Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well


Link to a post in which I have actually threatened to kill anyone.

You cannot, of course, and you know you cannot. As is usually, you're lying your ass off.

Except all those posts where you want to murder women who have abortions.
And the ones where you want to murder teachers who teach kids that being LGBTQ+ is acceptable.
And the ones where you want to murder people who collect taxes.

Come on, Mormon Bob, you are a hate crime waiting to happen.

If you had the chance to burn down a Mormon church, and get away with it (and if we built our churches out of material that burns), you would almost certainly do so. I don't think anyone here believes that you wouldn't. It is very obvious that you are that evil, and that filled with utter hatred, and that devoid of even the most basic of ethics.

Yes, because criticizing the fraud in your cult is the same was wanting to burn down your fraud centers. Oh, buildings aren't people.

I dare say you'd just as happily burn down a Catholic church, or a Jewish synagogue, or any other church building belonging to any organization that stands against the depraved evils that you support, if you could get away with it.
Oh, quite the contrary, I'm happy to watch religion fade into the irrelevancy it deserves.

The Catholic Church that I went to is struggling to stay afloat. Half the school buildings it own are being used for storage.

Ah, sorry, Man, Fake News.

A settlement with “The View” has not happened, Rittenhouse’s spokesperson, David Hancock, told The Associated Press. In fact, the spokesperson said that Rittenhouse is not suing “The View” and hasn’t reached any settlement for $22 million. A spokesperson for ABC also told The Associated Press that the claims are false.

If you are wondering how that became so prevalent, it all reportedly began with a post on a satirical website called “USA Taters,” and it took off from there. The claim was debunked in May, but has received new life as Rittenhouse, who shot three people, killing two, during a racial injustice protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 2020, made another round of media appearances last week following the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial.
Except all those posts where you want to murder women who have abortions.
And the ones where you want to murder teachers who teach kids that being LGBTQ+ is acceptable.

I'm not calling for murder.

I'm calling for those who murder children, or who have any part in sexually grooming an abusing them, to be brought to justice.

Again, it only shows what an evil, fucked-up, sociopathic piece of shit you are, that you support these activities, an condemn me for wishing that those who engage in them face proper consequences.

And, of course, you're moving the goalposts.

In the previous post, you falsely accused me of threatening to murder…

I'm not the one threatening to kill people I disagree with or hold different views... that would be you, buddy.

I've done no such thing. I have never expressed the intent or desire to kill anyone myself.

All I have done is to express the wish that those who commit certain very evil acts, fully deserving of such a punishment, be appropriately punished through appropriate due process of law. And I have never advocated that anyone be put to death merely for disagreeing with me or holding different views.
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I'm not calling for murder.

I'm calling for those who murder children, or who have any part in sexually grooming an abusing them, to be brought top justice.

I've done no such thing. I have never expressed the intent or desire to kill anyone myself.

All I have done is to express the wish that those who commit certain very evil acts, fully deserving of such a punishment, be appropriately punished through appropriate due process of law. And I have never advocated that anyone be put to death merely for disagreeing with me or holding different views.

That's like claiming you are a vegetarian because someone else is killing the cows and the chickens.

the fact that you want to execute people for doing things that aren't even considered crimes kind of shows your murderous intent. Heck, you even rejoice in the people that Rittenhouse killed, even though they had committed no crimes that merited execution.

Come on, Bob, own it. You want to bring back Biblical Justice and murder us sinners! Own your inner crazy, man.
Come on, Mormon Bob, you are a hate crime waiting to happen.

Look in the mirror.

Almost everything of which you falsely accuse me, you demonstrate much more vividly in yourself. Its absolutely clear form your body of work on this forum that you are a soulless sociopath, with, at best, no regard for the distinction between good and evil, and a strong leaning toward the latter. Deep hatred and malice ooze form your every pore. You sympathize with the lowest of criminals and perverts and degenerates, as you express hatred toward genuine human beings.

With no ethical qualms that would restrain an actual human being from committing acts of violence or destruction, you're left only with fear of adverse consequences to restrain you.

I have no doubt at all that if you thought that you could get away with it, you would happily murder me, murder any of those who share in my faith, murder those who hold other faiths, or those who dare to stand against the depraved perversions and evils that you support. You would burn down our houses, burn down our churches, burn down our businesses.
Heck, you even rejoice in the people that Rittenhouse killed, even though they had committed no crimes that merited execution.

