Kyle Rittenhouse: Teen's homicide trial for Kenosha shootings opens with jury selection

Because these people are, almost to a man, entirely ignorant of the law.
Historically (as opposed to hysterically), women were assumed to be unable to make sound decisions because reproductive organs made them hysterical and emotional. The medical term for removal of those female organs is a hysterectomy. Literally the removal of hysteria.

We know today that this is absurd. Nothing is stupider or more ignorant than the idea that ovaries and a uterus can make a person hysterical or emotional. Just to prove the absurdity of such nonsense, as men become more feminized they become more hysterical and emotional. Without the female organs to blame.

Who will be the first to come forward to say that men have ovaries and a uterus too?
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TheDefiantOne said:
1. FROM THE LINK: The back and forth between the teenager and the alleged “mob” was unknown, including if or to what extent they exchanged words. Also unknown were the locations of Huber, Rosenbaum, or Grosskreutz at that point in the night, or whether they had interacted with Rittenhouse before shots were fired.

2. Know one is calling the 3 victims "heroes", only you keep falsely insisting that is the case. If they were running around brandishing a weapon, then they would be liable to be charge for a serious widdle Kyle. As it is, the guy with the hand gun is facing at least 2 violations. But that does NOT change Rittenhouse's status as he did not know any background of any of the people he confronted in his vigilante effort. If you go looking for trouble, don't whine like a little bitch when you find it

So, in your warped and twisted mind, a kid, rendering first aid, and putting out arson fires is "looking for trouble", while the actual assholes DOING those crimes are your hero's.

Got it.

You're an idiot.
Again, you foster the lies of me (or anyone else) seeing the shooting victims as heroes. That's the problem with alt-right/right wing just repeats a lie ad nausea hoping it will be perceived as the truth.

So some little douche gets his warped minded mama to drive him to another state, where he picks up an assault rifle from a friend (under age by State law unless accompanied by an adult for target practice and hunting ONLY) and then proceeds to insert himself (uninvited) into a volatile situation.

To date, the defense cannot prove beyond reasonable doubt as to who exactly started the confrontation between widdle Kyle and the other jackasses.

Like I said, genius....don't whine like a little bitch if you go looking for trouble and then find it. Your boy found out the reality of trying a live version of his Turner Diaries fantasy.

A video of widdle Kyle yelling if anyone needed first aid DOES NOT prove he rendered such...he LIED when professing to be and EMT (no license, underage). Is there video of him helping to put out fires?

There is no concrete proof that Rittenhouse's first victim initiated their confrontation. It is ASSUMED such given the victims bipolar state of rage that night.
TheDefiantOne said:
1. FROM THE LINK: The back and forth between the teenager and the alleged “mob” was unknown, including if or to what extent they exchanged words. Also unknown were the locations of Huber, Rosenbaum, or Grosskreutz at that point in the night, or whether they had interacted with Rittenhouse before shots were fired.

2. Know one is calling the 3 victims "heroes", only you keep falsely insisting that is the case. If they were running around brandishing a weapon, then they would be liable to be charge for a serious widdle Kyle. As it is, the guy with the hand gun is facing at least 2 violations. But that does NOT change Rittenhouse's status as he did not know any background of any of the people he confronted in his vigilante effort. If you go looking for trouble, don't whine like a little bitch when you find it

Again, you foster the lies of me (or anyone else) seeing the shooting victims as heroes. That's the problem with alt-right/right wing just repeats a lie ad nausea hoping it will be perceived as the truth.

So some little douche gets his warped minded mama to drive him to another state, where he picks up an assault rifle from a friend (under age by State law unless accompanied by an adult for target practice and hunting ONLY) and then proceeds to insert himself (uninvited) into a volatile situation.

To date, the defense cannot prove beyond reasonable doubt as to who exactly started the confrontation between widdle Kyle and the other jackasses.

Like I said, genius....don't whine like a little bitch if you go looking for trouble and then find it. Your boy found out the reality of trying a live version of his Turner Diaries fantasy.

