Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

If you stupid inbred uneducated Moon Bats would show as much concern about the Democrat filth stealing the 2020 Presidential election from the American people as you do hating on a 17 year old kid defending his life against BLM scum maybe this country wouldn't be as fucked up as it is.
That was a free and fair election. You have absolutely no proof of anything else.
As I said, Rittenhouse is going to have a pretty miserable life after his influencer girlfriend realizes he's kind of a loser with no job prospects.

And he gets saddled with millions of dollars and judgements and his credit is non-existent.

I guess he can live with his mommy in Antioch for the rest of his life.

Your best impression of the Wicked Witch of the West is hilarious.

While you spend your every waking moment in sweaty, seething hatred of Rittenhouse, the Great Satan America, your own existence, etc., mugshots of your heroes from Kenosha, you know, the "demonstrators" wearing the Walmart hockey gear appear to share a peculiar genetic defect.

I didn't trash the Constitution, Trump did. Now, as far as me, why don't you show us, fuckface, where, or what post, I allegedly "trashed" our beloved Constitution?
This is not about trump, trump has nothing to do with this

When you demand recognition of a lie that rittenhouse commited murder.
I'm at the 49ner Tavern every Friday night between 4:30 and 5:30 in Long Beach, California if you would like to come by and see how big of a bitch I am.
We already know what kind you are

Rittenhouse would make you piss yourself and he really is just a chubby kid
While you spend your every waking moment in sweaty, seething hatred of Rittenhouse, the Great Satan America, your own existence, etc., mugshots of your heroes from Kenosha, you know, the "demonstrators" wearing the Walmart hockey gear appear to share a peculiar genetic defect.

Being decent human beings who protested an injustice? I know this is an alien concept to you. Funny thing. THOSE white guys didn't kill anyone.

Wrong they were attempting to kill him as he was running to the police

Except he didn't run to police. He called his mommy to pick him up.
Being decent human beings who protested an injustice? I know this is an alien concept to you. Funny thing. THOSE white guys didn't kill anyone.

Except he didn't run to police. He called his mommy to pick him up.
They were not protesting an injustice it was a righteous and legal shooting of an armed an d dangerous man

They were rioting

You are a fucking LIAR

It is proven fact he ran to the police

You have to LIE like a fucking coward and ignore facts in every

This proves you are a fuckling pig who wishes to see people you disagree with hurt
Your best impression of the Wicked Witch of the West is hilarious.

While you spend your every waking moment in sweaty, seething hatred of Rittenhouse, the Great Satan America, your own existence, etc., mugshots of your heroes from Kenosha, you know, the "demonstrators" wearing the Walmart hockey gear appear to share a peculiar genetic defect.

View attachment 740759
They all look like inbred Moon Bat retards.
They were not protesting an injustice it was a righteous and legal shooting of an armed an d dangerous man

They were rioting

You are a fucking LIAR

It is proven fact he ran to the police

You have to LIE like a fucking coward and ignore facts in every

This proves you are a fuckling pig who wishes to see people you disagree with hurt

Too bad the police didn't enforce the curfew.
What else has Rittenhouse done with his life?
What the hell have you done with your life Moon Bat other than spew Leftest hate on the internet?

Kyle has two confirmed BLM kills and a WIA, which is actually a notable accomplishment.
What the hell have you done with your life Moon Bat other than spew Leftest hate on the internet?

Kyle has two confirmed BLM kills and a WIA, which is actually a notable accomplishment.

Most legit protestors we're home by dusk.
They were not protesting an injustice it was a righteous and legal shooting of an armed an d dangerous man

A man who was shot in the back seven times when his children were feet away.

They were rioting

You are a fucking LIAR

It is proven fact he ran to the police

Then why didn't the police take him into custody? Oh, that's right, because he never told them, "Hey, I'm the guy who shot those people" He walked right past five police cars and then called his mommy to pick him up.


They all look like inbred Moon Bat retards.
Nothing terrifies you more than White people who aren't racist like you are.
What the hell have you done with your life Moon Bat other than spew Leftest hate on the internet?

Kyle has two confirmed BLM kills and a WIA, which is actually a notable accomplishment.

And this is where I almost feel bad for this kid.

Because he let some right wing whackos rile him up on Facebook, he has effectively destroyed his own life.

No college will ever accept him.
No employer will ever hire him.
He will spend years fighting off lawsuits from the loved ones of the people he killed.
A man who was shot in the back seven times when his children were feet away.

Then why didn't the police take him into custody? Oh, that's right, because he never told them, "Hey, I'm the guy who shot those people" He walked right past five police cars and then called his mommy to pick him up.


Nothing terrifies you more than White people who aren't racist like you are.
CHildren he was threatening with a knife

You once again lie like a coward you lie and ignore facts with every post

He ran to the police and yes told them what had happened

These inconvenient facts ruin you every time which is why you have to lie like a motherfucker.

And this is where I almost feel bad for this kid.

Because he let some right wing whackos rile him up on Facebook, he has effectively destroyed his own life.

No college will ever accept him.
No employer will ever hire him.
He will spend years fighting off lawsuits from the loved ones of the people he killed.
The lawsuits have little or no chance. He wiull have plenty of opportunities

You are full of shit
CHildren he was threatening with a knife
When did this happen?


He ran to the police and yes told them what had happened

Did he? THen there should be a police report from the officer who took his statement.

The lawsuits have little or no chance. He wiull have plenty of opportunities
Actually, the Civil Trials will have a much lower standard than a criminal one.
And they will be able to introduce all the evidence about Kyle's predisposition that Judge Senile excluded.
When did this happen?

View attachment 740960

Did he? THen there should be a police report from the officer who took his statement.

Actually, the Civil Trials will have a much lower standard than a criminal one.
And they will be able to introduce all the evidence about Kyle's predisposition that Judge Senile excluded.
When they shot him

Yes he did and it is them that they did not take a report

Lower standard or not the civil court has little chance.

The murderous actrions of his attackers have nothing to do with his pre disposition which is why it has little chance
Did we hear another wet fart, desperate for attention?
No, that was you depositing yet another load in your pants.
Hey, Wet Fart, if I wanted to kill someone, and didn't care about going to jail for it, they'd be dead. You can thank the Army for teaching me all these great ways to do that.
So go for it. You know you want him dead, so what's stopping you from being a hero to the other swamp creatures? Or are you just another random internet keyboard jockey spewing hate online because you're frustrated that no one takes you seriously? And, yes, it is hate when you publicly and deliberately wish for someone to suffer who has done precisely zero to effect your life. It's hate when you follow another person's life, hoping to see them suffering because reasons and stuff.

I can help you with that, you know. Just start supporting some of the nonsense you spew. Examples:

You say the gun industry intentionally markets to crazies, post some examples. Radio and TV ads are appropriate. Heck, even magazine ads you see in the doctor's office will do.
You say Rittenhouse murdered somebody, post links to a trial where he was found guilty of murder.
You say Rittenhouse went hunting for black people, show us where he shot some black people.

You know, stuff like that. If you can't/won't, don't complain when no one takes you seriously.

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