Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

Being decent human beings who protested an injustice? I know this is an alien concept to you. Funny thing. THOSE white guys didn't kill anyone.

Except he didn't run to police. He called his mommy to pick him up.
Decent individuals aren't usually convicted of child molestation. Um, yeah. Decent individuals don't typically loot and burn cities as a "peaceful protest".

Do you mean the white guy who anally raped a child didn't kill anyone? He didn't kill Rittenhouse because self defense is protected by law. Such strange and twisted priorities possessed by the self-hating left.
Decent individuals aren't usually convicted of child molestation.

Rosenbaum was mentally ill.. not a demonstrator.

Um, yeah. Decent individuals don't typically loot and burn cities as a "peaceful protest".

Except the demonstrators he shot weren't burning anything. They were trying to stop an active shooter.

Do you mean the white guy who anally raped a child didn't kill anyone? He didn't kill Rittenhouse because self defense is protected by law. Such strange and twisted priorities possessed by the self-hating left.

You don't want to live in a world where minor disputes are solved with guns... given your personality.
Damn, is someone letting lose wet farts in here to get validation.

You don't deserve links.
And you don't deserve credibility. When you can back up a wild claim, feel free to do so. Until then, you're just spouting spew that no one believes, especially when that spew flies in the face of reality.

And I have to wonder about your obsession with wet farts because the rest of us grew out of any such thing after the age of 6. What happened to you?
Rosenbaum was mentally ill.. not a demonstrator.

Except the demonstrators he shot weren't burning anything. They were trying to stop an active shooter.

You don't want to live in a world where minor disputes are solved with guns... given your personality.
Except Rosenbaum was also a child molester and rioter. Except Rosenbaum attempted to grab the rifle held by Rittehouse. Except Rosenbaum was the aggressor.

None of your misfit heroes were trying to stop an active shooter. They attacked Rittenhouse. Did you miss the part about Rittenhouse self defense supported by the jury?

I don't want to live in a world where leftists hail criminals as the forever aggrieved party who are never held responsible.
Except Rosenbaum was also a child molester and rioter. Except Rosenbaum attempted to grab the rifle held by Rittehouse. Except Rosenbaum was the aggressor.
Rosenbaum served his time, and had not been accused of any offenses since then.
No evidence he tried to grab Rittenhouse's rifle.
No evidence he was the aggressor. He didn't drive 22 miles across state lines looking for a fight.

None of your misfit heroes were trying to stop an active shooter. They attacked Rittenhouse. Did you miss the part about Rittenhouse self defense supported by the jury?
You mean the Jury that didn't get to hear all the evidence and were instructed by Judge Senile to applaud a defense witness?

I don't want to live in a world where leftists hail criminals as the forever aggrieved party who are never held responsible.
Well, except they are. Most of the people who were arrested for rioting paid fines or had to do community service.

But Rittenhouse fires a gun into a crowd, kills multiple people and walks? That's absurd.
Rosenbaum served his time, and had not been accused of any offenses since then.
No evidence he tried to grab Rittenhouse's rifle.
No evidence he was the aggressor. He didn't drive 22 miles across state lines looking for a fight.

You mean the Jury that didn't get to hear all the evidence and were instructed by Judge Senile to applaud a defense witness?

Well, except they are. Most of the people who were arrested for rioting paid fines or had to do community service.

But Rittenhouse fires a gun into a crowd, kills multiple people and walks? That's absurd.
Yeah, if only we could have held a trial....
Rosenbaum served his time, and had not been accused of any offenses since then.
No evidence he tried to grab Rittenhouse's rifle.
No evidence he was the aggressor. He didn't drive 22 miles across state lines looking for a fight.

You mean the Jury that didn't get to hear all the evidence and were instructed by Judge Senile to applaud a defense witness?

Well, except they are. Most of the people who were arrested for rioting paid fines or had to do community service.

But Rittenhouse fires a gun into a crowd, kills multiple people and walks? That's absurd.
Witness testimony identified Rosenbaum trying to grab the rifle held by Rittehouse. You can continue screeching your conspiracy theories but the jury has decided.

Your conspiracy theory about testimony denied to the jury is just another craven leftist tactic to protect their entitled criminals.

Rittenhouse never fired into a crowd. Another leftist tactic of lies and misinformation.
Yes, a trial where the judge wasn't rigging it for the defense would have been nice.
Your goofy conspiracy theory about the Judge rigging for the defense is just more leftist idiosy, totally unsupported.
Yes, a trial where the judge wasn't rigging it for the defense would have been nice.

Trial by headline, the latest rage! No need for attorneys, no need for expensive court rooms with all that security. Not even a need for all that following the law nonsense. Just trot out a few headlines and judges aren't needed any more. We can go straight to making someone suffer because feelz and stuff and reasons. No need for haters to feel bad about themselves any more as they desperately scour the interwebs, frantically looking for the slightest tidbit of news that someone, somewhere is suffering because they wore white after Labor Day. Finally, random internet keyboard jockeys get to flex their legal acumen as they are no longer held back by the fact that they can barely spell "law", much less have a degree and decades of experience on the bench. They can finally overrule all those inept judges as they should! Heck, no need to even back up any outrageous claims, like the gun industry intentionally marketing to crazies.
Wrong they were attempting to kill him as he was running to the police
How right wing of you to think that? How come you fuckers always admire pieces of shit? I mean, there's this prick; and there's that POS George Zimmerman; Dylan Roof, etc. You fuckers always put Assholes on Pedastals!
Your goofy conspiracy theory about the Judge rigging for the defense is just more leftist idiosy, totally unsupported.
Oh, it's not only the judge, it's the jury, the defense and the prosecution as well, and I'm pretty sure the court stenographer as well as a few dog catchers. They're ALL in on it. That's how conspiracy theories work, they just keep getting bigger and bigger.

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