Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

Well, first and foremost, I served for 11 years in the US Army, which means I've done more for this country than most of you ever will.
I was very active in my community when I lived in Cicero and the town I just moved out of. I am only in my current abode for 6 months... so there's that.
I helped hundreds of people of color in their job searches and career development.

Of course, it shouldn't fall on me to fix all the problems just because I point them out.
So you did your job. Nowhere in there did you say you did anything that you are telling other white people to do.
Even if all four were admitted, they would have made no difference in the outcome. Kyle was on video from multiple sources defending himself from attacks and he only shot at people directly attacking him. That's a textbook example of self-defense.

shooting unarmed people is not self-defense.

I really don’t give a shit if they tighten up background checks and whatnot, I’m just saying that we don’t have the gun crime we have because guns are easy to get. I’m saying it’s because of the culture.
Nope. It's the guns... Sorry.

Bullshit. You don’t know any such thing. The majority of traffic stops are legitimate stops (for both blacks and whites) and end without incident.

Like you would if you lost your car?

Well, no, If I lost my car, I wouldn't be able to go to work, pick up groceries, visit friends and relatives, run errands. You know, things that are kind of essential to life. I mean, I could do those things if we invested billions in mass transit, but even then it would be a pain in the ass.

If you lost your gun. No real effect on your life, other than you whimpering in the corner about the imaginary black man you think is coming to kill you.

How much time would you need, the ten minutes or so that it took Peterson to get off his ass?
I know, officer Peterson became the scapegoat for the gun industry letting Cruz get a gun to start with.

He never should have been in the position of HAVING to confront a crazed kid with a military grade weapon, and neither should I. That's the point.

Given that so many liberals wished death on Trump and his supporters, this doesn’t mean much.

Except we didn't go around killing Trump supporters like Shooty McFlopsweat killed some people like he fantasized about doing

But he didn’t. And neither did Rosenbaum.

So again, when Rosenbaum attacked Rittenhouse for putting out his fire, do you think Rittenhouse should have stood there and let him?

Rosenbaum was a homeless person living on the street who was caught up in a riot.
Rittenhouse was a fat entitled white boy who decided he was going to play hero and hunt down some darkies. No Darkies? Well, I'll just shoot this homeless midget.
shooting unarmed people is not self-defense.

Nope. It's the guns... Sorry.

Well, no, If I lost my car, I wouldn't be able to go to work, pick up groceries, visit friends and relatives, run errands. You know, things that are kind of essential to life. I mean, I could do those things if we invested billions in mass transit, but even then it would be a pain in the ass.

If you lost your gun. No real effect on your life, other than you whimpering in the corner about the imaginary black man you think is coming to kill you.

I know, officer Peterson became the scapegoat for the gun industry letting Cruz get a gun to start with.

He never should have been in the position of HAVING to confront a crazed kid with a military grade weapon, and neither should I. That's the point.

Except we didn't go around killing Trump supporters like Shooty McFlopsweat killed some people like he fantasized about doing

Rosenbaum was a homeless person living on the street who was caught up in a riot.
Rittenhouse was a fat entitled white boy who decided he was going to play hero and hunt down some darkies. No Darkies? Well, I'll just shoot this homeless midget.
You are a liar

Shooting unarmed people is self defense when they pose a lethal threat as Rosenbaum did. When one tries to TAKE a persons weapon it is a lethal threat. Rosenbaum did that.

It was a righteous self defense shooting much like Wilson/ Brown

Rosenbaum was a pig who JOINEd the riot and attacked a kid.

There was no military grade weapon

It has nothing to do with guns you chicken hawk lying fool
You are a liar

Shooting unarmed people is self defense when they pose a lethal threat as Rosenbaum did.

Mommy. Mommy.. that midget was going to beat me up so I had to shoot him. Please pick me up from this riot, Mommy.

The facts are a flopsweaty little racist shit shot three people, killing two of them. The justice system failed to hold him to account.
TRhe facts are that all three shooting were self defense so yes the system worked correctly.

Even racists have the right to defend themselves you chickenhawk piece of trash.

The fact is you are a pig who loves to sdee murder as long as the victims are someone you disagee with politically
shooting unarmed people is not self-defense.
You are confused Moon Bat. You must not have heard all the evidence but the jury did and found it was self defense.

