Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

Yes, I think you are too stupid.... you should be happy that we've eliminated all the apex predators...

Nice dodge attempt. The fact remains that you claim Peterson didn't arrive until Cruz had stopped shooting when in fact he was already there because he was the SRO. Even more ridiculous and pathetic is that you posted a link to an article to support your claim when the article actually said the exact opposite.
That's who they make School Resource officers. The guy with no ambition and an unimpressive record. A guy who was close to retirement and hadn't really advanced in his career.

Where do you get this from?
Right. Hey, here's a crazy idea. Let's stop selling guns that let people kill as many people as they can in the least amount of time. You know, weapons that were specifically designed to be used on a battlefield.

Irrelevant. Peterson's inaction likely resulted in more kids being shot.
In three minutes, I would have been home.

Are you saying the officer knew this?
Irrelevant. Peterson's inaction likely resulted in more kids being shot.
OR he was already done shooting and on his way out

Again, whole incident was over in minutes. The chances Peterson could have determined where he was and who was doing the shooting were slim.

But going after him certainly spares us that uncomfortable conversation of why the gun industry armed Cruz to start with.
OR he was already done shooting and on his way out

What part of "Peterson was already there" do you not understand?
Again, whole incident was over in minutes. The chances Peterson could have determined where he was and who was doing the shooting were slim.

It's a moot point since the idiot didn't do a fucking thing and since he didn't, we'll never know.
But going after him certainly spares us that uncomfortable conversation of why the gun industry armed Cruz to start with.

It's not uncomfortable for me for two reason:

1.) Peterson's inaction is irrelevant to the issue of gun control.

2.) The gun industry didn't arm Cruz.

Don't think I didn't notice that you avoided the part where I pointed out that the article contradicted your claim and that you also evaded the question as to whether or not the officer knew you were headed home and would be there in minutes when he pulled you over.
What part of "Peterson was already there" do you not understand?

The part where he was nowhere in the proximity of the shooting and didn't even know what building the shots were fired in.

It's not uncomfortable for me for two reason:

1.) Peterson's inaction is irrelevant to the issue of gun control.

Of course it is. Cops shouldn't have to face people armed like soldiers. The rationale you RACISTS use to justify every cop who shoots a scary black man is "He feared for his life". Well, here you had a pretty reasonable concern that you had an unknown number of assaliants in an enclosed area, with a lot of bystanders, and he didn't charge in until backup arrived.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

2.) The gun industry didn't arm Cruz.

Really, the gun didn't magically fall from the sky. Someone had to fabricate it, ship it to a store, and sell it to him.
Rittenhouse is so awesome.
He provided my friends and me HOURS, DAYS, probably even WEEKS of joy.
The part where he was nowhere in the proximity of the shooting and didn't even know what building the shots were fired in.

Of course it is. Cops shouldn't have to face people armed like soldiers. The rationale you RACISTS use to justify every cop who shoots a scary black man is "He feared for his life". Well, here you had a pretty reasonable concern that you had an unknown number of assaliants in an enclosed area, with a lot of bystanders, and he didn't charge in until backup arrived.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

Really, the gun didn't magically fall from the sky. Someone had to fabricate it, ship it to a store, and sell it to him.

You're just jealous.
Yes, I think you are too stupid.... you should be happy that we've eliminated all the apex predators...

That's who they make School Resource officers. The guy with no ambition and an unimpressive record. A guy who was close to retirement and hadn't really advanced in his career.

Right. Hey, here's a crazy idea. Let's stop selling guns that let people kill as many people as they can in the least amount of time. You know, weapons that were specifically designed to be used on a battlefield.

In three minutes, I would have been home.
I’ve got a much better idea, let’s stop selling electronic communication devices to idiots who can’t understand simple facts, invent lies and waste everyone else’s time and mental capacity. And in case you didn’t get the point, I mean YOU Joe.
OR he was already done shooting and on his way out

Again, whole incident was over in minutes. The chances Peterson could have determined where he was and who was doing the shooting were slim.

But going after him certainly spares us that uncomfortable conversation of why the gun industry armed Cruz to start with.
He could at least have run to the sound of the guns.
I’ve got a much better idea, let’s stop selling electronic communication devices to idiots who can’t understand simple facts, invent lies and waste everyone else’s time and mental capacity. And in case you didn’t get the point, I mean YOU Joe.

I think it's amusing that you are more upset about your hurt feelings than the 14 kids who died at Stoneman because Crazy Nick Cruz was able to buy a military grade weapon.

He could at least have run to the sound of the guns.

He could have. Except it's procedure to wait for backup in a situation like that.
Again, if he wasn't an underachiever, they wouldn't have stuck him in a place where nothing bad is supposed to happen.
But something bad happened because your beloved gun industry can sell to any lunatic who wants a gun.

Kind of like this nut who shot up the subway in NY this week. This guy was clearly disturbed. He tried to get help, but the resources to help him weren't there. But he had no problem getting a gun despite a criminal record of petty offenses.

So here's a crazy idea... Instead of making it hard for the mentally ill to get help and easy for them to get guns, let's make it EASY for them to get help and HARD for them to get guns.
I think it's amusing that you are more upset about your hurt feelings than the 14 kids who died at Stoneman because Crazy Nick Cruz was able to buy a military grade weapon.

There is no way for the government to prevent anyone from buying a weapon, there just aren't that many enforcement agents and never will be.

If Mr. Cruz had not been able to buy a firearm legally, he would have just gone and bought it from an indy, unlicensed gun dealer who operates out of the trunk of his car or in the backroom of a local saloon.

Do you really think the Crips, Bloods, Latin Kings, etc., go to fucking Walmart to buy their weapons when they decide to go on a shooting spree?
There is no way for the government to prevent anyone from buying a weapon, there just aren't that many enforcement agents and never will be.

