Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

No, no, you claimed they destroyed the entire city, not just a few buildings of businesses that were questionable to start with, like the sleezy used car dealer.

Point is, the only people who died in Kenosha were killed by Rittenhouse.
Stop being the typical Moon Bat shit with your silliness. The filthy ass BLM assholes destroyed a lot of shit and no grade school level denying it by idiots like you will change it.

Nobody would have been killed if the BLM shitheads had not attacked a kid with an AR-15. Talk about stupidity. They thought Kyle was a weak White Guilt puke like you that would allow them to do whatever they wanted to do. They were wrong, weren't they? Kyle had courage and stood up to the shitheads and scared away one Negro, killed two convicted felons and wounded an asshole that tried to kill him with an illegal pistol.

Kyle is a great American hero and you hateful asshole Moon Bats can't stand it, can you?
Stop being the typical Moon Bat shit with your silliness. The filthy ass BLM assholes destroyed a lot of shit and no grade school level denying it by idiots like you will change it.

But they didn't destroy Kenosha... which if you have ever been to Kenosha, you'd realize was kind of a shame. Kenosha sucks! They wrecked a few buildings, boo-fucking-hoo. Buildings can be replaced.

Hey, let's try fixing the racial inequities in this country without people burning stuff down.

I'm 60 years old. I've seen race riots three times in my lifetime - 1968, 1992 and 2020. It would be nice if we as white people addressed grievances when people bring them up RATHER than after years of asking nicely brings no results until a riot breaks out.

Nobody would have been killed if the BLM shitheads had not attacked a kid with an AR-15. Talk about stupidity. They thought Kyle was a weak White Guilt puke like you that would allow them to do whatever they wanted to do. They were wrong, weren't they? Kyle had courage and stood up to the shitheads and scared away one Negro, killed two convicted felons and wounded an asshole that tried to kill him with an illegal pistol.

Really? You see, the funny thing is the jury got to hear how Kyle supposedly supported BLM, but then they didn't get to see the tape of him fantasizing about shooting black people.
The kid protected himself from getting killed by filthy ass criminal BLM thugs that had been destroying a city and you little Leftest turds hate him for it.
Bullshit! The POS scumbag brought a rifle to a riot looking for trouble. Someone needs to personally fuck this guy up!
But they didn't destroy Kenosha... which if you have ever been to Kenosha, you'd realize was kind of a shame. Kenosha sucks! They wrecked a few buildings, boo-fucking-hoo. Buildings can be replaced.

Hey, let's try fixing the racial inequities in this country without people burning stuff down.

I'm 60 years old. I've seen race riots three times in my lifetime - 1968, 1992 and 2020. It would be nice if we as white people addressed grievances when people bring them up RATHER than after years of asking nicely brings no results until a riot breaks out.

Really? You see, the funny thing is the jury got to hear how Kyle supposedly supported BLM, but then they didn't get to see the tape of him fantasizing about shooting black people.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Kyle Rittenhouse is a great American hero that stood up to the murderous destruction of the BLM filth.

If more Americans had the courage of Kyle to stand up to evil maybe that BLM Insurrection wouldn't have been so destructive.

Instead we had idiot Libtards that kissed the ass of the goddamn Negroes and that is despicable.

The Democrat leadership of Kenosha told the police to stand down and let the BLM filth destroy anything they wanted to destroy. Not only was that cowardly but it showed how sick in the mind these Democrats are.

We had six months of burning, looting, murdering, destruction and Kyle is the only one that I know of with confirmed kills against the insurrectionists.

We need a monument in DC to him. We should name schools after him. We should celebrate the anniversary of the date he stood up to evil as a national holiday.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Kyle Rittenhouse is a great American hero that stood up to the murderous destruction of the BLM filth.

If more Americans had the courage of Kyle to stand up to evil maybe that BLM Insurrection wouldn't have been so destructive.

Or the people would have brought their own guns, and we'd have gun battles in the street.

You think black folks don't have guns?
The Democrat leadership of Kenosha told the police to stand down and let the BLM filth destroy anything they wanted to destroy. Not only was that cowardly but it showed how sick in the mind these Democrats are.

We had six months of burning, looting, murdering, destruction and Kyle is the only one that I know of with confirmed kills against the insurrectionists.

We need a monument in DC to him. We should name schools after him. We should celebrate the anniversary of the date he stood up to evil as a national holiday.

Or we could fix the problem people were actually demonstrating against.

The total damage in fire loss was $11 million.

Jacob Blake is going to win more than that in a civil suit, as will the people who sue Kenosha for letting armed vigilantes run amok.
Rosenbaum was home. He resided in the Kenosha area... He was currently living on the street because he had a mental breakdown and couldn't get a refill on his meds.

He yelled at Rittenhouse, who shit his pants and started shooting into a crowd.
Gee, if only we could have had a trial and had a jury convict him of, what, murder and stuff! Oh, that's right, a trial isn't legit unless you get to be judge and jury and have it go the way you think would make you feel better.
Rittenhouse was not a resident of the state even, so had no reason to be there at all, much less illegally armed with a rifle.
If he has stayed on private property, it would not have been bad.
But he obviously was moving around in the crowd, trying to intimidate people with the rifle.
That is very criminal and everyone had a right to stop him.
Gee, if only we could have had a trial to convict him...
The only thing this trial proved is slick expensive lawyers can bamboozle the system.
That you’re easily bamboozled by the rules of evidence, depositions, evidentiary proceedings, witness testimony and jury verdict is not surprising,

The rest of us understand the process.

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