Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

So what? As I've said, we've had 10 years to reform our racist police departments... I don't get worked up when people damage property after you've ignored all the times they asked nicely.

Until they damage your property.

But the same goes in the other direction: sooner or later people get sick and tired of having their businesses and property destroyed and will fight back.

Face it, you don’t give a shit that Rittenhouse shot three white people, you’re just pissed off because someone fought back against their wanton destruction and actually had the temerity to defend himself.
So, are you going to stop lying and saying his mom drove him

No, because it's funny.


There is no such thing as a racist police department. He ran to the police first as he should have and hemurdered no one.

You mean the same cops who shot a black man in the back 7 times, let him walk away from a reported mass shooting event becaue he was white?
Until they damage your property.

I have insurance, and the best way to protect my property is to address the underlying grievances people have. The ironic thing is the only time white people get off their asses and fix some of the problems is when people threaten to break their stuff.

But the same goes in the other direction: sooner or later people get sick and tired of having their businesses and property destroyed and will fight back.

I know, it's a never ending cycle.

Blacks (or other groups) get tired of of putting up with White people's shit and start breaking stuff.
White people make a few minor concessions.
Then they go back to being racist shits, and elect Republicans who screw them as badly as they are screwing people of color.
Then blacks get tired of putting up with with white people's shit...

I'm an old man, and this is the third round of this I've seen in my lifetime. I remember the Chicago riots of 1968, where my Dad relocated the family to Wisconsin for a summer to avoid the riots. Then we had the Rodney King riots. And now the Trump Riots (TM).

I wish we could say, let's learn something, fix the underlying problems... but we don't.

Face it, you don’t give a shit that Rittenhouse shot three white people, you’re just pissed off because someone fought back against their wanton destruction and actually had the temerity to defend himself.

Actually, I'm upset this racist little shit went to a mostly peaceful demonstration and shot three people.

If not for Rittenhouse being in Kenosha, Kenosha wouldn't have been a footnote in the shit-show that was 2020.
No, because it's funny.

View attachment 618136

You mean the same cops who shot a black man in the back 7 times, let him walk away from a reported mass shooting event becaue he was white?
Oh, okay. Now you SAY you're just lying and repeating it because you think it's funny, but you keep passing it off as if it's for real. Admit it, you really thought Kyle heard there was a riot in Kenosha, got the gun from his room, had his mom drive him to Kenosha where he went through the streets randomly killing black people. Only now that's been pointed out to you multiple times that the narrative is provably false do you go, "Just kidding, haha". It's not credible because you really do repeat provable lies as if they're true. Truly weak.
I have insurance, and the best way to protect my property is to address the underlying grievances people have. The ironic thing is the only time white people get off their asses and fix some of the problems is when people threaten to break their stuff.

I know, it's a never ending cycle.

Blacks (or other groups) get tired of of putting up with White people's shit and start breaking stuff.
White people make a few minor concessions.
Then they go back to being racist shits, and elect Republicans who screw them as badly as they are screwing people of color.
Then blacks get tired of putting up with with white people's shit...

I'm an old man, and this is the third round of this I've seen in my lifetime. I remember the Chicago riots of 1968, where my Dad relocated the family to Wisconsin for a summer to avoid the riots. Then we had the Rodney King riots. And now the Trump Riots (TM).

I wish we could say, let's learn something, fix the underlying problems... but we don't.

Actually, I'm upset this racist little shit went to a mostly peaceful demonstration and shot three people.

If not for Rittenhouse being in Kenosha, Kenosha wouldn't have been a footnote in the shit-show that was 2020.
It was not a mostly peaceful demonstration it was a riot and he only shot people who attacked him.

Those riots were all caused by lewwft wingers and their racist politics
I have insurance, and the best way to protect my property is to address the underlying grievances people have. The ironic thing is the only time white people get off their asses and fix some of the problems is when people threaten to break their stuff.

I know, it's a never ending cycle.

Blacks (or other groups) get tired of of putting up with White people's shit and start breaking stuff.
White people make a few minor concessions.
Then they go back to being racist shits, and elect Republicans who screw them as badly as they are screwing people of color.
Then blacks get tired of putting up with with white people's shit...

