Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

Yes, I am sure you feel better about your shortcomings now.

If fearing that I might be randomly attacked like so many others have lately is a shortcoming then so be it. I will defend myself.
Anyone who thinks he needs a gun to defend himself against the government.

With people like you voting for idiots like Biden, you better goddamn believe it.
Anyone who thinks he needs a gun because the darkies are coming.

Darkies, whiteys, greenies, whoever threatens my life or those I care about.

you know. Nuts. And then when these nuts shoot up a school or shoot their signifigant other for burning the bacon, you guys all pretend you had nothing to do with it.

Other people who are incapable of controlling their murderous or violent urges are not my problem.
Actually, he shouldn't have stopped me at all.... we need to put an end to pretextual stops.

Pretext for what?
A partially out headlight at dusk was hardly a good reason to pull ANYONE over.

How long does dusk last where you live?
But I have absolutely no doubt, if I were a black man in that neighborhood with an out headlight, he'd have had me in cuffs searching my car.

But you said not all cops are racist. So how do you know this one was?

Fucking lying pig.
The second group attacked him because HE JUST GUNNED DOWN AN UNARMED MAN AND WAS RUNNING AWAY.

Who attacked him.
Jesus Christ, man, you guys talk about how it should fall to us citizens to fight crime, here you had people trying to stop an active shooter, two of them get shot for their trouble, and you make the active shooter into a hero.

Rosenbaum committed arson and Rittenhouse put out the fire. That’s fighting crime.
Except no one was looting the CVS. It was a black man running out. Rittenhouse ASSUMED he had just stolen something. Because that's what racists do. Then he wished he had his AR-15 so he could shoot the man.

Why was the guy running?
Grosskreutz had a gun too. So? On top of that, his conceal carry permit was expired so he was carrying illegally.

The irony here is that people have demonized Rittenhouse for carrying a gun yet he was carrying legally and Grosskreutz was not.
Thank You! Rosenbaum initiated the encounter obviously after curfew ( if there is one) and there is no response , The other one tried to bash his head in with a skateboard but that’s OK 👍 also. Grosskreutz not only admitted he had a gun but admitted he INSTIGATED the incident. Don’t let the facts get in the way 😃
If fearing that I might be randomly attacked like so many others have lately is a shortcoming then so be it. I will defend myself.

Again- gun in the home- 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Other people who are incapable of controlling their murderous or violent urges are not my problem.

Except you keep giving them guns. Adam Lanza without a gun is harmless, he could be beaten up by one of those lady teachers. Kyle Rittenhouse without a gun is a pussy who would have stayed in Antioch.

Rosenbaum committed arson and Rittenhouse put out the fire. That’s fighting crime.

He lit a dumpster on fire... stop being a drama queen.

Who attacked him.

Debateable.. but the people who tried to stop him and hold him for the cops were doing what you expect people to do. And then you wonder why no one wants to engage mass shooters, not even cops.
Again- gun in the home- 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Except you keep giving them guns. Adam Lanza without a gun is harmless, he could be beaten up by one of those lady teachers. Kyle Rittenhouse without a gun is a pussy who would have stayed in Antioch.

He lit a dumpster on fire... stop being a drama queen.

Debateable.. but the people who tried to stop him and hold him for the cops were doing what you expect people to do. And then you wonder why no one wants to engage mass shooters, not even cops.
Except that’s been debunked many times. A gun in the home doesn’t change the odds of being shot one jot.
Again- gun in the home- 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Except you keep giving them guns. Adam Lanza without a gun is harmless, he could be beaten up by one of those lady teachers. Kyle Rittenhouse without a gun is a pussy who would have stayed in Antioch.

He lit a dumpster on fire... stop being a drama queen.

Debateable.. but the people who tried to stop him and hold him for the cops were doing what you expect people to do. And then you wonder why no one wants to engage mass shooters, not even cops.
Lanza without a gun makes some propane bombs, or uses a sword or battle axe. End result at least as many casualties and more devastation. A gun is a tool, someone intending to create carnage will find a way. He should have been locked up in a looney bin rather than running around.
Again- gun in the home- 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

I’ll take my chances. It’s not your concern anyway.
Except you keep giving them guns.