One of them had threatened to kill Kyle and was attacking him.

One of them was bashing Kyle over the head with a skateboard.

One of them were threatening Kyle with a Glock pistol.

If you stupid confused Moon Bats are concerned about things like this why aren't you bitching about the Capitol Police thug that murdered an unarmed veteran woman on 1/6 who was protesting a stolen election?

You only get on your high horse when the the BLM filth get their due.

That makes you an asshole.
Cars aren't designed to kill people. Guns are, and the gun industry sells deadlier guns every year.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Guns are designed to be the tools of whatever the owners want them to be.

For instance, I have about 50 firearms.

They are mostly used for recreational purposes.

I am not a hunter but many people use them for hunting, which is legitimate and legal.

They are also available for self defense (like Kyle's AR) should the need arise.

The are also necessary for the security of a free state, as it clearly states in the Constitution of the US. Have you ever read the Constitution? It is in there. I shit you not.

The only time I have ever used a firearm for killing is when ordered to do so by your precious Federal Government.
shooting unarmed people is not self-defense.

Nope. It's the guns... Sorry.

Well, no, If I lost my car, I wouldn't be able to go to work, pick up groceries, visit friends and relatives, run errands. You know, things that are kind of essential to life. I mean, I could do those things if we invested billions in mass transit, but even then it would be a pain in the ass.

If you lost your gun. No real effect on your life, other than you whimpering in the corner about the imaginary black man you think is coming to kill you.

I know, officer Peterson became the scapegoat for the gun industry letting Cruz get a gun to start with.

He never should have been in the position of HAVING to confront a crazed kid with a military grade weapon, and neither should I. That's the point.

Except we didn't go around killing Trump supporters like Shooty McFlopsweat killed some people like he fantasized about doing

Rosenbaum was a homeless person living on the street who was caught up in a riot.
Rittenhouse was a fat entitled white boy who decided he was going to play hero and hunt down some darkies. No Darkies? Well, I'll just shoot this homeless midget.
Shooting an unarmed person is self defense when he is trying to attack you. Only the first attacker was unarmed, the second was armed with, and actually hit Kyle with a skateboard -shaped club and the third was illegally armed with a pistol. He was carrying concealed with an expired CCW which is a felony.
Shooting an unarmed person is self defense when he is trying to attack you. Only the first attacker was unarmed, the second was armed with, and actually hit Kyle with a skateboard -shaped club and the third was illegally armed with a pistol. He was carrying concealed with an expired CCW which is a felony.

oh, noes, not a skateboard.

By your logic, any mass shooter can now claim self defense if he was even mildly scared of the people he shot.
oh, noes, not a skateboard.

By your logic, any mass shooter can now claim self defense if he was even mildly scared of the people he shot.
A four foot long, fifteen pound skateboard makes a dandy club. And the self-defense defense requires a “reasonable man” standard of fear, not merely possible fear on the part of the shooter. So, as usual, your head is so far up your ass that you need a glass window in your abdomen to see where you are going. Why don’t you give it up, no one is as stupid as you are, so no one is buying your crap. The case is long over, Rittenhouse was found not guilty, no civil actions will go anywhere because of the self-defense verdict and the videos of the attacks. Give it up and stop wasting your life fixating on the crime that was no crime.
And I‘m not posting my logic, I’m posting what the law says and requires as a burden of proof. O the other hand, you post lies and things you make up.
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shooting unarmed people is not self-defense.

It doesn’t matter if they are unarmed. If a person is attacking you and you feel threatened or in danger, you have the right to shoot them in self defense. That is the law and is why Rittenhouse was acquitted.
Nope. It's the guns... Sorry.

Then explain the recent spike in crime. Gun ownership has not increased enough to explain why crime has gone up nearly 30% in some cities.
Well, no, If I lost my car, I wouldn't be able to go to work, pick up groceries, visit friends and relatives, run errands.

Ever heard of a bicycle?
You know, things that are kind of essential to life. I mean, I could do those things if we invested billions in mass transit, but even then it would be a pain in the ass.