I'm an old man, and this is the third round of this I've seen in my lifetime. I remember the Chicago riots of 1968, where my Dad relocated the family to Wisconsin for a summer to avoid the riots. Then we had the Rodney King riots. And now the Trump Riots (TM).

I wish we could say, let's learn something, fix the underlying problems... but we don't.

Actually, I'm upset this racist little shit went to a mostly peaceful demonstration and shot three people.

If not for Rittenhouse being in Kenosha, Kenosha wouldn't have been a footnote in the shit-show that was 2020.
You fucking idiot. Most property insurance does not cover Civil unrest.

You know, like the BLM terrorists trying to destroy Kenosha.

Just because little cowards like you don't have the courage to protect your property from BLM terrorists don't mean other people are like that.
I have insurance, and the best way to protect my property is to address the underlying grievances people have. The ironic thing is the only time white people get off their asses and fix some of the problems is when people threaten to break their stuff.
Interesting. How many times have you gone into your neighborhood and asked people what their grievances are so you can address them and keep your property safe? Of course, you haven't done anything like that, because that's taking action instead of opining ideas on a board. What have you done to fix the problems in your neighborhood? You know, the ones that you think white people should, as you say, "get off their asses and fix"? Have you put your feet where your mouth is?
I know, it's a never ending cycle.

Blacks (or other groups) get tired of of putting up with White people's shit and start breaking stuff.
White people make a few minor concessions.
Then they go back to being racist shits, and elect Republicans who screw them as badly as they are screwing people of color.
Then blacks get tired of putting up with with white people's shit...

I'm an old man, and this is the third round of this I've seen in my lifetime. I remember the Chicago riots of 1968, where my Dad relocated the family to Wisconsin for a summer to avoid the riots. Then we had the Rodney King riots. And now the Trump Riots (TM).

I wish we could say, let's learn something, fix the underlying problems... but we don't.

Actually, I'm upset this racist little shit went to a mostly peaceful demonstration and shot three people.

If not for Rittenhouse being in Kenosha, Kenosha wouldn't have been a footnote in the shit-show that was 2020.
Wow, were you paying attention during the trial at all or were you just cycling through now disproven headlines and memes, desperately trying to hold onto your beliefs?
I have insurance, and the best way to protect my property is to address the underlying grievances people have. The ironic thing is the only time white people get off their asses and fix some of the problems is when people threaten to break their stuff.

I know, it's a never ending cycle.

Blacks (or other groups) get tired of of putting up with White people's shit and start breaking stuff.
White people make a few minor concessions.
Then they go back to being racist shits, and elect Republicans who screw them as badly as they are screwing people of color.
Then blacks get tired of putting up with with white people's shit...

I'm an old man, and this is the third round of this I've seen in my lifetime. I remember the Chicago riots of 1968, where my Dad relocated the family to Wisconsin for a summer to avoid the riots. Then we had the Rodney King riots. And now the Trump Riots (TM).

I wish we could say, let's learn something, fix the underlying problems... but we don't.

Actually, I'm upset this racist little shit went to a mostly peaceful demonstration and shot three people.

If not for Rittenhouse being in Kenosha, Kenosha wouldn't have been a footnote in the shit-show that was 2020.
Nobody gives a shit if stupid hate filled Moon Bats like approved of Kyle being there that night. He was there to protect property while the BLM terrorists were there to destroy property. He had just as much a right to be there as anybody else.

He also had a right to protect himself against an attack by the BLM terrorists. He had a right to carry the AR-15 and to use it in self defense if need be. The jury affirmed that big time.

The problem with filthy little Moon Bat shitheads like you is that you see nothing wrong with the BLM destruction and see something wrong with Americans opposing that destruction.

The BLM terrorist were the bad guys that night with their destruction and attack on Kyle.

Also complicit was the Democrat leadership of the city that told the police to stand down from doing anything against the BLM terrorism.

You are always confused about things like this, aren't you?
Interesting. How many times have you gone into your neighborhood and asked people what their grievances are so you can address them and keep your property safe? Of course, you haven't done anything like that, because that's taking action instead of opining ideas on a board. What have you done to fix the problems in your neighborhood? You know, the ones that you think white people should, as you say, "get off their asses and fix"? Have you put your feet where your mouth is?

