Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

Since the jury didn't hear about his racism,
LOL! You are always confused Moon Bat.

There was no racism. You invented that in your inbred Moon Bat mind. You stupid Moon Bats always resort to that, don't you?

All of Kyle's victims were White and your imaginary racism had nothing to do with Kyle acting in self defense while being attacked by shitheads.

The jury also didn't hear about the extensive criminal records of the shitheads that Kyle wasted. If they had heard it then it would have only taken them 10 minutes to find Kyle not guilty instead of four days.

You are obsessed with Kyle and your uninformed and confused hate rantings just reinforces the fact that you are a beaucoup dinky dau Moon Bat that really needs to see a mental health specialist.
That's stupid. Racism doesn't mean violence. And, as I will point out twice in this post, you don't have evidence that Kyle went looking for someone to shoot. In fact, his actions clearly belie that assertion, as he shot no one that wasn't a threat to him.

You just argued against your own point in a single sentence. You first complain he didn't act like a mass shooter, then claim he's a mass shooter. Pick a horse and stay on it. The bottom line has been and still is that he didn't shoot anyone who wasn't a threat to him. If he went looking for targets, he wouldn't have been walking in the crowd in the first place.

Now, you still haven't (and won't) prove that Kyle stated he wanted to shoot a black person. All you have is a video produced by an anonymous person that has an anonymous person stating that they wished they had their gun as a thief was running out of a store. Someone told you it's Kyle saying it, and you believe it. Now you insist it should have been entered as evidence. Did you ever stop to think that the prosecution looked at the video, figured out they couldn't prove it was Kyle, and decided it would just get thrown out as irrelevant anyway, so didn't bother? Or are you going with the old, "I have evidence the prosecution should have had but didn't send it to them" excuse?

JoeB is a hateful Moon Bat that is obsessed with Kyle.

His position is that since Kyle was not burning down the city with the rest of the BLM filth then he was a racist and for that alone he should have been found guilty.

He also is so deranged that he thinks that Kyle should have been found guilty just because he had the audacity to carry one of those Black Rifles that the stupid Moon Bats hate so much, even it was legal for him to do so. Of course he would say nothing about the illegal Glock that GG pointed at Kyle or even the skateboard that used to hit him over the head.

Yes, that is the mentality of these stupid Moon Bats. They live a life of confusion and hate.

The Boy really needs to see a mental health specialist. I suspect he is a danger to society.

He reminds me of James Hodgkinson, who was the Leftest Moon Bat that was so full of hate that he shot up the Republican Congressmen practicing for baseball.
Thank goodness we didn't have one of those in this case. They sound scary.

Right, you said he didn't act like a mass shooter.

Oh, and you might want to stop obsessing over your gas issues, it's unseemly in polite company.
No, I said he didn't pick the kinds of targets other mass shooters pick.

A childfucker. Not anything even close to human. Mr. Rittenhouse did the world a great service by putting down that vile creature.
Um... i wonder if they said the same thing about the guys who murdered childfucker Joseph Smith! Oh, wait, they all got acquitted, too.

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That's stupid. Racism doesn't mean violence

Wait. Demonstration™ ?

Fire bombing city blocks, looting, assaults, property destruction, etc., are what normal people describe as riots.

yeah, I mean I wish they would have peaceful demonstrations...

Oh, wait.

They did that.
Nobody listened. Cops just went on killing black people without going to jail.

Hey, you threaten to burn white people's stuff, and this funny thing happens. They suddenly get very interested in doing the right thing. That's what happened in the 1960's, that's what happened in 1992, that's what happened in 2020.

Let's try something crazy that instead of waiting for people to burn stuff, we solve problems when people peacefully demonstrate.

yeah, I mean I wish they would have peaceful demonstrations...

Oh, wait.
View attachment 743382
They did that.
Nobody listened. Cops just went on killing black people without going to jail.

Hey, you threaten to burn white people's stuff, and this funny thing happens. They suddenly get very interested in doing the right thing. That's what happened in the 1960's, that's what happened in 1992, that's what happened in 2020.

Let's try something crazy that instead of waiting for people to burn stuff, we solve problems when people peacefully demonstrate.

That is because the VAST majority of the time when cops shoot anyone white or black it is justified.

The BLM riots were unjustified and based on lies

yeah, I mean I wish they would have peaceful demonstrations...

Oh, wait.
View attachment 743382
They did that.
Nobody listened. Cops just went on killing black people without going to jail.

Hey, you threaten to burn white people's stuff, and this funny thing happens. They suddenly get very interested in doing the right thing. That's what happened in the 1960's, that's what happened in 1992, that's what happened in 2020.

Let's try something crazy that instead of waiting for people to burn stuff, we solve problems when people peacefully demonstrate.

Naw, man. Your heroes caused misery, suffering and millions of dollars in property damage.

That’s the real problem with leftist ideologues. A look at the mugshots of your antifa / BLM heroes arrested in Kenosha and elsewhere depicts the most physically repulsive social misfits to be found anywhere.
That is because the VAST majority of the time when cops shoot anyone white or black it is justified.

