Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

I'm old enough to remember when the right focused on the dirty hippy protesting the Vietnam War.

Today, nobody claims the Vietnam War was a good idea. So many people died for absolutely no good reason.
Actually many people especially the veterans who weee there believe it was a just cause.
I'm old enough to remember when the right focused on the dirty hippy protesting the Vietnam War.
You don't know jackshit about the Vietnam War.

You are as confused about that as you are everything else.
Wow. Let’s throw a cold bucket of reality on your delusions. The Black Panthers, the Weathermen, the Symbionese Liberation Army were not peace and love, flower child hippies. They were something of the model for your leftist, totalitarian hugging misfits in the BLM / antifa cults.

Exactly my point. Sorry it went over your head. White MIddle Class people like my parents were absolutely horrified of them at the time, but later admitted they kind of had a point about Vietnam.

That list of shitheads that you posted were all street thugs with criminal records. The scum of this country and they all were involved in criminal activity and were stupid enough resisted the police in some way or another. You always take the side of the scum, don't you?

What criminal activity was Botham Jean involved in? He had a steady job, but because a cop was too busy texting to realize she got off on the wrong floor, he was shot sitting on his couch watching TV. Eek Scary black man!!!
Um, no. We inserted ourselves in the middle of someone else's civil war. Our own leaders knew it was pointless, because most Vietnamese supported the Communists.
It was not a civil war and no most of them did not support the communists.

Most vietnamese people were iliterate peasants who did not care one way or the other.
Exactly my point. Sorry it went over your head. White MIddle Class people like my parents were absolutely horrified of them at the time, but later admitted they kind of had a point about Vietnam.

What criminal activity was Botham Jean involved in? He had a steady job, but because a cop was too busy texting to realize she got off on the wrong floor, he was shot sitting on his couch watching TV. Eek Scary black man!!!
You made no point. You hoped to compare your leftist / Marxist groups of societal misfits with 60’s vintage hippies.

Sorry that fail went over your head but your attempt at comparison was ridiculous.
Exactly my point. Sorry it went over your head. White MIddle Class people like my parents were absolutely horrified of them at the time, but later admitted they kind of had a point about Vietnam.

What criminal activity was Botham Jean involved in? He had a steady job, but because a cop was too busy texting to realize she got off on the wrong floor, he was shot sitting on his couch watching TV. Eek Scary black man!!!
What activity were small business owners involved in when their businesses were destroyed by your leftist / Marxist heroes who burned, robbed and looted? Were they involved in, you know, business activities such as providing a service, producing a product and hiring?

Because leftist politicians ordered police to stand down in the wake of riots, lives were ruined because your misfit BLM / antifa heroes were given a free hand to commit crimes.
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No, I said he didn't pick the kinds of targets other mass shooters pick.
He didn't pick targets at all, they made themselves targets by attacking him. That's the point that you refuse to grasp and that was thrashed out in court. You know, in that trial you won't accept solely because they ignored your feelz. Are you sure you sent your evidence list to the right place?
He didn't pick targets at all, they made themselves targets by attacking him. That's the point that you refuse to grasp and that was thrashed out in court. You know, in that trial you won't accept solely because they ignored your feelz. Are you sure you sent your evidence list to the right place?
You have to remember that JoeB is full of despicable vile Leftest hate for Kyle. No amount of facts will ever get him out of his hate mode. He his mentally deranged.

Or like we use to say many years ago: "beaucoup dinky dau".
What activity were small business owners involved in when their businesses were destroyed by your leftist / Marxist heroes who burned, robbed and looted? Were they involved in, you know, business activities such as providing a service, producing a product and hiring?

Again- ten years of peace protests, and nothing was done.
Shouldn't be this way, but the only time white people care about social justice is if black people threaten to burn their stuff.
Maybe next time they take a knee or do a peaceful protest, we'll pay attention. Or not.