Well, first and foremost, I served for 11 years in the US Army, which means I've done more for this country than most of you ever will.
I was very active in my community when I lived in Cicero and the town I just moved out of. I am only in my current abode for 6 months... so there's that.
I helped hundreds of people of color in their job searches and career development.

Of course, it shouldn't fall on me to fix all the problems just because I point them out.
I have insurance, and the best way to protect my property is to address the underlying grievances people have.

And how have you addressed the underlying grievances? With blatant lies that you have been called out on numerous times but continue to spew over and over.
The ironic thing is the only time white people get off their asses and fix some of the problems is when people threaten to break their stuff.

They’re not threatening, they’re actually breaking stuff. And breaking my stuff won’t fix a fucking thing, it’ll only piss me off and you better believe I will fight back.
I know, it's a never ending cycle.

Blacks (or other groups) get tired of of putting up with White people's shit and start breaking stuff.
White people make a few minor concessions.
Then they go back to being racist shits, and elect Republicans who screw them as badly as they are screwing people of color.
Then blacks get tired of putting up with with white people's shit...

I really don’t give a shit. Why? Because even if I do everything they want me to do, it’ll never be enough. That became clear to me a few years ago when all this started.
I'm an old man, and this is the third round of this I've seen in my lifetime. I remember the Chicago riots of 1968, where my Dad relocated the family to Wisconsin for a summer to avoid the riots. Then we had the Rodney King riots. And now the Trump Riots (TM).

What “Trump riots”?
I wish we could say, let's learn something, fix the underlying problems... but we don't.

That’s kinda hard to do when people like you insist on spouting lies and conflating rhetoric.
Actually, I'm upset this racist little shit went to a mostly peaceful demonstration and shot three people.

No you’re not, I know better than that. You’re not upset about him shooting white people, you’re upset about the culture you think he represents. Besides, he didn’t shoot anyone until he was attacked.
If not for Rittenhouse being in Kenosha, Kenosha wouldn't have been a footnote in the shit-show that was 2020.

If Rosenbaum hadn’t attacked him, Kenosha might be a footnote in history.
And you can bet your little bippy if he decides to donate any of it to a political sure as hell won't be to the Democrats. What a bunch of fucking morons they ARE. Always creating exactly what they are trying to avoid. They'll never stop until they have the entire universe imploding on itself.
And how have you addressed the underlying grievances?

Simple. I've voted for reform candidates. Really all I can do, is get people in there who will change stuff.

They’re not threatening, they’re actually breaking stuff. And breaking my stuff won’t fix a fucking thing, it’ll only piss me off and you better believe I will fight back.

I'm sure you will... most of you wingnuts are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

Because even if I do everything they want me to do, it’ll never be enough. That became clear to me a few years ago when all this started.

Really? What have we done to address their concerns?

Obama entered consent decrees with the worst big city police departments, and Trump threw them out.
Few cops are charged with using excessive force, and when you are lucky enough to get a conviction, it's usually for a ridiculously short sentence. Old Sixteen Shots in Chicago got out after 3 years. THREE YEARS!
Simple. I've voted for reform candidates. Really all I can do, is get people in there who will change stuff.

And spreading lies about what occurred in Ferguson, D.C. and Kenosha.

Believe me, beyond voting for wokeflakes, you contribute absolutely nothing to resolve any social problems in this country.
I'm sure you will... most of you wingnuts are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

If anything like that happens around here, it will most likely be done by whites. You know, like what happened in Kenosha.

You fucking clowns are so desperate for racism, you call a white guy shooting three other white guys a racist.
Really? What have we done to address their concerns?

I’m talking about idiots like you calling people racist for idiotic reasons or for no reason at all.
Obama entered consent decrees with the worst big city police departments, and Trump threw them out.
Few cops are charged with using excessive force, and when you are lucky enough to get a conviction, it's usually for a ridiculously short sentence. Old Sixteen Shots in Chicago got out after 3 years. THREE YEARS!