I never gave any guns to anyone.
Adam Lanza without a gun is harmless, he could be beaten up by one of those lady teachers. Kyle Rittenhouse without a gun is a pussy who would have stayed in Antioch.

Yeah, sure.
He lit a dumpster on fire..

It’s still arson and it’s still against the law.
. stop being a drama queen.

From the guy who calls the shooting of one person a “rampage”.
From the guy who calls a cop racist for pulling him over.
From the guy who calls others racist for disagreeing with him.
From the guy who calls people racist for..well, because that’s what people do these days.


I’ve tried debating the issue but you refuse to answer simple questions and you keep contradicting yourself.
but the people who tried to stop him and hold him for the cops were doing what you expect people to do.

Wait, are you now saying you expect unarmed civilians to do something?
And then you wonder why no one wants to engage mass shooters, not even cops.

That’s because most people are pussies like you.
Except that’s been debunked many times. A gun in the home doesn’t change the odds of being shot one jot.
Kellerman has never been debunked. Gun Whacks stomping their little feet and saying, "I don't want it to be true" isn't a debunking.

Lanza without a gun makes some propane bombs, or uses a sword or battle axe. End result at least as many casualties and more devastation. A gun is a tool, someone intending to create carnage will find a way. He should have been locked up in a looney bin rather than running around.

Lanza was a retard... he couldn't have figured out how to make a bomb without blowing himself and his crazy mother up. Which frankly, might have been a good outcome.

I’ve tried debating the issue but you refuse to answer simple questions and you keep contradicting yourself.
You spelled "Whining" wrong

Wait, are you now saying you expect unarmed civilians to do something?
Oh, no, not at all. Not when we cheer when the unarmed civilians are murdered or maimed for their trouble.

Heck, Judge Senile wouldn't even let the prosecutors call them "victims".
You spelled "Whining" wrong

Irrelevant. You still refuse to answer simple questions and you’re still contradicting yourself.
Oh, no, not at all. Not when we cheer when the unarmed civilians are murdered or maimed for their trouble.
Then why did you say “...doing what you expect people to do.”?

You keep waffling back and forth between “hope” and “expect” where unarmed civilians are concerned but you consistently expect the armed police officer to do nothing and wait for backup.

I can see you’re employing your usual cowardly exit strategy by whittling your posts down to one or two quotes in hopes that I will give up and go away.

So because this may be my last post to you in this discussion, I feel compelled to remind you once again that you are a lying pig.

You called the cop who pulled you over a racist for no other reason than because he’s a white cop. You didn’t know this guy from Adam and I’ll bet you don’t even remember his name (if you even bothered to look).

You assassinated this guy’s character for the color of his skin and the uniform, doing the exact same thing you accuse Rittenhouse of doing with the guy running from the store.
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hen why did you say “...doing what you expect people to do.”?

You keep waffling back and forth between “hope” and “expect” where unarmed civilians are concerned but you consistently expect the armed police officer to do nothing and wait for backup.

Hey, given your side is turning mass shooters into Second Amendment heroes, nobody should try to engage them. I mean, shit, you guys made heroes out of those nuts in Waco, who shot ATF agents. You made a hero out of that Nazi in Ruby Ridge who shot a Federal Marshall. (See, guys, this is why you always double-tap the Nazis).

but let's scapegoat a cop who followed procedure in an uncertain situation because we won't address why a mentally unstable kid was able to buy a military grade weapon and wipe out all his schoolmates.

I can see you’re employing your usual cowardly exit strategy by whittling your posts down to one or two quotes in hopes that I will give up and go away.

No, I just don't waste time if you don't come up with any new material.
Hey, given your side is turning mass shooters into Second Amendment heroes,

What mass shooters?
nobody should try to engage them. I mean, shit, you guys made heroes out of those nuts in Waco, who shot ATF agents.

