Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

well, there you go, trying to "think" when it's challenging for you.

You spend decades arming the most unstable people to the teeth with military grade weapons, and then you are shocked, shocked I tell you that the murder rate has gone up.

Sure I am. I'm done.

Did he, though. Rosenbaum proabably didn't know what planet he was on because he was mentally ill.

Well, I have no expectation that an unarmed civilian will or even SHOULD try. Some asshole like you will cheer for the mass-shooter's second amendment right to kill him. Just like you did for the people who tried to stop Rittenhouses rampage.

The thing speaks for itself. The fact the defense wanted it excluded says it all.
Rosenbaum was lucid his mental illness was not as you claim.

There was no rampage and no one was trying to stop one you habve to lie to derend your dsgusting racism
Kyle was breaking the law by ignoring the curfew. Nobody was left on the streets except other vigilantes and lawbreakers.
You mean he was “. Breaking the law”. But the rioters, arsonists, Rosenbaum,Huber, and Grosskreutz weren’t? Have you always been this stupid? Why wasn’t Grosskreutz prosecuted then and what does that have to do with the Murder charges??
You mean he was “. Breaking the law”. But the rioters, arsonists, Rosenbaum,Huber, and Grosskreutz weren’t? Have you always been this stupid? Why wasn’t Grosskreutz prosecuted then and what does that have to do with the Murder charges??
The police were there. Most of the protesters went home at dark because of the curfew. Those still on the street were breaking the law. Rittenhouse shot people. Who else shot anyone?
The police were there. Most of the protesters went home at dark because of the curfew. Those still on the street were breaking the law. Rittenhouse shot people. Who else shot anyone?

Don't know. We DO know that one of the assholes he shot was armed, and was complaining that he didn't shoot Kyle sooner.

well, there you go, trying to "think" when it's challenging for you.

You’re the dumbass that keeps contradicting himself.

Remember when I said the riots were the reason for increased gun sales? I’ve bought two firearms in the last year or so for that very reason. That and the fact that unprovoked assaults, carjackings, robberies, incidents of road rage and of course, mass shootings have gone way up.

And I’m not the only one.
You spend decades arming the most unstable people to the teeth with military grade weapons, and then you are shocked, shocked I tell you that the murder rate has gone up.

First of all, define “unstable”. Secondly, again, it’s not against the law to sell firearms to those who pass the background check.
Sure I am. I'm done.

Are you done contradicting yourself? Are you done making assertions and claims about peoples’ character with no basis in fact?

You get pulled over by a white cop for a busted headlight, you tell him you have an appointment to get it fixed the next day. He then lets you go with a warning. And how do you express your gratitude for his understanding and leniency? By calling him a racist by the sole virtue of his being white.

You’re a fucking lying pig.
Did he, though.

You saw the same video I did.
Rosenbaum proabably didn't know what planet he was on because he was mentally ill.

Did he think he was molesting those boys on Mars?
Well, I have no expectation that an unarmed civilian will or even SHOULD try.

But you HOPE he would.
Some asshole like you will cheer for the mass-shooter's second amendment right to kill him. Just like you did for the people who tried to stop Rittenhouses rampage.

A lie. There was no “rampage” when the second group attacked him. He had only shot one person and he did so in self defense. After that he was just walking down the street - and not shooting anyone - when the second group attacked.

Where Grosskreutz and the others fucked up was in trying to beat him down and Grosskreutz displaying his own firearm. This forced Rittenhouse to shoot again in self defense.

As for your cheering comment, another lie. I never cheered for anyone. All I’ve ever said was that these people attacked him (which they did), forcing him to defend himself (which he did). That’s it.
The thing speaks for itself.

The fact that you can’t answer the question says everything we need to know: that Rittenhouse never said anything about blacks one way or the other, which means that your saying he went to Kenoshe to shoot black looters was based solely on the fact that the looter happened to be black.
The fact the defense wanted it excluded says it all.

It was immaterial to the case because he didn’t shoot any looters.
The police were there. Most of the protesters went home at dark because of the curfew. Those still on the street were breaking the law. Rittenhouse shot people. Who else shot anyone?

The police were there. Most of the protesters went home at dark because of the curfew. Those still on the street were breaking the law.
Rosenbaum, Huber, Groskreutz (and a few others) attacked somebody. Who else attacked anyone?
You’re the dumbass that keeps contradicting himself.

Remember when I said the riots were the reason for increased gun sales? I’ve bought two firearms in the last year or so for that very reason. That and the fact that unprovoked assaults, carjackings, robberies, incidents of road rage and of course, mass shootings have gone way up.

And I’m not the only one.

First of all, define “unstable”. Secondly, again, it’s not against the law to sell firearms to those who pass the background check.

Are you done contradicting yourself? Are you done making assertions and claims about peoples’ character with no basis in fact?

You get pulled over by a white cop for a busted headlight, you tell him you have an appointment to get it fixed the next day. He then lets you go with a warning. And how do you express your gratitude for his understanding and leniency? By calling him a racist by the sole virtue of his being white.

You’re a fucking lying pig.

You saw the same video I did.

Did he think he was molesting those boys on Mars?

But you HOPE he would.

A lie. There was no “rampage” when the second group attacked him. He had only shot one person and he did so in self defense. After that he was just walking down the street - and not shooting anyone - when the second group attacked.

Where Grosskreutz and the others fucked up was in trying to beat him down and Grosskreutz displaying his own firearm. This forced Rittenhouse to shoot again in self defense.

As for your cheering comment, another lie. I never cheered for anyone. All I’ve ever said was that these people attacked him (which they did), forcing him to defend himself (which he did). That’s it.

The fact that you can’t answer the question says everything we need to know: that Rittenhouse never said anything about blacks one way or the other, which means that your saying he went to Kenoshe to shoot black looters was based solely on the fact that the looter happened to be black.

It was immaterial to the case because he didn’t shoot any looters.
Why was he breaking curfew?
The curfew had been in place for several nights and most protesters had gone home by dark. Sounds like you would have ignores the curfew too.

It wasn't being enforced, thus it didn't exist.

You are so desperate to cast Kyle as a bad guy that you blissfully ignore all the evidence that shows NO ONE was being arrested for curfew violations.

No one.

Kyle killed a violent child rapist who was setting fires, a spousal abuser and rapist, who was trying to kill Kyle with a deadly blunt weapon, and an avowed communist, intent on destroying this country who was carrying a pistol that he should not have been, and he wasn't shot till he attempted to shoot Kyle with it.

Your entire case is built on a non code violation, and the fact that he killed two true scumbags, and severely wounded a third who were rioting and which you seem to not give a tinkers damn about those felonious acts.
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