Because leftist politicians ordered police to stand down in the wake of riots, lives were ruined because your misfit BLM / antifa heroes were given a free hand to commit crimes

As pointed out, no one in Kenosha ordered the cops to "Stand Down". In fact, they were supplemented by the FBI, DNR, National Guard and State police.
The main reason why law and order works is most people obey the law most of the time.
Kenosha has 203 officers to handle a population of 100,038.

When the population is made enough over something, then you have a problem.
Again- ten years of peace protests, and nothing was done.
Shouldn't be this way, but the only time white people care about social justice is if black people threaten to burn their stuff.
Maybe next time they take a knee or do a peaceful protest, we'll pay attention. Or not.

As pointed out, no one in Kenosha ordered the cops to "Stand Down". In fact, they were supplemented by the FBI, DNR, National Guard and State police.
The main reason why law and order works is most people obey the law most of the time.
Kenosha has 203 officers to handle a population of 100,038.

When the population is made enough over something, then you have a problem.
Agasin there was no problem to have anything done about.

Social justice is by defintion the opposite of justice
quite the contrary, it's the only TRUE justice.

By definition social justice holda persons responsible for something they did not do.

That is by definition injustice.

if you support social justice you are nobetter than a fucking nazi
Again- ten years of peace protests, and nothing was done.
Shouldn't be this way, but the only time white people care about social justice is if black people threaten to burn their stuff.
Maybe next time they take a knee or do a peaceful protest, we'll pay attention. Or not.

As pointed out, no one in Kenosha ordered the cops to "Stand Down". In fact, they were supplemented by the FBI, DNR, National Guard and State police.
The main reason why law and order works is most people obey the law most of the time.
Kenosha has 203 officers to handle a population of 100,038.

When the population is made enough over something, then you have a problem.
Again - making excuses for your heroes rioting, looting and burning city streets is pretty sleazy.

In Madison, on the other hand…

MADISON — While downtown Madison was being destroyed by rioters, looters and anarchists last week, cops on the front lines were ordered to “release the criminals” by pandering police and political leaders, front line officers say.

Paula Fitzsimmons, creator of the blog We Support Madison Police spoke to rank-and-file police officers who shared horrifying stories about police command’s orders to stand down during some of the most violent moments of last week’s protests. She detailed their accounts in a blog post.

Ain’t leftist great? What’s more fun than allowing your BLM / antifa freaks a free hand to riot, loot and burn?
Again - making excuses for your heroes rioting, looting and burning city streets is pretty sleazy.
Naw, what's sleazy is letting thug cops get away with brutalizing the community. Every cop involved in a high-profile incident usually had years of complaints no one acted on.

MADISON — While downtown Madison

We weren't talking about Madison, we were talking about Kenosha. No one told the cops to stand down in Kenosha.

Must have been the right call, as Madison was barely a blip on the radar in BLM Demonstrations.

Ain’t leftist great? What’s more fun than allowing your BLM / antifa freaks a free hand to riot, loot and burn?
What would be more fun.
You have to remember that JoeB is full of despicable vile Leftest hate for Kyle. No amount of facts will ever get him out of his hate mode. He his mentally deranged.

Or like we use to say many years ago: "beaucoup dinky dau".
And now I've reduced him to spewing fart noises every time I say something he doesn't want to hear and can't deal with. I've seen the same behavior in very immature 5 year olds.
Again- ten years of peace protests, and nothing was done.
Shouldn't be this way, but the only time white people care about social justice is if black people threaten to burn their stuff.
Maybe next time they take a knee or do a peaceful protest, we'll pay attention. Or not.

As pointed out, no one in Kenosha ordered the cops to "Stand Down". In fact, they were supplemented by the FBI, DNR, National Guard and State police.
The main reason why law and order works is most people obey the law most of the time.
Kenosha has 203 officers to handle a population of 100,038.

When the population is made enough over something, then you have a problem.
And that's when the AR-15's come out as people protect themselves and their families. No one has the right to threaten another person's home, business, or person. I don't care how often you stomp your foot.

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