Who did that?
You made a hero out of that Nazi in Ruby Ridge who shot a Federal Marshall. (See, guys, this is why you always double-tap the Nazis).

Who made a hero out of this guy?
but let's scapegoat a cop who followed procedure in an uncertain situation

There was nothing uncertain about it; someone was slaughtering kids in the school building and he fucking well knew it.
because we won't address why a mentally unstable kid was able to buy a military grade weapon and wipe out all his schoolmates.

Had he been diagnosed as mentally unstable?
No, I just don't waste time if you don't come up with any new material.

I know better than that. You kept trying to duck your lies and contradictions but I wouldn’t let you so you figured this was an easy out.

I remind you again: you lied about that police officer and you didn’t even know him. To you, he was just an unwitting pawn in your preposterous morality charade.

You’re a user. You use individuals and groups of people like blacks or police officers as props and it is disgusting. What’s worse is you think you’re entitled to lie, conflate and exaggerate in the name of social justice.

By doing so you dishonor those like MLK and Rosa Parks who actually told the truth about racism and suffered actual racist white cops and made sacrifices.
There was nothing uncertain about it; someone was slaughtering kids in the school building and he fucking well knew it.

All he knew is that shots were fired in one of several buildings. He didn't know who or where.

I remind you again: you lied about that police officer and you didn’t even know him.

No, I based my observations about what I see cops do all the time.

"Pretextual stop! Oh, you're white. Have a nice evening, sir!"

You know, like this guy... Officer in the US Army, and look how they treated him.


It was still self defense regardless of where he was and how he got there.

Yes very confused there was nothing whatsoever racist about the jury and you are a liar for claiming they were racists.

Whether Rittenhouse is a racist or not is IRRELEVANT. Racists STILL have gthe right to defend himself which HE DID

He was caught on film defending himself he murdered no one and that is fact you trash bag chickenhawk
Joey isn't confused. Joey is EVIL.
You are sick in the head, boy. Just let it go. The jury saw the evidence and they acquitted him. All you are doing is spouting your demented Moon Bat hate over and over again.

I know this pisses you Commie idiots off more than anything but Americans are allowed to use AR-15s for self defense. You may hate it being the confused shithead that you are but that is the law of the land. I know that it also pisses you Left Wing turds off that the three BLM assholes got what was coming to them for attacking a young boy but sorry about that.

I bet you lay in bed at night torn up inside because you missed the opportunity to have been on the Rittenhouse jury. If only you had moved to Kenosha in time and been picked for the jury you could have inflicted Moon Bat Justice on that jury.

Like I said, you are fucking sick in the head.
No. He is pure and undiluted evil, on the level of Vasily Blokhin.
All he knew is that shots were fired in one of several buildings. He didn't know who or where.

Did he think he was going to find that out standing in the parking lot?
No, I based my observations about what I see cops do all the time.

Bullshit. You lied. You made an assumption about an individual's moral character because of the actions of others of the same skin color and the uniform and stated it as fact. Again, just as you accused Rittenhouse of doing.
"Pretextual stop! Oh, you're white. Have a nice evening, sir!"

Again, what pretext?
You know, like this guy... Officer in the US Army, and look how they treated him.

And? What does this have to do with the officer who pulled you over?
Did he think he was going to find that out standing in the parking lot?
Again, the time he got there, Cruz was done and left with the other students... so, um, yeah, probably the best place to wait for backup as required.

Here, let me help you out.

Cruz entered the building at 2:17
He started firing at 2:21
Fire Alarm was pulled at 2:22 and that's when the students came out of the buildings. ALL the buildings.
2:23 - Peterson radios in shots fired, not sure which building, not entirely sure they are gunshots, they might be firecrackers.
2:28 - Cruz blends in with the other students, and leaves the building with them.
2:32 - Backup arrives and they enter the buidling.

So the entire incident was really over in minutes, not hours.

Bullshit. You lied. You made an assumption about an individual's moral character
Nope, I'm observe how a culture acts, and cops need to clean up their culture.

