to attack?

2.) Has it not occurred to you yet, the collosal irony of the fact that Rittenhouse didn’t shoot anyone until he was attacked?
There were no other armed guys with him.
There were several armed guys at the car dealership, they were smart enough to NOT leave the car dealership.

Irrelevant. They were all armed which, according to your arguments thus far, was sufficient provocation to attack them. So why were they not attacked?
Only Kyle was stupid enough to prowl around, alone and armed with a rifle.

He wasn’t “prowling”, he put out a dumpster fire that some idiot started. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
And you have the sequence wrong.
Kyle shot Rosenbaum first,

I know he shot Rosenbaum first. I never said otherwise. But you have the sequence wrong: Rosenbaum attacked Kyle first.
then everyone who saw it, attacked Kyle in defense.

No they didn’t. They attacked him because they didn’t know he had been attacked and that he fired in self defense.

I asked you a question before but never got an answer: At what point do you hold Rosenbaum accountable for his actions?
The next Kyle shot was Huber, who tried to hit Kyle with a skateboard and grab the rifle.
Grosskreutz was the last one shot.
And he had his hands and pistol in the air, as you can plainly see in the video.

Wrong. The video shows the pistol in his hand and pointed in Kyle’s general direction.
I remember because it was a point that Grosskreutz and the prosecution got gigged on in the trial and part of the reason why the prosecution suffered such a humiliating loss.
All you have to do is review the court testimony.
Gaige Grosskreutz testified that he was filming the protest as a legal observer for the American Civil Liberties Union on a Facebook livestream. Shortly before midnight Grosskreutz said he heard gunshots to the south and observed Rittenhouse running in his direction[75] on Sheridan Road.[76] Grosskreutz said he ran alongside Rittenhouse and asked "Hey, what are you doing. You shot somebody?"[75]

Prosecutors said that protesters were heard on two different videos yelling "Beat him up!", "Hey, he shot him!" and "Get him! Get that dude!"[62] One individual struck Rittenhouse, knocking off his cap,[77] shortly after which Rittenhouse tripped and fell to the ground.[51] Others shouted "What'd he do?", "Just shot someone!" and "Get his ass!"[62] While he was on the ground, one of the men in pursuit jump kicked Rittenhouse, who fired twice but missed the man.[24][78]

Another protester, Anthony Huber, made contact with Rittenhouse's left shoulder, neck and head with a skateboard as the pair struggled for control of the gun.[79][62][6][80] As Huber was pulling on the rifle, Rittenhouse fired once, hitting Huber in the chest, perforating his heart and right lung, causing his rapid death.[62][81]

Grosskreutz testified he believed Rittenhouse was an active shooter.[82][83] Grosskreutz had an expired concealed carry permit for a handgun and was carrying a Glock pistol.[82][84] Grosskreutz approached Rittenhouse, who was on the ground, but stopped and put his hands up after Huber was shot. Grosskreutz then pointed his handgun and advanced on Rittenhouse, who shot Grosskreutz once in the arm, severing most of the biceps of his right arm.

Again, Grosskreutz and the others did not know Kyle fired in self defense. That’s an understandable mistake but the problem is that they came at Kyle like an angry mob that looked just like the angry mob that he just got away from, one if which he just had to shoot in self defense.

Rittenhouse was attacked for extinguishing someone’s arson fire. The attacker led an angry mob and chased Kyle and then tried to take his weapon from him. Kyle fires in self defense and then suddenly, a second angry mob is on him. What the fuck did you expect him to do at this point, let them stomp his ass into the street?
It had nothing to do with democrat or republican.
It has to do with police falsely stopping people for things like air freshner hanging from the mirror, and shooting them.
No one killed for a ait freshener.. saying stuff like that will cause rittenhouse’ sour there to take care of lies like yours that cause violence. You’re responsible
No, by your own standard you can't call Rittenhouse a murderer. Did you forget that you said you can't accuse someone of something unless you can prove they did it? Rittenhouse stood trial for murder and was not found guilty. Therefore, your standard insists you can't call him a murderer.

Except we proved he did it. They have video. Therefore we can call him a murderer.
Someone hitting you with a skateboard is NOT a deadly weapon and does NOT give you the authority to shoot them.

See, that's a lie. A skateboard ABSOLUTELY IS a deadly weapon, and being attacked with a deadly weapon ABSOLUTELY DOES justify shooting said attacker dead.

And you do not kill them with a high powered rifle at close range.

I agree...while Kyle's choice of a medium-power carbine clearly worked for him, I would much prefer a shotgun.

Hubner was legally trying to stop an out of control shooter, and is a hero.

No, that's a lie.

Grosskreutz was NOT aiming at Kyle when Kyle pulled the trigger.
Otherwise Kyle's bullet would not have penetrated Grosskreutz's arm perpendicularly.

Yes, he was, by his OWN SWORN TESTIMONY IN COURT! Just stop.
No, by your own standard you can't call Rittenhouse a murderer. Did you forget that you said you can't accuse someone of something unless you can prove they did it? Rittenhouse stood trial for murder and was not found guilty. Therefore, your standard insists you can't call him a murderer.
If not for double standards, Joey would have none.
The point is Rittenhouse would not have been at risk if he had not deliberately carried an intimidating rifle.

