Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

Normalizing gun violence, is not law abiding.
Simply owning a firearm is not normalizing gun violence.

I don’t know if you’re aware of this or not but most gun crime is committed with illegaly obtained or owned firearms or otherwise owned by people who are not legally able to own one. In other words, most gun crime is not committed by people like Rittenhouse.
Proven wrong about what? That you people are gun freaks with un-American heroes?
Look at the shear volume of posts in this one thread over that little shit prick 17 year old and you stand there and say you are not freaks?
Says the liar repeatedly posting in said topic. What's it like proving to all what a filthy liar you are?
Well, if you can't even name one, then you are completely FOS!
Liar, no matter what I say your lying traitor ass will deny it and spew more bullshit. Everything out of your sif infected mouth is a lie. Pick one scum sucker.
What did I lie about?
You repeatedly lied about the evidence in the Rittenhouse case.

You keep wanting to spin this aboiut the second amendment'

This is not about guns or the secodn amkendment you wqeak little pussy

This is about whether one kid commited murder or defended himsewlf and the evideence proves it was self defense'

That is fact in your ugly little face and you are a liar every time you try to deny it

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