Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

Not bamboozled at all... because I heard all the evidence about what a racist little prick Kyle is. Too bad the jury didn't.
Oh…. well…. I guess the facts of the case got in the way of your emotional attachment to the rioters, thieves and BLM lowlifes who are your heroes.
It wasn’t a riot. It was a demonstration™.

And it was “mostly peaceful”
These stupid Moon Bats like Joe will dismiss the enormous damage the BLM insurrection did to this country as nothing because that is just the kind of idiots they are.

They are filled with Leftest hate and think that anything is OK to do as long as it furthers their despicable Leftest agenda to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.

They live in a world of denial, dishonesty and spin.

To them the shitheads that tried to kill Kyle were justified and the shitheads did nothing to Kenosha .

Yes, they are that delusional.
These stupid Moon Bats like Joe will dismiss the enormous damage the BLM insurrection did to this country as nothing because that is just the kind of idiots they are.

They are filled with Leftest hate and think that anything is OK to do as long as it furthers their despicable Leftest agenda to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.

They live in a world of denial, dishonesty and spin.

To them the shitheads that tried to kill Kyle were justified and the shitheads did nothing to Kenosha .

Yes, they are that delusional.

I was calling for police reform long before the riots.

I have not been on speaking terms with certain family members because they are friends with an officer involved in a high profile brutality incident.

I have been preaching for years, we need to listen to the peace protests, or they will stop being peaceful at a certain point.

To which I say... I told you so.
And it was “mostly peaceful”

93% of them were peaceful.

The vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests—more than 93%—have been peaceful, according to a new report published Thursday by a nonprofit that researches political violence and protests across the world.

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) analyzed more than 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations in all 50 states and Washington D.C. that took place in the wake of George Floyd’s death between May 26 and August 22.

Their report states that more than 2,400 locations reported peaceful protests, while fewer than 220 reported “violent demonstrations.” The authors define violent demonstrations as including “acts targeting other individuals, property, businesses, other rioting groups or armed actors.” Their definition includes anything from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials. In cities where protests did turn violent—these demonstrations are “largely confined to specific blocks,” the report says.

The ACLED report includes protests toppling statues of “colonial figures, slave owners and Confederate leaders” as violent incidents. “Since Floyd’s killing, there have been at least 38 incidents in which demonstrators have significantly damaged or torn down memorials around the country,” the report states.
I was calling for police reform long before the riots.

I have not been on speaking terms with certain family members because they are friends with an officer involved in a high profile brutality incident.

I have been preaching for years, we need to listen to the peace protests, or they will stop being peaceful at a certain point.

To which I say... I told you so.
You're truly a legend in your own mind.
These stupid Moon Bats like Joe will dismiss the enormous damage the BLM insurrection did to this country as nothing because that is just the kind of idiots they are.

They are filled with Leftest hate and think that anything is OK to do as long as it furthers their despicable Leftest agenda to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.

They live in a world of denial, dishonesty and spin.

To them the shitheads that tried to kill Kyle were justified and the shitheads did nothing to Kenosha .

Yes, they are that delusional.
Kyle and his lawyer are drawing up lawsuits for Defamation against Biden and several media outlets that accused him of being a racist during his trial. Several Hollywood assholes are also on the list.
Or we could fix the problem people were actually demonstrating against.

The total damage in fire loss was $11 million.

Jacob Blake is going to win more than that in a civil suit, as will the people who sue Kenosha for letting armed vigilantes run amok.
They were not demonstrating against any problem

they were rioting over a righteous and legitimate shooting of a POS
Kyle and his lawyer are drawing up lawsuits for Defamation against Biden and several media outlets that accused him of being a racist during his trial. Several Hollywood assholes are also on the list.

And all they have to do is show people that clip of him wishing he had his gun so he could shoot black people leaving a CVS or hanging out with the Proud Boys

And all they have to do is show people that clip of him wishing he had his gun so he could shoot black people leaving a CVS or hanging out with the Proud Boys

View attachment 740646

Not relevant to the facts of Rittenhouse being attacked.

The case against Rittenhouse was not about your SJW priorities.
Not relevant to the facts of Rittenhouse being attacked.

The case against Rittenhouse was not about your SJW priorities.

Oh, it was completely relevant, too bad the jury didn't get to hear it.

Any civil jury for anyone Shooty McFlopsweat tries to sue will, though.
So will the civil juries hearing the cases of people he shot. Not that Kyle will have any money, but Kenosha is going to pay, big time. Especially when they show video of him and his buddies being given water by the Kenosha PD.
Oh, it was completely relevant, too bad the jury didn't get to hear it.

Any civil jury for anyone Shooty McFlopsweat tries to sue will, though.
So will the civil juries hearing the cases of people he shot. Not that Kyle will have any money, but Kenosha is going to pay, big time. Especially when they show video of him and his buddies being given water by the Kenosha PD.
It is relevant only in the alternate reality of the SJW. Learn to deal with the fact that the legal system is not designed to address your feelings.

The fact is, YouTube videos were not relevant to the attack on Rittenhouse.

Your behavior is that of a petulant child who, not being coddled, and decides to drop to the floor kicking and screaming.

“… but Kenosha is going to pay, big time”

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re a swaggering teenager who just drank his first six pack.
It is relevant only in the alternate reality of the SJW. Learn to deal with the fact that the legal system is not designed to address your feelings.

The fact is, YouTube videos were not relevant to the attack on Rittenhouse.

Your behavior is that of a petulant child who, not being coddled, and decides to drop to the floor kicking and screaming.

Naw, the little shit will get his, when he finds no one will employ him, no school will enroll him, and no decent person will associate with him.

And the people he killed and maimed take him to the cleaners civilly.

Not as good as him going to jail like he deserved, but I'll settle for a pound of flesh.
Naw, the little shit will get his, when he finds no one will employ him, no school will enroll him, and no decent person will associate with him.

And the people he killed and maimed take him to the cleaners civilly.

Not as good as him going to jail like he deserved, but I'll settle for a pound of flesh.
An angry, vindictive, SJW. Lovely.

The evil, kuffar court system didn't abandon objectivity and standards to appease your feelings.

There oughta' be a law that says the self-hating SJW has right of first refusal when it comes to jury verdicts.

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