Both were trying to commit murder, at the time they were shot. One of them was a convicted child molester. Both are examples of the sort of subhuman filth the side of which you take against that of actual human beings.

If you were not such a fucked-up sociopath, you might be able to grasp how you appear to actual humans, how bizarre it is that you act as if you have any moral high ground to claim by taking the side of such filth.
Look in the mirror.

Almost everything of which you falsely accuse me, you demonstrate much more vividly in yourself. Its absolutely clear form your body of work on this forum that you are a soulless sociopath, with, at best, no regard for the distinction between good and evil, and a strong leaning toward the latter. Deep hatred and malice ooze form your every pore. You sympathize with the lowest of criminals and perverts and degenerates, as you express hatred toward genuine human beings.

Wow... so much to unpack here before I have to go to work.

Okay- you see, what you consider "perversions", I consider just other forms of sexuality, and if everyone involved is a consenting adult, just no big deal. My own sex life is actually- kind of vanilla. True, it would have been a crime is some states 60 years ago because I'm white and she's Asian. Today, it's considered no big deal.

I don't have any interest in wearing a dress or doing it with another dude, but this funny thing- to each their own. If that's what makes them happy, everyone is a consenting adult, and no one is getting hurt, I just can't see it as a big deal. And, yes, I get a kick out of watching the religious prudes get upset when they get the same privileges you get.

Now, for criminals...... I realize we have criminality because we as a society have refused to address other problems- racism, poverty, mental illness, addiction, and gun proliferation. The Europeans don't have these problems. The Japanese don't have these problems. The fact is, you have the morality of a full belly. I suspect that if you had to ever deal with REAL adversity in your life, you wouldn't be so law-abiding.

With no ethical qualms that would restrain an actual human being from committing acts of violence or destruction, you're left only with fear of adverse consequences to restrain you.

Quite the contrary. I know that when I die, nothing is going to happen, no matter what kind of life I led. On the other hand, you live in mortal fear you won't get into the Celestial Heaven and get to rule your own planet, or whatever. The main reason that I don't go out and kill and steal is that simply, there's no benefit to it. I can do just as well making the honest living that I make, I'm going to have a full belly when I go to bed tonight and I'm going to sleep safely in my bed.

If I lived on the west side of Chicago, had limited job prospects because of racism, had to seriously worry about being caught in a crossfire of a drive-by, maybe those choices wouldn't be so easy. The point is, that should be the easy choice for everyone, not just those lucky enough to have been born white and privileged.

I have no doubt at all that if you thought that you could get away with it, you would happily murder me, murder any of those who share in my faith, murder those who hold other faiths, or those who dare to stand against the depraved perversions and evils that you support. You would burn down our houses, burn down our churches, burn down our businesses.

Naw, Bob, I wouldn't want to murder you. Who would I have to make fun of. You see, most members of your deranged cult realize I'm onto the scam and have the good sense to avoid engaging me, lest I make them look silly.

But you keep jumping back up on the chair on the dunk tank.

I despise Mormonism because it's a lie. But the way you defeat a lie is with the truth.
Both were trying to commit murder, at the time they were shot. One of them was a convicted child molester. Both are examples of the sort of subhuman filth the side of which you take against that of actual human beings.

No, they to commit murder. ONe was a mentally ill man who was caught up in the demonstration. When Rittenhouse shot him, the crowd tried to hold him for police and he shot his way out of that situation.

The point that you think that you are better than people who just haven't had the privileges you've had says more about you than them.

Rittenhouse could have avoided trouble by staying home. Heck, that's what I did during the BLM protests. I stayed the heck away from anywhere I knew there was going to be trouble. You see how that works.
Ah, sorry, Man, Fake News.

A settlement with “The View” has not happened, Rittenhouse’s spokesperson, David Hancock, told The Associated Press. In fact, the spokesperson said that Rittenhouse is not suing “The View” and hasn’t reached any settlement for $22 million. A spokesperson for ABC also told The Associated Press that the claims are false.

If you are wondering how that became so prevalent, it all reportedly began with a post on a satirical website called “USA Taters,” and it took off from there. The claim was debunked in May, but has received new life as Rittenhouse, who shot three people, killing two, during a racial injustice protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 2020, made another round of media appearances last week following the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial.

LOL! Just trolling you stupid hateful Moon Bats that are obsessed with hating Kyle. Thanks for playing.
Okay- you see, what you consider "perversions", I consider just other forms of sexuality, and if everyone involved is a consenting adult, just no big deal.

