Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

Everyone wanted to attack Rittenhouse because of the provocative rifle.
But clearly what made the rifle provocative was that it was threatening, so almost no one had the nerve to attack him, since they were unarmed.
But once he shot Rosenbaum, no one had any choice any more, and had to attack him, since he was murdering everyone around him.
The only reason more did not attack him is that he ran away.

I have never seen video of the early part with Rosenbaum, so I am not sure how it started, but Rosenbaum was unarmed and Rittenhouse still shot him 4 times, at close range, with a high powered rifle.
That is NOT self defense.
The castle doctrine and stand your ground, do NOT allow for an escalation.
So you can't use a weapon on an unarmed attacker unless you are an invalid or something like that.
If you haven't seen all the video evidence, you should shut your ignorant trap until you have. Everything you post is contrary to the videos and the established facts.
If you haven't seen all the video evidence, you should shut your ignorant trap until you have. Everything you post is contrary to the videos and the established facts.

I've seen the videos. I see a maniac walking down the street gunning people down.
I've seen the videos. I see a maniac walking down the street gunning people down.
Then you are blind. If you watched, you would have seen a rioter stalk, than attempt an UNPROVOKED assault on Rittenhouse. When Rittenhouse fired the attacker’s hands were inches from the muzzle of the rifle and there were multiple gun shots in the vicinity. Then Rittenhouse attempts to disengage by running towards the cops while being pursued by the mob of angry RIOTERS. Then Rittenhouse is knocked down and hit with a skateboard, shoots at his assailant. Then the final attacker pulls a gun and points it at Rittenhouse, tries to fire and the pistol misfires. He then raises his hands, and as Rittenhouse starts to turn cycles the action and points the pistol at Rittenhouse again. Rittenhouse then shoots hitting his assailant in the arm. At that point the mob allows Rittenhouse to disengage. Rittenhouse attempts to surrender and is ignored by the passing cops. THAT’S WHAT IS ON THE VARIOUS VIDEOS. That’s what the jury saw and why the found Rittenhouse not guilty.
Complain all you want, invent “facts” as much as you want, but in the end it’s over; Rittenhouse is not guilty And the sole lawsuit filed by an inexperienced ambulance chaser from Colorado is going nowhere.
A completely innocent man wh9 will now sue the agencies that slandered him.
Except he doesn't have a leg to stand on. He needs to worry about civil suits.

Then you are blind. If you watched, you would have seen a rioter stalk,

What I saw was a flop-sweaty punk with a gun shoot an unarmed man, and kept shooting him even after he was down.

Then I saw him gun down two more people who tried to take him into custody, potentially hitting others in the crowd.

Then I saw him walk past five police cars, because, hey, he's white.
Except he doesn't have a leg to stand on. He needs to worry about civil suits.

What I saw was a flop-sweaty punk with a gun shoot an unarmed man, and kept shooting him even after he was down.

Then I saw him gun down two more people who tried to take him into custody, potentially hitting others in the crowd.

Then I saw him walk past five police cars, because, hey, he's white.
You saw no such thing you lying sack of trash

No one tried to take him into custody and you know it.

he was attacked with lethal force and responded accordingly those are PROVEN FACT
No, it just means the jury was racist and incompetent...

I guess that the people who murdered Emmit Till were innocent, too, since a racist jury gave them a pass.
See, here's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. There was no racism involved in the shootings and the fact that you're yammering on about it means you never paid any attention to the actual facts in the case, you just went with the first headlines from your favorite hate merchants and didn't bother to find out anything after that. It just means that you made up your mind before the trial and when it didn't go your way, decided that something was wrong with the jury, or with the judge, or with the color of the carpet. Something, anything, to justify your belief. The LAST thing you will do is let the facts guide your opinions. What's next, you screeching about him taking the rifle across state lines (which he also didn't do)?

And it's an illuminating factoid that you think pointing out one racist jury from a time and place when racism was far more prevalent than it is today is proof that THIS jury was racist, even though race didn't play into this trial at all. You're not really very good at this, are you?

The bottom line remains, your own standard prevents you from calling Rittenhouse a murderer, because you can't prove he murdered anyone.
He shot white people protesting racism.. it was all about racism.
But those white people were violent extremists. It was all about protecting the city against violent extremism. See how that works?
Except he doesn't have a leg to stand on. He needs to worry about civil suits.

What I saw was a flop-sweaty punk with a gun shoot an unarmed man, and kept shooting him even after he was down.

Then I saw him gun down two more people who tried to take him into custody, potentially hitting others in the crowd.

Then I saw him walk past five police cars, because, hey, he's white.
Post the video you lying leftist shitbag.
Except he doesn't have a leg to stand on. He needs to worry about civil suits.

What I saw was a flop-sweaty punk with a gun shoot an unarmed man, and kept shooting him even after he was down.

Then I saw him gun down two more people who tried to take him into custody, potentially hitting others in the crowd.

Then I saw him walk past five police cars, because, hey, he's white.
Kyle fired four rounds in less than one second, then ceased fire.
But those white people were violent extremists. It was all about protecting the city against violent extremism. See how that works?

Except the city didn't ask for his protection... he took it upon himself to go up there with an illegal weapon and start firing at unarmed protestors like a madman.

Kyle fired four rounds in less than one second, then ceased fire.

and that makes it okay, then?
Except the city didn't ask for his protection... he took it upon himself to go up there with an illegal weapon and start firing at unarmed protestors like a madman.

and that makes it okay, then?
I'm merely pointing out that you have to go more and more extreme lengths to pretend Rittenhouse was a racist and the trial was about racism. It simply wasn't because Kyle didn't go hunting for black people to shoot, and in fact didn't shoot black people. What has happened to you is what happens to you with every event, you get feelz and ignore facts.

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