The problem here is you are dealing in absolutes...

Most other countries make it hard to get a weapon, and they have NOWHERE NEAR the level of death and destruction we have.
The problem here is you are dealing in absolutes...

Most other countries make it hard to get a weapon, and they have NOWHERE NEAR the level of death and destruction we have.


In Mexico its very hard to legally get a gun, yet their murder rate is a lot more than America's. Ditto with Honduras, El Salvador, Congo, et.cet.

Remember, Mexico is the biggest source of people for America, not Scandanavia. We have little in common with those countries.
OR he was already done shooting and on his way out

Again, whole incident was over in minutes. The chances Peterson could have determined where he was and who was doing the shooting were slim.

But going after him certainly spares us that uncomfortable conversation of why the gun industry armed Cruz to start with.
Are you still obsessed with this? LOL!

Get a life Moon Bat.
The part where he was nowhere in the proximity of the shooting and didn't even know what building the shots were fired in.

Did you bother to click on your own goddamn link or do any kind of research on this? If you had you would know that Building 12 (or 1200) is the building where Cruz did all his shooting. You would also know that Cruz entered Building 12 at the east end and, more importantly, Peterson arrived about two minutes after the shooting started outside the east end of Building 12 where Cruz entered.

As the shooting is transpiring, Peterson realizes the shots are coming from this building. He is on audio reporting shots fired in the vicinity of Building 12 and warns other arriving officers to stay 500 feet from Building 12. He then retreats to a spot on the northeast corner of Building 8 where he can see the east end of Building 12 and then just stands there.

Two things here:
1.) Peterson knew two minutes into the shooting that the shots were coming from inside - or the vicinity of - Building 12 and said as much on the radio.

2.) Cruz would continue to shoot for another four to five minutes as Peterson stands outside Building 12 (knowing by now that this is where the shots are coming from) and does nothing.
Of course it is.

No, it's not. Peterson didn't stand there and do nothing because the gun industry sold Cruz an AR-15, he did so because he's a coward.
Cops shouldn't have to face people armed like soldiers.

And yet sometimes they do.
The rationale you RACISTS use to justify every cop who shoots a scary black man is "He feared for his life".

Not every shooting is justified and I understand this. However, sometimes an officer legitimately fears for his life and sometimes he is right to do so, given the number of officers being ambushed or having seemingly harmless suspects suddenly pull out a weapon and start shooting.
Well, here you had a pretty reasonable concern that you had an unknown number of assaliants in an enclosed area, with a lot of bystanders, and he didn't charge in until backup arrived.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

Right, and our 20/20 hindsight shows that an untold number of kids were killed because of his inaction.
Really, the gun didn't magically fall from the sky. Someone had to fabricate it, ship it to a store, and sell it to him.

The gun industry didn't sell Cruz the gun, the store did.

In Mexico its very hard to legally get a gun, yet their murder rate is a lot more than America's. Ditto with Honduras, El Salvador, Congo, et.cet.

So you need to point out a THIRD WORLD country to compare the US to?
Our peer group should be the industrialized (First World) countries. - Canada, Japan and Western Europe.

We are the only country that makes it that easy to get a gun, and we are the only country that has 43,000 gun deaths a year.

Did you bother to click on your own goddamn link
Yes, I did.
2.) Cruz would continue to shoot for another four to five minutes as Peterson stands outside Building 12
Actually, Cruz was done shooting at 2:23. He calmly walked out of the building at 2:28. Which means he had time to ditch the gun, blend in with other students and just walk out the door.

And yet sometimes they do.

Yes, because for some reason, the gun industry can sell military grade weapons to crazy people.

Again, you wankadoodles on the right think that cops should be able to shoot any black kid with a toy because they feel 'threatened", but you want to beat up on this cop for following procedure and showing caution.

The gun industry didn't sell Cruz the gun, the store did.

Awesome, let's let the victims sue the gun store and the gun maker, see how that works out.
Actually, Cruz was done shooting at 2:23. He calmly walked out of the building at 2:28. Which means he had time to ditch the gun, blend in with other students and just walk out the door.

Irrelevant. By this time Peterson knew where the shots were coming from and he still did nothing.
Yes, because for some reason, the gun industry can sell military grade weapons to crazy people.

The AR-15 is not military grade. Military grade is fully automatic.

You know what's funny? People like you make fun of guys who buy these types of guns as some kind of compensation because they look like military weapons. The irony is that, as much as they might be emboldened by the military look of these rifles, people like you are scared shitless of them for the same reason.
Again, you wankadoodles on the right think that cops should be able to shoot any black kid with a toy because they feel 'threatened",

When did I ever say or imply such a thing?
but you want to beat up on this cop for following procedure and showing caution.

Following procedure and using caution are fine as far as they go but I and a lot of others feel he should have done more to at least find out more details. As I've been saying, just standing outside the building, he was never going to get the information he said he lacked to take more decisive action.
Awesome, let's let the victims sue the gun store and the gun maker, see how that works out.

Sue for what, legally selling firearms?
You know what's funny? People like you make fun of guys who buy these types of guns as some kind of compensation because they look like military weapons. The irony is that, as much as they might be emboldened by the military look of these rifles, people like you are scared shitless of them for the same reason.

Actually, I carried an M16 for years and handled hundreds of them. Yes, this IS a weapon you should be terrified of when it gets into the hands of a Joker Holmes, an Adam Lanza or a Nicholas Cruz. These are weapons that were SPECIFICALLY designed to be used on a battlefield.

When did I ever say or imply such a thing?

When you spent pages defending Darren Wilson shooting an unarmed, barefoot, wounded kid six time when he had his hands up.

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