They long ago gave up any pretense about “consenting adults”, forcing their depravity on society as a whole, including those of us who want no part of it; and now even openly going after children. You really have to be morally fucked-up to think that there is anything at all acceptable about that.

Now, for criminals...... I realize we have criminality because we as a society have refused to address other problems- racism, poverty, mental illness, addiction, and gun proliferation.

Of course, you keep denying the one real cause, which is that there are many nominally-human creatures, such as yourself, who have no regard for the rights of others, no concern for right or wrong.

I know that when I die, nothing is going to happen, no matter what kind of life I led.

You're in for a huge shock when you get to the other side. And you will have no excuse. You won't be able to credibly claim that you were not warned.
No, they to commit murder. ONe was a mentally ill man who was caught up in the demonstration. When Rittenhouse shot him, the crowd tried to hold him for police and he shot his way out of that situation.

The point that you think that you are better than people who just haven't had the privileges you've had says more about you than them.

Rittenhouse could have avoided trouble by staying home. Heck, that's what I did during the BLM protests. I stayed the heck away from anywhere I knew there was going to be trouble. You see how that works.
There was no demonstration it was a riot

Rosenboaum joined in and attacked rittenhouse threatening his life,

The crowd did not try to hold him for police they assaulted him again and attempted to harm or kill him

he shot in self defense'

TYhw whole crowd of rioteing pigs could have avoided trouble by staying at home
No, they to commit murder. ONe was a mentally ill man who was caught up in the demonstration. When Rittenhouse shot him, the crowd tried to hold him for police and he shot his way out of that situation.

The point that you think that you are better than people who just haven't had the privileges you've had says more about you than them.

Rittenhouse could have avoided trouble by staying home. Heck, that's what I did during the BLM protests. I stayed the heck away from anywhere I knew there was going to be trouble. You see how that works.
Rittenhouse never "shot his way out" of any situation.

You make yourself a total buffoon with these invented stories.

"Demonstration"? Good gawd you're a buffoon.
You stupid moon Bats are obsessed that Kyle was found by a jury to be acting in self defense. You are sick in the mind.

We Americas were pissed when a jury of mostly low class Negroes found Derick Chauvin guilty of murdering that piece of shit George Floyd. A great travesty of justice. Chauvin was convicted to satisfy the Black mob that had spent six months burning, looting, murdering and destroying and that was wrong.

However, we got over it. We aren't obsessed with it.

You stupid Moon Bats are obsessed with Kyle Rittenhouse.

Grow the fuck up Moon Bat. Better yet just pull your head out of your Libtard ass.
You are a perfect example of right wing hate!
They long ago gave up any pretense about “consenting adults”, forcing their depravity on society as a whole, including those of us who want no part of it; and now even openly going after children. You really have to be morally fucked-up to think that there is anything at all acceptable about that.

Ah, Bob... you convince me that most homophobes are in face latent homosexuals fighting down their urges.

No one is going after children. Information is not indoctrination.

Of course, you keep denying the one real cause, which is that there are many nominally-human creatures, such as yourself, who have no regard for the rights of others, no concern for right or wrong.

Nope. I think why there are some people who are merely depraved, most people who commit crimes are victims of their circumstances.

Check your privilege.

You're in for a huge shock when you get to the other side. And you will have no excuse. You won't be able to credibly claim that you were not warned.
The universe can't be so poorly designed that the Mormons are right.

Sure, we'd all like to believe there is a Sunshine and Puppies heaven, but where's your evidence?
Really? Hey, you know what, I checked. Kenosha is still there.

You didn't see the pictures of the damage that the BLM insurrectionists did to the city, did you Moon Bat? CNN probably didn't show you, did they? You Moon Bats will deny anything, won't you?

The shitheads that did this kind of damage are the same kind that attacked Kyle because he had the audacity to help put out on of their street fires.



You didn't see the pictures of the damage that the BLM insurrectionists did to the city, did you Moon Bat? CNN probably didn't show you, did they? You Moon Bats will deny anything, won't you?

The shitheads that did this kind of damage are the same kind that attacked Kyle because he had the audacity to help put out on of their street fires.

No, no, you claimed they destroyed the entire city, not just a few buildings of businesses that were questionable to start with, like the sleezy used car dealer.

Point is, the only people who died in Kenosha were killed by Rittenhouse.

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