A video of widdle Kyle yelling if anyone needed first aid DOES NOT prove he rendered such...he LIED when professing to be and EMT (no license, underage). Is there video of him helping to put out fires?

There is no concrete proof that Rittenhouse's first victim initiated their confrontation. It is ASSUMED such given the victims bipolar state of rage that night.

It is known, dumbass. The witness described the action pretty clearly. There is video of your pedo friend threatening to murder Kyle throughout the night.

Peddle your bullshit elsewhere.
THE Twitter video shows the dead guys were the aggressors... Kyle was trying to escape them acting like a pack of dogs or wolves
Again and again, there is NO video of what transpired prior to that. Who started it? Yeah, the victims were creeps and jackasses...the armed one would face charges....but what happens during a near riot when some clown (not a resident or business owner) toting an assault rifle shows up? Not good.
Again and again, there is NO video of what transpired prior to that. Who started it? Yeah, the victims were creeps and jackasses...the armed one would face charges....but what happens during a near riot when some clown (not a resident or business owner) toting an assault rifle shows up? Not good.

Bullshit. There is ample video of your pedo pal threatening to murder Kyle.

Stop lying.
TheDefiantOne said:
TheDefiantOne said:
1. FROM THE LINK: The back and forth between the teenager and the alleged “mob” was unknown, including if or to what extent they exchanged words. Also unknown were the locations of Huber, Rosenbaum, or Grosskreutz at that point in the night, or whether they had interacted with Rittenhouse before shots were fired.

2. Know one is calling the 3 victims "heroes", only you keep falsely insisting that is the case. If they were running around brandishing a weapon, then they would be liable to be charge for a serious widdle Kyle. As it is, the guy with the hand gun is facing at least 2 violations. But that does NOT change Rittenhouse's status as he did not know any background of any of the people he confronted in his vigilante effort. If you go looking for trouble, don't whine like a little bitch when you find it

Again, you foster the lies of me (or anyone else) seeing the shooting victims as heroes. That's the problem with alt-right/right wing just repeats a lie ad nausea hoping it will be perceived as the truth.

So some little douche gets his warped minded mama to drive him to another state, where he picks up an assault rifle from a friend (under age by State law unless accompanied by an adult for target practice and hunting ONLY) and then proceeds to insert himself (uninvited) into a volatile situation.

To date, the defense cannot prove beyond reasonable doubt as to who exactly started the confrontation between widdle Kyle and the other jackasses.

Like I said, genius....don't whine like a little bitch if you go looking for trouble and then find it. Your boy found out the reality of trying a live version of his Turner Diaries fantasy.

A video of widdle Kyle yelling if anyone needed first aid DOES NOT prove he rendered such...he LIED when professing to be and EMT (no license, underage). Is there video of him helping to put out fires?

There is no concrete proof that Rittenhouse's first victim initiated their confrontation. It is ASSUMED such given the victims bipolar state of rage that night.

It is known, dumbass. The witness described the action pretty clearly. There is video of your pedo friend threatening to murder Kyle throughout the night.

Peddle your bullshit elsewhere.
Proof please? A video showing EXACTLY as you state here. Put up or STFU ... unless you want to continue LYING and making false accusations like the childish "pedo friend" Jeez
Bullshit. There is ample video of your pedo pal threatening to murder Kyle.

Stop lying.
then post it, toodles! Should be easy if what you say is EXACTLY as you say it. Put up or STFU, because your childish "pedo pal" blather won't cover your inability to prove what you say.
TheDefiantOne said:
TheDefiantOne said:
1. FROM THE LINK: The back and forth between the teenager and the alleged “mob” was unknown, including if or to what extent they exchanged words. Also unknown were the locations of Huber, Rosenbaum, or Grosskreutz at that point in the night, or whether they had interacted with Rittenhouse before shots were fired.

