Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

Rosenbaum, the sexual pervert that was convicted of molesting five small kids? That's the same guy who threatened to kill Rittenhouse earlier that evening. He was running around being hyper aggressive. He also chased Rittenhouse and lunged for his rifle. This is the guy you are defending? Why?
Why was Rittenhouse carrying a rifle?
What he should have done differently was not be there at all.
17 with a gun that was illegal for him to possess...crossing a state line with said illegal weapon.

That's where the Civil court may get him...not replaying whether or not it was self-defense...but deciding if his actions resulted in the foreseeable death of the plaintiff's son. Understand that Rosenbaum is not the alleged victim here...his family is.
crossing a state line with said illegal weapon.
Didn't happen
What he should have done differently was not be there at all.
17 with a gun that was illegal for him to possess...crossing a state line with said illegal weapon.

That's where the Civil court may get him...not replaying whether or not it was self-defense...but deciding if his actions resulted in the foreseeable death of the plaintiff's son. Understand that Rosenbaum is not the alleged victim here...his family is.
Still spouting debunked bullshit while defending a degenerate scumbag. He never crossed state lines with that gun you fucking piece of shit. Since the jury stated SELF-DEFENSE this case gets tossed in seconds. But you just have to show what you are and what you support by lying.
Rittenhouse was illegally there with an illegal rifle. This not a self defense trial.

Rittenhouse knew or should have known his actions would lead to loss of life.
How was him being there illegal?

The only one there with an illegal weapon was the ex con, whom the state had decided could not own a firearm, much less carry one.
Rosenbaum, the sexual pervert that was convicted of molesting five small kids? That's the same guy who threatened to kill Rittenhouse earlier that evening. He was running around being hyper aggressive. He also chased Rittenhouse and lunged for his rifle. This is the guy you are defending? Why?
Because in their twisted minds, they think somehow that it destroys Trump and Trump support.... Everything leads to Trump, so they got to destroy and burn everything along the way. Really sick people these people are.

Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum? People need to stop giving to a billionaire's defense. Kyle needs help.​

Rosenbaum's estate is also targeting the City of Kenosha, its officials, the City of West Allis, six local Sheriff’s departments, and two police departments for “compensatory and punitive damages” over what it refers to as Rosenbaum's “wrongful death.” During Rittenhouse's trial, witnesses confirmed that Rosenbaum reached for Rittenhouse's gun during the Black Lives Matter protest the two were present at.

"I’m being sued again for defending my life," Rittenhouse posted on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Justice is Blind. Kyle is finding that out the hard way.

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I hope you meet someone just as "hard done by" as poor Mr Rosenbaum, at some point in your life. THAT would be justice. That child-diddling POS played stupid games - and won...
Still spouting debunked bullshit while defending a degenerate scumbag. He never crossed state lines with that gun you fucking piece of shit. Since the jury stated SELF-DEFENSE this case gets tossed in seconds. But you just have to show what you are and what you support by lying.
That gun..that was purchased illegally by a straw buyer? You're just way too stupid to get that the civil case simply is NOT about self-defense.
But cling to your ignorance..after all, it's all ya got.

But you certainly do know abut debunked bullshit, I'll give ya that, since most of what you in that category.
Kyle just got $22 Million from Whoops! and the view. He's got a hot little girlfriend and things seem to be going well for him ever since he shot into a crowd of democrats and hit 2 pedophiles and a wife beater.... what are the odds? :laughing0301:

Well, the entire Democrat party supports criminals, and especially kid fuckers. Watch how fast this gets laughed out of court.

Actually, Rittenhouse has some serious liability.

FIrst, the standard in civil court is lower than it is in criminal court. This is why OJ was acquitted in his murder trial but found liable in his civil trial. They don't have to prove liability beyond a reasonable doubt, just by a preponderence of the evidence.

Also, all the evidence about what a little shit Rittenhouse is that got excluded from the Criminal Trial will be admissible in this one. The video where he's beating the shit out of a 14 year old girl. The video where he wishes he had his guns he could shoot a black man running out of a CVS. The video where he's hanging out with the Racist Proud Boys and exchanging racist salutes while wearing a "Free as Fuck" tee-shirt.

The Deep Pockets in this case, however, are Kenosha and the West Allis Police Department, that let these armed thugs walk around in violation of curfew, and even tossed them bottles of water.
Actually, Rittenhouse has some serious liability.

FIrst, the standard in civil court is lower than it is in criminal court. This is why OJ was acquitted in his murder trial but found liable in his civil trial. They don't have to prove liability beyond a reasonable doubt, just by a preponderence of the evidence.

Also, all the evidence about what a little shit Rittenhouse is that got excluded from the Criminal Trial will be admissible in this one. The video where he's beating the shit out of a 14 year old girl. The video where he wishes he had his guns he could shoot a black man running out of a CVS. The video where he's hanging out with the Racist Proud Boys and exchanging racist salutes while wearing a "Free as Fuck" tee-shirt.

The Deep Pockets in this case, however, are Kenosha and the West Allis Police Department, that let these armed thugs walk around in violation of curfew, and even tossed them bottles of water.
Yes, the city will settle quickly. Its not their money after all.
What he should have done differently was not be there at all.
17 with a gun that was illegal for him to possess...crossing a state line with said illegal weapon.

That's where the Civil court may get him...not replaying whether or not it was self-defense...but deciding if his actions resulted in the foreseeable death of the plaintiff's son. Understand that Rosenbaum is not the alleged victim here...his family is.
I see that you've not updated your narrative. He never crossed a state line with a weapon, legal or illegal. Getting that wrong tells me you really don't know much about the case beyond a few outdated and refuted headlines.
Stayed at home like a good little boy.

Who the fuck did he think he was, and wtf did he believe he could do?

Nothing he thought he could do turned out like his warped imaginings.

Maybe the pieces of shit you're defending should have stayed home like good little boys, and they wouldn't be dead right now. Kyle, at 17, was more of a man than any of you leftie pieces of scum. You hate the fact that your worst nightmare, a conservative with a gun, took out your rioting, criminal pieces of shit and walked away scot-free. :dunno:

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