Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

Remember when I said the riots were the reason for increased gun sales? I’ve bought two firearms in the last year or so for that very reason. That and the fact that unprovoked assaults, carjackings, robberies, incidents of road rage and of course, mass shootings have gone way up.

Yes, I am sure you feel better about your shortcomings now.

First of all, define “unstable”. Secondly, again, it’s not against the law to sell firearms to those who pass the background check.

Anyone who thinks he needs a gun to defend himself against the government.
Anyone who thinks he needs a gun because the darkies are coming.

you know. Nuts. And then when these nuts shoot up a school or shoot their signifigant other for burning the bacon, you guys all pretend you had nothing to do with it.

You get pulled over by a white cop for a busted headlight, you tell him you have an appointment to get it fixed the next day. He then lets you go with a warning. And how do you express your gratitude for his understanding and leniency? By calling him a racist by the sole virtue of his being white.

Actually, he shouldn't have stopped me at all.... we need to put an end to pretextual stops. A partially out headlight at dusk was hardly a good reason to pull ANYONE over. But I have absolutely no doubt, if I were a black man in that neighborhood with an out headlight, he'd have had me in cuffs searching my car.

A lie. There was no “rampage” when the second group attacked him. He had only shot one person and he did so in self defense. After that he was just walking down the street - and not shooting anyone - when the second group attacked.

The second group attacked him because HE JUST GUNNED DOWN AN UNARMED MAN AND WAS RUNNING AWAY. Jesus Christ, man, you guys talk about how it should fall to us citizens to fight crime, here you had people trying to stop an active shooter, two of them get shot for their trouble, and you make the active shooter into a hero.

The fact that you can’t answer the question says everything we need to know: that Rittenhouse never said anything about blacks one way or the other, which means that your saying he went to Kenoshe to shoot black looters was based solely on the fact that the looter happened to be black.

Except no one was looting the CVS. It was a black man running out. Rittenhouse ASSUMED he had just stolen something. Because that's what racists do. Then he wished he had his AR-15 so he could shoot the man.
The police were there. Most of the protesters went home at dark because of the curfew. Those still on the street were breaking the law. Rittenhouse shot people. Who else shot anyone?
Who else had a gun? Who ran after Rittenhouse and tried to bash him over the head with a skateboard? How do YOU know how many were out there??
You should probably go over the facts? He was breaking curfew and carrying a loaded gun. You like vigilantes?
I know the facts. The two he killed, the one who survived who actually helped the defense were also out and HE not only had a gun but admitted aiming it at Rittenhouse initially 😃
She likes 👍 repeating herself. Let’s pretend there was. Doesn’t that mean THEY were ALSO out beyond curfew???

They don't count because they are dead. But her continued clinging to a non fact is silly.
So please tell us why there was “ insufficient evidence “ then? That means the others broke it also. What if he did break it? It still doesn’t change the fact that those three Punks who ALSO broke curfew were out to kill him
So please tell us why there was “ insufficient evidence “ then? That means the others broke it also. What if he did break it? It still doesn’t change the fact that those three Punks who ALSO broke curfew were out to kill him
They weren't out to kill Kyle. They were just there breaking curfew like he was. Why do you think they noticed him? I really can't stand vigilantes and punks.
They weren't out to kill Kyle. They were just there breaking curfew like he was. Why do you think they noticed him? I really can't stand vigilantes and punks.
Make all the excuses you want but Rosenbaum started to go after him; not the other way around
You should probably go over the facts? He was breaking curfew and carrying a loaded gun. You like vigilantes?
Grosskreutz had a gun too. So? On top of that, his conceal carry permit was expired so he was carrying illegally.

The irony here is that people have demonized Rittenhouse for carrying a gun yet he was carrying legally and Grosskreutz was not.

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