What does any of this have to do with me? What does any of it have to do with the fact that you consistently lie about these cases? What does it have to do with you and the black community refusing to acknowledge their part in police shootings?

Do you understand that blacks commit proportionately more crime than whites? Do you realize that if whites committed the same number of murders per capita as blacks do, the murder rate in this country would be well over thirty thousand a year?

This is not a failure of race, it’s a failure of culture. It doesn’t have to be this way but the black community as a whole refuses to acknowledge the problem and thus do almost nothing about it.

Oh sure, they have local community initiatives to do something about the violence that kills so many innocent black children and bystanders, but these efforts pale in comparison to the nationwide efforts (BLM) to deify certain black men who likely were shot for resisting or refusing to comply.

It’s fucking ridiculous and it’s only getting worse.
And spreading lies about what occurred in Ferguson, D.C. and Kenosha.

Believe me, beyond voting for wokeflakes, you contribute absolutely nothing to resolve any social problems in this country.
Again, I've done more for this country than you ever will... I have the medals to show for it.

You fucking clowns are so desperate for racism, you call a white guy shooting three other white guys a racist.
Kind of like those Klansmen in Mississippi killed two white kids from New York... The racists hate the white allies most of all. But you knew that.
What does any of this have to do with me? What does any of it have to do with the fact that you consistently lie about these cases? What does it have to do with you and the black community refusing to acknowledge their part in police shootings?

There's no excuse for police shootings. Chauvin is finally cops being held accountable.

The next step- get rid of qualified immunity. And the Cop unions.

Do you understand that blacks commit proportionately more crime than whites? Do you realize that if whites committed the same number of murders per capita as blacks do, the murder rate in this country would be well over thirty thousand a year?
Look out everyone, here comes the racism.. it's like they can't help themselves.

This is not a failure of race, it’s a failure of culture. It doesn’t have to be this way but the black community as a whole refuses to acknowledge the problem and thus do almost nothing about it.

Right... they need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Just ignore the 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow. Nothing to see here.

Again, I've done more for this country than you ever will... I have the medals to show for it.

Was one of those an achievment medal for prevarication?

You are a craven, pathological liar and no amount of medals is going to change that. Sorry, but this does not impress me one whit.
Kind of like those Klansmen in Mississippi killed two white kids from New York... The racists hate the white allies most of all. But you knew that.

Unless you’re saying Rittenhouse is a Klansman, this means precisely squat.
There's no excuse for police shootings. Chauvin is finally cops being held accountable.

There is if it’s justified.
The next step- get rid of qualified immunity. And the Cop unions.

Whatever, I really don’t care because it won’t solve the underlying problems of their own making plaguing the black community.
Look out everyone, here comes the racism.. it's like they can't help themselves.

Look out everyone, here comes another vacuous accusation of racism by another woker-than-thou ignoramous with no imagination.
Right... they need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Just ignore the 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow. Nothing to see here.

Whether we ignore it or give it our full attention, either way, it won’t solve their problems.

It’s not white cops making them become gang bangers and shoot indiscriminately killing innocent children and bystanders. It’s not white cops making them slaughter each other in the streets.

Black men are killing each other off much more quickly and efficiently than white cops ever could.

This is a fact and it will never be solved or alleviated by whites.
Unless you’re saying Rittenhouse is a Klansman, this means precisely squat.


Oh, look, here's Kyle hanging out with the racist Proud Boys.

Do you know what a Proud Boy is? It's a Klansman who has realized the sheets look silly.

There is if it’s justified.

Except most of them aren't. How is it that police in the UK only shoot 5 people a year and police in the US shoot 1000 a year? Heck, the Police solution is to stop reporting the race of the people they are killing. check out this chart.


Amazing, the number of "Race Unknown" shot up in 2021 while all other categories dropped. Yup, that's the solution, just stop reporting the race of the people you murder!

It’s not white cops making them become gang bangers and shoot indiscriminately killing innocent children and bystanders. It’s not white cops making them slaughter each other in the streets.

Naw, we can blame the Gun Industry for that. Let the victims of gun violence sue the gun sellers, you'd be AMAZED how fast the gun supply dries up in the inner cities.

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