Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

Again- ten years of peace protests, and nothing was done.
Your right to do "peace protest" ends when you try to bash me over the head with a skateboard or point a loaded Glock at my head or kick me in the face. Like was done to Kyle Rittenhouse.

It will really come to an end if I just happen to be carrying an AR-15.
Your right to do "peace protest" ends when you try to bash me over the head with a skateboard or point a loaded Glock at my head or kick me in the face. Like was done to Kyle Rittenhouse.

After he gunned down a man in the middle of the street. Huber had a better claim to Self-defense than Rittenhouse did.

It will really come to an end if I just happen to be carrying an AR-15.

Uh, dummy, if you gun down people in the street, you will probably go to jail, and if you don't you will be economically ruined like Kyle Fudd has been.

Oh, I see what you did there. Being the immature 5-year-old you are, you realized that you can't argue with the adults and thought that short farts weren't getting your point across, so you thought that you could clear the room this way.
I posted the article that showed no only didn't they stand down, they were supplemented by the National Guard, State Police and Federal Agencies.

And here's the thing. If Shooty McFlopsweat hadn't gone all Elmer Fudd in Kenosha, no one would remember those demonstrations today.
Good thing that didn't happen, that would be bad.
I posted the article that showed no only didn't they stand down, they were supplemented by the National Guard, State Police and Federal Agencies.

And here's the thing. If Shooty McFlopsweat hadn't gone all Elmer Fudd in Kenosha, no one would remember those demonstrations today.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The police testified at Kyle's trial under oath that they were told to stand down. You didn't watch the trial did you?

Which is more reliable, sworn testimony under oath by the police or some stupid shit that you posted in your derangement?

If they weren't told to stand down then how come the BLM filth got away with so much destruction and the goddamn police weren't doing jackshit the night the BLM thugs were doing their burning, destruction and attacking Kyle? The police didn't even bother to show up until shots were fired, which is exactly what the policeman during the trial said they were told to do. Let the BLM assholes get away with property destruction but intervene if there were lives at risk.

Democrats leaders told the police to stand down because the assholes were in solidarity with the BLM filth doing all their destruction. We saw the same shit in most Democrat controlled cities.
Naw, what's sleazy is letting thug cops get away with brutalizing the community. Every cop involved in a high-profile incident usually had years of complaints no one acted on.

We weren't talking about Madison, we were talking about Kenosha. No one told the cops to stand down in Kenosha.

Must have been the right call, as Madison was barely a blip on the radar in BLM Demonstrations.

What would be more fun.
Naw, man. Leftists always find excuses for the damage they inflict on others.

When the left allowed your BLM / antifa heroes a free hand to riot, loot and burn, it had obvious consequences to those who were the victims of your heroes.


Ignored and mocked your pompous statements.. um, yeah, that's what I did there. Nothing worse you can do to a narcissist than ridicule him.

Actually, that's ignore him. Please do try to keep up. I am mocking you because it amuses me to do so. Eventually, I might get around to ignoring you if you get tiresome enough. I know you're hoping you'll get to that point and I'll stop defeating all of your arguments, but that's up to me, not you. Just know that I now know how to push you into talking in public about your gas problem.
Naw, man. Leftists always find excuses for the damage they inflict on others.

When the left allowed your BLM / antifa heroes a free hand to riot, loot and burn, it had obvious consequences to those who were the victims of your heroes.

Riot damage is insured.
Stuff can be replaced... live cannot.

Again, I would have LOVED to have avoided these riots. Here's how you avoid the riots.

1) reform the police.
2) Throw bad cops in prison where they just love cops.
3) start working on the poverty and despair in our racist society.

But, fuck, we aren't going to do that! Nope, we just keep letting these problems fester and don't address them.
Then they need to be investigated for perjury, because no such order was issued.

Do you have a link to this order?

Just stop with your fucking bullshit. It just makes you look like a fucking idiot. You are sick in the head.

The police testified at Kyle's trial that they were told to stand down for property destruction but only intervene if life was threatened.

Which is exactly what happen the night the night the BLM thugs attacked Kyle. The BLM shitheads were setting street fires and the police were nowhere to be seen. When the gunshots were fired they responded. Kyle even tried to surrender to one after the shooting but they blew him off.
Just stop with your fucking bullshit. It just makes you look like a fucking idiot. You are sick in the head.

The police testified at Kyle's trial that they were told to stand down for property destruction but only intervene if life was threatened.
Again, where is your link.

I provided a link that showed the Kenosha police were on full alert, and supplemented by the National Guard, State Police AND Federal agencies.

Now, the conduct of the Kenosha Police was pretty bad, in first shooting Jacob Blake in the back to start with, and then letting Kyle and his pals run around with guns.

Riot damage is insured.
Stuff can be replaced... live cannot.

Again, I would have LOVED to have avoided these riots. Here's how you avoid the riots.

1) reform the police.
2) Throw bad cops in prison where they just love cops.
3) start working on the poverty and despair in our racist society.

But, fuck, we aren't going to do that! Nope, we just keep letting these problems fester and don't address them.
You know that insurance premiums are actual monies paid by a business, right? It's not free money that government gives you. You didn't know that?

It seems you're one of those people who doesn't understand that the government giving you money comes at a cost to someone else.

See, that's the problem with BLM / antifa groupies. You're convinced you have an entitlement to riot, burn and loot and the damage you cause is just a matter for someone else to deal with.
Riot damage is insured.
Stuff can be replaced... live [sic]; cannot.

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You know that insurance premiums are actual monies paid by a business, right? It's not free money that government gives you. You didn't know that?
It seems you're one of those people who doesn't understand that the government giving you money comes at a cost to someone else.
See, that's the problem with BLM / antifa groupies. You're convinced you have an entitlement to riot, burn and loot and the damage you cause is just a matter for someone else to deal with.

It would be poetic justice if Incel Joe were to have its home burned down and looted by these mobs of subhuman criminal shit that it supports, and were to be badly injured in the process, to find that insurance didn't cover what it thinks it does. To lose everything, the way so many good Americans have. Not to die; that would be the easy way out; but to be left crippled and homeless.

If that happened, do you think it would continue to take the side of these violent, subhuman vermin, against the side of human beings?

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