Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

Well, yeah, if you don't call the people he shot victims and hide all evidence of the little punks racism and violent tendencies.

Irrelevant. Even if they hadn’t, the video clearly shows they attacked him and meant to do harm.
You mean after flooding the streets with guns, when you have a major social strain like Covid, gun crime goes up? Again, most gun violence is domestic. Lock a bunch of white trash losers in their trailer park for a couple of months, they'll start offing each other. Normally, I'd call this "natural selection", but that would be a tad harsh.

In the meantime drive-bys and gang violence also went up. Heard about the six people killed in a drive-by in Sacramento?
Because you're a racist douchenoodle... We've been over this.

And I said BLACKS were slaughtering BLACKS. We’ve been over this.

So again, why would I think a black man is coming to kill me? Especially since other black men are usually the intended target?
Actually, why should it be his or ANYONE'S job to stop active shooters. Why should any of us put up with active shooter drills, or metal detectors in our schools, or security doors at our workplaces, or any of the other garbage we have to put up with because you guys have interpreted the dead slave owners inability to clearly define a militia as "any lunatic who wants a gun should have one!"

This is a pretty stupid fucking question to be asking while there is a mass shooting happening and kids are being slaughtered.
Here's the thing. Any cop who is being detailed to school security isn't one of the top performers to start with. Which is why you get so many horrifying videos of them dragging a black child out of a classroom by her hair.

So now you’re going to excuse incompetence and cowardice?
Actually, they hadn't even established the black man was a "looter". He was just a black guy walking out of a CVS. But that was good enough for Shooty to fantasize about murdering him. Would have been nice if the jury heard it, too.

That doesn’t answer the question. Did Rittenhouse actually say anything about blacks in this situation or at any time leading up to the shooting?
He should have kept his flop-sweaty ass in Antioch.

That doesn’t answer the question. The question was: When Rosenbaum attacked Rittenhouse, do you think Rittenhouse should have stood there and let Rosenbaum beat him?
Well, that and I was white. I have no delusions had I been a black person, I wouldn't have walked away from that situation with a citation and a search of my vehicle.

That doesn’t answer the question. The question was: Did you tell the officer you had an appointment to get the problem fixed the next day and if so, did it not occur to you that this is why he let you go with a warning?

Here’s a few more questions:

1.) Why did you tell the officer about the appointment if not to get out of a ticket?

2.) If you were so certain he would let you go because you’re white, why did you bother telling him about the appointment at all?

3.) If the officer saw you were white, why did he pull you over in the first place?


4.) White people get stopped and given tickets every fucking day. So why are you so sure he would have given you a ticket if you were black?
We know exactly how many lives would have been saved if Cruz hadn't been allowed to buy a gun.

But looking at Petersen, by the time he got there and determined what was goiing on, Cruz had already left the building and was wanking off at the Starbucks across the street looking at all the chaos.

He did exactly what cops are expected to do in such situations, he waited for backup.

If he did what was expected then why did they arrest him?
We know exactly how many lives would have been saved if Cruz hadn't been allowed to buy a gun.

But looking at Petersen, by the time he got there and determined what was goiing on, Cruz had already left the building and was wanking off at the Starbucks across the street looking at all the chaos.

He did exactly what cops are expected to do in such situations, he waited for backup.
There is a time to wait for backup and a time not to. When innocent civilians are being slaughtered, it's a time NOT TO. You pull up your big boy panties and risk your life to protect them.
Bullshit Moon Bat. It shows what a fucking piece of shit he was. A piece of shit that the evidence clearly shows that attacked Kyle. The jury saw the evidence and came to the conclusion that Kyle killed the worthless piece of shit that tried to attack him.

He gunned down an emotionally disturbed person who was unarmed.

Yes very confused there was nothing whatsoever racist about the jury and you are a liar for claiming they were racists.

Whether Rittenhouse is a racist or not is IRRELEVANT. Racists STILL have gthe right to defend himself which HE DID

An all white jury acquits a white guy who was shooting people protesting the maiming of a black man? Yeah, nothing racist about that at all.
In the meantime drive-bys and gang violence also went up. Heard about the six people killed in a drive-by in Sacramento?
Did it go up, or does that just get the headlines?