None of this is an argument as to why we need motor vehicles, it is merely an argument as to how not having motor vehicles would be more of a challenge.
If you lost your gun. No real effect on your life, other than you whimpering in the corner about the imaginary black man you think is coming to kill you.

Why would I think a black man is coming to kill me?
I know, officer Peterson became the scapegoat for the gun industry letting Cruz get a gun to start with.

You just said you hope someone would do something to stop an active shooter and now you’re making excuses for the cop who did nothing to stop an active shooter but gets paid to stop active shooters.

There’s no telling how many lives could have been saved if he had entered the building when he arrived.

Jesus, you are full of shit.
He never should have been in the position of HAVING to confront a crazed kid with a military grade weapon, and neither should I. That's the point.

That’s his job.
Except we didn't go around killing Trump supporters like Shooty McFlopsweat killed some people like he fantasized about doing

You mean like you fantsizing about Sandmann disrespecting a vet?
Rosenbaum was a homeless person living on the street who was caught up in a riot.

Rittenhouse was a fat entitled white boy who decided he was going to play hero and hunt down some darkies. No Darkies? Well, I'll just shoot this homeless midget.

And yet another lie.

Now for the questions you keep avoiding.

1.) Did Rittenhouse say anything about the looters being black or are you saying he was after blacks because the looter happened to be black?

2.) Why are you now disputing accusations of lying when you never have before?

3.) When Rosenbaum attacked Rittenhouse, do you think Rittenhouse should have let Rosenbaum beat him?

4.) When you were pulled over, did you tell the officer you had an appointment the next day to fix the problem? If so, did it not occur to you that this might be why he let you go with a warning?
It doesn’t matter if they are unarmed. If a person is attacking you and you feel threatened or in danger, you have the right to shoot them in self defense. That is the law and is why Rittenhouse was acquitted.

Well, yeah, if you don't call the people he shot victims and hide all evidence of the little punks racism and violent tendencies.

Then explain the recent spike in crime. Gun ownership has not increased enough to explain why crime has gone up nearly 30% in some cities.

You mean after flooding the streets with guns, when you have a major social strain like Covid, gun crime goes up? Again, most gun violence is domestic. Lock a bunch of white trash losers in their trailer park for a couple of months, they'll start offing each other. Normally, I'd call this "natural selection", but that would be a tad harsh.

Why would I think a black man is coming to kill me?
Because you're a racist douchenoodle... We've been over this.
You just said you hope someone would do something to stop an active shooter and now you’re making excuses for the cop who did nothing to stop an active shooter but gets paid to stop active shooters.

Actually, why should it be his or ANYONE'S job to stop active shooters. Why should any of us put up with active shooter drills, or metal detectors in our schools, or security doors at our workplaces, or any of the other garbage we have to put up with because you guys have interpreted the dead slave owners inability to clearly define a militia as "any lunatic who wants a gun should have one!"

Here's the thing. Any cop who is being detailed to school security isn't one of the top performers to start with. Which is why you get so many horrifying videos of them dragging a black child out of a classroom by her hair.

1.) Did Rittenhouse say anything about the looters being black or are you saying he was after blacks because the looter happened to be black?

Actually, they hadn't even established the black man was a "looter". He was just a black guy walking out of a CVS. But that was good enough for Shooty to fantasize about murdering him. Would have been nice if the jury heard it, too.

3.) When Rosenbaum attacked Rittenhouse, do you think Rittenhouse should have let Rosenbaum beat him?

He should have kept his flop-sweaty ass in Antioch.

4.) When you were pulled over, did you tell the officer you had an appointment the next day to fix the problem? If so, did it not occur to you that this might be why he let you go with a warning?

Well, that and I was white. I have no delusions had I been a black person, I wouldn't have walked away from that situation with a citation and a search of my vehicle.
Ever heard of a bicycle?

There’s no telling how many lives could have been saved if he had entered the building when he arrived.

We know exactly how many lives would have been saved if Cruz hadn't been allowed to buy a gun.

But looking at Petersen, by the time he got there and determined what was goiing on, Cruz had already left the building and was wanking off at the Starbucks across the street looking at all the chaos.

He did exactly what cops are expected to do in such situations, he waited for backup.
Well, yeah, if you don't call the people he shot victims and hide all evidence of the little punks racism and violent tendencies.