Unsupported speculation.

If I had been there, I would have assumed he was an insane mass murderer and needed to be stopped at any cost.

If you are that terrified of firearms, you should probably be involuntarily confined to some sort of mental health facility for observation.

There were no other armed guys with him.


There were several armed guys at the car dealership, they were smart enough to NOT leave the car dealership.
Only Kyle was stupid enough to prowl around, alone and armed with a rifle.


And you have the sequence wrong.
Kyle shot Rosenbaum first, then everyone who saw it, attacked Kyle in defense.


The next Kyle shot was Huber, who tried to hit Kyle with a skateboard and grab the rifle.

Huber, who chased a fleeing Kyle, and attempted to kill him by bashing his head in

Grosskreutz was the last one shot.
And he had his hands and pistol in the air, as you can plainly see in the video.

Lie, again and still.

All you have to do is review the court testimony.

You mean the testimony where Grosskreutz admitted he pointed his pistol at Kyel, you lying sack of shit?

Gaige Grosskreutz testified that he was filming the protest as a legal observer for the American Civil Liberties Union on a Facebook livestream. Shortly before midnight Grosskreutz said he heard gunshots to the south and observed Rittenhouse running in his direction[75] on Sheridan Road.[76] Grosskreutz said he ran alongside Rittenhouse and asked "Hey, what are you doing. You shot somebody?"[75]

Prosecutors said that protesters were heard on two different videos yelling "Beat him up!", "Hey, he shot him!" and "Get him! Get that dude!"[62] One individual struck Rittenhouse, knocking off his cap,[77] shortly after which Rittenhouse tripped and fell to the ground.[51] Others shouted "What'd he do?", "Just shot someone!" and "Get his ass!"[62] While he was on the ground, one of the men in pursuit jump kicked Rittenhouse, who fired twice but missed the man.[24][78]

Another protester, Anthony Huber, made contact with Rittenhouse's left shoulder, neck and head with a skateboard as the pair struggled for control of the gun.[79][62][6][80] As Huber was pulling on the rifle, Rittenhouse fired once, hitting Huber in the chest, perforating his heart and right lung, causing his rapid death.[62][81]

Grosskreutz testified he believed Rittenhouse was an active shooter.[82][83] Grosskreutz had an expired concealed carry permit for a handgun and was carrying a Glock pistol.[82][84] Grosskreutz approached Rittenhouse, who was on the ground, but stopped and put his hands up after Huber was shot. Grosskreutz then pointed his handgun and advanced on Rittenhouse, who shot Grosskreutz once in the arm, severing most of the biceps of his right arm.

Not even a fair deflection. Grosskreutz ADMITTED he pointed his pistol at Kyle...and only then did Kyle shoot him. Nothing you post changes this ESTABLISHED FACT in the slightest.
Does not matter if he shot white people because most people in Kenosha are white.
But the whites who were demonstrating were considered traitors by the racist whites.
How does that make the jury racist?
Except we proved he did it. They have video. Therefore we can call him a murderer.
Except he was tried by a jury that said he was not guilty. Therefore, by your own standard, you cannot call him a murderer. Why does your standard mean so little to you?
Someone hitting you with a skateboard is NOT a deadly weapon and does NOT give you the authority to shoot them.
And you do not kill them with a high powered rifle at close range.
Hubner was legally trying to stop an out of control shooter, and is a hero.
Grosskreutz was NOT aiming at Kyle when Kyle pulled the trigger.
Otherwise Kyle's bullet would not have penetrated Grosskreutz's arm perpendicularly.
How did you obtain conclusive evidence that contradicted what the jury saw?

1. Were you standing in front of the action?
2. Have you ever been hit over the head with a skateboard? Hmmm, maybe that would explain a few things.
3. Doesn't that make Hubner a vigilante who should have called the police and stood back?

You state these things as if they were facts. Again, how close to the action were you at the time? Can you show us in the videos who you are so we can judge your credibility?
There is no question Kyle did it.
He admits he shot all 3 people.
The jury did NOT find him innocent, but found him not guilty by reasonable doubt.
They were not sure enough of his guilt.
IOW, they did NOT prove that he murdered anyone, so my original statement stands. According to Joe's standard, he cannot call Rittenhouse a murderer.
No need for propaganda.
Kyle really did bring a high powered rifle to a political demonstration.
That is literally insane.
No, he brought it to a riot. According to the usual suspects, the demonstration was over because the demonstrators all left at curfew time, leaving only the rioters.
While all of this is true none of it matters because the case is over and Rittenhouse was acquitted. He was acquitted on the grounds of self defense. Hence no crime. There will never be a crime either.
It doesn't matter because the narrative was set from the moment the first tweet went out. A court trial, inconsequential. Video evidence, irrelevant. They have feelz and facts don't matter.
Except he was tried by a jury that said he was not guilty. Therefore, by your own standard, you cannot call him a murderer.

No, it just means the jury was racist and incompetent...

I guess that the people who murdered Emmit Till were innocent, too, since a racist jury gave them a pass.

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