Frankly, I would love to see a tally of daily gun deaths.

### suicides
### domestic violence
### Gang violence
### gun accidents

The reality is, of 20,000 gun homicides (not to mention the 43,000 gun suicides), only about 2000 a year can be attributed to "gang violence", and that's if you squint really funny and count anyone involved as being in a gang.

This is a pretty stupid fucking question to be asking while there is a mass shooting happening and kids are being slaughtered.
No, it isn't. The question is kind of valid because we keep having these mass shootings in schools. If we didn't fix the problem after Sandy Hook, we shouldn't be surprised when it happened at Stoneman-Douglas.

That doesn’t answer the question. The question was: When Rosenbaum attacked Rittenhouse, do you think Rittenhouse should have stood there and let Rosenbaum beat him?
He should have kept his flop-sweaty ass in Antioch. You go into a riot with an assault rifle, you are looking for trouble. The only people who died that night were killed by Rittenhouse.

That doesn’t answer the question. The question was: Did you tell the officer you had an appointment to get the problem fixed the next day and if so, did it not occur to you that this is why he let you go with a warning?

Nope, I'm pretty sure if I were black, I'd have gotten a ticket and they'd have conducted a search of my car for contraband.

Here’s a few more questions:

1.) Why did you tell the officer about the appointment if not to get out of a ticket?
Because he asked me why my light was out. I told him it had just gone out and I had an appointment to get it fixed. We also agreed that if I kept my high-beams on, that would sold the immediate problem.

2.) If you were so certain he would let you go because you’re white, why did you bother telling him about the appointment at all?

Given some of the maniacs we give badges to these days, I take nothing for granted.

3.) If the officer saw you were white, why did he pull you over in the first place?

Not sure how he could tell that at night.

4.) White people get stopped and given tickets every fucking day. So why are you so sure he would have given you a ticket if you were black?

Years of watching people get pulled over for DWB's.
He gunned down an emotionally disturbed person who was unarmed.

An all white jury acquits a white guy who was shooting people protesting the maiming of a black man? Yeah, nothing racist about that at all.
That unarmed person attempted to take his weapon which constitutes a lethal threat justifying lethal force.

No one was protesting it was a violent riot over nothing.

the maimed black man was also a threat shot in self defense by police
Yes you lying sack of trash it was NOT FUCKING racist

The world is not all racist and all of your accusations of racism are nothing more than lies to hide behind because you are a weak and stupid person
He gunned down an emotionally disturbed person who was unarmed.

An all white jury acquits a white guy who was shooting people protesting the maiming of a black man? Yeah, nothing racist about that at all.
You are sick in the head, boy. Just let it go. The jury saw the evidence and they acquitted him. All you are doing is spouting your demented Moon Bat hate over and over again.

I know this pisses you Commie idiots off more than anything but Americans are allowed to use AR-15s for self defense. You may hate it being the confused shithead that you are but that is the law of the land. I know that it also pisses you Left Wing turds off that the three BLM assholes got what was coming to them for attacking a young boy but sorry about that.

I bet you lay in bed at night torn up inside because you missed the opportunity to have been on the Rittenhouse jury. If only you had moved to Kenosha in time and been picked for the jury you could have inflicted Moon Bat Justice on that jury.

Like I said, you are fucking sick in the head.
Political pressure. Heaven forbid we ask questions like, "how was someone as disturbed as Cruz able to buy a gun to start with." I know, let's blame the cop who followed procedure!
Like I said, it’s a pretty stupid fucking question to be asking while high school kids are being slaughtered, dontcha think?
Did it go up, or does that just get the headlines?

You’re kidding, right?
Frankly, I would love to see a tally of daily gun deaths.

### suicides
### domestic violence
### Gang violence
### gun accidents

The reality is, of 20,000 gun homicides (not to mention the 43,000 gun suicides), only about 2000 a year can be attributed to "gang violence", and that's if you squint really funny and count anyone involved as being in a gang.

