Kyle Rittenhouse: Teen's homicide trial for Kenosha shootings opens with jury selection

Ah, a Russian troll peddling fantasies. Naturally westwall loves it.
A Grand Jury's only job is to examine whatever evidence (usually a precis of the prosecution's case) the prosecutor presents to it and determine if that evidence is sufficient to issue an indictment. It's a shortcut usually used by the prosecution to avoid letting the defense see all the evidence in advance of charges being filed. In one case the Grand Jury I was on heard, the victim of a kidnap and attempted murder was so mentally fragile the prosecutor didn't want the defense to be able to question her in advance of the trial so he brought a major case to a Grand Jury that usually dealt with minor cases like drug possessions and assault. We handled the victim with kid gloves and with that experience, she was able to hold up to a hostile defense lawyer and got the kidnapper convicted on all counts when it went to trial.
That's not a fact. That's your opinion. The reason why silly people are killed with their own weapons is that they say nonsense like "Stop or I'll shoot. Drop your weapon. ' I am untroubled by such silliness. Like Kyle Rittenhouse, I would have drawn and shot in one smooth move. Deal with that fact if you want to survive anywhere.
Amateurs get disarmed by crooks, trained shooters just shoot. A gun or knife isn't a magic wand, it doesn't make people obey you. If someone points a weapon at me, as far as I'm concerned, they intend to kill me with it and I've been trained to respond on that basis.
"in British English"


We're in America, ya dumbfucking moron. Exactly how desperate are you?? And I quoted the judge in this case in America who said, "there's no such thing as an opening argument. It's opening statement. The argument is for the end and that's when they're going to make their pleas to you to return verdicts in accordance with their beliefs."
And the lawyers on both sides can say anything they like because their statements AREN'T EVIDENCE presented under oath. Thay can and spout lies, half-truths and misinformation in opening statements and closing arguments.
And that proves he had training how?

Right, it doesn't, because he didn't...
His actions show good training, he shot when he should have and hit his targets, and held his fire when he didn't have legitimate targets. Trained and experienced cops have done far worse.
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When I whip it out and take aim, the enemy is so busy laughing at me, it makes them easy prey.
Only an idiot would laugh at a slingshot or a sling. Both are very deadly in the hands of an expert. I'm not talking about the cheap toys kids get, but the real, powerful weapons that can kill as easily as a firearm. the only downside is that they take a lot of practice to become skilled. I knew a guy in the army that was more accurate with a traditional David vs Goliath type sling than most of us were with pistols. He used cast lead shot and could consistently hit the heads of human shaped targets at fifty meters on a range.
Again and again, there is NO video of what transpired prior to that. Who started it?
You refuse to understand that, under WI law, no matter what Rittenhouse hay have said to them - however he may have instigated some sort of confrontation - the moment he runs away, his right to self-defense resets.

I see you in a bar. I throw a beer in your face. I run.
You chase me out of the bar, out of the parking lot, across the street, down the road, and then pull a gun -- do you really believe I do not have the right to shoot you?
Rittenhouse got pulled for driving without a license a week before he killed those people.. He lied about being an EMT. He is a HS drop out. After the shootings he ran home ... he didn't run to the police.

IMO he's a Karen with a rifle.
He immediately ran to the police. You persist with a debunked lie.

The rest is irrelevant.
His actions show good training, he shot when he should have and hit his targets, and held his fire when he didn't have legitimate targets. Trained and experienced cops have done far worse.
The trained cops and experienced adults there shot no people. Only Kyle.
If the rest is irrelevant then so is all the background on the victims right?
Yes actually.

The prosecution bored the jury and wasted a lot of time with Huben's mom describing his love of skateboarding.

Pretty irrelevant since a skateboard is what he used to attack rittenhouse with.

ROsenbaum was a pedophile which might matter to the public but not to either side in the trial. Nor should it as Rittenhouse would not have known about it and only defended himself against Rosenbaum.
Which cops were attacked?
Rosenbaum was acting provocative to a number of people. Given this was a riot I seriously doubt were polite to the police. Again, only Rittenhouse killed. Cops know how handle and diffuse these situations. Immature vigilantes do not.
Rosenbaum was acting provocative to a number of people. Given this was a riot I seriously doubt were polite to the police. Again, only Rittenhouse killed. Cops know how handle and diffuse these situations. Immature vigilantes do not.
I did not ask about acting provocatively I aske which cops were attacked ?

I did not ask about people being rude or impolite either.

Yes cops know how to handle and defuse a situation where someone attempts to take your firearm. They shoot the attacker.

That is precisely what happened with Brown / Wilson. There are many differences but one big similarity is that Brown tried to take Wilson's weapon which is a big part of what made it a legal justified shooting.

Yes actually.

The prosecution bored the jury and wasted a lot of time with Huben's mom describing his love of skateboarding.

Pretty irrelevant since a skateboard is what he used to attack rittenhouse with.

ROsenbaum was a pedophile which might matter to the public but not to either side in the trial. Nor should it as Rittenhouse would not have known about it and only defended himself against Rosenbaum.

So Kyle knew the man he killed was a pedophile? You make it sound like there's an open season on pedophiles.

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