Kyle Rittenhouse: Teen's homicide trial for Kenosha shootings opens with jury selection

Again and again, there is NO video of what transpired prior to that. Who started it? Yeah, the victims were creeps and jackasses...the armed one would face charges....but what happens during a near riot when some clown (not a resident or business owner) toting an assault rifle shows up? Not good.
Actually there's a LOT of video of the interactions just isn't as popular.
FBI drone footage, a hundred different cell phone cameras, and security cameras of all that went on. Kyle was seen helping an injured protester. Kyle was of course seen happily scrubbing graffiti... Rosenbaum and the others were seen adding to the mayhem and destruction. As well as taunting and goading anyone and everyone who appeared to be standing guard.
The moment Kyle was isolated from his group the thugs attacked and Kyle tried to run away.
I've read exactly nothing which speaks to any firearms training he received. It seems as though the gun was an impulse purchase, so I doubt that he had any real training whatsoever on that weapon...

Oh he had training. Most guys get the training of Hunter safety as juveniles. Just one of the things we do as teenagers...he just didn't own one until he got a stimulus check. So, having the money from that he bought one.
No sane person brings a rifle to a protest, much less then goes alone into the other side.
He clearly deliberately was trying to provoke exactly what happened.
So then he has responsibility for all the consequences.

The protest in Kenosha was valid over a bad cop shooting.
So then Rittenhouse was the bad guy from the start.
Anti democracy, pro elitist police violating the law.
It was not a protest it was a riot.

It was not over a bad cop shooting.

He is not responsible for people attacking him
Bringing a gun to a protest shows an intent of deliberate murder.
The only reason for any leniency is that he may have been too young to know better, so I am not sure he should have the whole rest of his life ruined?
It was not a protest it was a riot and shows no such intent.
The police had any potential for riot under control, and Rittenhouse was not a local with any property to protect.
Nor was he doing anything to protect property, which would have meant staying with others to form defensive perimeters.
He was instead going up to individuals and challenging them.
The police and counter demonstrators most certainly did let people join them, and Rittenhouse immediately did run to the police after he started shooting.

It was not Rittenhouse's city, property, or interests.
He did not even know which side was in the right.
Nor is a rifle the right way to express political beliefs.
What if all the demonstrators or rioters had been carrying rifles?
The police would have had to shoot them.
Anyone carrying a rifle had to be shot.
No one can be allowed to carry a rifle in a demonstration or riot, (except the individual property owners, on their own property).
It was not a potential riot it was a violent riot which the police were not trying to contro,.

Riots are not the way to exporess beliefs either,

You are stating outright lies and mischaracterizing what happened
It was not a protest it was a riot and shows no such intent.
Much earlier in the day it was a lawful protest. But at the point that the rioting happened it was well after curfew and then the police came and began breaking it up two hours after curfew. They herded the rioters straight at those armed and standing guard.
Grosskreutz initially approached Rittenhouse but backed up when Rittenhouse shot Huber, holding his hands up as if surrendering. Then as Rittenhouse started to turn away, Grosskreutz charged him, reaching for Rittenhouse's gun with his left hand when Rittenhouse shot him in his right arm. To me, that's evidence Grosskreutz intended to disarm him, not kill him. If he wanted to kill him, he would have just shot him. Instead, there's no video showing him ever pointing his gun at Rittenhouse.

As far as Rosenbaum carrying a chain, that is true. I'm not sure from where or when he got it as there's video of him from earlier and there's no sign of the chain; and I'm not sure what happened to it as he didn't have it on him when he was shot; but he did have one for a while...

No he did not hold his hands up as if surrendering.

He held his weapon up pointing at rittenhouse.
Oh he had training. Most guys get the training of Hunter safety as juveniles. Just one of the things we do as teenagers...he just didn't own one until he got a stimulus check. So, having the money from that he bought one.

And that proves he had training how?

Right, it doesn't, because he didn't...
Where's his weapon in this photo?

Is it in either of the hands which are being held up, as if he's surrendering?

You only see one hand there not both.

It is already established he had a weapon he admitted it to the police.

When Rittenhouse shot him his hands were not up and he was armed as you can see at 19:57
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You only see one hand there not both.

Both hands are clearly visible. You can even make out the watchband on his left wrist...

It is already established he had a weapon he admitted it to the police.

So what? That doesn't matter.