That’s not the point. The point is, gun crime is way up but gun ownership is not. Which means that easy access to guns is not the cause or the main factor in gun crime.
No, it isn't. The question is kind of valid because we keep having these mass shootings in schools. If we didn't fix the problem after Sandy Hook, we shouldn't be surprised when it happened at Stoneman-Douglas.

So an officer should be pondering these things as kids are being killed?
He should have kept his flop-sweaty ass in Antioch. You go into a riot with an assault rifle, you are looking for trouble. The only people who died that night were killed by Rittenhouse.

That still doesn’t answer the question. The question was: When Rosenbaum attacked Rittenhouse, do you think Rittenhouse should have stood there and let Rosenbaum beat him?
Nope, I'm pretty sure if I were black, I'd have gotten a ticket and they'd have conducted a search of my car for contraband.

See, this is another one of your lies. You’re claiming the officer was racist when you didn’t even know the man.

This right here is why I say you’re a chickenshot lying coward.
Because he asked me why my light was out. I told him it had just gone out and I had an appointment to get it fixed. We also agreed that if I kept my high-beams on, that would sold the immediate problem.

Exactly. You told him this because you knew there was a good chance he’d let you off with a warning.
Given some of the maniacs we give badges to these days, I take nothing for granted.

That’s not true. You DO take something for granted: that all white cops are racist.
Not sure how he could tell that at night.
Years of watching people get pulled over for DWB's.

In spite of the fact that whites get ticketed every day? In spite of the fact that YOU have been ticketed before?

I’ve been ticketed twice myself so I know you’re full of shit.

You still haven’t answered this question: Did Rittenhouse actually say anything about blacks in this situation or at any time leading up to the shooting?

Another thing, you keep referring to Rittenhouse as a “flopsweaty fat ass kid”. I understand he’s a gun-toting racist but I’ve seen your picture and you are quite the fat fuck yourself.
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I know this pisses you Commie idiots off more than anything but Americans are allowed to use AR-15s for self defense.

No, it pisses me off that crazy people use AR-15's to shoot up schools, theaters, demonstrations, shopping malls, etc.

That’s not the point. The point is, gun crime is way up but gun ownership is not. Which means that easy access to guns is not the cause or the main factor in gun crime.

Huh? The Gun industry had a record sales year in 2020.

That’s not true. You DO take something for granted: that all white cops are racist.

No, they aren't... but they are too tolerant of the ones who are. Every cop who gets into an incident with an unarmed black person usually had a thick old file of "THIS GUY SHOULD NOT BE A COP". Yet other cops tolerated him. The unions make them next to impossible to fire. On the rare occasion when they do get fired, like Loehmann or Wilson, some other department picks them up.

That still doesn’t answer the question. The question was: When Rosenbaum attacked Rittenhouse, do you think Rittenhouse should have stood there and let Rosenbaum beat him?

If he kept his fat ass in Antioch, it wouldn't have been an issue.
No, it pisses me off that crazy people use AR-15's to shoot up schools, theaters, demonstrations, shopping malls, etc.

Huh? The Gun industry had a record sales year in 2020.

No, they aren't... but they are too tolerant of the ones who are. Every cop who gets into an incident with an unarmed black person usually had a thick old file of "THIS GUY SHOULD NOT BE A COP". Yet other cops tolerated him. The unions make them next to impossible to fire. On the rare occasion when they do get fired, like Loehmann or Wilson, some other department picks them up.

If he kept his fat ass in Antioch, it wouldn't have been an issue.
If the BLM scum had not started a riot it would not have happened.

The onus is on them
Huh? The Gun industry had a record sales year in 2020.

I can tell you why in two words: the riots.
No, they aren't... but they are too tolerant of the ones who are. Every cop who gets into an incident with an unarmed black person usually had a thick old file of "THIS GUY SHOULD NOT BE A COP". Yet other cops tolerated him. The unions make them next to impossible to fire. On the rare occasion when they do get fired, like Loehmann or Wilson, some other department picks them up.