Again, what pretext?
A burned out headlight when I still had three out of four that were working just fine. Oh, you're white? have a nice day, sir.
Again, the time he got there, Cruz was done and left with the other students... so, um, yeah, probably the best place to wait for backup as required.

Here, let me help you out.

Cruz entered the building at 2:17
He started firing at 2:21
Fire Alarm was pulled at 2:22 and that's when the students came out of the buildings. ALL the buildings.
2:23 - Peterson radios in shots fired, not sure which building, not entirely sure they are gunshots, they might be firecrackers.
2:28 - Cruz blends in with the other students, and leaves the building with them.
2:32 - Backup arrives and they enter the buidling.

First you say it was over and Cruz was gone by the time Peterson got there and then you show the timeline of events where Peterson was the one who heard the shots and called it in. Once again you contradict yourself.

A couple of things here:

1.) Peterson was the school resource officer which means HE WAS ALREADY THERE when the shooting started.

2.) You said: "Here's the thing. Any cop who is being detailed to school security isn't one of the top performers to start with."

No, they don't appoint low performers as school resource officers. All of them are trained police officers just like the ones on the street. Some are full time SROs and some do it part time for extra money, as my niece's husband did for a while (who is now a detective, btw).
So the entire incident was really over in minutes, not hours.

No one suggested it was hours. However, it was ten minutes between the first shots and Cruz leaving the building; long enough to get in there and stop him.

In any case, even if it wasn't enough time, Peterson had no way of knowing how long Cruz would keep shooting. For all he knew, the shooting may have gone on another ten minutes. Point being, he should have entered the building immediately after he heard the shots and called it in to try and stop Cruz.

Also, not knowing which building the shots were coming from and not knowing if they were firecrackers or not is a lame excuse. He was never going to learn this by waiting outside.
Nope, I'm observe how a culture acts, and cops need to clean up their culture.

One has nothing to do with the other. You did not know this officer was racist yet you assumed he was anyway for no other reason than that he was white and wearing a uniform. You lied about this officer's character.

When I first told you that you lied and that this meant you think all white officers are racist, you said not all white cops are racist. Then when I pointed out the contradiction between saying this officer was racist (when you had no idea) but not all white officers are racist, you simply reverted back to the bad cop culture narrative and doubled down on your lie that this officer was racist.

You're a lying, waffling, duplicitous douchebag.

As I mentioned earlier, I've been ticketed twice before; one for speeding and one for running a red light. Both officers were white.

I also had a similar situation where I was pulled over for a busted headlight. I was on my way to work in the early morning hours when some kind of big ass bird came up out of the dark and slammed into the left front of the grill on the truck. It startled me but I kept driving thinking it was just another dead bird.
However, just minutes later I see the flashing blue lights in the rearview so I pull over, wondering why he stopped me when I knew I wasn't speeding. He tells me I have a headlight out and that's when I realize the bird busted it when it hit me. I tell him about the bird strike so I get out and we both go to the front of the truck to look and sure enough, the headlight is out and the housing is cracked. But the thing that got me out of the ticket was there was a white feather stuck in the crack. It had been an egret, which is quite a bit larger and heavier than a robin or blue jay and explains why it busted the light.

Seeing I was telling the truth, he let me go after advising me to get it fixed at the first opportunity. I agreed and we both went our way. This officer too was white.

So don't give me that shit about bad cop culture when you and I both know that whites are ticketed every day.
A burned out headlight when I still had three out of four that were working just fine. Oh, you're white? have a nice day, sir.

Pulling people over for busted headlights is not a pretext. We're required to have all four operational at all times. It is the law and it is an officer's job to look out for these things. The officer is not obligated in any way to let you go just because you still have "...three out of four that were working just fine."

Having one working headlight is inherently unsafe, not only because it reduces your ability to see obstructions like thrown truck tire retreads and whatnot but also because it alters your vehicle's true size and characteristics for other drivers; some might think you are a motorcycle or scooter and thus they become that much less focused and careful because subconsciously, they see you as less of a threat to themselves and their vehicles. It's why there has been an ongoing motorcycle awareness campaign for years. Motorcyclists are killed all the time by vehicles pulling out in front of them or sideswiping them.