The BLM riots were unjustified and based on lies

Tamir Rice - Shot while playing with a toy.
Eric Garner - Strangled to death for selling single smokes.
Laquan McDonald - Shot 16 times (most when he was already down and lying on the ground) for trying to break into a truck to keep warm.
Botham Jean- Shot in his own home because a cop wasn't paying attention and got off on the wrong floor.
Sandra Bland - Arrested for a minor traffic violation, died in her jail cell.
George Floyd - Strangled to death for passing a fake $20 bill.
Jacob Blake - Shot seven times in the back

I should also point out that shooting 1000 people a year is something unique to the US. If you look at any other industrialized Democracy, police killings of suspects is rare. Single and low double digits rare.

Naw, man. Your heroes caused misery, suffering and millions of dollars in property damage.

That’s the real problem with leftist ideologues. A look at the mugshots of your antifa / BLM heroes arrested in Kenosha and elsewhere depicts the most physically repulsive social misfits to be found anywhere.
No one ever looks good in a mugshot... or a DMV photo..
Tamir Rice - Shot while playing with a toy.
Eric Garner - Strangled to death for selling single smokes.
Laquan McDonald - Shot 16 times (most when he was already down and lying on the ground) for trying to break into a truck to keep warm.
Botham Jean- Shot in his own home because a cop wasn't paying attention and got off on the wrong floor.
Sandra Bland - Arrested for a minor traffic violation, died in her jail cell.
George Floyd - Strangled to death for passing a fake $20 bill.
Jacob Blake - Shot seven times in the back

I should also point out that shooting 1000 people a year is something unique to the US. If you look at any other industrialized Democracy, police killings of suspects is rare. Single and low double digits rare.

No one ever looks good in a mugshot... or a DMV photo..

Naw, man. Your BLM / antifa heroes with the purple hair, nose rings, face tattoos, missing teeth and physical deformities sure don’t look good.
Naw, man. Your BLM / antifa heroes with the purple hair, nose rings, face tattoos, missing teeth and physical deformities sure don’t look good.

I'm old enough to remember when the right focused on the dirty hippy protesting the Vietnam War.

Today, nobody claims the Vietnam War was a good idea. So many people died for absolutely no good reason.
Tamir Rice - Shot while playing with a toy.
Eric Garner - Strangled to death for selling single smokes.
Laquan McDonald - Shot 16 times (most when he was already down and lying on the ground) for trying to break into a truck to keep warm.
Botham Jean- Shot in his own home because a cop wasn't paying attention and got off on the wrong floor.
Sandra Bland - Arrested for a minor traffic violation, died in her jail cell.
George Floyd - Strangled to death for passing a fake $20 bill.
Jacob Blake - Shot seven times in the back

I should also point out that shooting 1000 people a year is something unique to the US. If you look at any other industrialized Democracy, police killings of suspects is rare. Single and low double digits rare.

No one ever looks good in a mugshot... or a DMV photo..
Nope. You are once again confused Moon Bat.

All of those shitheads were resisting the police to some degree or another and paid the price for their stupidity.

However, none of your Moon Bat lies have anything to do with the FACT that a jury found that Kyle Rittenhouse was acting in self defense when attacked by BLM/ANTIFA scum. Scum that had been engaged in significant destruction in the city. Scum that were given the permission to destroy by the asshole Democrats in Kenosha because the police were told to stand down.

The villains in the story were the BLM scum that did the destruction and attacked Kyle, the idiotic Democrats leadership that told the police to stand down and the filthy asshole Democrat prosecutor who brought charges against an innocent kid.
I'm old enough to remember when the right focused on the dirty hippy protesting the Vietnam War.

Today, nobody claims the Vietnam War was a good idea. So many people died for absolutely no good reason.
Not too many hippies burning down city blocks.

On the other hand, that 2020 Seattle “Summer of Love” was a raging success in terms of showing how leftist misfits are their own worst enemy.
All of those shitheads were resisting the police to some degree or another and paid the price for their stupidity.

Fuck, why not shoot jaywalkers?
Also, what was Jean Botham Resisting? The man was sitting on his couch eating ice cream. In his own home.

However, none of your Moon Bat lies have anything to do with the FACT that a jury found that Kyle Rittenhouse was acting in self defense when attacked by BLM/ANTIFA scum. Scum that had been engaged in significant destruction in the city. Scum that were given the permission to destroy by the asshole Democrats in Kenosha because the police were told to stand down.
The police were not told to stand down.

In fact, they called in the National Guard and brought in reinforcements from other agencies.

What the police DID do that was wrong was let Rittenhouse and his buddies run around with guns.

Not too many hippies burning down city blocks.

Wow, I can tell you aren't old enough to remember the late 60s, early 70's?