Bullshit. You just told me that if you were black, the cop would have given you a ticket.

1.) You have no way of knowing this.

2.) Not knowing whether the cop who pulled you over was racist or not, this tells me that you would have said the same about any white cop who happened to pull you over. Which in turn means you think all white cops are racist.
If he kept his fat ass in Antioch, it wouldn't have been an issue.

That doesn’t answer the question. The question was: When Rosenbaum attacked Rittenhouse, do you think Rittenhouse should have stood there and let Rosenbaum beat him?

Again: Did Rittenhouse actually say anything about blacks in this situation or at any time leading up to the shooting?

Also, you said earlier that if there was an active shooter in the area, you hope that somebody would do something about it.

So why is it (as your fat ass does nothing) you expect an unarmed Somebody to rush in to stop the shooter and at the same time you expect the armed cop to wait for backup?

Or should Somebody wait for his friend Somebody Else to arrive as backup? Or perhaps to go in his stead since he’s an old, arthritic fat fuck?

I don’t understand why you’re making excuses for Peterson anyway since he’s a white racist cop who’s pulled over and ticketed who knows how many blacks for DWB.
I can tell you why in two words: the riots.
Yup, you all buy more guns, then we have an uptick in gun murder. Funny how that works.
Bullshit. You just told me that if you were black, the cop would have given you a ticket.
As he probably would have.

That doesn’t answer the question. The question was: When Rosenbaum attacked Rittenhouse, do you think Rittenhouse should have stood there and let Rosenbaum beat him?
Rittenhouse should have kept his fat ass in Antioch and not drove up to Kenosha looking for trouble. We've been over this.

So why is it (as your fat ass does nothing) you expect an unarmed Somebody to rush in to stop the shooter and at the same time you expect the armed cop to wait for backup?

I don't. I think he never should have had a gun to start with. Complaining about what people do or don't do when one of these maniacs second amendment purists does when the go on a shooting spree expression of freedom is kind of besides the point. That's why I think we need to let the victims of gun violence sue the shit out of the gun makers. They'll keep the guns out of the hands
Yup, you all buy more guns, then we have an uptick in gun murder. Funny how that works.

Maybe people buy more guns because there’s an uptick in murders.
As he probably would have.

Uh uh, you didn’t say “probably” before, you asserted that if you were black he would have given you a ticket.

You assumed because the officer was white that he would have given you a ticket. Then you say that not all white officers are racist.
If you truly believe that then why are you so sure he would have given you a ticket? If you’re not so sure he would have given you a ticket then why did you say he would have?
Rittenhouse should have kept his fat ass in Antioch and not drove up to Kenosha looking for trouble. We've been over this.

I know you think he should have stayed at home but since he didn’t, he put out a fire and got attacked and threatened for it. So, what do you think Rittenhouse should have done when Rosenbaum attacked him?
I don't. I think he never should have had a gun to start with. Complaining about what people do or don't do when one of these maniacs second amendment purists does when the go on a shooting spree expression of freedom is kind of besides the point. That's why I think we need to let the victims of gun violence sue the shit out of the gun makers. They'll keep the guns out of the hands

That doesn’t negate the contradiction in your argument. You expect an unarmed person to do something while at the same time expecting an armed (and trained) police officer to do nothing and wait for backup while he sits and ponders how unfair the world is as kids are being slaughtered.

As for the other question you keep avoiding:
Did Rittenhouse actually say anything about blacks in this situation or at any time leading up to the shooting?
Maybe people buy more guns because there’s an uptick in murders.

Or we have an uptick in murder because the Gun Industry has flooded our streets with guns. Have sued cities like Chicago and DC to get rid of gun bans.

Uh uh, you didn’t say “probably” before, you asserted that if you were black he would have given you a ticket.

You assumed because the officer was white that he would have given you a ticket. Then you say that not all white officers are racist.
If you truly believe that then why are you so sure he would have given you a ticket? If you’re not so sure he would have given you a ticket then why did you say he would have?