You said "No he did not hold his hands up as if surrendering. He held his weapon up pointing at rittenhouse."

The photo I posted shows that you are 100% wrong. Both hands are up, and he's pointing nothing at Rittenhouse...
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And that was not the moment he was shot as you can see in the video I posted.

Man, you're not even man enough to admit you're wrong.

You said "No he did not hold his hands up as if surrendering."

The photo I posted clearly shows that he did.

You're wrong. Own it...
Man, you're not even man enough to admit you're wrong.

You said "No he did not hold his hands up as if surrendering."

The photo I posted clearly shows that he did.

You're wrong. Own it...
No he did not and even in the photo he did not it is also not the moment he was shot as the video I posted proves.

Your the immature brat here denyign fact deal with it boy
And that proves he had training how?

Right, it doesn't, because he didn't...
Ok... obviously you have not lived in God's country.... ROFL.
Where Kyle lives there isn't anyone who doesn't get Hunter safety. It's part of PE class in junior high and high school most likely...or there's a convenient class at the high school after daily classes for very little money.

It's a part of life up there.

Not to mention that Kyle had been in some ride-alongs and some other junior police academy type classes. So his interest in it all was obviously genuine...I'd be extremely surprised if he somehow missed taking a junior gun safety course. He would have to have had specifically avoided taking it.
He might not have taken it in Wisconsin...but that doesn't mean that he hasn't had it.

I really don't understand your dog in this hunt...

Kyle was legally open carrying the firearm and was surrounded by former military servicemen...he mistakenly isolated himself when the rioters were destroying a car lot of cars and the rioters attacked him.

Just because you think "it's not my job" or "it sucks to be a businessman in that area because of all those rioters" is the reason why the rioters riot...they think just like you.

There's a lot of people who built America and are building it up who don't. And you are either all about destroying it or building it up. Take candy from children lately?
No he did not and even in the photo he did not it is also not the moment he was shot as the video I posted proves.

Your the immature brat here denyign fact deal with it boy

You have before you photographic proof that the guy had his hands raised, and you choose to deny that he did not have his hands raised.

You're a fuckin' moron...
Ok... obviously you have not lived in God's country.... ROFL.
Where Kyle lives there isn't anyone who doesn't get Hunter safety. It's part of PE class in junior high and high school most likely...or there's a convenient class at the high school after daily classes for very little money.

It's a part of life up there.

Well, if that curriculum exists, let's see some evidence of it. Show me where his high school or middle school provided such a class and I'll agree with you.

Then again, these days, the last thing a school is going to allow is children bringing guns to school.

Rittenhouse attended Lakes Community High School, but did not graduate. There's no evidence he ever took any firearms class at that school and any such claim is, at best, ridiculously dubious because Lake Community High School offers no such training, nor is there anything which suggests that such training is available as an extra-curricular activity.

See for yourself: Lakes Community High School Course Curriculum

Not to mention that Kyle had been in some ride-alongs and some other junior police academy type classes.

Which one of those would've trained him in the proper use of an AR-15?

So his interest in it all was obviously genuine...


So what?

I'd be extremely surprised if he somehow missed taking a junior gun safety course. He would have to have had specifically avoided taking it.

Why would he have had to "specifically avoid" it?

He might not have taken it in Wisconsin...but that doesn't mean that he hasn't had it.

Why would he have taken it in Wisconsin? He's never lived in Wisconsin...

I really don't understand your dog in this hunt...

Kyle was legally open carrying the firearm

No, he wasn't. He obtained that firearm illegally, and knowingly so. He was 17 years old which, under Wisconsin law, makes it illegal...

and was surrounded by former military servicemen...

What the fuck does that matter? None of them were supervising him which would've been a minimum requirement under Wisconsin law. If you stupidly believe otherwise, then tell us who that supervisor was...

he mistakenly isolated himself when the rioters were destroying a car lot of cars and the rioters attacked him.

Someone who was properly trained in such matters wouldn't make such a stupid mistake...

Just because you think "it's not my job" or "it sucks to be a businessman in that area because of all those rioters" is the reason why the rioters riot...they think just like you.

When did I say it sucks to be a businessman there?

When you put words in someone else's mouth, it's indicative of you running out of anything which might resemble a convincing argument...
Where's his weapon in this photo?

Is it in either of the hands which are being held up, as if he's surrendering?


No, Kyle doesn't shoot him till he draws the weapon.


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