Let's refresh your memory- The Black Panthers, the Weathermen, the Symbionese Liberation Army, Burning down ROTC buildings and draft board offices. The 1968 Democratic Convention. The nationwide riots after Dr. King was murdered. The Manson Family trying to start a race war.

On the other hand, that 2020 Seattle “Summer of Love” was a raging success in terms of showing how leftist misfits are their own worst enemy.

I agree that officials in Seattle let some protests go to far. But let's not try to pretend that what happened in 2020 was worse than what happened in the 1960's. The 1960's were far worse..
Fuck, why not shoot jaywalkers?
Also, what was Jean Botham Resisting? The man was sitting on his couch eating ice cream. In his own home.

The police were not told to stand down.

In fact, they called in the National Guard and brought in reinforcements from other agencies.

What the police DID do that was wrong was let Rittenhouse and his buddies run around with guns.

Wow, I can tell you aren't old enough to remember the late 60s, early 70's?

Let's refresh your memory- The Black Panthers, the Weathermen, the Symbionese Liberation Army, Burning down ROTC buildings and draft board offices. The 1968 Democratic Convention. The nationwide riots after Dr. King was murdered. The Manson Family trying to start a race war.

I agree that officials in Seattle let some protests go to far. But let's not try to pretend that what happened in 2020 was worse than what happened in the 1960's. The 1960's were far worse..
Wow. Let’s throw a cold bucket of reality on your delusions. The Black Panthers, the Weathermen, the Symbionese Liberation Army were not peace and love, flower child hippies. They were something of the model for your leftist, totalitarian hugging misfits in the BLM / antifa cults.

BUT… but… but.. but..hey look over there. They were worse. No, actually. Your heroes of the BLM / antifa cults are just what morphed from the Black Panthers, the Weathermen, the Symbionese Liberation Army cults. Same leftist ideology and same totalitarian minded social misfits.
You're a liar and a fool
What am I lying about? That’s how I feel about this little waste of flesh and oxygen. He is everything that is WRONG with certain portions of the pro self-defense, second amendment, personal responsibility crowd so far as I’m concerned.
What am I lying about? That’s how I feel about this little waste of flesh and oxygen. He is everything that is WRONG with certain portions of the pro self-defense, second amendment, personal responsibility crowd so far as I’m concerned.
Lol, clowns like to waste everyone's time with their 4th grade bullshit lies. You're too stupid to exist.
Fuck, why not shoot jaywalkers?
Also, what was Jean Botham Resisting? The man was sitting on his couch eating ice cream. In his own home.

The police were not told to stand down.

In fact, they called in the National Guard and brought in reinforcements from other agencies.
You are confused Moon Bat.

That list of shitheads that you posted were all street thugs with criminal records. The scum of this country and they all were involved in criminal activity and were stupid enough resisted the police in some way or another. You always take the side of the scum, don't you?

You must not have watched the Rittenhouse trial because a Kenosha police officer testified under oath that the Democrat leadership shitheads told the police to stand down and let the destruction take place. At least it was that way up until then.

Pull your head out of your Moon Bat Ass. You just look like a fool posting your garbage.
Fuck, why not shoot jaywalkers?
Also, what was Jean Botham Resisting? The man was sitting on his couch eating ice cream. In his own home.

The police were not told to stand down.

In fact, they called in the National Guard and brought in reinforcements from other agencies.

What the police DID do that was wrong was let Rittenhouse and his buddies run around with guns.

Wow, I can tell you aren't old enough to remember the late 60s, early 70's?

Let's refresh your memory- The Black Panthers, the Weathermen, the Symbionese Liberation Army, Burning down ROTC buildings and draft board offices. The 1968 Democratic Convention. The nationwide riots after Dr. King was murdered. The Manson Family trying to start a race war.

I agree that officials in Seattle let some protests go to far. But let's not try to pretend that what happened in 2020 was worse than what happened in the 1960's. The 1960's were far worse..
Lol, criminal living pos wants to shoot jaywalkers. You need to be removed.
I should also point out that shooting 1000 people a year is something unique to the US. If you look at any other industrialized Democracy, police killings of suspects is rare. Single and low double digits rare
Yep, and there’s not enough money on the planet to get me to visit, never mind live in any one of those countries.
Tamir Rice - Shot while playing with a toy.
Eric Garner - Strangled to death for selling single smokes.
Laquan McDonald - Shot 16 times (most when he was already down and lying on the ground) for trying to break into a truck to keep warm.
Botham Jean- Shot in his own home because a cop wasn't paying attention and got off on the wrong floor.
Sandra Bland - Arrested for a minor traffic violation, died in her jail cell.
George Floyd - Strangled to death for passing a fake $20 bill.
Jacob Blake - Shot seven times in the back

I should also point out that shooting 1000 people a year is something unique to the US. If you look at any other industrialized Democracy, police killings of suspects is rare. Single and low double digits rare.

No one ever looks good in a mugshot... or a DMV photo..

Yes everyone knows those cases and they do not refute my point.

They are a miniscule percentage of police shootings.
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