Of, if I were black, I'd have gotten a ticket, my car would have been searched and I'd have been bent over my hood in handcuffs.

I know you think he should have stayed at home but since he didn’t, he put out a fire and got attacked and threatened for it. So, what do you think Rittenhouse should have done when Rosenbaum attacked him?
If Rittenhouse kept his flop-sweaty ass in Antioch, it wouldn't have been an issue. He went to Kenosha looking for a reason to live his wank fantasy of shooting someone, and he found it. Ooooh, scary midget got upset! Shoot him in the back!!!!

That doesn’t negate the contradiction in your argument. You expect an unarmed person to do something while at the same time expecting an armed (and trained) police officer to do nothing and wait for backup while he sits and ponders how unfair the world is as kids are being slaughtered.

I don't really expect an unarmed person to do something. I hope they would try. I also don't really expect the police department's underacheiver to go full Rambo. He followed procedure, but because Florida is a gun nut state, they'll blame him instead of an industry that thought someone as deranged as Cruz should have a gun.

As for the other question you keep avoiding:
Did Rittenhouse actually say anything about blacks in this situation or at any time leading up to the shooting?

He said he wished he could shoot a black man who was running out of a store. Would have been nice if the jury heard it, too.
Or we have an uptick in murder because the Gun Industry has flooded our streets with guns. Have sued cities like Chicago and DC to get rid of gun bans.

I doubt it’s as simple as that. I think it’s due in part to the anti-cop sentiment stirred up by BLM and Antifa along with the lockdowns.
Of, if I were black, I'd have gotten a ticket, my car would have been searched and I'd have been bent over my hood in handcuffs.

You’re not getting off that easily. You stated it as a fact that had you been black you would have been ticketed.
If Rittenhouse kept his flop-sweaty ass in Antioch, it wouldn't have been an issue. He went to Kenosha looking for a reason to live his wank fantasy of shooting someone, and he found it. Ooooh, scary midget got upset! Shoot him in the back!!!!

Post hoc fallacy. I can only assume that your refusal to answer the question pertaining to the attack acknowledges the fact that Rosenbaum attacked first and Rittenhouse defended himself.
I don't really expect an unarmed person to do something. I hope they would try.

I see. So let me get this straight: You hope an unarmed civilian tries to do something to take an active shooter into custody but you expect an armed and trained police officer to do nothing and wait for backup.

Does that about sum it up?
I also don't really expect the police department's underacheiver to go full Rambo.

Do you at least hope he does? I mean, an underachieving armed cop can’t be any worse than an unarmed civilian, right?
He followed procedure, but because Florida is a gun nut state, they'll blame him instead of an industry that thought someone as deranged as Cruz should have a gun.

Perhaps next time there’s a shooting, he and your flop sweaty fat ass can debate that while waiting for backup.
He said he wished he could shoot a black man who was running out of a store. Would have been nice if the jury heard it, too.

Did he say anything about the guy being black or are you saying this because the guy happened to be black?
I doubt it’s as simple as that. I think it’s due in part to the anti-cop sentiment stirred up by BLM and Antifa along with the lockdowns.
well, there you go, trying to "think" when it's challenging for you.

You spend decades arming the most unstable people to the teeth with military grade weapons, and then you are shocked, shocked I tell you that the murder rate has gone up.

You’re not getting off that easily. Y
Sure I am. I'm done.

acknowledges the fact that Rosenbaum attacked first and Rittenhouse defended himself.
Did he, though. Rosenbaum proabably didn't know what planet he was on because he was mentally ill.

I see. So let me get this straight: You hope an unarmed civilian tries to do something to take an active shooter into custody but you expect an armed and trained police officer to do nothing and wait for backup.

Well, I have no expectation that an unarmed civilian will or even SHOULD try. Some asshole like you will cheer for the mass-shooter's second amendment right to kill him. Just like you did for the people who tried to stop Rittenhouses rampage.

Did he say anything about the guy being black or are you saying this because the guy happened to be black?
The thing speaks for itself. The fact the defense wanted it excluded says it all.

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