Also, high beams are fine for low traffic areas but are not meant to be used in place of low beams at all times because then you compromise the night vision of oncoming traffic, injecting another added element of risk. It's why we're required to have high and low beams in the first place.
First you say it was over and Cruz was gone

Um, yeah, pretty much. Why Cruz was able to walk out with the other students.

Also, not knowing which building the shots were coming from and not knowing if they were firecrackers or not is a lame excuse. He was never going to learn this by waiting outside.

Sure he could have. He could have listened for more shots, maybe determine where the shots were coming from.
But better to blame the Sheriff Department's underachiever than actually ask ourselves why Cruz was able to buy a gun to start with.
Waiting for backup to do a grid search.

Point is, standard police procedure IS to wait for backup.

One has nothing to do with the other.
Right... because the town I live in has no history of this sort of thing... Oh, wait, they do.

Of course, this was AFTER the state made them start recording the race of people they had contact with...

As I mentioned earlier, I've been ticketed twice before; one for speeding and one for running a red light. Both officers were white.

Exactly my point. how many years of driving, and no one has pulled you over "just because". No pretextual stops to use as an excuse to search your car for contraband or see if some dude with a similar name has any outstanding warrants. You are SOOO making my point for me.

Pulling people over for busted headlights is not a pretext.

Sure it is. Particluarly when it was still dusk.
Um, yeah, pretty much. Why Cruz was able to walk out with the other students.

Do you think I'm too stupid to know what you did there? Next time quote the whole line you stupid fuck.

Here is you in a direct quote: "Again, the time he got there, Cruz was done and left with the other students."

You said that by the time Peterson got there, Cruz had left the building. But Peterson was already at the school because he was the SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER. And Cruz was able to walk out with the other students because Peterson let him.
Sure he could have. He could have listened for more shots, maybe determine where the shots were coming from.

Don't you mean: "He could have listened for more kids getting killed."?
But better to blame the Sheriff Department's underachiever than actually ask ourselves why Cruz was able to buy a gun to start with.
Waiting for backup to do a grid search.

How do you know he was an underachiever?
Point is, standard police procedure IS to wait for backup.

I'm sure that's a sound policy in most other situations but most other situations don't involve someone whose only goal is to kill as many as possible in the least amount of time.
Right... because the town I live in has no history of this sort of thing... Oh, wait, they do.

Irrelevant. The town having a history has nothing to do with the officer who pulled you over.

You said not all white officers are racist but you assumed this guy was anyway based on absolutely nothing at all except the standard fallacy of confusing correlation with guilt.

Of course, this was AFTER the state made them start recording the race of people they had contact with..

Irrelevant. It still has nothing to do with this officer.
Exactly my point. how many years of driving, and no one has pulled you over "just because". No pretextual stops to use as an excuse to search your car for contraband or see if some dude with a similar name has any outstanding warrants. You are SOOO making my point for me.

I was pulled over for a broken headlight same as you. How does that make your point? And how is that a pretext stop?
Sure it is. Particluarly when it was still dusk.

That is the lamest argument I think you've ever offered. Did the headlight just stop being broken when it got dark thirty minutes later? Or do you think the officer was going to follow you around until it did get dark?
Do you think I'm too stupid

Yes, I think you are too stupid.... you should be happy that we've eliminated all the apex predators...

How do you know he was an underachiever?

That's who they make School Resource officers. The guy with no ambition and an unimpressive record. A guy who was close to retirement and hadn't really advanced in his career.

I'm sure that's a sound policy in most other situations but most other situations don't involve someone whose only goal is to kill as many as possible in the least amount of time.

Right. Hey, here's a crazy idea. Let's stop selling guns that let people kill as many people as they can in the least amount of time. You know, weapons that were specifically designed to be used on a battlefield.

That is the lamest argument I think you've ever offered. Did the headlight just stop being broken when it got dark thirty minutes later? Or do you think the officer was going to follow you around until it did get dark?

In three minutes, I would have been home.

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