2. Know one is calling the 3 victims "heroes", only you keep falsely insisting that is the case. If they were running around brandishing a weapon, then they would be liable to be charge for a serious widdle Kyle. As it is, the guy with the hand gun is facing at least 2 violations. But that does NOT change Rittenhouse's status as he did not know any background of any of the people he confronted in his vigilante effort. If you go looking for trouble, don't whine like a little bitch when you find it

Again, you foster the lies of me (or anyone else) seeing the shooting victims as heroes. That's the problem with alt-right/right wing just repeats a lie ad nausea hoping it will be perceived as the truth.

So some little douche gets his warped minded mama to drive him to another state, where he picks up an assault rifle from a friend (under age by State law unless accompanied by an adult for target practice and hunting ONLY) and then proceeds to insert himself (uninvited) into a volatile situation.

To date, the defense cannot prove beyond reasonable doubt as to who exactly started the confrontation between widdle Kyle and the other jackasses.

Like I said, genius....don't whine like a little bitch if you go looking for trouble and then find it. Your boy found out the reality of trying a live version of his Turner Diaries fantasy.

A video of widdle Kyle yelling if anyone needed first aid DOES NOT prove he rendered such...he LIED when professing to be and EMT (no license, underage). Is there video of him helping to put out fires?

There is no concrete proof that Rittenhouse's first victim initiated their confrontation. It is ASSUMED such given the victims bipolar state of rage that night.

Proof please? A video showing EXACTLY as you state here. Put up or STFU ... unless you want to continue LYING and making false accusations like the childish "pedo friend" Jeez

It's on youtube lowder with crowder also has it
It's on youtube lowder with crowder also has it
Post it! Let's see it. Your claim, the burden of proof is on you.

Crowder, another bigoted POS who doesn't have the cojones or brains to deal with the fact that the people who are causing him to whine LOOK JUST LIKE HIM.
Open carry is legal in Wisconsin...and since Kyle was in the presence of other adults the statutes are fulfilled legally in every sense of the law.
That's not even close to being accurate, as the statutes are quite specific.

A minor in possession of a firearm needs to be supervised. An adult merely being there doesn't mean they've accepted the role of supervising him. In fact, no one has come forward to say they were supervising him.

Second, even if someone did claim they were supervising him, it would fall far short of satisfying this:

948.60  Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18.

(a) This section does not apply to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a dangerous weapon when the dangerous weapon is being used in target practice under the supervision of an adult or in a course of instruction in the traditional and proper use of the dangerous weapon under the supervision of an adult.
Don’t worry !! Kyle will 100 percent win
We have detained videos that clearly show self defense
It’s all leftist politics
That's not even close to being accurate, as the statutes are quite specific.

A minor in possession of a firearm needs to be supervised. An adult merely being there doesn't mean they've accepted the role of supervising him. In fact, no one has come forward to say they were supervising him.

Second, even if someone did claim they were supervising him, it would fall far short of satisfying this:

948.60  Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18.

(a) This section does not apply to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a dangerous weapon when the dangerous weapon is being used in target practice under the supervision of an adult or in a course of instruction in the traditional and proper use of the dangerous weapon under the supervision of an adult.
He had been trained and had attended safety courses... obviously because of his control and use demonstrated that right away.

You can take all the out of context snips of the law you want...can't help that the judge said that the law was not clear and would like for someone to bring the matter to him arguing that the laws be tossed out for its lack of clarity.
And that's the Judge in the trial...not Chad from the people's republic of San Francisco saying that.
He had been trained and had attended safety courses... obviously because of his control and use demonstrated that right away.

You can take all the out of context snips of the law you want...can't help that the judge said that the law was not clear and would like for someone to bring the matter to him arguing that the laws be tossed out for its lack of clarity.
And that's the Judge in the trial...not Chad from the people's republic of San Francisco saying that.

I've read exactly nothing which speaks to any firearms training he received. It seems as though the gun was an impulse purchase, so I doubt that he had any real training whatsoever on that weapon...

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