Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

The only "evidence" he thinks was excluded is irrelevant to the case. Even if Joe could PROVE (he's not real big on doing that) that Rittenhouse was the biggest jerk on the planet, even to the extent of wearing white after Labor Day, it doesn't impact what happened that night. The video evidence is clear, Rittenhouse acted in self-defense and the law is not written to protect only those of whom Joe approves.

Angry Joe is infuriated (he’s always looking for things to be infuriated about), because the legal system doesn’t acknowledge that his feelings should have been a part of the jury trial. He insists that irrelevant, hearsay testimony should have been introduced based upon nothing more than his, “… because I say so”, screeching.
Angry Joe is infuriated (he’s always looking for things to be infuriated about), because the legal system doesn’t acknowledge that his feelings should have been a part of the jury trial. He insists that irrelevant, hearsay testimony should have been introduced based upon nothing more than his, “… because I say so”, screeching.

Actually, I laid out pretty good case why this was an injustice.

Just like the men who lynched Emmett Till being let off was an injustice.

Just like OJ Simpson being given two free murders because people were angry about Rodney King getting a beating was an injustice.

I worry more about the innocent who get sent to prison because they are poor or minority than the affluent who get off because of judicial error, though.
He fulfilled all their fantasies... While the rest of them cowered in their homes during the Floyd Riots, Rittenhouse went out and shot him some liberals.

Actually, he shot a hapless homeless man and a couple of innocent bystanders who tried to take him into custody... but you take what you can get when you are an impotent white person mourning the inevitable loss of your power.
Why do you have to lie about it

Homeless of not he was not hapless he was making an attempt on the life of a kid who threatened no one

No one tried take him innto custody

You keep lying about the narrative and you know it
Actually, I laid out pretty good case why this was an injustice.

Just like the men who lynched Emmett Till being let off was an injustice.

Just like OJ Simpson being given two free murders because people were angry about Rodney King getting a beating was an injustice.

I worry more about the innocent who get sent to prison because they are poor or minority than the affluent who get off because of judicial error, though.
No you did not

Your case is based entirely on lies
Sure I have... you just pretend they don't matter.

Fantasizing about shooting black people at the CVS?
Hanging out with the Proud Boys.
No you never have.

You lie consistently and claim they matter

Being white is a good ting. being asngry is normal and jone of it negates one's right to self defense
Conspiracies are done in secret... Judge Senile botched that case right in the open.

Well, let's look at that (and taking you off ignore for a second.)

This case came down to what Rittenhouse's intent was.

Was he just some sweet kid who was concerned about cleaning up graffiti,

Or was he a racist douchebag who went somewhere he thought he could shoot him some darkies?

Well, the Media, bless them, found plenty of evidence that the latter was the case. His paling around with the Proud Boys, his videotape of him wishing he could shoot a black man running out of a CVS.

Unfortunately, the jury never heard about it.
'The media found nothing.

When he strictly shot white men who attacked him with intent to kill his so called desire to shoot darkies is irrelevant
Actually, I laid out pretty good case why this was an injustice.

Just like the men who lynched Emmett Till being let off was an injustice.

Just like OJ Simpson being given two free murders because people were angry about Rodney King getting a beating was an injustice.

I worry more about the innocent who get sent to prison because they are poor or minority than the affluent who get off because of judicial error, though.
Actually, you offered nothing that gained any traction as making a “pretty good case”.

You simply repeat your insistence about some claimed “injustice” because you don’t like the facts considered by the jury. You insist the legal system must meet your bizarre standards of flooding courts with irrelevancies because your feelings will otherwise be offended.
I asked you first, bee-otch!
Ok fair enough

I do not care about rittenhouse. I am on record i this thread saying he is no hero.

the facts of the case are what count and they prove that you and Joe are liars who have to invent lies to justify a desire to see him found guilty.

Why do ypu have intense hatred of prp[per justice?
Ok fair enough

I do not care about rittenhouse. I am on record i this thread saying he is no hero.

the facts of the case are what count and they prove that you and Joe are liars who have to invent lies to justify a desire to see him found guilty.

Why do ypu have intense hatred of prp[per justice?
Although I am forced to accept the verdict, I do not think it was proper justice. After everything I've read and the videos I've seen, I think Rittenhouse is a murderer.
Why do you have to lie about it

Homeless of not he was not hapless he was making an attempt on the life of a kid who threatened no one

Uh, he was unarmed and half Rittenhouse's size

No one tried take him innto custody
No, the crowd did, until he shot his way out. Then they followed him for a couple of blocks, but the police didnt take him into custody.
No you never have.

You lie consistently and claim they matter

Being white is a good ting. being asngry is normal and jone of it negates one's right to self defense

Uh, he was unarmed and half Rittenhouse's size

No, the crowd did, until he shot his way out. Then they followed him for a couple of blocks, but the police didnt take him into custody.

UUUMMMKM and he attempted to take rittenhouse's weapon away which is a lethal threat.

The crowd did no such thing the crowd was attempting to kill him.

The police failure is on the police.

Being white is a good thing being angry is a normal thing and neither negates one's tright to self defense.

You keep proving my poiint by swtiching lies with every post.

Your claim that someone watned to take hinm into custody is a lie

Your willlful blind eye toward the actions of Rosembaum is a lie
Although I am forced to accept the verdict, I do not think it was proper justice. After everything I've read and the videos I've seen, I think Rittenhouse is a murderer.
You are a coward and aliar

It was self defense and that is fact

you have not researched this you keep getting exposed as liar fraud and weak little internet tough guy

Reality proves you are soft cannot fight or think and simply full of shit
You are a coward and aliar

It was self defense and that is fact

you have not researched this you keep getting exposed as liar fraud and weak little internet tough guy

Reality proves you are soft cannot fight or think and simply full of shit
Not self defense when you deliberately bring lethal force to a protest rally.
Not self defense when you deliberately bring lethal force to a protest rally.
It was a mindless riot and being armed is not lethal force

he acted in self defense that is proven beyond question.

Your deceitful misrepresentation proves what you are about. The riot was unjustified and you hate that rittenhouse accidentally exposed it as such
It was a mindless riot and being armed is not lethal force

he acted in self defense that is proven beyond question.

Your deceitful misrepresentation proves what you are about. The riot was unjustified and you hate that rittenhouse accidentally exposed it as such
He brought a rifle to a protest just looking for somebody to shoot!
Not self defense when you deliberately bring lethal force to a protest rally.
How about bringing lethal force in an act of self defense when violently attacked at riots involving looting and burning which were allowed by leftist politicians?

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