You mean after flooding the streets with guns, when you have a major social strain like Covid, gun crime goes up? Again, most gun violence is domestic. Lock a bunch of white trash losers in their trailer park for a couple of months, they'll start offing each other. Normally, I'd call this "natural selection", but that would be a tad harsh.

Because you're a racist douchenoodle... We've been over this.

Actually, why should it be his or ANYONE'S job to stop active shooters. Why should any of us put up with active shooter drills, or metal detectors in our schools, or security doors at our workplaces, or any of the other garbage we have to put up with because you guys have interpreted the dead slave owners inability to clearly define a militia as "any lunatic who wants a gun should have one!"

Here's the thing. Any cop who is being detailed to school security isn't one of the top performers to start with. Which is why you get so many horrifying videos of them dragging a black child out of a classroom by her hair.

Actually, they hadn't even established the black man was a "looter". He was just a black guy walking out of a CVS. But that was good enough for Shooty to fantasize about murdering him. Would have been nice if the jury heard it, too.

He should have kept his flop-sweaty ass in Antioch.

Well, that and I was white. I have no delusions had I been a black person, I wouldn't have walked away from that situation with a citation and a search of my vehicle.
The evidence of his so called racism is irrelevant you dumbfuck

One more time racists are people and they STILL have the right to self defense.

Yoiur claim of most gun violence is domestiv is an outright lie you dfeamed up.

the FACTS prove he is innocent and the judge ruled correctly

Your childish hatred of him for being white is all you have and your racism does not make him guilty BOY
Rosenbaum was a homeless person living on the street who was caught up in a riot.
Rittenhouse was a fat entitled white boy who decided he was going to play hero and hunt down some darkies. No Darkies? Well, I'll just shoot this homeless midget.
Your "victium" is misplaced you dumbass confused Moon Bat.

Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity with children, including anal rape, masturbation, oral sex, and showing minors pornography. The victims were five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old. He was convicted of two amended counts as part of a plea deal.

Rosenbaum also had open misdemeanor cases for battery (domestic abuse) and disorderly conduct (domestic abuse). A record of being a real first rate violent scumbag.

On the night that he attacked Kyle he was rioting with the BLM filth. In front of witnesses he threatened to kill Kyle because Kyle had helped to put out a street fire that the sonofabitch helped started.

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground bout the trial, do you? You are confused, aren't you?
The evidence of his so called racism is irrelevant you dumbfuck

One more time racists are people and they STILL have the right to self defense.

Actually, self defense would be if he was defending his home. When he had his mommy drive him to Kenosha, it wasn't self-defense.

Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity with children, including anal rape, masturbation, oral sex, and showing minors pornography. The victims were five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old. He was convicted of two amended counts as part of a plea deal.
Which has nothing to do with what went on that night. Whatever he did in the past, he served his time for.

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground bout the trial, do you? You are confused, aren't you?

Not confused at all. A racist court allowed a racist murderer to walk away despite him being caught on film doing exactly what he was accused of.
Which has nothing to do with what went on that night. Whatever he did in the past, he served his time for.
Bullshit Moon Bat. It shows what a fucking piece of shit he was. A piece of shit that the evidence clearly shows that attacked Kyle. The jury saw the evidence and came to the conclusion that Kyle killed the worthless piece of shit that tried to attack him.

Get over it Moon Bat. You go on and on for pages and pages denying the evidence that the jury used to acquit Kyle. You being a stupid and confused hate filled Moon Bat can't stand it, can you?

Grow the fuck up Moon Bat. You just embarrassed yourself posting your hate.
Actually, self defense would be if he was defending his home. When he had his mommy drive him to Kenosha, it wasn't self-defense.

Which has nothing to do with what went on that night. Whatever he did in the past, he served his time for.

Not confused at all. A racist court allowed a racist murderer to walk away despite him being caught on film doing exactly what he was accused of.

It was still self defense regardless of where he was and how he got there.

Yes very confused there was nothing whatsoever racist about the jury and you are a liar for claiming they were racists.

Whether Rittenhouse is a racist or not is IRRELEVANT. Racists STILL have gthe right to defend himself which HE DID

He was caught on film defending himself he murdered no one and that is fact you trash bag chickenhawk

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